Carole's New Friends Ch. 04


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Some of the watching couples drifted away to the edges of the clearing and were, at the very least, masturbating each other, if not fucking. In the meantime, some steps had been brought forward and placed before each cross in turn to take the victims' weight as their feet were released. Then their wrists were untied and they were lifted down. When both were free, they took each other in their arms and hugged. You don't know how long this lasted or what happened next because everyone drifted off.

You, of course, had not benefitted from any sort of relief and you badly needed it after watching the spectacle so you decided to divert via the terrace on your way back to your room. You spotted a tanned young couple sitting at a table with a few others. They were holding hands, which was unusual and that had attracted your attention. You suspected they were boyfriend and girlfriend, rather than husband and wife, which was quite unusual for the Manor. She was incredibly pretty with a gorgeous pair of firm breasts and a lovely slim body while he was definitely a hunk. It occurred to you that you would quite like to watch the two of them fucking but your need was much more urgent.

You walked up to them. 'May I have the pleasure?' you said and, with no more ado, swung your leg over his and perched on his knees. You reached down and took his cock in your hands and started to get him aroused. It took a few moments – he obviously wasn't used to strange women suddenly mounting him – but your hand and a few lewd suggestions whispered in his ear soon sorted things out and you were presented with the sight and feel of a very nice erection. You lifted yourself up, moved forward and sank down onto him. He filled you very nicely. Then you reached to the side and kissed his girlfriend on the lips, lingering there and hoping she would open her mouth to yours. It was her turn now to be surprised but she, too, quickly took it in her stride and the two of you kissed fervently.

He was plainly not used to seeing his girlfriend being kissed by any woman, let alone one who he was fucking. As his thrusting became more urgent, you broke off the kiss.

'You are so lucky', you said to the girl.

Then you turned to her boyfriend and, leaning forward, put your arms round his neck. Your breasts were jutting forward and he took hold of your nipples, feeling them harden between his fingers.

You reached out and took the girl's hand and guided it to your clit. Once more, there was a slight sign of reluctance but she soon gave way and began rubbing you. This was something else the boy seemed not to have witnessed before and the pace of his lunges into you became ever faster. Her fingers more than matched his pace, though, and you were very soon bouncing up and down on his cock at an incredible rate and howling almost continuously. Seconds later, you forced yourself down upon him, pushing his cock as deep into your body as it would go, and just let yourself cum. He could no longer hold back and he shot his load up into you.

You fell forwards, your head resting on his shoulder. You turned to the side to face his girlfriend.

'Is he always that good?' you murmured. She nodded enthusiastically.


Peter was already back in your room when you got there.

'I walked past you on the terrace a little while ago but you seem preoccupied, so I left you to it. I guessed you'd be coming back up here when you'd finished. Let me see', he said.

You turned towards him and opened your legs. The insides of your legs were sticky and, when he parted your labia, more of the young man's cum oozed out of you.

'Oh God, I need a shower. If you're very good I might even let you wash me and if you're extremely good your cock might even get a special treat.'

The fact was that, just at that moment, you didn't want Peter to suggest that he fuck you. You wanted to savour the feeling of the cock that had just been in you and you didn't want Peter to get the idea that he was going to fuck you after every other fuck you had.

Peter did join you in the shower and each of you washed the other. When you'd finished and you'd dried yourself off, you knelt in front of him and held his cock in front of your lips.

'I hope he's been a good boy today', you said.

'He's not had any complaints', Peter replied.

With that, you popped him into your mouth and before long you had a mouthful of his cum.


Dinner that night was, as we have said, to be followed by the cabaret. A number of different acts were being put on for the delight of guests and you and Peter had agreed to do an act that was a variation on the Dance of the Seven Veils to the music of the beautiful Blue Danube Waltz.

You and Peter were reasonably accomplished at the waltz and you got a friend to put together a 'dress' that consisted of seven pieces of material held together by Velcro. At suitable points during the music either you or Peter, who remained dressed in the full evening dress of white tie and tails throughout, would tear off another of the 'veils' until, at the end, you had only one left as the music reached its finale. Then Peter was to spin you out into the audience, at which point you would divest yourself of the final veil. It was ambitious but the two of you had rehearsed it all week and you thought it could work.

Most of the other acts involved a fucking in one position or the other – a sort of pick a number from the Kama Sutra – none of which were really that different from performances that could be seen around the Manor most of the time. Helen and Rachel, the identical twins, caused quite a stir when they appeared with a double-ended dildo and proceeded to fuck each other with enthusiasm. Two of the gardeners then recreated the nude wrestling scene from Ken Russell's film of D H Lawrence'sWomen in Love,with the small variation that, when one finally overpowered the other, the victor penetrated the other anally. The fact that both men were powerfully muscled, covered in oil, and erect when they emerged onto the stage, was enough to grab the attention of most of the women – to whom they were little known – and a good few of the men too.

When it came to your act, the audience was intrigued because it started out so obviously non-sexual, but you danced so well and, as more and more of the veils came off, it was clear that you were naked underneath. In a last minute change you had decided that, after you had been spun out into the audience, you would grab another guest as a partner. You had agreed with the guy looking after the sound that he would restart the last minute of the waltz and you would dance naked with your new partner.

As it happened, the young couple you had encountered on the terrace that afternoon were suitably positioned in the audience and you just happened to end up by them. You grasped the girl's hand and led her to the stage. As a fairly seasoned dancer, you were, of course, able to take the lead and you fair whirled her round the stage. This impromptu performance ended with much applause, to which you responded with a deep bow to the audience and a kiss to the lips for your partner.

When it was over, you joined the two of them, sitting between them, them dressed and you still naked. You held their hands, placing them in your lap. You discovered that their names were Lisa and Richard and you were correct in your assumption that they were boyfriend and girlfriend. When the evening finally came to an end, it seemed only natural to accompany them up the stairs to their room.

'I'd love to watch the two of you making love, if you'd let me', you said, 'and then maybe...'

When we got to their room, they let me in first and I went over to the couch and, still naked, curled up on it. The two of them stood in the middle of the room and kissed deeply, passionately. Then they turned to you.

'Would you undress us, please', Lisa said. 'We'd like that.'

You got up and walked across the room to where they were standing face to face. You stood alongside them and put your arms round their shoulders, kissing her and then him on the lips, before moving behind her to start undressing her. You unfastened her gown first and then the blouse, exposing her breasts. They were just a nice size, round and firm and tipped with sweet, light brown nipples. You ran your hands over them and felt the nipples stiffen. That left just her petticoat, which you removed, leaving her naked. She had a neat little triangle of hair ending at the top of her slit. You brushed your hand across it and down over her sex, teasing the inner lips that protruded noticeably, causing her to shiver as you did so. There was wetness between them.

You kissed her on the neck and then looked over her shoulder at Richard.

'She is so beautiful, you're very lucky', you said looking into his eyes. 'How many men have taken her today?'

'Two, both this afternoon, not long before you came along.'

'Only two? I'd have thought there'd have been queues for her.'

It was now Richard's turn to be undressed. You moved behind him, reaching round to undo the buttons of his shirt, which you then slipped off his shoulders. Your hands moved down to his trousers and unfastened the flap that hid his sex, followed by the buttons that fastened the trousers themselves. You knelt in order to slide them down his legs.

When you stood up again, you once more moved alongside them. They stood about a foot or so apart. Richard was looking Lisa's body up and down, but Lisa's attention was focussed on his erect cock.

'May I?' you said, your hand hovering near to the clock. When Lisa nodded, you took it in your hand and examined it closely. 'I didn't really get a chance to look at it this afternoon.'

Lisa laughed. 'No, you did seem to be in a bit of a hurry.'

'Would you mind if I lie beside you while you're making love?' you asked.

'Actually', said Lisa, 'Richard's never seen two women making love so he was rather hoping we might start off with us two and him watching. Would you mind?'

'Why don't he and I both make love to you at the same time? Then, when you're ready, he could take over.'

All three of you climbed on the bed, with Lisa sandwiched between you and Richard, her long auburn hair spread out across the pillow. You leaned over and brought your mouth to hers, sinking into a deep kiss. Richard, meanwhile, latched his mouth onto one of Lisa's breasts and was sucking hard on the nipple. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed his hand begin to move down towards her sex. You grabbed hold of it and placed it on your own breast.

'Take it slowly', you chided him, as you broke off from the kiss. 'Leave her down there for a while – there are plenty of other places to play with.'

You began stroking Lisa's face and neck, moving down over her chest to the unoccupied breast. You decided that she might enjoy the sensation of having her breasts sucked upon by two different mouths, so you did the same as Richard but at the same tine you allowed your hand to trail across her tummy, just brushing her small triangle of pubic hair. All you could hear were little murmurs of arousal and excitement coming from Lisa. Having the attentions of two partners was clearly something she could get used to.

You attracted Richard's attention and indicated that he should copy what you were about to do. You then leaned up on one elbow and reached down to Lisa's leg, running your hand first up the outside and then the inside, starting behind the knee and continuing up until just short of her vulva. The two of you continued this motion for several minutes and, as you did so, Lisa spread her legs further and further apart. This opened up the lips of her sex and you could see the wetness building up there. Making sure that Richard was watching and copying, you allowed one of your trails along her inner thigh to continue up into the crease in her le, at first lightly and then with more pressure. As the both of you did this at the same time, your hands were squeezing the outer labia, causing the inner lips to protrude and swell. While you continued to do this, you returned your mouth to her breast, as did Richard.

You could feel the warmth and wetness building up between her legs and she was moaning almost continuously, tossing her head from side to side. You got up and went to the end of the bed, kneeling between Lisa's outstretched legs Richard guessed what you wanted to do and used his fingers to part Lisa's labia. You lowered your mouth to her sex and began running your tongue up the length of her slit to her clit, teasing it and circling it with the tip of your tongue. Then you retreated to the entrance of her cunt and pushed your tongue as deeply inside as you could, adding your saliva to her mounting wetness.

Two of your fingers slid inside her cunt, exploring and feeling for her G-Spot, while your thumb pressed up on her clit from below and your tongue worked on it from above. Richard left the lower half of her body to you and returned to her breasts. She was soon bucking about on the bed and yelling out under the combined onslaught of you both. It didn't take much more of it for her to cum.

In the aftermath of her orgasm her clit was far too sensitive for either of you to go anywhere near. You rolled away from her and Richard took your place.

'I need you inside me', she said to him, 'but be gentle. Every nerve in my body is jangling.'

He slipped into her, slowly and easily, and began stroking back and forwards. The delight in her eyes showed how much she was loving it. You watched for a little while, the two of them wrapped up in each other, before you decided to leave them to it. You slipped off the bed and out of the room.


After breakfast the next morning, Marianne asked if you could spare a moment to come to the Study. There, seated around the room, you found Anthony and another couple who you knew to be senior members at the Manor. It was the man of this couple who spoke first.

'It's time for us to give you your first task. All members have to undertake tasks from time to time – it's our way of ensuring that they are dedicated to the Manor and aren't just taking advantage of its facilities and opportunities. Carrying out a task – and we deliberately make them challenging – is a way of giving something back.'

'I understand', you acknowledged.

'You seem to have been enjoying yourself with some of our younger members this weekend. We've been making a special effort lately to encourage younger people to join us here. We became aware that the majority of our members were – how shall I put it? – of an older age group but if we want the Manor to have a future then we have to attract younger members too. And, not to put too fine a point on it, most of us find younger people attractive. Who doesn't like a nice tight vagina or a solid, eager young cock?'

You lowered your head, slightly embarrassed about the readiness with which you'd taken to Lisa and Richard.

The man continued. 'There are three parts to your task. First, you are to seek out a young couple. Where does not matter but, like Lisa and Richard, they must both be in their twenties, be boyfriend and girlfriend, and they must be in love. You must tell the young man that you will offer him a night when he can do absolutely anything he likes with you but first he must persuade his girlfriend to take part in a threesome with you. During that threesome the boy must fuck each of you while the other watches.

'The second part is that you must give the boy his reward and you must write an account for us on what he chose to do with you. It will eventually be part of his dossier. If he is not particularly adventurous then you must encourage him to be so.

'Finally, you must entice the girl to join us here. This does not need to be overt, of course. You can simply invite her away for a weekend, as Jules did with you, and we will take over when you get here.'

Anthony interrupted: 'Don't worry, we'll give you three months to complete the task and, if you need any help, you only have to ask. But, all in all, I think you might find it rather enjoyable. Are there any questions you want to ask now, though?'

You shook your head; 'No, not that I can think of right now but I'm bound to have some later. Except that – what if I fail in the task?'

The first man answered your question: 'If you fail a first task, you will be put in the pillory for 24 hours and there will be no limitations on what can be done to you during that time. You should also be aware that our more demanding members make a special point of being here on punishment weekends. If you fail a second task in succession then you will be expelled as a member – but only after a second punishment. But we're sure you have no need to worry.'

With that, the meeting came to an end. Marianne took your hand and the pair of you left the room.

'I really don't think you have anything to worry about', she said, 'but, if you need some help or some ideas, I'm sure I'll be able to come up with something.'


The thought of the task weighed heavily on you. You had planned to spend the morning on the terrace in the almost certain hope that there would be an interesting body to enjoy before you had to set off home, but now you felt thoroughly distracted. You decided instead to have a swim in the outdoor pool. The pool was empty when you got there bar one man who was taking his swimming seriously. You soon realised why the pool was so empty as you dived in and were shocked to discover how cool the water was. It was obviously having an effect on your fellow swimmer, too, as became apparent when he switched to backstroke for his final two lengths of the pool.

He climbed out of the water and, having wrapped himself in a bathrobe to warm up, sat on the edge of the pool beside the ladder. You decided to give up on your swim and climbed out by the ladder, making sure that the man got a good view of your body as you did so. You, too, picked up a bathrobe and wrapped yourself up in it, before joining him on the side of the pool.

You introduced yourselves – his name was Alan, he was early middle-aged, tall and leanly-built, with a face that was craggy and hair that was on its way from dark to silver. You sat by the pool together, talking, for a while. Once you had warmed up a bit, you opened the front of your bathrobe, and leaned across and opened his up too. His cock appeared to be on the way to recovery after the cold shock it had experienced.

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IslaRoyIslaRoyover 7 years ago

This series of stories was blessed with an outstanding plot, adorned with exquisite detail. The fact that it is well written elevates it to first class erotica!

parputter69parputter69over 7 years ago
Keep on keepin on.

Keep on going with this. Looking forward to Carole completing her tasks but first maybe she should fail for at least 1 punishment. Who can she seduce to the Manor? Can not wait to see whom it will be.

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