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The dozen people were trembling, whimpering, bodies flushed. Fluid oozed freely from the women's legs, their nipples and clits almost painfully stiff. The men's cocks quivered with excessive tension, pre-cum already seeping from the tips.

As the tube's glass covering slid open, the woman inside took her first breath, a calm, measured inhale and exhale. With a small flex of her power, she pushed the rest of the slime off her body, instantly cleaning herself. She looked at the people on the floor, and smiled. They cried out in unison, their bodies wracked with orgasmic spasms, and the woman cut her hold over them. They collapsed and bucked on the floor, cumming so hard, several of them blacked out. Even the men achieved release, the woman's gentle psychic caress shattering their Orgasm Blocks with the sheer force of their climaxes.

The woman let out a sigh as she drank in the sudden burst of Lust Energy. Most of it came from the men, but even the women gave her a little. It didn't just feel good, the effect was... nourishing. She felt her body flush with heat, and she felt as though that had been her true first breath.

"H-how..." choked out one woman, a swarthy brunette, looking up at her in tears. "Y-you can't... I-I'm an... Archmage..."

The woman from the tube kneeled down in front of her and cupped her cheek. She smiled warmly as the woman choked out a ragged gasp and her eyes rolled back in her head. With no effort at all, she slipped her power into the woman's mind and bolstered her arousal until all thought in her head burned away, until she was nothing but a writhing, mewling fuck-puppet. That she was an Archmage didn't matter. Even the strongest woman's shields had their weak points, cracks and seams that even the weakest woman's magic could slip through, if only she knew how to look. It seemed most women, however, didn't understand this trick. They had spent so much time focusing on the men, they hadn't truly learned how to study each other to the same degree.

Of course, raw power certainly helped. Even without taking advantage of the weak points in the shields, it was clear to the woman that she could have cracked the Archmage's shields with the barest effort. Just to prove it, her power sought out the next strongest woman, sprawled on the floor a few feet away, and popped her defenses like a soap bubble. The woman shrieked and thrashed as her body was left wide open to the extra energy surging from her fellow females, and every nerve in her body nearly fried from the overload.

"K-kayla..." gasped another of the women. The woman from the tube looked over at her, studying her calmly.

"What was that?"

"Kayla..." she gasped. "Stop... please... turn down your... Magic..."

She went over to the woman, not bothering to kneel down. With a flick of her finger, she levitated the squirming scientist off the floor. She hadn't even consciously thought to try and do it; every Sex Magic trick each of these well-studied women knew, she understood instinctively. The scientist gasped as the woman's mere attention elevated the sexual pressure in her helpless body. She reeled, eyes rolling, mouth agape and drooling, her sex gushing feminine fluid until her pants were completely drenched.

"K-K-Kayla... s-stop..." she shuddered, and before her mind went blank, the woman from the tube dipped into her thoughts. "Kayla" was the name they'd intended to give her. How nice of them to dignify her with an identity. She sent another pulse of her power through the scientist, and the woman spasmed in orgasmic seizure, until her mind went totally blank. Kayla let her drop like a dead weight to the floor as she let out a pleased sigh. She turned to the others, a predatory gleam in her eye.

They were all screaming now. Crying out not just from pleasure, but pain. With every orgasm they experienced, they felt something deep inside them give. Something was wrong. This wasn't just an extreme overload of Sex Magic stimulation. An animal panic filled them, trying in vain to cut through the sexual haze. As they came again in rapid succession, their Lust Energy funneled straight to Kayla, who drank it up greedily.

Higher and higher, the energy climbed, until she was nearly full. But somehow, she never got entirely satiated. The people writhing and screaming at her feet came and came and came and came and came, until their minds broke and their muscles tore, and even the magic couldn't keep them going. They fell into twitching comas, barely alive, what was left of their consciousness knowing only blinding pleasure they could not properly process.

Kayla frowned. The Energy from them was lessening. Their bodies had been taken too far. But she could sense others beyond the room. Fresher, virile people were all around her, beyond the walls of this chamber. She walked to the entrance, noting it was a an electronically controlled sliding door, made of thick steel. She glanced to the side, where a retina scanner was bolted to the frame. She could have dragged one of their scientists over to open it, but she didn't think that was necessary. Instead, she simply shoved against the door. The thick steel crumbled inward like it was made of tin foil, the solid steel screeching as it bent, the mechanism sparking and snapping as the door was ripped from it's track. A simple flex of Sex Magical power, and her strength far surpassed that of a mere machine.

She flinched, however, as she exerted herself. She had not felt any physical strain, but instead a brief unsteadiness as she pulled her hand back. For a moment, that pleasant, warm feeling had flickered. But the brief feeling of loss was already gone before she'd fully comprehended it; perhaps she had imagined it.

The crumpled door opened out into a hallway, lined with more doors spaced far apart. A few such rooms had thick glass to allow others to observe the experiments, but just as many were sealed behind solid walls. Sex Magic, of course, ignored such mundane barriers. She could sense everyone within every room. As she opened her senses further, she took in a full view of the entire facility. There were a few thousand people present, hundreds of staff, hundreds more test subjects. All of them simmered with the Energies of Lust, ripe for the taking. With a thought, she extended her power to coax every man and woman to overflow with arousal. None of them could resist.


She took her time, casually strolling the halls of the facility as Lust Energy poured into her from all around. The warmth continued to pulse inside her with each new burst of power from the hapless humans around her. Overcome with rampant lust, men and women collapsed to the floor, writhing and howling. Some of the more resilient ones grabbed the nearest person and started fucking them. A scant few attempted to fight her, Archmages pushing their power to their utmost to block her, only for her to pop their shields as easily as the others.

The power spiked higher and higher, the more people she triggered. She noticed, too, an interesting feedback loop. The men, venting Lust Energy like little magic geysers, were further triggering the women around them, causing them to lose control of their Sex Magic, radiating their Arousal Auras at full blast, and randomly firing off Tease Spells. In turn, the women's Magic just pushed the men's arousal even higher, forcing more Lust Energy out of them. Kayla didn't even need to push her power onto them to maximize the effectiveness of the energy flow; all she had to do was rev their erotic engines into the red, and their own power would take over in a spiraling feedback.

It felt wonderful. All that Lust Energy filling the whole facility, and then funneling into her. The pleasant warmth and fullness continued, filling her with contentment. She could just bask here forever. She could--

Something sparked off her awareness. As she came out into the main lobby of her building, she saw a trio of scientists bucking on the marble floor. There was something wrong with one of them, a skinny young woman who was making a strange rattling noise with her throat. Kayla sensed a spike of mental cold shoot through the haze of lust. She recognized the feeling as a sheer, animal terror.

Kayla stepped up to her, and watched her curiously. The woman flopped onto her back and gasped and her unfocused eyes seemed to meet Kayla's gaze. And then, with a final shuddering seizure, her body suddenly went limp. Kayla felt a final surge of Lust Energy pour off the woman, and then nothing. No Energy, no warmth, no thought, no feeling. Only an emptiness in the husk of her body.

Kayla flexed her power against the woman, only to find she didn't respond. It was as if there was nothing there for her to grasp. She was...

...she was dead. Kayla gasped the moment she realized, with a terrifying coldness, what had just happened, and what it meant. Her power was so strong, the spiraling storm of Magic so intense, that it had taken the woman beyond Sex Magic's considerable protections. Sex Magic, a force that tried it's best to keep its users and victims alive, could still go too far. It could shatter minds and break bodies. It could kill from sheer energetic overload. In such latter cases, Sex Magic could still be used, if properly applied, to jolt a body back to life, to stitch a mind back together, the way a drowned person could be resuscitated with another's breath.

But this was different. She knew just looking at the woman, that something fundamental had been lost when she had drunk the last of her energy. There would be no bringing her back. She was gone. She was dead. And Kayla had killed her.

Kayla frowned. She hadn't meant to do that. She looked to the others in the lobby, two dozen staff members and a couple test subjects, strewn about the room, all of them comatose, or nearly so, as they cooked in the sheer force of her sexual power. She could tell that several of them were nearing the same peak this woman just had. Curious, Kayla let it happen.

In rapid succession, a dozen more people suddenly passed, a final burst of Lust Energy firing off like flares, until to be quickly snuffed as she sucked the power inside her. She glanced back to the room where she had first emerged to double check. Most of them, her first victims, had already snuffed out as well. She just hadn't noticed while she'd been busy taking in the rest of the facility.

More of them started to go. One by one, like stars winking out across the night sky, the burning signals of Lust from the overclocked victims of her power crossed a fatal threshold that Sex Magic couldn't compensate for. And with every single death, she saw that moment of sheer terror, the horrific realization of their imminent end, cut through the mind-rending haze of lust. Too brief, perhaps, for the mortal mind to really comprehend it before they passed. But strong enough for Kayla to notice, now that she recognized it for what it was.

The primal recognition of death. The thought of it chilled her to the bone, and no amount of Lust Energy could warm away that horrid thought of feeling that sensation herself.

Maybe... maybe she should stop. She didn't really care about these people. If anything, she wanted, on a guttural level, to make them writhe and suffer endlessly in her power. But at the same time, did she want them dead? She paused, and with a simple thought, dialed down the magic. It was so easy, as simple as blinking or breathing. The Magic itself bent to her will with no effort on her part, as if it were an extension of herself, to a degree that she knew no other woman on Earth had ever experienced. It was almost as if she was the Magic, made manifest in the form of this unorthodox body.

Dial it down, dial it down, to just a low ebb, just a trickle. Let the people around her simmer in it, let their bodies recover. She intuited that, perhaps a bit ironically, the key to healing a person from Sex Magic overload was more Sex Magic. It was sheer intensity that killed, not duration. A steady, light trickle of the Magic would sustain them, and slowly cool their bodies down, mend the injuries, and piece their minds back together. It might take a little time, but she could easily flex the Magic to bolster the healing effects. Perhaps in a day, they would all be back on their feet. And then they would serve her, feed her their wonderful Energy, the subjects of her personal little Queendom. And then--

She staggered where she stood. There was a twisting in her gut, and her vision swam. She leaned heavily against a wall, and clasped a hand to her face. She felt a sudden, sick hollowness, a suffocating feeling. The warmth was fading quickly. Deep inside her, she felt a gnawing sensation, a sense of sheer hunger.

Energy! She needed more Lust Energy. As she sucked in the last of the overcharge, she was left with only a mere trickle emanating from the people she was trying to recover. She had to let them soak in most of it so the healing could take effect, but even if she drew in everything they were producing now, she knew it wouldn't be enough. She grit her teeth, and forced herself to bare it. She could feed on a stronger source soon. Maybe she could get the first ones to recover to get her more healthy people to feed on.

Feed? Yes, feed. She was hungry, thirsty, cold. The moment the Energy had lessened to a mere ebb, the weakness had overcome her. Where had all that Energy gone? She had drunk in so much of it, and yet, it was as if she couldn't stay satiated. Like how a Sex Magic Spell needed a constant feed of Lust Energy to function. She--

The realization struck her with a sickening chill. She had thought, just a moment ago, that she felt as if she was a manifestation of the Magic itself. She was unique, the only fully female DNA splice attempt to succeed, for reasons none of the scientists could figure out. Was she... was she actually... not just a spliced cloning experiment? Or if she was, could she only function because some Spell was keeping her alive? A Spell that needed to be constantly fed to sustain her...

She stumbled to her hands and knees and grit her teeth. No. No that couldn't be all she was. Or if it had to be that, surely she could reign in how much she needed? She would try to hold on until at least a few of the scientists got their minds back, and then she would pick their brains for answers.

She held out for another minute, until she felt something dark and terrifying cross her mind. She recognized in herself, that dreadful spike of darkness she'd seen in the people who had passed. She knew with certainty, that if she didn't keep absorbing the Energy, and enormous amounts of it at that, she was going to die.

She shuddered and her breath grew ragged. She didn't want to die. She didn't want to die. Hungry. Thirsty. Breathless. Cold. Dying. Only the Energy she drew from the people around her seemed to make the pain go away, chased the specter of death away.

She tried to stop herself. But in the end, as her vision began to dim, she broke. She knew she wouldn't make it, if she gave them time to recover. With a thought, she dialed up the pleasure storm in those people within the rest of her building. Those immediately around her spent a final few moments in unfathomable ecstasy, before they each died in a violent final release. Throughout the rest of the building, the remaining victims followed, passing several at a time. She drank in their Lust Energy greedily, and their life force with it. In less than five minutes, the building was emptied of all but herself.

It stalled the hunger for all of a minute. She had just managed to shuffle across the lobby to reach the exit, and then she was on her knees again. She feel like she was going to implode as her core seemed to chew upon itself.

Kayla took a mystic glance around the whole of the Pandora facility. There were a little over a thousand people left. More of them beyond her building had died than she had realized, and those still alive were on their last legs. It wouldn't be enough. She had to keep feeding. The Lust Energy was her sustenance. If it stopped, she would stop.

She didn't want to stop. What would happen when the people in the facility couldn't sustain her any more? She hissed as the pain in her gut increased, and her vision dimmed again. She let her power surge, and set off the remainder of the people in the facility. She tried to regulate the Energy flow, but she was already too starved. Greedily, she sucked it all in. She was going to burn through the rest in ten minutes, tops. Then what?

Kayla drew what knowledge she could from her victims before their minds were lost. There was a small military base ten miles away, where most of the staff stayed. Beyond that, the facility was isolated, a hundred miles from the nearest settlement, a small town of less than a thousand, and two hundred miles from the town after that.

She knew about the Barrier that surrounded the facility. She knew it couldn't stop her, living Spell or not. But could she make it to the next settlement in time? Maybe if she flew. She could do that, right? But using her powers to do more than just inflame arousal would drain her; she remembered that brief flash of weakness after pushing the steel door aside.

She would have to risk it. She started walking to the edge of the facility conserving her energy as she drew in as much power as possible. She headed towards the bridge that connected the low mesa to the desert beyond. She noticed a woman on the ground, writhing in the Energies that were bleeding through the Barrier. Beyond her, another of the artificially grown men, and further across the bridge, a scant few guards. Just a few more morsels of Energy for the created woman.

Kayla paused, risking a bit of strength to shove apart the bars of the gate and step through them. As she did, she felt herself cross the Barrier's threshold. With a thought, she cracked it open, the Energies of the shield bending to her will, and she sucked its power into herself along with the final surges from Pandora's people.

Bracing herself, she shot into the sky and rocketed towards the nearest settlement.


Kayla paused only briefly to strike the military base, subsuming them with inhuman arousal, and drinking in their Energy before the hunger could strike. On a whim, she decided to bring them with her, lifting several hundred people telekinetically, sacrificing a bit of each person's Lust Energy to fuel the Spell that held them. She let them trail along after her across the sky, dropping each body as soon as it was spent.

She sent her power ahead, and the first town was already writhing in fatal pleasure when she reached it, greedily sucking in the power as the last of the soldiers in her grasp fell away. She hovered in the air, grabbed the most resilient of her victims to hold off for the flight, and finished off the weaker ones before she moved on. She did the same to the next town, and the next.

She didn't set down upon the Earth again until she reached a proper city, five hundred miles away. She dropped into a copes of trees along the main highway that lead into the city limits. Major metropolises like this were a lot emptier than they had once been, as Sex Magic had forced people to spread themselves apart to avoid reckless overspills of Spells and Lust. But they were still bustling compared to the small towns most people had moved out to. A quick assessment told her there were about seven-hundred thousand people living within the city limits.

Just getting here had exhausted her Energy reserves, costing her all of her stolen victims from the towns. But here, finally, she knew she could get her fill. For moment, sensing so many bright points of energy in so many people at once, she hesitated. The scale of what she was going to attempt was briefly beyond her. Maybe this would be enough. Maybe this many people could give her enough energy to sustain her, if she could pace the feed, and cycle through the populace...