Casey's Recovery Ch. 11


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"That's a great idea nephew, give me a hand." And lend a hand I did, helping her to her feet and then supporting her into the bath where we showered together and I washed all her special places very, very well after which I grabbed the skin crème and helped her upstairs into bed. Once there I creamed and lotioned her all over; then leaned down and gave her a very nice kiss full on the mouth.

As I turned to leave, she said, "Jack you are a terrific fuck, your Momma is really lucky. Don't think that just because Chuck is here that you're not going tend to me from time to time."

"Yes Aunt Rena, I understand, you want some of Jack now and again. Next time, I'm going to loosed you up and shove my cock up your ass ... what do you think of that?"

She pulled the over sheet up and in a sleepy quiet voice said, "Big talker -- action talks, bullshit walks."

The rest of the afternoon passed quietly as I decided to clean house. We're messy but not dirty people so the general clean-up and vacuuming on took about 3 hours; then I loaded the washer with everything I could find. As it did its important job, I wandered out to the pool area with a beer. Chuck and Casey were under the big shade umbrella talking and holding hands. As I approached them I could see that Chuck was fully hard again and Casey was giving him an occasional stroke with her little hand.

"Hey guys, what's going on?"

Casey grinned at me saying, "I'm trying to see how long Chuck can go without busting his nut, I'm coming up on 30 minutes, what do you think?"

Chuck for his part was leaning back in his chair with his legs spread giving Casey ample access. His features were tense but not panicky ... so I said, "I'd say at the 30 minute mark you should give him relief, after all you don't want his balls to turn blue ... right?"

"You are correct big brother." And with that she slipped out of her chair and nestled herself between his spread legs taking his cock fully into her mouth. I could hear her sucking loudly as his hips rose and he said, "Damn, oh damn, Casey I'm cummming baby!"

Casey continued to suck him aggressively, her head bobbing up and down until he said, "Enough, stop, oh shit ..." Then she eased off his cock and allowed it to slip out of her mouth. She turned back toward me opening her mouth in an exaggerated grin allowing me to see a large cum puddle. Then she tilted her head back and swallowed, licked her lips and pulled him into an open mouth kiss -- I could easily see their tongues fighting for space in the other's mouth.

She reached out her hand to me to help her get up saying, "My leg is a little sore bro, thanks for the help." As Chuck looked on she leaned onto me giving me a great full body hug, I could feel her hard nipples pressing into my side and her bushy pussy against my leg -- very nice.

"I think I love him Jack." She said in a low whisper.

"That's great honey, but let's not rush -- do me a favor and don't make any such announcement for a month or so that way we will have really gotten to know each other pretty well -- Ok?"

Casey nodded her head and I hugged her tightly watching Chuck sort of fade into the chair -- the boy looked tired. "Casey, I would like your help?"

"Anything Jack, just you name it."

"Does Chuck need to go home or report in or something?"

"No, he called his sister a little while ago and told her that he and some of his buddies were going camping down near the national seashore, so he is good for 2 or 3 days, why."

"Here's what I have in mind. It's almost 6 pm and Lillian will be here soon; Mom will get here around 7 pm -- I called Gretchen (her secretary) and she told me ... So, I would like us to get dressed up and take Mom out to dinner, just you, me and her."

"What a great idea, I love it -- you are almost too nice sometimes; but, what about Chuck?"

"Do you think he's got another load in him?"

"Well I'm not sure if you could tell, but that has cum was pretty small, but if he gets some rest, I believe he would be up for it again. He has never had or seen this much pussy in his life let alone the all cause blow job I just gave him, I think he's kind of in shock."

"Good, here's my plan, we turn him over to Lillian when she gets here. We tell her to feed and water him and let him rest until say 9:00 pm then she and Aunt Rena can take him to bed and use him like a dildo -- just do him until they're tired. You can rescue him in the morning and be sweet to him all day tomorrow. That way the three of us will have an uninterrupted night out and whatever -- and Chuck will be up to his elbows in pussy."

"You know brother, you really are a manipulating bastard ... but now, I like it -- Deal!"

Casey brought Chuck into the den and explained that she and I had some things to do with Mom; but that he would be in good hands until we got back. One good thing about a young guy saturated with sex is that he is very compliant; he simply smiled and watched TV.

With that taken care of we went off to our respective showers and grooming. Since it had been a while since we dressed for anything both Casey and I took our time picking very nice looking clothes for the evening ... I was trying on a shirt when I heard Lillian come in -- hard not to hear her when she hollers out her arrival. I trotted downstairs and caught her in the kitchen.

"Lillian, I would like your help this evening, would you mind?"

"Not at all, what's up?"

"Casey and I want to take Mom out for a nice evening; you know supper maybe some dancing. I think she really deserves it -- you Ok with that?"

Lillian smiled at me and said, "You damn right. Treat her well she's a great lady."

She walked up next to me and reached under the shirt fondling my cock and balls ... "Just remember I still want my fair share -- right?"

"I do understand but I am committed tonight; however, I have a new lamb for you." Taking her hand in mine we walked into the den where Chuck seemed to be dozing with the television on. "Take a good look; he's more powerful than he looks."

Lillian looked at me skeptically saying, "If you say so ... how do you know?"

"Aunt Rena is upstairs having a good nap having been worn to a frazzle by that skinny boy; I'd say he nearly fucked her blind. I had to help her upstairs." I said. "Tell you what, get your clothes off and get comfortable. Then dinner is on you and Aunt Rena. There's lots of food in the fridge, even steak. You might want to get some protein in him and give him a good couple of hours to digest everything; after that he's all yours -- but don't do him in, Casey thinks the world of him and he her."

"Ok, no problem honey. Rena and I can whip up a good supper and we'll treat him nicely rest assured." Lillian assured me. "Now go finish getting dressed, you look great!"

By the time I got back upstairs and finished dressing Casey was at my door looking absolutely spectacular. She was wearing a flowery summer dress with lots of yellows that complimented her bronze skin tones and blond hair. The hem line was modest, breaking just below the knee; matched to a pretty pair of high heeled leather sandals she was the perfect image of a lovely young lady.

"Woozer sister! You look fantastic! We may have to put you in clothes more often."

She laughed a melodious laugh and did a little curtsey, then whipped her full skirt up showing me lots of bare skin and her pretty bushy blond pussy; as the skirt settled she said, "I just could not bring myself to put on panties or a bra ... so here you have me dressed as naturally as possible."

"Not to worry pretty girl, I've gone all the way for the both of us; underwear and socks!"

As we hurried down the stairs Mom came in the front door and spied us immediately. Her eyes got big and she said, "What's going on here?"

"We want to go out for dinner and spend some very special time with you." I said and Casey echoed my sentiments asking Mom ... "Do you want to change or go as you are?"

Mom clapped her hands together and said, "Baby girl if I get out of these clothes I'm not putting any others on till tomorrow; so you'll have to take me as I am."

With that we grabbed Mom and waved good bye to Chuck and Lillian. Out the door, into the car and into town we went, arriving at Giovanni's Italian Restaurant quickly. Mom looked at me questioningly saying, "Italian, for you?"

"Yep, I know you love it and Casey does too and they have seafood for me ... so tonight it's Italian, wine and dancing!"

Mom laughed and smiled saying "Well Ok then, let's go guys."

The waiter was good enough to seat us at a rear table near the dance floor and we began the evening feast -- salad, lasagna, sword fish, garlic bread, lots of garlic bread, two bottles of a nice Chianti and fruit tart for dessert. We laughed and talked about everything during dinner, and then Mom said is a soft voice, "I have news about Brice, the engineer across the hall."

"Do you want to tell us now Mom?"

"No I think I'll keep it for home, but don't let me forget, Ok?" Casey and I agreed it was no problem.

Promptly at 8:30 pm the dance band started playing a nice easy waltz -- I think it was a waltz; anyway a young guy Casey's age came over and asked her to dance ... and in a flash they were off. I looked at Mom and invited her to dance to which her response was a dazzling smile ... and off we went.

I hadn't danced with Mom for years but it was lots of fun, we danced for the entire set and when the band took a break we went back to our chairs for a rest and a large glass of wine. Just before we got there Mom excused herself, took Casey's hand and off to the Lady's Room they went.

I sat quietly enjoying the dark restaurant and the good wine until the girls rejoined me. Mom moved her chair close to mine and gave me a kiss on the cheek ... it was very nice, sweet even. As I turned my head to reciprocate her lips met mine and she slipped her tongue into my mouth ... not so nice but really hot. I placed my hand on her leg only to discover that her skin was bare -- not like Mom, always good hosiery when she went out.

She saw the surprise on my face and leaned close saying, "The only thing between your hand and my pussy is a few inches; my panties and hose are in my purse." Then she shifted in her chair, spread her legs and raised her skirt up ... my hand found her sweet bushy pussy and very, very wet labia waiting for me. As Casey went off to dance with the young man, my fingers ran up and down her wet slit, stopping to gently rub her clit from time to time.

Mother's breath began to come quickly as I fingered her slit until she said, "finger fuck me baby, finger fuck me ..." I managed to get two fingers inside her and curled behind her pubic bone rubbing her g-spot when she took hold of my hand with both of hers and leaned forward gritting her teeth ... "Oh shit, shit, ummmh!" then she sagged back and relaxed. Thank heavens the band was playing and the restaurant was so dark, it all worked to camouflage our activity.

After a few moments she let go of my hand and I slipped my fingers into my mouth to savor her sweet pussy flavor, as she watched me she laughed a soft dirty laugh and said, "I must be a dirty slut, getting off right here in the restaurant ... dear God."

"Momma, you are anything but a slut, you are the perfect lady, you just had an itch that had to be scratched -- no problem."

"Well that's true, it sure was an itch. Anyway you had me so worked up with this beautiful dinner and wine, both you and Casey looking so great and then you really danced with me ... Oh my!"

Just then Casey came back to our table thanking the young man for the dances. It turned out he was with his parents and they were leaving. She gave him a nice kiss on the cheek and promised to call him next week. I looked at her and said, "Nice guy?"

"Yes, a very nice guy and a really good dancer. What's going on here, anything?"

"Naah, I think we're ready to head for home, Ok with you?"

Casey smiled at us and we all walked out arm in arm. When we got to the car, I asked Mom to sit in the middle and whispered in her ear that I would like her to pull her skirt all the way up so she would be bare ass naked in the front seat. Mom, my little Mother giggled just like Casey and standing beside the car simply stepped out of her skirt and put it with her purse in the back before settling in the middle of the front seat.

Casey watched all this and said, "Hell I'm not sitting in the back, I want to be in front with you guys to watch the action." Actually there was not much action; I just enjoyed feeling Mom's bare skin and running my fingers through her bush during the 20 minute drive home.

As we went into the house Mom said, "Look guys let's all put our clothes up like we should and then you both join me in my bed because I am in need of some serious cock. Casey and I both looked at each other in some surprise when she said, "Yes I said cock. Sonny boy I want you to fuck me like a butter churn, slam it in and bang it around until I start making solid cream."

Casey and I both said at the same time, "Nooo problem."

As we topped the stairs we heard the unmistakable sounds of sex. As we three looked into the guest bedroom naked Lillian was astride Chuck working his cock in her pussy like a bull rider; Aunt Rena was sitting on his face facing Lillian while he licked and sucked her pussy as she kissed and tongued Lillian.

As we stood there I idly rubbed Mothers fine little ass and she looked on quizzically, then she said, "Who in the world is that?"

"Oh sorry Mom, we forgot to tell you. That's Chuck, the guy who more or less popped Casey's cherry. We brought him into the family today. He's a very nice guy and you'll remember Aunt Rena said we needed another bull for the herd."

"You'll have to tell me more in the morning, right now all I want to do is get naked and fuck and maybe give my baby girl some kisses." Then she turned and hurried into her room. Casey and I immediately sprinted to our respective rooms, tossed our clothes on a chair and hurried back to Mom's bedroom.

There she was, in the middle of her bed, her head resting on a soft pillow with her legs drawn up, her hands behind her knees holding her legs apart, her pussy a swollen pink hole looking right at me.

I pulled Casey to me and asked, "Have you ever wanted to eat pussy? Mom's pussy?"

She looked at me seriously and said, "I've thought about it, but I don't know what to do."

"Nothing to it, just do for Mom what you like done to you, if you get in trouble I'm right there." I said.

Casey grinned at me nervously and settled down between Mom's legs tentatively licking and sucking at her bright pink hole. After a few seconds she was face first sucking and licking like a hungry baby. I stepped around her and onto the bed carefully moving over Mom's face until I could put my dripping cock head in her mouth. As I rubbed her lips with my dripping cock her eyes opened wide, then she understood and smiled happily at me, then taking my cock in about 4 inches she began to suck allowing me to fuck her face. Occasionally she would tense up and have a small orgasm but she never let go of her legs, keeping her pussy as open as possible while Casey licked and sucked the crème from her.

Finally, I stepped away and pulled Casey from Mom's pussy. Her eyes were glazed with lust and I could see that this would not be the last night Casey spent sucking Mother's pussy juices. After a moment she focused on me and went up to suck on Mom's nipples and her mouth.

I positioned myself between her legs and slid my cock in to the hilt grinding my pubic bone against hers using my lower gut muscles to flex my cock deep within her belly. We went on like this for some time until Mother slipped her legs around my back looking me deep in the eyes and said, "Pound me Jack, Pound me like a Drum, pound me baby!"

And pound her I did ... relentlessly I rocked her little body with cock pounding, from time to time I managed to use both hands of grip her butt cheeks as I pounded into her. Every now and then I would hear her grunt, sigh and say things like "Yes, Yes, Yes ... Oh so good baby, keep it up baby!"

I began to feel beads of sweat running down my back and it looked like Casey had permanently put her tongue down Mom's throat when Mother reached under her knees again pulling her legs up saying, "Cum for me baby, Momma's cum so much, you cum for me baby ... please"

I felt Casey's hand slip under my ball sack as she fondled and squeezed my balls then it started; the burning in my loins, the boiling pressure in my gut and BOOM! I sent ropes of cum deep into her vaginal vault ending with me slamming my body against her big hole until the last drop fell from my cock into her body -- then I fell back on the bed exhausted. Later I learned that I had been hammering her for nearly an hour, no wonder I was tired.

As I lay across the bottom of the bed Casey snuggled next to my head and kissed my face so sweetly; then Mom called us to join her saying, "I am afraid I can't get to you guys, please join me up here." And we did, snuggling next to her, the three of us sweaty, cum washed and tired. It was a memorable fuck, one we all remembered for years.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I must say that I really wished that you had just kept it in the family and not include another guy from out side the family! Just my thoughts at least

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

"... I could not resist, so I stepped in closely and waived my cockhead at Mom's mouth. "

Get yourself a dictionary, look up 'waive' and 'wave' and then see for yourself why using 'waived' in this context is totally ridiculous!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Very nice. Further possibility for growth?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Still lovin' it.

Everyone was forewarned that this was coming, so don't complain. However, you still need to work on your proofreading as there are still some mistakes getting by you. Maybe proofread in edit mode so you you can make corrections as you go along. Otherwise, on to Chapter 12.

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