Casey's Rise Ch. 11

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Opening day at The Crescent.
6.7k words

Part 11 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 07/28/2020
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This is a sequel to "Casey's Fall" which takes place on a parallel world where registered nudity and indentured slavery are legal under a government known as "The State". There are many elements in this story that will be more enjoyable and make more sense if you read that first.

Themes include CMNF, CFNF, ENF, exhibitionism, porn, coercion, some reluctance, non-consent and D/s, and occasional violence if it's relevant to the story or character development.


"Are we all set?" Casey asked as she finished up her address to the team of nervous Crescent Girls gathered around her waiting for the first guests to arrive. "Ok, let's go!"

Everyone looked beautiful. All around were naked breasts, curves, and openly displayed hairless pussies. Hair and makeup were perfect everywhere she looked, butt-plugs were in place, piercings jiggled slightly with movement, and heels clip-clopped across tiles and hard surfaces.

All of the girls had been naked for a few weeks now. While some were enjoying it and others were somewhat indifferent about it, a few were still adapting. It was still a constant struggle for them to stand up straight and not try to hide anything. The true test they knew would come when they were around clothed people, even more so when they graduated and went on to their new lives where they might be the only one naked at a new place of employment. It was a strange and terrifying feeling, but they hoped by then that they were used to it.

They quickly scattered to their positions after Casey dismissed them. Four girls joined Greg in the kitchen to help prepare the lunch menu. Others stood by in the restaurant and down at the pool bar with Amelia. Cassandra and Ellie got ready at the reception desk. Other girls milled around in the lobby, ready to act as bellhops. Six were on duty outside, helping to direct people to parking spots and assist with baggage.

So far so good.

The first guests finally arrived, stepping out of their cars smiling as beautiful naked women approached them with trolleys. This place was everything they'd been promised. There was one hiccup, though, as the girls were about to discover.

"Looks like you've got some protesters out there?" one man mentioned, nodding towards the street outside as he stepped out of his car.

"Oh really?" Patrice replied as she tried to look where the man was pointing.

"Yeah. You can't see them from here but they're just outside the front gate," he replied.

"Thanks, I'll check it out," Patrice responded, signalling to another girl to take over her trolley as she went out to take a look. Sure enough, there was a small group of people holding up hand-painted signs.





Patrice frowned and then quickly walked back in to find Casey.

"Casey, we might have a problem. We have protesters outside the front gate," she informed her.

"Seriously?" Casey responded in surprise. "I better go take a look."

Patrice led her back outside. Casey looked around in dismay at all of the placards. Then she noticed an all too familiar face - Bernstein!

She grabbed her phone and texted Jolene.

"Protesters outside. Bernstein is here."


"Be right there."

"Ms Bernstein," Jolene began as she walked straight up to the former principal of the school. "What is the meaning of this?"

"We're simply making a stand against your lewdness," Bernstein responded curtly while looking at Jolene with complete contempt. "I will not stand by and allow you to exploit these young women like this, and I will not stand by and allow our society to be corrupted by such disgusting public displays."

A cheer went up from the other protesters.

"The law is not on your side, Ms Bernstein," Jolene responded, refusing to be intimidated by her. "Everything we are doing here is legal. Shall we see what the police have to say about this?"

"Call away," Bernstein challenged. "We have a right to protest, and we are in the public domain. We are well within our rights to be here."

More cheers.

"Ok, fine," Jolene replied, "but we also have a right to run our business, and you have no right to interfere with that. If you do, we will not hesitate to get the police involved."

"Threaten away all you like, Ms Reine. We will not be defeated!" Bernstein replied, causing more cheers behind her from the other protesters.

"What are we going to do about them?" Casey asked worriedly as they walked away.

"Ignore them for now," Jolene responded. "If they get any worse, I'll call the police, and maybe give Joe a call as well."

"You wouldn't rather Cassandra called him?" Casey asked in surprise.

"Um... no, it's fine. We've settled our differences now, and we're talking," Jolene carefully admitted while blushing slightly as she recalled their recent encounters.

"That must have been some lunch you had with him a while back," Casey replied. "I'm not sure I could be as forgiving after what he did to you, but I'm glad you've managed to put it behind you."

"He had his reasons to act the way he did, and all that is behind us now," Jolene explained. "Besides, we're in business with him now, so we have to move forward."

They approached the front desk to bring Cassandra up to speed.

"Bernstein's outside with a bunch of protesters," Casey began. "We're going to ignore them for now, but if they start interfering with the guests or anything, let Jolene know and we'll get the police involved."

"Fuckin' bitch!" Cassandra responded.

"Nan's out there?" Ellie asked in surprise. "Do you want me to go and talk to her?"

"I don't think that would be a good idea," Casey replied. "At the moment they're fairly quiet. We don't want to get them riled up, and seeing you might just make things worse."

"Oh ok. If she starts giving us trouble then, just let me know if you want me to give it a try," Ellie offered. "She may not listen to me anyway, but you never know."

"Thanks, Ellie. We'll see how it goes for now," Jolene responded. "Back to more important business, how are our first guests going?"

"The first few have checked in," Cassandra replied, "and we've had three more bookings over the phone today. We only have six more rooms left!"

"That's great news!" Jolene responded with a smile. "How are all the girls going?"

"So far so good. I've got two volunteers practisin' a dildo show for the private members' lounge tonight. They're kinda excited, but a bit nervous," Cassandra laughed.

"Oh, I'll go check them out and see how they're going," Casey decided.

Casey entered the private members' lounge to find it empty as expected, apart from the two girls Cassandra had mentioned. The private members concept was turning out to be quite the success already, and it was likely to be quite busy later in the evening. While they'd extended honorary memberships to Judge Sturt, Dillan Schneider, acting principal of the school, and Herb McLintock, head of the State indenture program, at least a dozen other heads of business from around town had also signed up. Joe was expected to be present later as well, so there'd be a room full of important men when the true test of the girls' training in both serving and entertaining would come.

Casey noticed the girls were looking very awkward as they fumbled with their dildos. This wasn't exactly the show Casey hoped for.

"Good morning, ladies," she began. "I'm so glad you volunteered for the entertainment tonight. Are the others still on board?"

"As far as I know, Lisa is still on to play piano for a few sets, and Maddie is going to show off her shuffle dancing," one girl replied.

"Excellent!' Casey responded. "I'll see them later when the evening shift begins and make sure they're all ready. How are you guys going?"

"I can't believe we're going to be doing this in front of people. I'm shitting bricks!"

"I totally get that," Casey replied with an understanding smile. "The first time I did a live show, I nearly died from embarrassment. The thing to remember is that female sexuality is a beautiful thing, and what you're showing is natural and wonderful. It's a celebration of ourselves, and not just our own bodies, but human sexuality itself. It's something to be proud of."

"Thanks, Casey. That helps a lot, but what do we actually do?"

Casey paused and looked around the room.

"Ok, I think first we'll get you up on the stage," she began, while gesturing towards the raised platform in one corner. The grand piano was positioned in another corner of the room, opposite to the bar, while a lectern occupied the centre of the platform. "I think we can lose the lectern. Then we need a couple of stools, I think. Hold tight a moment."

Casey exited briefly and came back carrying two low stools while the girls moved the lectern towards the back of the platform.

"Ok, set these up right at the front," she instructed. "Now stick a dildo on the stool and then face your audience, just like we did on your first day here. Make sure you get your legs wide open, and don't block the view of your pussies with your hands if you need to hold the dildo steady."

"Like this?"

"Perfect! Now just lower yourself down onto it, lean back, and go up and down really slowly. Use your hips and kind of gyrate at the same time. If you can, make eye contact with your audience and remember to smile. If that makes you too nervous, just do what you have to so that you enjoy yourselves."

Casey watched as the two girls followed her instructions. Both seemed to have no difficulty looking up at her as they impaled themselves on the dildos. The sight was more than a little arousing for Casey, though. She wished she could join them but there was too much to do so her own needs would have to wait.

"That is wonderful!" Casey responded, clearly delighted. "Just do everything exactly like this tonight and you'll be perfect."

"Thanks, Casey. Oh God, I think I'm gonna cum soon."

Casey smiled.

"Ok, I'll leave you to it," she announced, and then reluctantly left the room to see what other issues needed handling.

"Casey, we're having trouble with the coffee machine at the pool bar!" Amelia almost shouted as she spotted Casey coming out of the lounge.

"What's going on with it? It was working the other day."

"I don't think we have any power at all in there."

"Maybe a circuit breaker?" Casey suggested. "I think the ones for there are in the utility room in the main building. Let's have a look there."

Amelia and Casey both inspected the array of circuit breakers in the utility room, and at last found one that had been tripped. Flipping it back on seemed to work ok without tripping again, so they went back out to check the pool bar and found they had been successful. One more problem down, just as the first guests arrived at the pool and ordered drinks. Anita eagerly served them while Amelia checked the coffee machine was working and made herself a cup in the process.

"Up for a cuppa as well, Casey?" Amelia asked.

"Actually, that'd be lovely. I haven't stopped all day so far. Hopefully I get left alone long enough to finish it," Casey replied with a smile before planting herself on one of the fixed bar stools in front of the bar.

"Here you go," Amelia indicated while handing Casey a cappuccino.

"You're a lifesaver," Casey responded as she put the cup to her lips. "So how are things with Bernard?"

"We're going really well," Amelia replied. "He was going to come today, but we decided just to meet up at my place later instead."


Dammit what now?

Casey checked her phone and found it was just a heart emoji text from Greg. Aww. She texted one back to him.

"So, you're the famous Casey Reine?" a man asked as he stepped up to the bar.

"Yes, how do you do? I hope you're enjoying your stay," Casey replied while shaking the man's hand.

"It's awesome," he smiled. "Everything is so beautiful, and the staff have been wonderful so far. I wish my vacation could be longer."

"That's great to hear," Casey responded, not failing to notice that the man seemed to be talking to her breasts. He was then distracted by one of the other Crescent Girls walking by with a tray of cocktails. There was too much for one pair of red-blooded male eyes to deal with at once. She smiled faintly and then excused herself to check another text on her phone. It was Jolene.

"We're officially booked out!"

Casey texted back a smiley face before finishing her coffee and heading back to check on Cassandra.

"How's things been going, Cass?" she asked while giving Cassandra a kiss.

"Fuck me, Case! The phone has been goin' nuts," Cassandra replied. "I think a lot of the guests have been posting stuff on social media. We've got people bookin' months out now."

"That's awesome! Are we going to have the staff to handle it, though?"

"Dunno. I got a feelin' we might be callin' up some of those other girls pretty soon, 'specially once school starts and these girls are gonna be away during the day."

"Ok, we'll have a meeting soon and see if we can come up with some sort of deal that we can offer them instead of a scholarship, I guess."

"We should probably look at gettin' the sex work side of things happenin' too," Cassandra continued. "The girls are tellin' me they're gettin' propositioned constantly already, and some of them are up for it."

"Really?" Casey replied with some surprise. "Ok, that's more Jolene's department so I guess we'll talk about that too. We just have to be sure it's something the girls know they can opt in or out of anytime they want, and they take the major cut of the earnings for their trust funds for when their indentures are up."

"Count me in," Ellie responded.

"You'd seriously want to do sex work?" Casey asked.

"Getting paid for something I want to do anyway?" Ellie replied. "Oh, hell yes!"

"Well ok then," Casey replied. "I'll get Jolene onto it sooner rather than later then."

Jolene suddenly appeared from her office behind reception.

"There's more wowsers outside and they're starting to get a bit rowdy, Casey," she announced. "Before we resort to calling the police, I'm going to give Joe a call and see if he can send over some muscle to back us up."

"Oh really? Should we send Greg out as well?"

"Nah, leave him in the kitchen. He's needed more there for now. You and I should be able to handle it in the meantime. I've been putting together a security guard uniform and organising a roster for some of the girls to do security duties. Some of them are pretty handy with their fists and feet already so we may as well take advantage of that. The uniforms should help make us look a bit scary and official too, so you and I may as well use them now."

"I was wondering how you've been going with that," Casey replied. "So, what have we got?"

"Well, I have caps with 'SECURITY' on them, and boots of course," Jolene replied while showing Casey the items, "and I found these cop-like utility belts that can hold expandable batons. I've ordered Tasers with thigh-holsters as well. None of that will breach the registered nudity laws and it should make us look pretty formidable."

"Excellent," Casey responded with a smile. "Ok, you and I will do guard duty at the front gate. Cass, I'll need you to take over my duties for a while. Most of the guests have arrived now, and Ellie looks like she's managing here."

"You got it, girl," Cassandra replied. "We got it covered."

A short time later, Casey and Jolene stood at the front gate dressed in the caps, boots, and utility belts, looking very badass. There were about thirty protesters now, and they kept getting in the way of guests driving in. The girls kept having to move them on while greeting the guests as pleasantly as possible and directing them to the car park. The protesters were peaceful for the most part, with just disapproving looks for the girls to deal with, but they were thankful when Alberto arrived. The man was huge at close to seven feet tall and over four hundred pounds! His size meant that he rarely needed to open his mouth. He'd just quietly loom over people who got in his way, and they quickly scattered. One man decided to take his chances and ran at Alberto, only to literally bounce off him to end up sprawling on the ground. It was the first time Casey had ever seen Alberto smile. After that, everyone gave him a wide berth.

Thankfully, as night fell, the protesters all dispersed. Joe arrived and sent Alberto home again, and Casey and Jolene resumed their duties back inside. As they checked around the various areas, they found the restaurant was packed, there were people still enjoying themselves around the pool, and the private members' lounge had at least a dozen men inside including Judge Sturt, Dillan from the education department and Herb McLintock. Joe went in to join them just as the dildo show that the girls had been rehearsing earlier was finishing up, and Lisa took up position at the piano.

"Good evening, gentlemen. I trust the facilities are to your liking?" Joe began.

"That's an understatement, Joe," Herb replied. "We never saw a show like that at your old joint, and these waitresses are outstanding!"

"Is good, yes?" Joe responded. "My daughter and her friends are to be congratulated I think."

"Very much so, Joe," Judge Sturt agreed. "Have you seen Casey around? I have some news for her that I think she'll be pleased to hear."

"She is around. I think we will see her sooner or later."

Jolene entered as the men were talking.

"Ahh, Jolene," Dillan began. "We were just saying how wonderful everything is. You and your team have done an amazing thing here."

"Thanks, Dillan. There's still a few kinks to work through, but we're getting there," Jolene replied.

"Have you seen Casey?" Judge Sturt asked.

"Umm... she was right behind me a moment ago. Ahh here she is," Jolene responded just as Casey entered the lounge.

"Casey, I've been looking forward to seeing you," the Judge greeted. "I have some good news that I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear."

"Oh, thanks so much for coming tonight," Casey replied with a smile, addressing the whole group as much as the judge. "I hope you're all having a good time?"

"Better than good, thanks, Casey," Judge Sturt replied to murmurs of agreement from the other men. "Everywhere you look there is beauty, the staff have been very professional, and the show the girls just put on was truly inspiring. Even Lisa here is a joy to watch. Her skill on the piano is undeniable and she has a breathtaking elegance about her. She's quite a find. I see you haven't lost any of your charm either."

"Thanks, Judge," Casey blushed, "but I know I must look a mess. Jolene and I have been dealing with protesters most of the day, and I'm in desperate need of a shower right now."

"Yes, a bit of a problem there with those idiots, but I have some good news that may help you with that," Judge Sturt began. "I've been working on a bill to change the censorship laws regarding female anatomy, and another one involving street harassment. I'm pleased to say both have passed review. Very soon there will no longer be any restrictions on what can be displayed in magazines and online, and it will be a prosecutable offence to harass a nudist in any way. These are all thanks to you and what you've achieved here at the Crescent."

"Oh really? Oh my God! Thank you!" Casey responded in some surprise as she stepped forward to give the judge a hug. The judge was a little taken aback at the physical contact with this beautiful naked girl but returned the hug as warmly as possible.

"Yes, so once the new laws are ratified, if you or any of your girls are ever harassed, you can report it to the police and action can be taken."