Casino Plot Ch. 01


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As soon as she was home, Janice dashed for the bathroom. She unbuckled her jeans and just let them fall. As soon as she could reach it, Janice grabbed for her pussy and began prying the markers out of it. They were wedged in there so tight, that it took a bit of effort to get the first one out. Janice couldn't believe the way her entire channel was stretched out. After the first one came out, though, the other three almost fell out right behind it.

Then it was time to deal with her butt. Janice bent down, and sure enough the first marker popped its way out through her butthole. As soon as it was out far enough, Janice reached back, grabbed it, and pulled it completely out of her ass. But the other one was still up there. Janice stuck a finger up her anus, but she couldn't come close to reaching it. She could feel the thing way up her anal passage, but she couldn't get it out.

For the next twenty minutes the panicked woman bent over and pushed and pushed. The thing seemed barely to move at all, but Janice could feel it very gradually making its way down the tunnel. Finally, Janice gave one last big push and the tip of the marker eased through her anal ring. Janice didn't even wait. She stuck two fingers up her butt and grabbed the thing. Then she yanked it out of her butt. It felt unbelievably good to have two empty holes again.

Now to check on her poor ass. Janice turned her back on her full-length bathroom mirror and looked over her shoulder. There were four incredibly angry looking bright red stripes across her behind. To say nothing of the overall red glow that seemed to cover her entire ass. Then something else caught her attention. It was like something had sparkled in between her cheeks. Janice reached back and spread her cheeks apart. Then she looked back into the mirror again.

GREEN!!! DAYGLO GREEN!!! Connie had taken a marker and colored her asshole DAYGLO GREEN!!!. She had even filled in all the little wrinkles so that the entire anal area was painted. She had then stuck the thing in a bit, so that even the entrance of Janice's butthole was bright green. Then Janice remembered where else she had felt that touch.

Already shrieking, Janice spun around and reached for her pussy. Spreading the lips apart she looked into the mirror. THAT BITCH!!! She had really done it. Her CLIT was bright GREEN, TOO!! HER CLIT WAS GREEN!!! It couldn't be real. It had to be a dream. Janice looked away and then looked back. No IT WAS REAL! HER LITTLE BUTTON WAS A BRIGHT GLOWING GREEN!!! And that marker would take days to wear off. Janice just stood there and sobbed, as she realized that she was going to go around with a green anus and a green clit for about the next week.

Janice didn't go anywhere the rest of the day. She was much too sore to drive, and she was too upset to really want to go out anyway. She spent a somewhat restless night trying to sleep on her stomach, and prepared to head back to the casino the following morning.

When Janice got up the next day, her ass seemed to be burning even worse than it had the previous evening. When she looked at it in the mirror, those four stripes were now raised up welts and were an incredible bright red. Janice also sighed, as she couldn't help seeing her fluorescent green anus peeking out from between her cheeks.

Janice dressed as best she could. It burned incredibly to have anything touch her bottom, so Janice just put on a loose skirt and didn't even try to wear underwear. Then she took her pillow and headed down to her car. It took almost ten minutes to find a way that she could even bear to sit. After that, she drove as carefully as she possibly could over to Tony's. Every bump sent waves of searing heat through her ass, but somehow she managed to make it there. Carrying her pillow, Janice got out and headed for Tony's office.

By the time Janice arrived, everyone else was there. As she walked in, Janice saw Connie, Tony, and a man she didn't recognize. He was athletically built and a bit over six feet tall. His hair was salt and pepper gray, and Janice guessed he was in his early forties. The man was also wearing the uniform of an army Lt. Colonel.

After Janice came in and got settled, Tony introduced his friend as Colonel James Wright. "Colonel Wright was with CID. During his years with the Criminal Investigation Command, Jim became familiar with all the army's investigative and criminal procedures. After he retired, he took a job as head of security for the casino and has been with me over five years now. Jim is one of my best friends, and the surveillance procedure or device that Jim doesn't know about hasn't been invented."

Jim thanked Tony for the warm introduction. He was about to tell everyone what he had found, when he noticed Janice. "Tony, I don't mean to be nosy, but why is that woman sitting on a pillow?" Tony just laughed and told Janice to show the colonel why she was sitting on a pillow.

"Please Tony, do I have to?" Janice whined.

"Yes my dear, you do. Now don't make a federal case out of this. Show the man why you have to sit on a pillow."

"Oh GOD!!!" But Janice was just too sore to argue. The unhappy woman stood up and faced away from the men. Then she bent over and flipped her dress up. Jim couldn't help laughing as he got a look at that big red ass, with those four big, raised crimson stripes going across it.

Then Connie piped in. "Shouldn't she show him the rest of it?" Janice was going to object, but before she could say anything, Tony just agreed that that sounded like a great idea.

"I'm NOT GOING to show him THAT!!!" Janice screamed back. But Tony just told her to stop being a big baby.

Miserably, Janice reached back and pulled her bottom open, so that this strange man could see her now glowing green anus. Jim almost fell over laughing as he got a look at Janice's Day-Glo green butthole. The colonel managed to ask who had painted the little star green. Connie smiled and took credit for the artwork.

"You know, " said Connie, "there's still a bit more to see." Tony was going to have Janice show her green clit as well, but this time, Janice got in first.

"This isn't fair. " Janice was yelling, while she still stood there holding her butt spread open. "I was only supposed to have to do this yesterday. If I'm going to have to show things, Connie should at least have to show something, too."

Well! Tony thought that sounded like a great idea. "Connie, she has a point. If you want to have Jim see the rest of what you did, then you should show him something as well. If you'll take those huge tits of yours out, then I'll have Janice show him the rest."

Connie had to think a minute. But a minute was all it took. Connie wasn't particularly shy any more. And frankly, after what she had gone through with Emily earlier, she had developed a bit of a submissive streak with men. She didn't like to admit it, but having a man tell her what to do, did turn her on a bit. So, the short buxom woman decided that it would definitely be worth it to show the colonel her DD boobs, if she could show him Janice's, now bright green little clit.

Her mind made up, Connie simply unbuttoned her shirt, and then removed her bra. Jim Wright couldn't believe the size of the things that Connie had hauled out. Those tits were enormous. Without even asking, he just walked over to Connie and took one in each hand. Connie wasn't sure he was supposed to do that, but no one was objecting, so she just let the strange man play with her big tits.

James explored them for a few minutes. He hefted their weight. Then he squeezed them and played with the nipples a bit. After that, he asked Tony what else it was he was supposed to see.

Janice thought she was going to be told to show Jim her green clit, but Connie just told her to stay where she was. So, Janice just stood there holding her ass open while she waited to see what would happen next. A moment later she felt hands at her pussy, and she realized that Connie was going to pry her open so that Jim could get a good look. There was nothing she could do to stop it, so Janice just stood there with a tear running down her face, while Connie pulled her pussylips apart and opened her up.

Jim Wright almost fell over. The girl's clit was glowing green. It was the funniest thing he thought he'd ever seen. Janice just wanted to die, as she heard Colonel Wright laugh at the sight of her green button. She couldn't help herself, she had to beg. "Please Connie close me up. He's seen everything now. Close my pussy and let me sit down, PLEASE!!"

Connie was tempted to drag this out, but she really did want to hear what the colonel had to say. So she let go of Janice's pussy and allowed it to close up. Then she told Janice that if she would thank her very nicely for showing Colonel Wright her pussy, she could close her butt up and sit down.

Janice wanted to object, but more than that, she just wanted this to end. So she quickly did as she was told. "Thank you so much Connie for showing the colonel my pussy. It was so nice of you to open it up like that so he could see everything so nicely." Then, after she had managed to get that out, Janice release her cheeks and allowed her bottom to close. Everyone in the room laughed one last time, as Janice walked over to the couch, and very gingerly sat down on her pillow. Her butt still stung so horribly, that she flinched badly the first two times she tried to sit. Finally, however, she managed to settle her burning ass on the pillow.

When everyone was settled, Colonel Wright walked to the center of the room and began his report.

"Ok, I was asked to investigate the five women at the army base. So here's what I have. I do think you'll like it."

"First, General Simpson. Ruth Simpson graduated from West Point in 1980. She was in the bottom 10% of her class. Ruth had very few friends, and was not considered as one of the more promising members of her class. In fact, she most likely would never have advanced to where she is, if the army had not been under a lot of pressure in those days to promote women. Also, there are a number of rumors that when she was Lt. Simpson, Ruth performed certain special favors for superior officers which helped move her career along. Initially, I couldn't find any absolute proof of this, but a couple of days ago I managed to have a few drinks with one of her former bosses who is now retired. After several martinis he did start bragging about what Ruth Simpson's real outstanding abilities were.

Sue Fairchild graduated from VMI in 1988. Also, near the bottom of her class. Her father was a retired army officer who died in the early 70s. Her career moved along mainly because her commanding officers had known her dad and thought well of him. Lt. Fairchild was not considered to have any real leadership abilities, but she did appear to be an able administrator. She is very detail oriented and follows instructions to the letter. Miss Fairchild never questions an order and has no patience for any one who does question any order. She was assigned to General Simpson in 1997 and has been with her ever since. Up until then, her performance appraisals had been fair at best and Sue Fairchild had only made major. But Ruth Simpson gave her outstanding reviews and she was promoted to Lt. Colonel in 1999, with a promotion to colonel just last year.

Lee Kwan is an ROTC graduate from 1992. She was in the middle of her class and her career was basically average. She was considered too quiet and shy to be a particularly good officer. Lee has absolutely no desire to make decisions. She apparently does make a fine aide, since she is quite happy to fulfill any order as long as she is given clear direction. It was thought that she was actually quite unhappy in the army and would retire early. But she was assigned to General Simpson in 2000 and has never mentioned retiring since.

The twin sergeants are both bullies. There have been numerous complaints filed against both of them throughout their careers. Generally, they would never have been assigned together, but after Gertie got the first good review of her career under General Simpson, her sister was assigned to her as well. Since then, neither has had one complaint registered. However, that is only because the general simply quashes them. They are just as brutal and cowardly as they have always been.

Gitte had an incident about three months ago. Apparently she had been pushing a young female corporal around. After one particularly rough day, the corporal asked her sergeant to remove her hat and settle things woman to woman. Gitte was so scared, she walked away shivering. To avoid the incident becoming too widely known, the corporal was transferred first thing the following morning.

The thing that apparently keeps these five women together is money. About three years ago, they began stealing funds from the base they were assigned at. They have kept up the operation at this base. That's the reason that there is no money for any supplies. Over the three years, the women have stolen approximately $800,000. They have managed to keep the army from finding out, but it's relatively easy to discover if you know where to look. All I had to do was get a look at the bank records for the bases, and what they were doing became perfectly obvious."

At that point, Tony asked if the women could repay the debt if they had to.

"If it was absolutely essential they could. General Simpson has always lived on bases, so she doesn't own a home. She likes to travel in her free time, and spends a great deal of money on her trips. But she has managed to put away about $300,000 in investments.

Colonel Kwan has about $200,000 in assets and another $50,000 in equity in her home. Colonel Fairchild has a little less, as she also takes care of her mom. In fact, she owns the home her mom lives in. The colonel has about $150,000 in savings and maybe $25,000 in equity in both her home and in her mom's.

The two sergeants each have maybe $100,000. Like the general, they live on base so they don't own a home. Neither one of them appears to have any other assets.

As you can see none of the women have an exceptional amount of money, which is probably why they got into the embezzlement racquet. But if they had to sell everything they owned, and borrow against everything else, the five women could probably raise a little less than a million dollars between them."

At that point Tony took over.

"Ok, if we're going to do this I want to make sure everyone understands what we're in for. These women are not going to be taken by a few thousand dollars in gambling debts. We are going to have to con these women out of about a million dollars. If this doesn't work, we are looking at numerous felony charges. It is extremely doubtful that any of these women would be in any position to bring charges, but I just want you all to understand what's at stake here. Now, if everyone is still in I'm willing to go forward with this, but I want to give everyone one last chance to back out now."

Colonel Wright, of course, had known already what was involved so he had no reservations. But this was the first that both Janice and Connie had realized just how serious this was. Janice was a little scared, but she still felt that the general had to go. If it took a little risk on her part so be it, but after all she had been through already for this, she wasn't going to back out now.

Connie seriously considered calling it off. But she had two problems with that. First, she had promised Janice she would see this through if Janice paid her price. Janice had done it, so Connie didn't really think she could back out now. Also, Connie had to admit that her life was a bit boring right now. This did sound exciting, and her life could use a bit of excitement. So, after only a moment to reflect, Connie told Tony that she was still in.

"All right then," said Tony "since everyone still wants to do this, we'll meet her again the beginning of next week. It will take me about that long to get everything that we will need lined up. Until then, I don't think I need to remind everyone to keep quiet about this. So, I'll see you all next week."

With that, everyone filed out of Tony's office. The rest of the week passed uneventfully. First thing Monday morning, Janice walked into Tony's place. She was delighted to see that Connie and Jim Wright were already there.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

I've stuck with the entire series waiting for actual sex, although the "forced" cunnilingus in the earlier series came close. I like to see pussies and asses used as more than recepticles for candles and markers or coins -- although that was fun for a while. Looking forward to hopefully more erotic action with these bitches in uniforms!

txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayabout 18 years ago
i think....

im going to enjoy this series more so than the previous ones...seems more detailed and a stronger story line rather than just a revenge/suck/fuck/degrade thing going on...although that is still strong in this series so has something else that makes it a little more appealing although i can't really put my finger on it yet...maybe as i read on*smile* which i plan to do. Thank you for sharing with us as always respectfully fan in Texas naynay

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Very Nice Butt could Be Even Better

The humiliation and ass action were great.More oral action- eating pussy, sucking multiple cocks to completion would have acted to the action and to the humiliation. Also having Janice subject to three way fucking- a cock up her pussy, a cock up her ass, and a cock and then a pussy coming in her mouth , with her forced to orgasm when it happened , would add to the heat and the humiliation. My user name on erotic chat is Dream lover.

weiqiweiqiover 18 years ago

Janice, a military spouse, decides she wants to change the leadership at the base where she lives. She asks her friend Tony for help and advice. Tony devises a plan that he says requires Connie to participate (people will trust a scam much more, he claims, if the scam involves people who are known to dislike each other). Connie sets out conditions for her participation. WHile Janice tries to meet the conditions, Connie keeps raising the level of torture far beyond the reader's credulity that Janice does not quit. Tony, when required to join in Janice's punishment, says, oh well, she had gotten herself into this all by herself. Gotten herself into what? Janice is in no great bind. She can't forget about the General? Come up with another plan? Ask someone else for help? Members of the base staff are likely more eager to ditch the General than even Janice is, and would help her plan and carry out something else. The level of punishment Janice accepts would be more meaningful to the reader if more motivation could be added in the story for her sticking it out as it gets worse and worse.

SexKittnSexKittnover 19 years ago

Dry erase marker that will take days to wear off? Hm... Other than that, good story.

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