Casino Plot Ch. 02


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After that, everyone left the office and headed over to the bar. Jim didn't have a mike there, but he told the ladies to get over there quick. Within an hour, all five of those women would be very drunk. The perfect time to reel them in a bit more.

Connie and Janice drove to the base. By the time they reached the bar, the women were all past tipsy, and well on their way to smashed. The partners decided to work on Colonel Kwan. So they maneuvered themselves to the bar and got the Asian officer between them. Lee was the smallest woman there, and was likely to be the drunkest.

Colonel Kwan seemed far enough gone for Connie to be straight-forward and ask her what was wrong.

"Well... I'll t-t-tell you. We.. n-n-eed to borrow lots of shmuney. A millin smackers."

Connie asked Lee when she needed it and the colonel managed to just say "now".

Connie and Janice made a show of whispering to each other. Then Janice told Lee that she might have an answer for her.

Colonel Kwan managed to beg Janice to tell her.

"Well, the casino lends their favorite patrons money for a short time, usually a week. I don't know if they would let you have a million dollars, but who knows. You might as well try."

Lee thanked Janice over and over. She was so grateful, that for a moment Janice was afraid she was going to kiss her. But then the Korean lady managed to stumble off and find her friends.

With that, Janice and Connie quickly left. They didn't want to be around for the others to find them and ask questions. From here on out, they needed the ladies to deal directly with Tony and the casino. As they were leaving, Janice and Connie saw the five pigeons huddled together in what appeared to be a very animated discussion.

Within an hour, Janice and Connie were back at the casino. By the time they got there, Tony told them that Ruth had already called. She had explained that she needed to borrow some money, and Tony had told her that he would need to discuss it with her in person. He had invited her to come by around 10:00 the following morning.

The next morning, Friday, Ruth was in Tony's office right on time. Tony shook her hand at the door and invited her in. "General Simpson, an absolute pleasure to meet you. I understand you wish to borrow some money. So how much do you need? $5000, $10,000. The casino will be more than happy to help in any way we can."

"Actually, Mr. Vineti, I need to borrow one million dollars."

"General, I can see from your face that you are not joking, but I cannot lend that amount of money unsecured to a single person. Now, were there a group of you it might be doable, although even then I don't know that I could get authorization for that sum of money."

"Well, actually, there are five of us sir. Myself, two other officers and two of my senior enlisted. It there were any way you could help us, we would be forever grateful to you."

"Well, General, can you come back on Monday and bring the rest of your group, please?"

"Certainly, if that would help."

"Well, if you can do that, I know for five such important people I can get at least a half a million. I'll try to get authorization for more, but I can't promise. You do understand, don't you, that the loan is only for one week? After that, it would have to be secured and interest would apply."

"Absolutely, Mr. Vineti. I can't thank you enough. My friends and I will be back to see you Monday morning. Thank you so very much. Good day."

And with that, Ruth Simpson headed back to the base feeling like she might have actually found a way out of this mess.

That evening, General Simpson called the rest of the group and explained the situation to them. The two twins were whining about what would happen if Tony couldn't come up with enough money, and Ruth just told them to shut up. They'd deal with that if the time came. Then Lee asked what happened after the week was up. After all, the election was farther away than that, and they wouldn't have the money from the certificate until some time after that.

"Well that's the great thing about access to these accounts. We borrow the money Monday. Colonel Wright verifies our accounts on Friday. The following Monday, we take the money we need right back out of the base account again. Then, when the gambling election money comes through, we use that to pay off the money we owe once and for all." Everyone thought that that was a wonderful plan. They all agreed they would just relax for the weekend and then meet in Tony's office.

Monday morning, at 10:00, all five women filed into Tony's office. Tony greeted General Simpson, and she introduced the rest of the group. When everyone was seated, Tony apologized for not being able to get the entire million that Ruth had asked for, but he said he had managed to authorize $750,000. He hoped that would be sufficient.

A couple of the women started to say something, but Ruth quickly stopped them. She thanked Tony profusely, and said that it would be fine. So Tony had each of the five women sign papers acknowledging the loan, and then he gave Ruth a check for the money. He reminded them that payment in full was due the following Monday. A minute later it was all over. The women all shook Tony's hand and filed out. Tony managed to avoid laughing until they had all left the building.

Ruth had driven everyone there. As soon as they were back in her car, the screaming began all over again. What were they going to do? Ruth couldn't believe it. "For GOD'S SAKE WOMEN, this is fine. We need to put back $800,000. He just gave us a check for $750,000. Between our salaries, friends, etc., we can scrape up another 50. Friday, it will all be over. Colonel Wright will approve the accounts, we'll take the money out and pay Mr. Vineti back. Case CLOSED! So SHUT UP ALREADY!"

And with that, the ladies went back to the base.

After they had gone, the rest of the conspirators joined Tony. Tony was still laughing. "You know it's really great when you consider that I just leant them their own money."

The others joined in the fun. After a while, Tony asked everyone where they stood.

Jim said that he would return to the base on Friday as planned and the fun should really pick up then.

Janice and Connie said that they had found all the equipment they needed, and should have everything assembled within a week. Some of it was expensive, but they promised everyone that it would most definitely be worth it. They were still searching for a site for the final part of the plan, and they expected to have something nailed down shortly.

Phil was prepared to leak the news about the Utah politician's affair when it was time.

Basically, everything was proceeding according to plan.

So Tony invited everyone to join him in a drink, and then they all went their separate ways to wait for Friday.

Friday came and about 2:00 in the afternoon Jim arrived at the base. Ruth had everything ready for him. The books were there and there were statements confirming the balances in all the base accounts. There were, of course, no transaction histories for those accounts, but Jim didn't ask for them. All he wanted to do was verify that all the money had been paid back and that the base had all the money it was entitled to. Within 30 minutes he had done just that. The women had indeed paid back the entire $800,000. Jim struggled not to laugh as he realized just how strapped for money the five of them must be at that moment.

"Well General, everything appears to be in order. Let me just call General Lewis and let him know, may I use your phone, please?"

Ruth of course told him that he was welcome to, so Jim dialed the number for C.I.D. and waited for Tony to pick up.

"General, Colonel Wright here... Yes sir, everything checks out... Yes sir... Yes sir... Do you really feel that's necessary sir? ... No sir, it's just that I had hoped to be done here... Yes sir... Yes sir... Very well, I'll tell her sir... Goodbye sir."


Ruth didn't like the way this was going and she asked the colonel what was wrong.

"Damnit, I was hoping to go home after this, but General Lewis says that I am to do a followup inspection next week. He wants to make sure that no money suddenly disappears now that we're done."

Oh DEAR GOD!! Ruth didn't know what she was going to do. She had to pay Tony back on Monday, and now they had to keep the money until next week. But she needed to appear calm.

"So what will you do, Colonel?"

"I guess I'll come back next Friday and we'll do the same damn thing. I'm sorry to waste your time general. It appears to me that everything's in order, but what do I know? The general says check again, so I'll check again. I can show myself out general, goodbye."

Jim left the room and Ruth fought not to faint. What were they going to do? Then it came to her. She knew exactly what they would do. She called everyone and told them to get over to her office immediately. They were there in minutes. After all, they had all been waiting to hear how the audit went. When Ruth told them what had happened, panic set in again. Ruth had to scream for almost 30 seconds to quiet everyone down.

"Damnit, it's not a problem. Tony Vineti simply said that we had to secure the loan if we kept it another week. Well we'll do just that."

"With what??!!!" screamed Colonel Kwan. "We've mortgaged everything we own already."
"Of course we have, you twit. But Mr. Vineti doesn't know that. We'll go to his office Monday morning. We'll tell him that we need to keep the money an extra week and we'll offer to secure the loan. When he asks for collateral, we'll bring him the account balances and real estate papers from before we borrowed against them. He'll take them as security and never know the difference. After all, it's only for a week. Even if he checked, by the time he found out we'd have paid him back."

Well at that point, all the women laughed and told Ruth that she was brilliant. It was perfect. They'd all go home and relax for the weekend. Ruth could even handle this herself. She would go see Tony and take care of all of it Monday morning. With that decided, the women went to the club for a drink and then went home.

Tony was laughing so hard watching this conversation, that his receptionist actually had to walk into his office to see if he was all right. He managed to pull himself together enough to tell the poor girl he was fine. Then he went back to laughing so hard it brought tears to his eyes.

Around 9:30 Monday morning, Ruth Simpson showed up in Tony's office.

Tony shook her hand and welcomed her in. "I assume you have a check for me."

"Actually sir, I don't. We need the money for another week. You said that would be possible if we could secure the loan. I brought real estate deeds and brokerage statements to use for collateral. I hope that will be sufficient."

"Well, General, I must admit I'm a bit surprised, but let me take a look at these... Ah ha... Um Hm... Ah ha... Yes this will do. They do seem to have a net value well over $750,000. Ah ha.. Oh Shit!"

"What's wrong?" Ruth felt panic beginning.

"Oh I don't think it's anything serious. It's just that not all these things are in your name. If I am to continue the loan for another week, I will need these items signed over as collateral. Only the owners can do that. If you wish to continue the loan, I will need all five of you to come back here tomorrow and sign the papers. I hope that won't be too much of an inconvenience, but I'm afraid it is unavoidable."

Ruth assured Tony that she understood perfectly. She and the other women would be by first thing Tuesday morning and sign whatever he needed. She was just so grateful for everything he had done for them. Tony told her not to worry about it, and that he would see her tomorrow. Ruth left the office. As soon as she was out of sight, Jim, Connie, and Janice came in from around the corner. They were all snickering as they wondered how agreeable Ruth would be the next day when things didn't go nearly as well for her.

General Simpson got back to the base and the other women were all waiting for her. She told them everything had gone just perfectly. Mr. Vineti had been way too dumb to even think that any of those papers weren't genuine. Ruth told them about the one remaining issue, and they all agreed that it was so minor that they were home free. In fact the next day they would all go to Tony's office in the morning, and then they would go to their favorite restaurant for lunch and celebrate.
Tuesday morning came, and the five conspirators were gathered to close the trap. Phil had even come along. He had decided he was enjoying this way too much to quit now. He had gotten into this and he was going to see it through. Besides, just from the one time that he had met those sneaky, stuck-up women, he already believed that they deserved whatever they got. Then, the outside cameras showed the ladies driving up. Quickly the four friends ducked into Tony's private quarters, leaving Tony alone to deal with his guests.

Ruth and the women strode down to Tony's office. Ruth knocked and the five of them walked inside. The general started to say something, but Tony held up his hand. The man did not look happy.

"General, I must say I am extremely disappointed in you. In all of you actually. Everything that you offered me as collateral is so leveraged already that it's absolutely worthless. Did you think I wouldn't check? And after how nice I was to you, I really am appalled that you felt it was perfectly acceptable to cheat me. Well, this will not do. General, I will forget this whole affair, but I must demand payment immediately. I will expect a check in my office by the end of the day. Is that clear?"

Ruth was in shock. So were the others for that matter. General Simpson couldn't even speak. She just stood there opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water. Finally, it was Colonel Fairchild who spoke.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Vineti, but we can't do that. We will not have the money available before Friday at the absolute earliest."

"Damn!! All right ladies, then we're going to have to come up with something else that you can use as collateral. Let me think."

The women just looked nervously at each other, but no one said anything. They had no idea what to do, and they just hoped that Mr. Vineti would come up with something they could all live with.

"Ladies, would you please line up and face me."

It was an odd request, but none of the women wanted to anger Tony any further. So the five of them did as they were asked and waited to see what it was that Mr. Vineti wanted.

"Yes.. Yes.. I think that will do. I tell you what ladies. As it turns out, each of you has a fantastic pair of tits. I will accept those as collateral."

"What!!? " Ruth had managed to find her tongue now. "Listen you son of a BITCH!!! I don't know what you mean and I don't care. You don't speak to us like that no matter what."

"You know, I apologize ladies, you are absolutely right. I tell you what, why don't you all head on back to your base. I won't even bother you again. I have your signed papers. I will simply turn them over to the army and see what I can do about collecting directly from them."

"NOOO!!! " All five women screamed simultaneously. Tony asked them what they wanted to do. He was running out of patience. Ruth started to say something, but Lee Kwan stopped her. "Mr. Vineti, may we please have a couple of minutes to talk among ourselves?" Tony waved his hand disgustedly and told them to go ahead. Then he just sat back at his desk and waited.

The women huddled. Ruth was still cussing, but Lee told her to shut up. The general stared at her subordinate, but Lee just kept talking. "Damnit, listen, if he files for collection with the army, don't you think it will get back to C.I.D? Within a week after he reports that we borrowed $750,000 on those kind of terms, we'll all find ourselves in handcuffs. And then they will go back and trace all the money we've taken. We CAN'T let him DO THAT!"

All the women shuddered as they realized that Lee was absolutely right. Ruth still couldn't speak, so Lee was the one who asked Tony exactly what he meant.

"I meant exactly what I said. You may have one more week to pay me. In fact, today's Tuesday, I'll give you until Wednesday morning. If I don't have your check by Wednesday at 10:00 AM, I own your boobs for that day. Oh, and just to make sure that we understand each other. Each of you will walk over to my desk here. There is a camera and mike on my computer. You will each haul out one of those big tits and hold it up for the camera. Then you will each declare that you agree with these terms."

The other girls started to speak and yell, but Lee held up her hand for quiet. "What do you mean by 'You own our boobs' exactly?"

"Just what I said. For that day your boobs belong to me. I can do whatever I want to them. Well almost anything. I can't do anything that would physically injure or disfigure you, but aside from that they're mine. Also, I will expect a phone call from each one of you by Tuesday at 6:00 P.M. Each of you is to tell me whether you will be delivering my money or one pair of big tits. Is that clear enough for you?"

Lee stumbled back. She wasn't sure what to do. It was Ruth who decided for them actually. She had finally managed to collect herself. It was humiliating, but men had stared at her huge tits for years. If this dirty bastard wanted to see her tits so be it. If it kept her out of jail and in her job it was worth it.

So Ruth walked over to the desk. She unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse. Then she reached in and pulled one big round boob out. She held it up so that the nipple was pointing right at the camera.

"I understand the terms of this loan. If I don't deliver my share of $750,000 to Mr. Vineti by next Wednesday, this big tit and my other one belong to him for the day." With that, she tucked her tit back into her bra. Then she asked Tony if that was sufficient.'

"That was fine, General. After we get the other four of you squared away you may all go."

Lee went next. Being Asian, she was the shyest of the group. But after General Simpson had already done it, she could hardly refuse. Like Ruth she walked over to the desk and hauled a tit out. She started to speak, but Tony told her to please point it at the camera. Gulping, Lee wrapped her hands around her boob and lifted it up. Then she made sure that the dark nipple was pointing right at the camera. When she had her tit displayed correctly, Lee also said that she understood the terms and that her tits were being used to secure the loan.

After Lee came Sue Lynn. Colonel Fairchild was very self-conscious about her body. Her tits were huge, but the rest of her was big, too. She was very uncomfortable with people looking at her body. But she saw absolutely no way out of this. So Sue Lynn walked over to the desk and tried to pull her tit out. It was so big it took her two tries to haul it out. Finally, though, the enormous thing came out of its cup and was hanging in front of her.

Sue couldn't help it. There were tears in her eyes and her hands were shaking, as she lifted the huge globe up and pointed its nipple right at the camera. When she finally got her boob pointed correctly, Colonel Fairchild managed to stammer out what she was supposed to. But then she tried to put her tit away, and the huge thing just wouldn't go back in the bra. After she had struggled a couple of times. Tony laughed and just told her to leave the thing hanging out. By then the lady was so shaken she just did exactly that. Sue Lynn stepped back and left her right tit just hanging out of her clothes.

The twins were the only ones left. Tony told them he was in a hurry and that they should go together. After everything they had seen the sisters weren't about to argue. Each blonde sergeant hauled her left tit out and pointed it at the camera. Tony had them move close enough together so that both nice round tits with their pretty little buttons on top were in the picture. Then each sister held her tit up and recited her pledge, that if Tony wasn't paid it would belong to him.