Casino Plot Ch. 11


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For the next week, Ruth kept trying to talk to Dwight, and make sure their deal was still on. But he was always out of the office. She knew he couldn't risk his career, but she was starting to get nervous.

General Vince Stanton was punctual if nothing else. It was right at a week later when he called General Cutter again.

"Dwight, General Stanton here. So I just want to let you know that General Simpson has charged that you have sexually harassed and abused several of her officers and staff. I'm sorry Dwight, but she assures me she has concrete evidence of it, and I will be bringing formal charges against you next week."

"Oh, cut the bullshit you incredible idiot!"

"What?? How dare you talk to me like that you asshole?"

"I'll talk to you however I like, General Dumbshit. Don't you know Ruth's setting you up. Are you really that stupid?"

Vince started to snap back, but then he got a bad feeling about things. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you think I know about your episodes with Ruth? The way you forced her to blow you while she was assigned to you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh don't try to deny it, Ruth told me all about it ages ago. She knows I know, and she knows I'll use it against you to defend myself. She's trying to get revenge on you, you amazing moron. As soon as I bring those charges against you, she'll forget everything she told you about me. Especially since none of it's true. She'll admit everything I said is true, and hang your sorry ass out to dry."

"She wouldn't!"

"Really? You don't think she hates your guts. Personally, I don't really care what happens to you, but going through this will be a major pain in the ass. I'll be cleared, and you'll be court martialed, but I'll have to put up with the hassle for several weeks and I just don't need it. So am I going to have to deal with this bullshit or not?"

"That little bitch. If I get my hands on her, so help me."

"That's between you and her, are we done here general?"

"Yes, we are done. Goodbye" And with that Vince Stanton slammed the phone down, while Dwight hung up laughing once again.

Later that afternoon, Ruth and her friends were just coming into her office when her phone rang.

"Hello, General Simpson here."

"Ruth, you BITCH! This is Vince Stanton. How dare you try and set me up? Listen you piece of shit, I don't know why you thought I would be stupid enough to fall for this, but you were sadly mistaken! And if you ever call me again, I will have your sorry ass nailed to my office wall. You GODDAMNED BITCH!!" Ruth couldn't even get a word in before Vince slammed the receiver down and hung up.

The other women had no idea what had happened, but they could see Ruth's face go white. It was a minute or two before the general could tell her group what had happened. They asked why Vince was upset, and Ruth honestly had no idea. All she and the others could do was pray that Dwight Cutter had no idea of what they had tried.

And Dear God, it was Wednesday afternoon. Janice would call Friday with instructions, and they were supposed to report for the big event on Monday. There was no time to try anything else. They were going to have to go through it after all. There was a great deal of sobbing and crying all around, before Ruth's staff filed out of her office and left the general alone to ponder her fate.

Ruth was just packing up to go home, when the phone rang again. She almost ignored it, but finally she picked it up. To her complete shock it was General Cutter.

"Ruth, I've thought about the situation, and I've decided to take your deal. I spoke to Tony and the others, and they've agreed. You say nothing to Vince, and no one presses charges against you for the theft. You ladies simply continue your careers. Does that work for you?"

"It works perfectly, General Cutter, thank you." Oh God, Dwight didn't know that Vince had turned her down. He still thought her threat was real. Things were going to actually work out."

"I'm glad to hear it. In fact, to seal our arrangement, I have a high-level staff meeting tomorrow at 4:00 in the conference room by my office. I would like you and Colonel Kwan to attend. That way I can introduce you to everyone and tell them all about your new responsibilities."

"Well thank you General Cutter, I believe I can assure you that the colonel and I will be there."

"Good, well then that's settled, Goodbye General."

"Goodbye General."

Both generals hung up laughing. Of course only one of them really knew what the joke was. But Ruth would find out the following afternoon.

The next morning, Dwight called Ruth one more time.

"Listen, Ruth, the meeting this afternoon is with a lot of high ranking, and very old-fashioned brass. It's up to you, but if you want to make a good impression, you and Lee should probably wear the traditional dress uniform."

"You mean the dress whites with the skirt?"

"That's the one. Like it or not, those good old boys react well to it. And having a few 3 and 4 stars impressed with you would not be a bad thing.

"Thank you, General, I'll keep that in mind."

Oh, and Ruth, why don't we meet in my office about 3:45. That way I can bring you both in and introduce you."

"Thank you again, Dwight, we'll do that."

"See you then, bye Ruth."

Dwight hung up quickly, so Ruth wouldn't hear the laugh escape. Ruth, meanwhile, called Lee and told her what Dwight had said. Neither one of them really trusted General Cutter, but what he said made sense. He probably just wanted them happy so he could be sure General Stanton wouldn't take action against him. The officers talked a few minutes, and agreed to take Dwight's advice. After they hung up, they both began digging out their dress whites.

At a quarter to 4, sharp, Ruth and Lee arrived at Dwight Cutter's office. They were both in their sharply pressed, dress whites. And sure enough, there was General Cutter in his dress uniform waiting for them.

"Right on time I see ladies. You look almost perfect. But I think if I'm going to introduce you to my friends, we need one slight alteration to your uniforms."

"What??" Ruth and Lee asked nearly at the same time.

"Yes, one little change. So if you'll both just lift the fronts of your skirts and tuck them into your blouses, and then lower your panties to your knees, we'll go right in."

"What the FUCK!!! YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! HOW DARE YOU!!" Ruth was screaming at Dwight.

"How dare I? You STUPID BITCH! Shut the FUCK UP! Did you think I couldn't deal with a moron like Vince Stanton? Did you think I wouldn't find out what you two bitches did?"

"B-But how?" That was Lee's question. The little Korean colonel had gone from ecstatic to terrified in just a few seconds.

"That stupid pig Stanton threatened me over abusing female officers. I knew that had to come from you Ruth. He's doesn't have the balls to do that on his own. But did you think I didn't know about him making you blow him all the time all those years ago? In fact, you ungrateful cunt, how do you think you got transferred away from him. I pulled you out when I knew what was being done. Stanton was senior to me, so I couldn't get him, but I could get you away from him."

"Oh my God."

"So, it wasn't too hard to threaten him with what I know, and, oh yeah, tell him I found out from you. Well, even that dummy could connect the dots and figure out you were setting him up as revenge for what he had done to you. I'm guessing he wasn't too happy with you when you last heard from him."

"N-No, he wasn't." Ruth was almost sobbing.

"So, now the two of you can go in there bare-snatched, or your whole group can go to prison right now. And you better remember, BITCH, there are prisons, and then there are prisons. And I'll see that the two of you end up in general population of a maximum-security institution. You should meet some of the most interesting people."

Ruth was simply stunned. She knew Dwight was not making an idle threat. He had the clout to do exactly what he said. And given what they had tried to do, he was pissed enough to do it.

But, Dear Lord, being bare-snatched was the most humiliating thing that could be done to a woman in the army. In fact, Ruth had only seen it done twice, and both times it was to junior enlisted. One had tried to desert, and the other had been caught dealing cocaine in the barracks. How could she possibly bare-snatch herself?

How could she not? If she didn't, Dwight would see that the rest of her life was sheer Hell. And, honestly, after everything he just said she couldn't blame him. So, as a tear ran down her face, General Simpson reached down and found the hem of her skirt. She rolled it up, and tucked it into her blouse. Then she slowly lowered her panties to just above her knees. After that, she stood up shaking, her pussy exposed and ready for what was about to come.

Lee couldn't believe it, Ruth had just bare-snatched herself. Did that really HAPPEN? She had heard about ladies being bare-snatched, but she'd never actually SEEN IT. She'd always thought it was kind of a military legend. Something scary that was talked about, but had never really happened.

But it was happening now. And what would they do to them in that meeting if they came in bare-snatched. Lee had no idea, and she didn't want to find out. But, like Ruth, she knew she had no choice. She knew what would happen to a little woman like her in a tough prison. Lee couldn't face it. Quickly, she got to work on her clothes, and very shortly she was standing next to Ruth, bare-snatched and shaking just like the general.

With the two women now appropriately attired, Dwight led them into the meeting. There was a long table with 11 people sitting at it, and room at the end for one more. Obviously, the open seat was for Dwight.

Lee could see there was nowhere for them to sit, and had no idea what they were supposed to do, other than just stand there so everyone could see their pussies. Ruth, however, had a pretty good idea of what would be expected and she was even more unhappy than Lee.

"Ruth, I'm sure you recognize everyone here."

Actually, until Dwight had just spoken to her, Ruth had been so stunned at her condition that she hadn't even looked around the room. There were 10 men and 1 woman at the table. The men she recognized, they were all officers who had reported to her at one time or another. And if that wasn't bad enough, suddenly she recognized the woman, Mary Friggin' Clark.

"Good Ruth, I see you remember me. Nice outfit, by the way. Really good look on you. Do you remember what you did to me, General? Well even if you don't, I certainly do. But we'll get to that later, first we need to get the preliminaries out of the way. I assume you know what's expected of bare-snatched women."

"Yea, yeah, I-I do."

"Well good, and your friend there, No? Well, I'm sure you can explain it to her."

"Explain WHAT RUTH??" Lee was starting to panic.

"Wh-When a woman attends a meeting, bare-snatched, she is expected to present that snatch.

"WHAT??" Lee was really starting to lose it.

Ruth wasn't doing much better, but she had been told to explain, and she would as she was told.

"First, we walk around the table. You stop at each person and ask them if they would like you to open the snatch, or if they want to do it. If they want you to, then you pull your lips apart and wait while they play with it. If they want to do it themselves, you stand with your legs apart and hands at your side, while they pull you open and play in there. When they're done, you move to the next person."

"Oh DEAR GOD!" Lee was afraid she would be sick.

"After everyone has had a turn, we get up on the table. You get on your knees and face into the center with your butt facing the first person. Then you ask them if they would like to use the snatch. If they do, they will lift the back of your skirt up for access. Then they can do what they want back there, they can play with it, stick things in it, or even stand up and fuck it if they want. And of course the butthole is there and available for whatever they want as well. When they're done, they will put your skirt back down, and you move to the next person."

"You mean this whole meeting is just to play with US?"

"Oh no, they'll conduct they're meeting while this is going on. After all, only one or two of them have anything to do with us at a time."

"How can you be so FUCKING CALM about this?" Lee was screaming and scared to death.

"Oh GOD, I'm not calm. I was just told to explain so I have. Please, DWIGHT, PLEASE. I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE BARE-SNATCHED."

"Oh Ruth, you should have thought of that before you did something amazingly stupid. It's far too late now, my dear. Now, you've explained your duties very well, so get on it with it, General. Pull yourself together, so you can pull your pussy apart."

"Yessir", Ruth replied while Dwight chuckled at his own joke.

General Simpson did the best she could to keep it together. She walked over to the first man to Dwight's right, and stood at attention in front of him. Then she asked him if he would like her to open the snatch for him. The gentleman said no and Ruth stood straight, legs apart, arms at her side, while the man reached for her vagina.

While this was going on, Dwight pointed at Lee and told her to get moving. Since Ruth was working the right side of the table, she could start at his left.

Lee wanted to refuse, but she could see that Ruth was already in front of her first man. She had her legs apart and the guy was already pulling her pussy open. There was no way out. Trying not to sob in front of everyone, Lee move to the first chair to Dwight's left. The first time she tried to ask that horrible question, she choked so badly that no words came out. The little Korean took a deep breath and collected herself.

"Sir, would you like me to open the snatch for you?"

"Yes I would, Colonel, please open it up."

Lee hated being publicly exposed. No matter how often it happened, she loathed it. And pulling her pussylips apart to show her clit and hole was the worst exposure. There was also no way around it, so trying to keep her hands from shaking, Lee reached down and stretched open her vagina.

Ruth and Lee stood where they were, while the guy they were in front of rubbed their clits and played around inside them. Then, when their man turned around, Ruth and Lee moved down the table to the next guy.

The two women made their way through the next 4 guys. They tried not to think about it as their pussies were probed and rubbed. They especially tried not to react whenever their clits were wiggled around. Neither woman wanted to orgasm publicly in that room.

After the first 5 men were done, both women arrived at Mary Clark. Colonel Clark, or so her insignia indicated, waved them both by. "Don't worry Ruth, I'll get my turn with the two of you later."

Lee had heard Mary's remark. On the one hand she was glad the woman didn't want to play with her vagina. On the other, she was really scared to find out what she had in mind for them "later".

Meanwhile, Ruth and Lee, made their ways up the other side of the table. The most humiliating thing may have been actually having to interrupt an officer in a meeting and ask him if he would like to take a break from the business and open their snatches.

Not surprisingly, not one of the men turned down the offer. By the time the women were back to Dwight, every man in that room had felt around inside them.

When they were back by Dwight, they both asked him if he want them to open up for him. He told them he definitely did, so each lady stood on one side of the general and pulled her lips apart. Dwight, quite unceremoniously, stuck two fingers up each woman and turned back to the table.

Well gentleman and lady, I do believe this meeting is off to a great start. But we do have a lot of actual business to do. So why don't we give the ladies a 10 or 15 minute break while we try to do some work?

As he said that, Dwight wiggle his fingers all around inside both those cunts. Both women were instantly squirming and shaking while they were stuck on those impaling fingers. Everyone in the room just laughed and agreed that Dwight had an excellent idea.

"Well good, then. Ladies, I need each of you to go sit on one of the tables in the corner. Skirts up, legs spread, feet down on the table, pussies facing our table. Then open 'em up wide, so we all have a nice view. Oh, and ladies, scoot down far enough so your buttholes are visible, too. Is that clear, can you both show your holes?"

Both women replied that the order was very clear and they could definitely show their holes to the group. Ruth and Lee both walked to a corner. There were long tables in two of the corners. They were on a diagonal, caddy corner to the room corner, and length-wise pointing right into the center of the room.

As the women made their ways to their tables, both noticed a large pillow where their butts would go if they were near the end of the table away from the walls. How convenient. Obviously, the entertainment for this meeting had been well thought-out. Frankly, though, neither Lee nor Ruth really appreciated the consideration.

Both women climbed on the table, butts on pillows, legs facing the table. Ruth moved first. She opened her legs and put her feet on the table, just in front and to the side of the pillow. She scooted down so her butt was on the far end of the pillow, and then reached down and pulled her vagina open as far as she could. After that, she just laid back and stared at the ceiling. At least laying like that, she wouldn't see the crowd looking up her cunt. She also knew, that laying back with her ass up in the air like that would definitely have her anus up off the table and visible to everyone like it was supposed to be.

Lee tried to think of any way around the order, but she couldn't think of one. So, just as Ruth finished exposing all her assets, Lee started moving. It was a minute or so more before Lee had her vagina and rectum open and exposed as ordered.

No one at the table commented about the view, they just began discussing the actual issues for the meeting. That meant that Ruth and Lee simply had to keep their vaginas pulled apart while everyone just conducted normal business. They had no idea of who was looking up their holes, or if anyone was paying attention for that matter. They were just office decorations of no particular value.

Finally, after some amount of time, Ruth and Lee had both lost track, Dwight told them to get off their tables and come back over to the main one. The women let go of their pussies and climbed down. Then they walked back over to Dwight.

"Please, General, PLEASE!! Please don't make us do this!!" Lee couldn't help it, what Ruth had said was coming next was so awful. She begged again, "PLEASE!!, I'll do the games. Just PLEASE let me go HOME!!"

"Sorry Lee, you should have thought of that before you agreed to Ruth's stupid idea. After you agreed to go after me, you deserve everything you get here. Now each of you go down where Lt. Colonel Clark is, and get in position by each of the gentlemen next to her."

Lee sobbed loudly, and if it hadn't been for the very stern look she got from General Cutter, she most likely would have burst into tears right in the middle of the meeting. But the glare from Dwight let her know how bad an idea that would be, so she sobbed quietly a couple more times as she made her way down to the officer on Mary's right, while Ruth moved down towards the man on the other side.

Mary politely scooted back from the table to give the other two women room. With the colonel out of the way, Lee and Ruth climbed up onto the table one after the other. Each woman crawled over in front of her designated officer. When they were both in position, they both turned to face the inside of the table and put their heads down so that their butts would be up in the air and easily accessible. Ruth, of course, was the first to ask that horrible question. It took Lee a few seconds more to catch her breath so she could speak.