Casino Plot Ch. 19


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"Well, if you're sure. Give me the stuff."

Ruth handed the tube to the guy who had asked for it. The man opened it and pushed some ointment onto his finger. Then he very gently pushed it onto Ruth's crimson anus. The thing was all puffed up. As gently as he could, he rubbed the stuff into the general's rectum. He could hear Ruth moaning, and he knew it hurt. But he made sure to rub it all in.

"There you go. Sorry if it hurt."

"It's all right. I know you went as easy as you could. GOD! It stings, though."

"We won't bother you. Get some rest."

"Hey, wait. Janice said the stuff takes about a half-hour to work. Let me go get back and get a drink. When it cools down, I'll come out to the shower. You guys were so nice, I want to try and return the favor."

"Well, if you're sure. Yeah." He looked around and all the other guys were nodding. "Ok, we'll meet you by the showers in about thirty minutes."

The guys began walking to the camp, and Ruth got into her car. As she sped off, Ruth really hoped she'd be able to put on a good show for her new friends. They really deserved it.

The four women arrived at camp about the same time. They all headed for a table and ordered drinks.

"God, my ASS HURTS!" This came from one of the twins. Sue Lynn wasn't even sure which one.

"Fuck your ass! Someone hit my CLIT!! What did they do to IT?"

"Damn, Sue Lynn, that does look like it hurts." Lee could see Sue's button, it wall all puffed up and glowing red.

"It does! I'm going to go back to my room and put this medicine on it. God I hope it works."

"It works. Some guys put it on my asshole, and it's already getting better." That sentence from Ruth got everyone's attention.


"Yeah, someone hit me right in the asshole. You can't believe how bad that burned."

"And you had some guys rub it for you."

"They were very nice, and the way it was closed up I'd have let anyone rub it if it would help."

"Well, I need a shower, so I'll be back." That came from Lee.

"You must need one bad to go out while there might be people there."

"Shit, that one woman squirted on my face. I'm covered in pussy juice and it's sticky and smelly. So, yes, I need a fucking shower." And with that, little Lee Kwan stormed off from the table.

While Lee was gone, Ruth just sat there and sipped her drink. Sure enough, the burning around her butthole was letting up. She was pretty sure she'd able to let her new friends play with it if they wanted to. Speaking of which, it was time for her to head out to the showers as well.

"Ladies, I'm off to the showers. If you're not here when I get back, I'll see you in the morning." Ruth got up and headed out.

The twins quietly ate dinner and left for their tents. Sue Lynn, however, stuck around. She wanted to talk to Ruth when she got back.

Ruth headed out to the showers. As she approached, she could see her four friends waiting for her. Lee was in a shower, and at the moment the guys were watching her.

Colonel Kwan was just washing and ignoring the men. That wasn't right. Ruth would see that Lee gave her friends a good show.

"Hey guys, what you doing?"

"Just waiting for you General."

"Enjoying watching Colonel Kwan?"

"Nah, she's just showering. She's cute, but we were really waiting for you."

As they talked, Lee finished washing. She grabbed a towel to dry herself and started to leave.

"You guys should at least get a good look at her before she goes. Lee, come over here."

Lee wasn't sure why Ruth wanted her. She'd finally washed all the pussy juice off her face and she just wanted to go eat her dinner and go to bed. But she wouldn't disobey her commanding officer, so she walked over.

"Colonel before you go, give the guys a good look. Open your pussy up for them."

"Open your own DAMNED PUSSY!" Lee snapped before she thought. Oh GOD! She was in trouble now. Except, Ruth didn't seem upset.

"That's actually a good idea, colonel. Guys we'll both open our pussies." Ruth did just that. She moved her legs apart and reached for her flaps. Then she pulled them as far apart as they would go.

"C'mon Lee, get yours open, too."

Lee stood there, mouth just hanging open for a couple of seconds. Then she followed suit. With Ruth holding herself open like that, Lee couldn't really object. So just like Ruth, she pulled her flaps apart so the men could see inside her.

"Make sure the clit is out, Lee. Guys, can you see our buttons?"

"Yeah, they're really cute Ruth."

"Lean back a bit Lee. Make sure they can see the hole."

Ruth made sure her love hole was completely visible. A moment later, Lee pushed her pussy forward so her opening was exposed as well.

"Can you guys see inside us? How do we look?"

"You look great, General. Thank you."

"Lee, bend over and show them your asshole. Then you can head on back."

Lee started to ask if Ruth was going to show them her anus, too. But then she thought better of it. Ruth had said that after she showed them her rectum she could leave. Quickly, she bent over and spread her cheeks. After she figured the guys had gotten a good look at her wrinkly little hole, she closed up her ass and headed back to camp. To her relief, no one stopped her.

"Thanks for coming guys. You want to play with me before I get in the shower?"

"Sure Ruth, what are we allowed to do?"

"You can play with whatever you want. Only, my asshole is still a little bit sore. If you put your finger in it, please be gentle."

"Absolutely, General. None of us want to hurt you."

For the next fifteen minutes, Ruth just stood there. She let the guys play with whatever they wanted. If they wanted to squeeze and shake her tits, she pushed them out for them. If they wanted to feel inside her, she spread open so they could reach whichever hole they wanted.

After a few minutes, the guys started playing with her button. There were also hands on her boobs and fingers inside her, but the guys made sure her clit was constantly being played with.

"Oh GOD! You guys want me to cum for you?"

"Yeah Ruth, we love watching you cum."

"Ok, keep playing with me. Yeah, yeah, rub the button. I'll cum real n-nice for you." It wasn't going to take long, Ruth was already gasping a bit.


And she was. Ruth's whole body shook. One of the guys had his finger through her anus up to the knuckle. Ruth slammed back on it. She pulled herself forward until it almost came out, then she slammed back on it as hard as she could. She did it over and over.

When she was done, Ruth collapsed to her knees. The guy behind her followed her down, and he kept his finger lodged up her ass. Ruth just shook her butt on it as she tried to collect herself.

The guy still had his finger in her ass when she was able to talk again. "Wow! Did you guys like that?"

"Oh yeah! That was fantastic."

"I'm glad you liked it. Do you guys all want to fuck me again before you leave?"

"Sure we do. Just a few strokes again."

"No, I talked to Janice. You can all cum in there if you want to. I can use the shower after each of you go to clean it out for the next guy."

"Wow, that would be great, General."

"Well, you'll have to take your finger out of my asshole." Ruth actually giggled as she said that. "Let me bend over, and you guys can decide who goes first. I'm really sorry I can't take all you guys up the ass, I know you'd like it better, but it's just too sore. But you can each take a couple of strokes up there if you want. I can take that much."

"Hey General. We love your pussy. None of us are disappointed. That pussy is fabulous"

"Wow, thanks guys", Ruth bend down and rested her hands on a low hanging tree branch. Then she moved her legs wide apart. The general had tears in her eyes. These men LIKED her PUSSY! Maybe she really did have a good pussy. She'd open up wide and make sure that each of them had a really good time in there.

When the first guy went inside her cunt, Ruth realized she didn't know any of their names. Nor did she care. They had been nice to her, and they liked her pussy. That was all that mattered.

The guy was stroking away in there and seemed to really enjoy it. Ruth spread her legs as far apart as she could. She wanted him to be able to get as deep in there as possible. He deserved complete access to her vagina. She wanted him to be able to reach every bit of it.

To her complete shock, the guy fucking her never tried out her butthole. He just rammed away at her pussy until he finally came in there. The man pulled her ass back against him and fired a big load deep in her snatch. When he was done, he pulled out and stepped back panting.

While the first guy was recovering, the next man asked Ruth if she could please clean it out for him.

"Sure, just give me a minute." Ruth stepped up into the shower and turned on the water. It took a minute or two to get warm. The shower had a detachable nozzle and Ruth stuck it between her legs. She let the warm water spray up inside her. When she had washed all the cum out of her pussy, she stepped out and got ready for the next guy.

As soon as she was bent back over, the second guy plunged his cock deep into that pussy. It was tight and really warm now. Like the first man, he never left Ruth's vagina. Her cunt was so nice. He stroked in and out of that slit for a good ten minutes. Then he pushed in as far as he could get and left his load in there.

General Simpson didn't even wait to be asked. She got up and washed herself out again. Her friends were waiting, and they deserved a clean cunt. She got herself washed out again and then got back into position. A huge smile was on her face as the third man went in.

The guy rammed away for about five minutes or so. But Ruth's asshole kept winking at him and it looked so inviting. "General, I really want to try out that asshole. You sure you don't mind?"

"Not at all. Go ahead and take a few strokes in there. I can take it."

The man pulled his cock out of Ruth's pussy, and set the head right in the center of the other hole. He could hear Ruth moan a little as he pushed through. GOD! That hole was so tight, and so HOT!

"You ok Ruth?"

"Uh, Yeah. Just a little sore. I can take it, though. I want you to have a good time in there."

The man took a couple more strokes up Ruth's asshole, but then he pulled it back out. It was a great hole, but he didn't want to hurt Ruth. And besides, her pussy was terrific. He put his dick back in Ruth's cunt and began fucking it hard.

When he pulled out her ass, Ruth was afraid she had disappointed her friend. But then he was back in her vagina and pounding away at it. He certainly didn't seem unhappy. A minute later, when he started cumming inside her, the general knew he was satisfied.

Ruth stood up again. Her legs were getting a little sore, but she had one more guy who waiting for her pussy. The general washed her slot out again, and then made herself available for the last man. When he pushed into her, Ruth was practically purring. So many men actually liked her pussy.

This guy also never left the cunt. Ruth was so tight and so wet. It felt like his dick was in a warm, moist sleeve. He pushed in there as far as he could, over and over. God what a great cunt. When he couldn't last any longer, the man fired the last load of cum into Ruth. Ruth stayed bent over and let him go as long as he could. She made sure to take absolutely everything that guy could leave.

"Thanks, general. That was amazing."

"You're all very welcome. You were so nice to me." The guys were all starting to dress. "Hey, let me clean those off for you before you put them away."

Ruth didn't even wait for an answer. She went from man to man, taking each now soft dick completely into her mouth. She sucked on them, and made sure to scrub every inch with her tongue. Each time she let a cock fall out of her mouth, it was totally, squeaky clean.

"Thanks again, Ruth." The guys all called back as they finished zipping up and began walking away. Ruth still had that big smile on her face as she went back into the tent.

The twins were gone, but Sue Lynn was still there. Ruth ordered a drink and dinner. Her drink came quickly, and she just sat there contentedly sipping it. A few minutes later, a huge steak and potatoes showed up. It was cooked perfectly and Ruth was starving. The general dug into her dinner. Strangely, nothing seemed wrong with her situation at that moment.

Sue Lynn let Ruth eat for a few minutes, then she walked over. "Ruth, what the Hell is wrong with us?"

Ruth finished the bite in her mouth. "What do you mean?"

"Damnit Ruth, you're enjoying THIS! And I just let a group of guys fuck my asshole. I didn't even MIND IT! In fact, I let another man do it just because he was nice to me! What is happening to us?"

"I don't know, Sue. Maybe no one's been nice to us in so long we don't know how to handle it. Or maybe it's been so long since we've been nice to anyone we don't know how to handle that."

"Yeah, or maybe both. Guess it doesn't matter. I'll see you tomorrow, Ruth."

"Good night, Sue Lynn."

Colonel Fairchild headed out, while Ruth stayed and finished her meal. When she was done, the general let out a very contented sigh. She got up, yawned, and headed for bed. Ruth slept like a baby all night.

Janice and her group all headed back for Tony's room. As they came in, the phone was ringing. Tony answered it and then handed it to Janice.

"It's some guy complaining. Can you take this, while I check on Emily and the doctor?"

Janice took the phone and listened for a minute. "I'm sorry, sir, but there's nothing I can do about that."

"Uh huh... Yes... Sir, I understand that, but that's frankly not my problem... No sir, I don't... Sir, I have to go, and there's nothing I can do about it. I don't have any control over the other guests, so I suggest you just stay away from that group. Goodnight."

Janice hung up the phone. The others were looking at her. "What was that all about?"

"Some guy wanted to fuck Ruth up the ass, but he wasn't allowed to. She was too sore."

"Yeah, that butthole of hers really got nailed by that dart. Still I didn't think they were allowed to say no to a guy with a pass."

"That's just it, she didn't say no. Apparently, she was going to try and take it in there. It was a group of other guys that stopped him. They told him that Ruth's asshole was too sore and they wouldn't let him hurt her."

"Wow! There are actually some nice guys here? Wouldn't have expected that. What are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing, Connie. Like I told him, I don't control what the other guests do. Besides, I just heard the doctor tell Tony he was on the way up with Emily Parker. I really want to hear this story."

Notes to my readers:

This is a shorter chapter. I decided that this part and Emily's story together would be too long, so I separated them.

Please leave comments. I enjoy reading what people think, and I do get some ideas from them. Of course, if you just want to troll, you don't need to waste your time.

I'm still thinking this story will go about 25 chapters. And it will definitely be the last one with these characters. I kind of hate saying goodbye to them, but I think this story will have run its course.

As I've mentioned before on a purely selfish note, if you're a woman and my warped little brain appeals to you please contact me. As I've also said several times, I do mean woman, not girl. If you're underage, I'm not interested and you don't belong here.

Once again, thank you all for your patience and I hope you've enjoyed this story.


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JeanCFNMJeanCFNMover 4 years ago
Still good after so many chapters

I like the fact that doing these exceptionally degrading things has shown them a different way to see people and the goodness of some of the guests is a good plot twist too.

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