Casino Plot Ch. 20


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I was shaking. I needed a drink SO BAD. I begged him for it. He just showed me to the door and pushed me out. He told me to go home, and he'd call me in a few hours. I wanted to make a scene, but I didn't dare. If the police came I would be in so much trouble.

The walk home was horrible. I was so wobbly, I was scared I wouldn't make it. When I did get in the door, I threw myself down on my bed and cried. What was I going to do? I needed a drink and I couldn't get one. I just stayed there, sobbing.

It was a while later when the phone rang. I don't know how long, probably two or three hours. As soon as it rang, I ran for it. I answered it and prayed it was Hank. It was. He asked if I was ready to come back. I screamed I was ready. I begged him to PLEASE let me come back over. He said Ok, but I better be more cooperative this time. I almost ran all the way to his door.

He was waiting with the door open when I got there. I didn't he even bother to say hi. I dropped my pants and underwear and got myself bent over the sofa. A few moments later, my ass was being held open again. His finger touched my asshole and I forced myself not to say or do anything. If I wanted my drink, I would not be allowed to protect my anus.

Hank asked me if it was ok for him to play with my asshole. I managed to squeak out the word, yes. That wasn't enough for him. He asked if I was sure that it was ok for him to stick his finger up my butthole. I wasn't sure it was ok, but I was absolutely sure I had to have a drink. So I told him to go ahead and stick his finger in my ass.

A moment later, there was that horrid feeling in my guts as his finger poked through my anus. He pushed it in as far as he could get, and it made me so queasy I was afraid I'd be sick. There was no time to get used to it either. He was poking and wiggling all around in there.

I tried not to make any noises. I wasn't completely successful, and he noticed each time I moaned. His finger was still up my ass, when he stuck his dick in my pussy. I could feel him rubbing his dick with the finger up my butt. I wasn't sure I'd be able to take much more, when he finally pulled the finger out so he could grab my ass with both hands. I was so relieved when he began just pounding my cunt.

Cunt. Now there's another word I hadn't used. But it was fine for a whore. I just let him work that cunt until he was done. Once again, he dumped his load up in there and then just sent me home after a drink.

Things stayed the same for a while. I'd go over to his place and get fucked. Usually he'd play with my asshole before he did it. I hated that more than the fucking. I'm not sure how much he enjoyed having his finger up my butt. I think it was more to see the look on my face while it was in there. God, I hated feeling it up in there.

It was a couple of weeks later that I called, and he told me he was too tired to bother with fucking me. I pleaded with him to let me come over, but he said no. I continued to beg. I couldn't go a whole day without drinking.

He said he was really tired. But maybe if I came over and sucked his dick a while, he would feel more energetic. Dear GOD! Suck his PENIS!?? Only whores did that!

Then I remembered that I was a whore. I needed to be a good one, too. I had to have my drinks. So, if he wanted me to suck on his dick, that's what I would have to do. I told him I'd come over and do that. He sounded surprised, but he definitely didn't turn me down. As I headed over, I wondered how it would be to have a penis in my mouth. I'd never even considered the possibility of that happening before. Now it was a lot more than a possibility.

When I arrived, I headed over to my spot on the sofa. But Hank stopped me and told me to get ready to be a toy instead. I hadn't done that for a while, but it wasn't like I didn't remember what to do. Very shortly, my bra was up and my panties were down and I was ready to be played with.

He ran his hands over and in me for a while. Not too long, though. Then he pushed me down to my knees and unzipped his fly. When he took his thing out and just let it fall in front of my face, I knew what I was supposed to do. I just opened my mouth, let it fall in, and did it.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. The taste was nothing remarkable, and it just took a little while to get used to the idea of a dick being in my mouth. After that, I just sucked on it. It got hard as I did it, so I figured I was doing something right.

While I sucked, Hank told me to use my tongue on it. Anything to get this over with, so I wrapped my tongue around him and then began licking every part I could reach.

That got him really excited. He was rock hard in my mouth. He pulled it out, and bent me over the couch. As soon as I was down, he rammed himself hard up my pussy. He never even took time to open my butt.

It didn't take long either. He didn't stroke my cunt anywhere near as long as he usually did. Before I knew it, I was getting a load up my hole.

As I sipped my drink before leaving, I thought this wasn't too bad. Having a dick in the mouth was better than fingers in the asshole. If doing that would keep him out of my anus, I'd do it every Damned time.

I did, too. Every time I went over I sucked his cock. He didn't even have to ask. A few times, he still fingered my butthole a bit. But even then, it wasn't very long. One afternoon, as I was sipping my rum, I thought this isn't so bad. I always wonder why I still had days I had hope.

A couple more days went the same way. Then, one afternoon as I was sucking on him, he changed the rules again. He was hard, and I started to get up to be fucked. Hank just held me there. He said he was really too tired to fuck. He'd rather just cum in my mouth, so he told me to just stay there and keep sucking.

CUM! In my MOUTH! He wanted to shoot a load IN MY MOUTH? He had to be kidding RIGHT? I started to ask him if he was joking, but he grabbed my head in both hands and held me there. As he pulled my face on and off his dick, I knew he wasn't kidding. He was really going to squirt sperm into my MOUTH!

I didn't really do anything after that. I didn't suck or lick, but he didn't seem to care. He was moving my head on and off his dick, and that seemed to work for him. He moved my head sideways, so his cock went into different parts of my mouth. I still didn't do anything. I just tried to prepare for what was coming. I didn't want to be sick. I was afraid that if I threw up on his cock, he'd get mad and throw me out without my drink.

He kept fucking my face, using my head as a toy for a couple more minutes. Then he smashed my face into him and began squirting in my mouth. It went everywhere. On my tongue, in my cheeks, down my throat. It covered everything.

When he pulled himself out of my mouth, I was sputtering like I was drowning. The taste was awful, and the texture was worse. It was warm, and slimy, and GOD! I almost hurled all over him, but I somehow managed not to.

I had swallowed most of it down. But I continued spitting and coughing. When he handed me my drink, I just gulped down the first sip. Anything to cut the slime in my mouth, and to kill that horrible taste. Hank just laughed at me. He told me not to worry, I'd get used to it.

Get USED TO IT? How could any woman get used to THAT? It was disgusting and so completely degrading. And the way he said it, I knew it was going to happen AGAIN! That was the first time I considered dying. It didn't last long, though. I wasn't anywhere near brave enough to manage that. Nope, I just had to accept I would be drinking cum again sometime and live with it.

Things went on that way for several weeks. I'd come over and fuck or suck or both. Thank God, he didn't cum in my mouth very often. I hated that so much. But I took it when I had to. I was becoming a very good whore.

Usually, once I was bent over being fucked, I would just zone out until he was done. I remember I was lying there, with my ass held open, when he came up with something new. He was looking at my anus, and I was waiting for his finger to go in, when he just said that he was going to have to fuck that hole someday.

I didn't know what he was talking about. He fucked my hole almost every day. I looked back and told him that, and he just laughed at me. I didn't know what to say when he told me he meant that he was going to fuck my asshole someday.

Fuck my ANUS? Was that even possible? How would his penis go through that? Did women do that? I couldn't even wrap my head around the possibility. He told me now to worry about, it wasn't going to be today. Then he stuck his dick up my cunt and fucked me like normal.

Every day after that, he'd do the same thing. He'd look at my butthole and tell me he was going to fuck it someday. Then he'd fuck my pussy while I shivered at the thought.

Each day was worse than the one before. I kept wondering if today was the day he would fuck my asshole. I think he held off because he liked how scared I was. Whatever the reason, he hadn't done it before the day he got sent out for two weeks.

He had been assigned to some training session, and they were flying him out for a two week class. I didn't know until the day I came over and he was packing his suitcase.

I almost fainted. He was LEAVING? What would I DO? How would I get my RUM? God, I was going to DIE!!

He could see me panicking and he laughed at me. Then he went over to his cabinet and told me to look at what he had for me. He reached in and pulled out an entire case of rum. Twenty-four beautiful bottles.

I started to reach of the case, but he said not so fast. He would trade the case to me for my titties and my holes. I didn't know what he meant. He already used those things whenever he wanted. I said they were already his, and reached out again.

He said, no, they weren't. Technically they still belonged to me, he just used them. He wanted to own them. I had no clue what he meant.

Hank said they'd still obviously stay attached to me, but I would bring them over whenever he wanted and he would do whatever he wanted to them. I asked him what he would do that he hadn't already. He said not to worry. After all, they were a valuable commodity and he wouldn't want to damage them.

I said fine. It was a deal. He told me to get my pants down and get on my back. He wanted me spread out, so he could see the pussy he just bought. I did as he said. I laid down on my back and opened my legs. My cunt was there waiting for whatever he wanted.

He said I had a very cute slit. Then he grabbed a bottle out of the case. He pointed the neck of it at my pussy, and stuck it in. I asked him what he was doing, and he said he wanted to see the pussy with a bottle stuffed in it.

I screamed at him not to do that, but he said he owned it now and he wanted to do it. I begged him to stop. After all, he might own it, but I would feel what happened to it. He said he was sorry, but he owned that cunt now. So from now on, whatever he wanted to see in it would get stuffed in there. Before I could say another word, he put his hands against the bottle and shoved it in. After that, I couldn't talk.

It completely knocked my breath out. I just lay there, gasping, with a rum bottle sticking out of my cunt. He kept his hand on the bottom of it, so it wouldn't come out. I just struggled to breathe while he enjoyed the view of my completely stuffed full pussy.

He thanked me for the view and took the bottle out. He put it back in the case, and told me that would be an image that he'd remember for his whole trip. He had to leave in a few minutes, so he didn't have time to fuck me. I picked up the case and headed out. As I was leaving, he said that the day he got back would be when he would fuck my asshole.

I cried all the way home. It had been a long time since I had cried. I didn't think I could any more. But now I'd have to sit home alone for two weeks, just waiting to get my asshole fucked. Well, at least I'd have plenty to drink.

Strangely, I didn't really think how terrible it was that I had just sold my parts for a case of rum. After all, I was already a complete whore. This just made it more official.

The two weeks just dragged by. I had nothing to do, nowhere to go. I just watched TV and drank. I know I ate, I don't remember what.

For a couple of days, I tried to cut back on the rum. I thought if I could drink less, I could save more for when I really needed it. I mean I knew by this point that I'd always need it. I couldn't cut back, though. If anything I drank more. What else was there to do?

I'd lost track of the days when the phone rang. It was Hank. He was back in town and he told me to come over. He had just finished unpacking and he wanted his favorite toy. You can't know how much I wanted to say no, but I couldn't. My life depended on the rum, and he was the only place I could get it.

I wasn't in any hurry to get there. I had rum at home, so I didn't need a drink from him. And I knew what was waiting for me. I knocked on the door when I got there, and he let me right in.

I'll always remember the first words Hank said to me. He hadn't seen me in two weeks. He didn't say hello, or glad to see you. No, his first words were: Get your pants down and bend over the couch. And of course, I did just that.

As soon as I was positioned where he wanted me, I felt my butt pulled wide open. He asked me what he was looking at and I told him what he wanted to hear. That he was looking at my asshole.

He touched my hole with his finger and asked me what he was going to do. I knew exactly what he was going to do and I told him. He was going to stick that finger up my ass. A moment later I had to grit my teeth as that finger went deep up in there.

Hank played in my ass a bit, and then he told me to suck his cock so that it would be good and wet going up my asshole.

He brought his dick around to my mouth, and I sucked as hard as I could. I never wanted a dick to cum in my mouth as much as I wanted that one to. If it shot in my mouth, maybe it wouldn't go up my anus.

After a bit, Hank pulled out of my mouth. I sucked with everything I had to hold it in, but it popped out. I closed my eyes as it moved away. A few seconds later I felt it poke right into my butthole. A moment after that I was screaming.

I swear to you, I felt like I had just been nailed to the sofa. Hank's dick drove into my asshole. He didn't give me any time to adjust. He just pushed it in as far as he could go. He ended up laying on top of me. I just kept screaming with that THING stuck UP ME!!

It hurt so bad. I'd never felt anything like it. My asshole was on fire, and a pole was trying to go up my throat from the inside. I pounded the sofa and shrieked.

Hank pulled out a bit, and then shoved all the way back in. I was quiet for just a second. For a moment I had no air. Then I managed to breathe, and I screamed even louder. I wanted it out of my butt. I wanted it to STOP!!

It didn't stop, at least not right away. Hank shoved himself through my asshole over and over. It felt like each time he went in deeper than the time before. I wanted to beg him to stop, but I couldn't make words. I just shrieked and yelled. Finally, he pulled out of my abused hole.

I sagged down over the couch. I thought Hank had taken mercy on me, and was going to do something else. I didn't care what. But he wasn't. When I came back around, and was able to hear again, what I heard was Hank yelling at me.

He was telling me to be quiet. I tried to tell him I couldn't, it just hurt too bad. He didn't care. He told me to shut up. If I made that much noise, it would disturb his neighbors and they would come over to complain. I didn't give a shit about his neighbors. I told him it hurt too bad, and I couldn't help it.

Hank looked like he would hit me. But then he smiled and said he understood. He would fix it for me. He told me to just lay there and relax, it would be ok. Then he walked off.

By this time, I had learned not to expect any kindness. I just lay there over the sofa wondering what Hank would do to me when he came back. It didn't take long. He walked over to my face and told me to open my mouth. When I did, he stuffed a small towel in it. Then he walked back behind me.

I didn't have time to even try to push the towel out of my mouth. He grabbed my hips and just slammed his whole cock back up my asshole. My eyes almost popped out of my head, and I screamed as loud as I could into that towel.

He got what he wanted. As loud as I could wasn't very loud. The towel muffled all the sound. He went back to ramming my anus, and I went back to shrieking. But this time he didn't have to worry about anyone hearing.

Hank kept pounding my rectum, and I kept screaming and pounding the sofa. Somewhere he must have come, because he stopped slamming me. I remember feeling that pole jammed all the way into my insides. Then it pulled out, and I could breathe again. The worst part was that I knew that this was not the only time this would happen, and I had no idea how I could take that again.

Hank went over and poured our drinks. I just lay there. I couldn't move. I didn't think my asshole was capable of hurting that bad. I finally managed to stand up, and I felt cum start to leak out of my butt. I tried to clench my hole to stop it, but I couldn't. My butthole wouldn't close no matter how hard I tried.

I staggered over to my drink. Hank was laughing at the cum leaking down my leg. He told me it was proof he had done a good job up my ass. I didn't say anything. I just finished my drink and went home.

I still had several bottles left from that case. It took a few more drinks before I could forget about what had just happened to my asshole. No, THE asshole. It wasn't mine, I didn't own it any more. But GOD I felt what happened to it. It took several more drinks before I could forget that the same thing would probably happen to it tomorrow.

The next day, I went back over and found myself in the same position. As the big butt was held open, I prayed it wouldn't be as bad this time. Maybe being prepared for what was coming, it wouldn't hurt so bad.

My towel was stuffed in my mouth, and then Hank's cock went into the asshole. Right away, I knew it wasn't going to be any better.

I took one, maybe two hard strokes up the ass before I was screaming again. If Hank could hear me through the towel crammed in my mouth, he didn't care. The only thing that mattered to him was pounding that butthole. And he did a Hell of a job of it.

I remember pounding my fists into the sofa and just shrieking in pain. My asshole was burning and my guts were being speared. I couldn't move and no one could hear me. Nothing was going to stop it.

I don't even know when he came. Somewhere I ran out of breath and couldn't scream any more. When that happened, Hank had already pulled out of me. All I could feel was my anus spasming and leaking.

Some more time passed, and I recovered enough to move. I got up and Hank handed me a drink. I stood up and gulped it down. My ass hurt too much to sit. When it was gone, I snarled goodbye at Hank and went home.

That night I just lay in my bed and stared at the ceiling. It was the closest I came to ending it. I wondered how much I would have to drink to not wake up. Of course, I didn't have the courage to even do that. So, I went to sleep and woke up the next day waiting for my asshole to be abused again.

When Hank called, I told him I didn't need a drink today and I'd rather rest. What I meant, of course, was I didn't need a drink from HIM! I had a few bottles left, so I could go a day without help.

Hank wasn't having it. He told me it wasn't my choice. That big butt belonged to him and he wanted it. So I'd better do my job and get it over there. I started to argue, but he reminded me that sooner or later I'd run out of rum again. If I didn't do as I was told, he wouldn't give me any more when that happened. I was beaten and I knew it. I was crying, but I managed to squeak out that I was on my way.