Casino Plot Ch. 23A


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Gertie was about to head for the next obstacle when she heard Janice yell to the crowd. "That's ONE! One to go!" Oh dear Lord. She had to repeat that entire degrading process.

As the first slide went back into her asshole, Gertie tried not to think about everyone watching her. As soon as the car was lodged up in there, she pulled herself off the metal and headed for the other side. As quickly as she could, Gertie got the other slide up her ass. Her fingers were up inside her pussy before she even came to rest. One quick shove and the second car was coming out her anus. The second she heard it clang in the parking lot, Sergeant Krieger pulled her rectum off the slide and made her way to obstacle #4.

Oh God! The bikes. These were complicated. Gertie struggled to recall what she had to do as she climbed aboard the first one.

Janice had anticipated that the women might not remember all the steps to using the bikes. So, she had placed laminated instruction cards on the seat of each bike.

Gertie saw the card as she went to sit down. She picked it up and sat down on the bike. One glance told her what it was. It also made her realize why she had wanted to forget how the bikes worked.

Step 1 said attach clips to pussy. Gertie found the clips on each side of the bike and placed them on her flaps. Next it said to pull over the console and turn it on. Quickly the sergeant got the console over her body and flipped on the power.

Gertie tried to ignore the close-up view of her cunt that appeared on the screen. Instead, she tried to focus on her task. The next one said push lever to OPEN position. Gertie pushed the OPEN/CLOSE lever to OPEN.              The step after that was one simple word. Pedal.

That command was easy to understand. Gertie began pedaling the bike. A few seconds later she felt a tug on her pussy. A glance at the viewscreen confirmed the horrifying feeling that her slit was being pulled open. Sure enough, as she continued to pedal, Gertie could see her pussylips being pulled further and further apart.

As her hole came clearly into view, Gertie wanted desperately to stop. But she didn't dare. She just kept pedaling. Finally, when her pussy felt like it was being stretched apart, there was a beeping sound and the pedals locked up.

For a few seconds, Gertie was almost hypnotized by the sight of her own stretched open pussy. On the screen right in front of her face she could literally see all the way inside herself. Finally, she blinked her eyes and looked back at the card to see what was next.

It said, Use joystick to line up target then pull right hand lever.

Gertie grabbed the joystick and moved it. She hadn't noticed the red circle on the screen, until it moved along with the joystick. Now to line it up with the target. Oh God. The target was her stretched open vaginal hole.

Trying to line that circle up with her pussy hole was so degrading that Gertie's hand began shaking. She struggled to take a deep breath and steady herself. When she had the circle lined up on her hole, Gertie pulled the other lever. She saw the pipe come out of the console, and a moment later the feeling of it going into her confirmed her targeting.

That pipe was thick, and it took second for Gertie to adjust to it in there. What was the next step? There it was, Push red button.

Gertie saw the bright red button on top of the lever and pushed. Two hissing sounds immediately followed. The first was the air shoving a cube deep into her vagina. The second was the breath being pushed out of her body.

Sergeant Krieger just sat there gasping for air. She could feel something lodged way up inside her. It was a few more seconds before she could breathe normally again.

Glancing at her card again, Gertie read the next steps. Push lever back to remove pipe. Switch first lever to CLOSE. Pedal.

When she pushed the lever, Gertie squirmed a bit as the pipe was extracted from her snatch. Then she flipped the other lever and began pedaling.

As she watched her flaps close over her hole, Gertie would have been more relieved if she couldn't still feel that object trapped inside her. The main thing was to not think about it and just pedal. When her pussy was completely closed, there was a loud CLICK! and the pedals locked up again.

Now what was she supposed to do. "Move console and unclip pussy. Head to second bike and repeat."

REPEAT! Dear God! She was going to have to do this again. Gertie got herself unhooked and climbed off the bike. She stepped over to the second one. It was a bit uncomfortable getting seated with the thing up inside her, but she managed.

At least she remembered the instructions this time. Quickly, she got her pussy clipped and the console in place. Then she began pedaling the bike to open up her pussy.

Gertie focused on pedaling and ignored her vagina being stretched again. When the pedals locked, she grabbed the joystick and lined up the target. Anything to be done with this.

She was going too fast. The first time Gertie pulled the lever it hit the inside of her pussy lips but missed the hole. That stung a bit, but Gertie quickly adjusted her aim and tried again. This time the pipe went straight into her.

Without even thinking, Gertie pressed the red button. If she had thought about what it did, she might have been able to prepare herself. The block shot through the tube and bounced off the one already inside her. Gertie actually heard a loud clacking sound as the blocks collided inside her vagina. The feeling of it sent a wave of nausea through her.

Recovering as quickly as she could, Gertie pushed the pipe out of her vagina and began pedaling her pussy closed again. When she was finished, she climbed down and headed for the third bike.

Once again she was up on the seat, and as fast as she could she was pedaling her pussy open again. Gertie got the pipe in there, and then reached for the button. This time she did remember what was going to happen. She took a deep breath and pushed the button.

BAM! The third cube fired into her cunt. It slammed into the back wall. The other two cubes were pushed apart and stretched her vagina in both directions. Prepared or not, Gertie was doubled over for several seconds before she was able to continue.

When she could move again, Gertie got her pussy closed up and got off the bike. Only one more to go. And if she remembered right, it got those awful things out of her. Please let her have remembered right.

Getting to the last bike was a little slower. Moving with three of those things in her pussy was awkward. When she got there, Gertie saw another instruction card. This once was clearly different. She settled into the seat and read over it.

The first steps were the same. Attach clips, get console, open pussy, etc. Gertie pedaled herself open as fast as she could.

Once again, she was supposed to line up the target and stick a pole up inside her. Gertie got the circle lined up on her hole and pulled the lever. The pole that went into her this time was obviously much narrower than the ones that had gone in there before. Gertie barely felt it enter her cunt.

Now the steps were different. Press button and move joystick until target locks. Then push lever back. Repeat for each target.

Gertie wasn't sure what that meant exactly. She took a deep breath and pressed the button. Nothing happened. The sergeant gripped the joystick and began moving it. She could feel the pole moving inside her. Gertie felt something shift in her vagina, and then there was a loud click. Apparently, she had locked a target.

Grabbing the other lever, Gertie pushed it back hard. The pipe quickly exited her pussy. It also pulled a cube shaped block through her round hole. Gertie wasn't sure what was worse. The feeling of that thing being pulled out of her vagina, or the sight of that cube stuck to the end of the pole and knowing where it had been stuffed.

The cube hung on the end of the pole for a second or two, and then dropped to the ground. Gertie pulled the lever forward again. There were still two more cubes to retrieve.

The pipe went back through her hole, and Gertie pressed the button and began searching for the next cube. The pole stirred around in her insides for a few seconds, and then locked onto the second target. As soon as she heard the click, Gertie pushed the lever back and extracted the second cube from inside her body.

After the second cube was pulled through her hole, Gertie could feel a little relief. She wasn't nearly as stuffed anymore.

One last time the pole went into her vagina and pulled out a cube. When she was empty, Gertie flipped the pedal lever to CLOSE and began pedaling for the final time. When her lips were back over her entrance, Gertie climbed off the last bike.

That obstacle had taken a lot of exertion, and Gertie was breathing very hard. It took her almost another half minute to make her way to obstacle number 5. When she got there, she looked up at the clock. It now read: 15:52. Those last two obstacles had taken quite a bit of time.

When she looked over to obstacle number 5, Gertie saw a man waiting for her. She was tired and dazed, and just stumbled over there. When the guy grabbed her tit and pulled it out, she just stared at him. She couldn't remember what was supposed to happen. But when he clipped that first hangar onto her stretched out nipple, it very quickly got her attention.

The sting from the clip closing on her nipple snapped Gertie out of her daze. A second later, the guy pointed her at her target and gave her quick smack on the butt. Gertie quickly made her way over to the person waiting for her there.

As she ran, she looked down. Gertie saw a shirt hanging off her tit. It was an incredibly degrading sight. Thank god, the guy she ran to took it off. Then she was sent back to where she'd started.

This time Gertie knew what was coming. She cringed as the guy pulled her nipple out with one hand, and pulled a pair of slacks off the line with the other. It took all her will not to move as another clip was attached to her nipple. She ran as fast as she could to the other side. Anything to get that thing off.

It was such a relief when her tit was unclipped. But it wouldn't last long. Gertie sadly headed back for her next load. A few moments later, there was a light jacket attached to her tit and she was running again.

Gertie had been going so long, that exhaustion was beginning to take away the pain. After the jacket was removed, The German sergeant was down to a fast walk on her way back.

As soon as she arrived, the guy there pulled out her tit and quickly attached a pair of heavy blue jeans to it. When he released the clip, the tug as it dropped got Gertie's attention back. She went across as fast as she could. It was a struggle. If the jeans wobbled too much, it hurt.

When her tit was freed again, Gertie headed back for the last time. One more trip and she was done. Then as the guy grabbed her boob again, she saw him pull down a very heavy winter coat. Her eyes got wide as silver dollars as that coat was clipped to her nipple.

God that hurt. It felt like it was going to pull the nipple off her tit. Gertie headed over to the finish as quickly and gingerly as she could. A wave of relief washed over her as the coat was taken off her abused nipple.

With that stage complete, Gertie stumbled over to game number 6. Although for the life of her, she couldn't remember what it was.

Janice could see from Gertie's dazed expression, there was no chance she could put herself into the Seat Restraint. So when the sergeant got to where she needed to go, Janice helped guide her ass into the hole. Then she swung the bar around until it locked in place. Gertie simply collapsed across the padded bar as it tightened against her.

Gertie had no idea what she was supposed to do. She was exhausted. The blonde figured if she just laid across the bar, sooner or later someone would tell her what she was supposed to do. Meanwhile, she just needed the rest.

Unlike Gertie, her assistant knew exactly what to do. He lined up his paddle with the center of Gertie's butt. Then he just watched the lights cycle through. When the red one lit up, the guy swung the paddle for all he was worth. He was immediately rewarded with a loud smacking sound as it impacted its target.

Gertie was still just resting on the bar when the paddle connected with her ass. She had pushed through three clicks before she even know she was moving. Her feet were running and she was pushing for all she was worth. That HURT!!!

The assistant pulled the paddle back and lined it up for another shot. That ass was wiggling and struggling, but it didn't appear to be going anywhere. The man lined up his shot and watched the lights. When the red one lit, he scored a direct hit right in the center of that big, round, butt. There was a loud cracking sound, followed by a piercing scream. Then the big ass was gone.

She ran and pulled at the bar, but Gertie couldn't move it. Her ass was on fire. She had to get out of there. Just as she took a deep breath, her poor ass got it again. Gertie could swear lava had just been poured across her bottom. She shrieked at the top of her lungs and lunged forward. The bar gave way and she took off running.

The problem was Gertie had no idea where she was running. Janice was close enough to turn her towards where she was supposed to go. Gertie barely noticed. She just screamed and ran.

Connie moved over to where Gertie was running, she half guided, half pushed her towards the rocket fueling column. Gertie basically ran into the column and stopped. Connie gently spun her around, and lined her up with the fueling pipe. The she pushed her backwards onto the pipe to be fueled up.

Gertie was still focused on the burning pain covering her bottom. She let herself be guided around. All she wanted was to get away. As she was pushed towards the pillar, Gertie reached out to grab it. Anything to rest against. But as she reached the column, she was turned around.

The blonde sergeant figured she could just lean backwards against the wall of the pillar. She didn't realize what was happening until the heavily greased fuel pipe slit deeply up her butthole. Then, before she could react, Connie pulled the fueling lever and Gertie was locked in place.

Gertie screamed again. That pipe had just pushed much deeper inside her ass. Then she felt a large amount of liquid being forced into her guts. She pulled and twisted, but she was stuck. That pipe wouldn't come out of her butt.

As she settled down a little, Gertie could hear the crowd chanting. She could hear numbers, 8, 7, 6...

Then the sergeant noticed she was swelling up inside. And her insides were getting HOT!!. Her whole abdomen was pushing out. Lord, she was going to EXPLODE!!! She was struggling for all she was worth, but she couldn't get off that pipe.

Well, at least she couldn't get off the pipe until the countdown hit 0. When it did, the collar on the pipe holding it in place up her anus collapsed. Right after that, the pressure inside Gertie's rectum practically blew her off that pipe.

Gertie didn't even realize she was running. All she knew was that her asshole had just blown up. It felt like lava was pouring out of it, and she just kept running. There was clear space in front of her, and Gertie just followed it. As she made the turns, it is doubtful she even knew she was changing direction.

As she continued to run, the crowd roared with laughter. Red spray was coming out of her ass, and it really looked like she had a rocket engine up her anus. When Gertie finally crossed the finish line the crowd was still laughing, and Gertie ran another quarter lap before she stopped running and collapsed to the ground.

Janice actually ran to where Gertie was lying. She was panting and exhausted, but she appeared to be ok. Relieved, Janice simply let the sergeant lie there and try to collect herself. Then she took a glance up at the clock. 29:22.

"Ladies and gentlemen our first contestant has finished with a time of 29 minutes and 22 seconds. The judges have discussed if a penalty should be assessed for our contestant having to be assisted to the last event. However, we have decided since the assistance wasn't actually requested, and because it didn't help with the obstacle itself, no penalty will be enforced."

"So, it is time for our second contestant to run the course. Let's get our assistants in place for this round please." With that, another round of raffles took place, and a new group of people took their places at the appropriate obstacles.

"Sergeant Gitte Krieger please take your mark."

Gitte had just seen what her sister had gone through, and she began to get a little nauseous at the thought of what was coming. But, unlike her sister, Gitte also wanted to win. She was behind the other two, but she was also younger. Gitte really thought she might have a chance to win. Her mind made up, Gitte steadied herself and stepped up to the start.

Janice fired the starting gun, and Gitte took off. She was focused and determined as she reached the wall.

Notes to my readers:

First, this should be obvious but I will say it anyway. There is no science that I am aware of to support my description of the reaction to anything described in this chapter. So, don't do anything incredibly stupid like try to see if this would work at home.

Second, I have split this chapter into two parts. First, because it is taking a long time to write, and I don't want everyone to have to wait too long. Secondly, I will be very busy over the holidays, and won't have much time to write for a while.

Please leave comments. I enjoy reading what people think, and I do get some ideas from them. Of course, if you just want to troll, you don't need to waste your time. In all honesty, I find I turn chapters around quicker when I receive a lot of feedback from the previous ones.

There are only about three or four chapters left to this story, and then it will be time to say goodbye to Janice, Tony, and the rest. In some ways I will miss them, but I also truly feel that it's time for this story to come to an end.

Once again, thank you all for your patience and I hope you've enjoyed this story.


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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I would love a spin-off about Ruth and her being submissive to Billy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I do so hope you finish the story!

nwiannwianalmost 2 years ago

Still waiting for Part B and then next chapters - having read it all so far it would be a shame for it not to be finished

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Its about that time for Part B 😀

corrytonmancorrytonmanover 2 years ago
Worth the wait

I have missed this series and I'm so glad you found time to write more. I'm absolutely looking forward to seeing the next episode! Thanks again!

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