Casino Setup Ch. 10


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Janice was starting to wonder when things would get interesting again, when she saw some guy pick up the paddle. He took a step back, lined up his swing, and whacked that big ass. Emily's scream filled the room. She knew what had happened. After last week she recognized the sting of that paddle. Then the paddle connected again. Janice almost fell over laughing. Emily's feet were moving like she was running, but of course she wasn't going anywhere. After a moment, the paddle landed again.

Emily tried desparately to move, but her ass was trapped. She begged Janice for help. "For God's sake someone's got a paddle out there!! Please make him stop!!" Janice told her the guy was done. Emily relaxed until Janice told her that the guy had just quit because someone else wanted a turn. Emily started to yell at Janice, when the paddle hit again. After that Emily just screamed every time it hit. Four guys took turns paddling her butt. It was just so much fun watching that huge ass bounce around everytime they hit it. Emily must have been paddled 15 or 20 times, before they got tired and left.

After they quit, Janice left the room for a moment. She went over to the table and removed the paddle. Emily had had enough of that. Especially with what was coming later. As she walked away, some guy came over and picked up the butt plug. He actually turned to a friend of his and told him he didn't think those things actually existed. His buddy just laughed and told him to stick the thing in. The guy shrugged and stuck the plug into Emily's butt. Then the two buddies just walked away laughing.

Emily honestly didn't know what had happened. She'd had so many things stuck up her ass, that it didn't even surprise her. She waited for whoever it was to start playing with it but nothing happened. Emily could feel the thing in her ass, but it felt like her anus had mostly closed behind it. Finally, she got tired of waiting for someone to pull it out and she tried to push it out herself. It wouldn't budge. Whatever it was, she couldn't push it out of her ass. Emily started to panic. She begged Janice to help her. Janice looked through the glass and told Emily that she didn't see anything.

Emily screamed at Janice that she had to help her. "SOMEONE PUT SOMETHING IN MY BUTT AND IT'S STUCK!!!" Janice told her that she was sure someone would pull it out, but Emily just kept screaming that it was stuck in her butt. In the other room, of course, everyone could hear Emily's screams and people were practically falling down laughing. After a while someone grabbed the plug and pulled it out. But then everyone yelled at him, so he shoved it back in. The squeak Emily let out when it went in again was so funny, that the guy just kept pulling the plug out and then shoving it back into that big ass over and over.

Emily jumped and squawked the first few times the plug was rammed in. After that, however, she was just to worn out to react. She just sagged onto the cushion while the thing, whatever it was, was pushed in and out of her ass. After a while it was pulled out for the last time, and whoever was shoving it into her went away. Emily just stayed slumped down. She was so tired.

Meanwhile, in the other room, some lady told her boyfriend that the poor girl ought to be rewarded. So the guy and gal each

picked up a vibrator and turned them on. Then each of them stuck one into each hole. After that, the girl picked up another one and began to work on Emily's clit.

When the first vibrator went in, Emily bounced right back up. A moment later the other one went in. God that felt good. Emily started to shiver and shake. About then, the third vibrator found her clit. Emily sucked in a breath and really started shaking. Her breathing got short. She didn't want to cum in front of the crowd, but she wasn't sure she could stop it. Whoever was working on her clit was really good. Emily tried not to think about what was happening, but the sensations were overwhelming. Whoever was at her clit would work on it for a few seconds and then leave it alone a moment. Each time the thing hit her clit, she got closer and closer. Finally, she couldn't stop it. She screamed that she was cumming and lost it.

The girl working on the clit heard the scream. Then she watched that huge ass start to shake and shake. It went on for almost half a minute. After that her boyfriend started to reach for the other vibrators, but she stopped him. She told him that she wanted to see that butt move like that again. The girl waited a minute or so for whoever the woman was to recover, then she put the vibrator back to the clit.

Emily had just gotten her breathing back to normal. She was waiting for someone to remove the vibrators, when the other one was back at her clit. OH GOD!!! They were going to make her go again. It was so incredibly embarrassing but she couldn't stop it. Her breath got short again, as the vibrator continued its work on her clit. After a few minutes, the inevitable happened. Emily screamed she was coming again, and her butt went into motion. It bounced up and down and side to side as Emily writhed in orgasm. After it was over, she collapsed on the cushion. Her body was so limp, she didn't think she could move. A moment later, the vibrators were extracted.

While Emily collected herself, Janice walked out and collected all her toys. It was about 4:00. Janice's big surprise was scheduled for around 6:00 and she didn't want Emily to pass out and miss it. For the next two hours nothing dramatic happened. Emily stayed slumped on the cushion while various people stuck their fingers in her holes. Emily could feel other people spread her cheeks open and even pull her vagina open so that everyone could see her holes, but she was just to tired to care. She managed to look up at the clock and it said 5:55. It was almost over.

Janice walked back into the other room. Connie was arriving right on time. Janice met her and handed her the special item she had saved. It was a rattan rod. It was a whippy little thing about 3 feet long. Janice told Connie to have a good time and then went back into the room with Emily. She couldn't wait to see the reaction when that switch connected with her butt.

Connie lined the rod up with Emily's big ass. She whipped it through the air a couple of times and could hear it whistle as it moved. Then she took her arm back and whipped it right across Emily's crack. The impact didn't sound like much, sort of a dull pffft sound. Emily's reaction, however, was anything but quiet.

Emily let out a scream to wake the dead. She had no idea what had happened. All she knew was that suddenly her ass was on fire. Connie took the switch back again and admired her work. There was a beautiful stripe right across the widest part of Emily's fat ass. Lord this was fun. Connie smiled and whipped it again.

This time Emily couldn't make a sound. Janice watched her mouth move like a fish out of water. Then Connie connected a third time. This time Emily had her breath. This scream was even louder than the first. Emily tried to move. She threw herself against every bar and strap but nothing moved. Connie had to laugh as that big butt started moving all over the place. It bounced this way and that until it finally came to rest again. As soon as it settled, Connie switched it again. That got it moving.

Emily couldn't believe it. She had no idea what was happening but God it stung. Everytime it hit, she'd bounce around all over the place, and the minute she tired out and couldn't move anymore it would happen again. Finally it stopped. Emily had come to rest and that thing hadn't hit her again. She sighed and relaxed. It was 6:15. Another 15 minutes and she was done.

Connie had whipped that butt 6 times. She wanted one more, but she was going to make it a good one. She waited a good 5 minutes so that she knew Emily wouldn't be expecting it. Then she took a step back and swung as hard as she possibly could. The switch hit right on target.

Emily almost choked. She had thought it was over, then someone lit her ass on fire. She screamed and screamed. She threw her ass this way and that. Anything to put the fire out. Emily threw her butt around for a good three minutes before the fire let up enough that she could stand it. Then she just collapsed again. It was 6:25.

Emily literally watched the second hand go around. Someone was playing with her ass again but she didn't care. The clock was moving. She felt hands spreading her cheeks far apart. Her anus was being displayed again, but the clock was moving. 6:26. Something was being stuck into her ass, but she still didn't care, the clock was moving. 6:27. More hands pulling at her vagina, stretching her wide open so everyone could see up the hole. Emily just tried to ignore it. 6:28. Something huge was going into her vagina. It didn't hurt, but lord was it big. 6:29. Something was touching her butt cheeks. It felt like someone was writing something. Then it stopped. Nothing else happened. 6:30. It was over.

Tony walked into the room, and he and Janice wheeled Emily so her butt came out of the hole. She begged them to pull those things out of her, but they ignored her and began to unstrap her. As soon as she was free she reached into her vagina and pulled out an empty beer bottle, DEAR GOD!. Then she pulled the thing out of her butt. It was just a stick, except that taped to it was a piece of paper with a happy face on it.

After she was empty, Emily asked Tony if she could go. He told her she could leave anytime. She was done and her debt was paid. Emily pulled her pants up and left the room. Her butt hurt so bad, but at last it was over. She got to her car and carefully drove home. Thank God she would never have to face that again.

As soon as Emily was gone, Connie walked into the room and asked Janice when the item would be ready. Janice told her it would take a couple of days and to come back Thursday. After Connie left, Tony asked Janice what that was all about. She just smiled and told him to meet her here on Thursday. Then Tony asked her if she had considered his offer. Janice just smiled and told him to meet her here on Thursday.

Emily didn't leave her house the rest of Monday or all day Tuesday. Her butt hurt so bad. As soon as she had been able to, she had gotten into a hot bath. That helped some, but she was still so miserable. How had this happened? The first day she met Tony, she had been offended when he'd asked her measurements. Now she was sticking her naked ass into a room so people she couldn't even see could play with her holes. What had she become?

Wednesday morning Emily finally went out. She had to reestablish her life. She had to go places that would never remind her of what she had done. The first place she went was the Officer's Club. Emily had never been a drinker, but right now a few mai-tais sounded really good. Emily didn't leave the club until after sundown. By the time she left, Emily was drunk enough to forget everything that had happened.

Thursday morning Connie went back to the boat. She met Janice and Tony in the office. Janice had the item ready. She handed Connie a rolled up poster. Connie actually smiled and thanked Janice. Janice asked her if she was still mad. Connie laughed and said of course she was, but she'd get over it. Then she laughed and held up the rolled up poster. Connie told Janice that she didn't think Emily would be getting over it anytime soon. Both women were laughing when Connie left.

Connie went straight to the Officer's Club. She unrolled the poster and put in on the wall. The bartender couldn't believe what he was seeing. He actually told Connie that he was afraid that it would offend his female customers. Connie just told him not to worry about it. She and Emily would see that no trouble came of it. Then Connie sat down and waited for the fun to begin.

Emily slept in until almost 11:00. She was hungover and miserable. What the hell, the mai-tais had helped once, they could do it again. Emily made her way back to the Officer's Club. When she walked in she almost fainted. There on the wall right in front of her was a huge poster. It was a photograph. It was a picture of a large, obviously female behind. Two sets of hands were pulling the cheeks open so everything would be visible. Another pair of hands were pulling the vaginal lips apart and you could see the base of a beer bottle protruding from the hole. Above the beer bottle a stick had been inserted into the woman's anus. At the end of the stick was a drawing of a happy face looking directly at the viewer. The woman's bottom was red and had a number of stripes going across it. Someone had also written on it, in what was obviously magic marker. The writing said "YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHO I AM". Emily wanted to cry or rip it down, but she didn't dare react. At that moment the bartender came over. He told Emily that he had been worried about the poster, but that Connie had assured him that she and Emily would make sure it was okay.

Emily didn't dare object. If she made any issue of it, people might realize that the horribly displayed bottom was hers. Emily just told the bartender that Connie was right and that it was fine. Then she went home. Emily couldn't believe it. Every time she went to the Officer's Club she would see her naked ass, stuffed and striped, pointing back at her. As a matter of fact, from then on whenever Emily was in the Officer's Club, she made a point of always sitting with her back to that poster. A few people noticed but they never commented and they certainly never guessed what had really happened.

After Connie left with the poster, Tony walked over to his living quarters and Janice followed him. Tony sat down on the bed. Then, he asked Janice if she was going to take him up on his offer. Janice sighed and sat down next to him.

Janice knew she couldn't do what Tony wanted, and she tried to explain it to him gently. "Tony, your offer is very sweet, but I just can't do it. I'm several years older than you, and I have to believe that sooner or later that's going to become a problem. You're going to get tired of me, or at least not want to be seen with the old lady." Tony tried to say something, but Janice shushed him and continued. "My husband is never around, but he supports me very well. When he is home, all he needs is for me to accompany him to his various functions and be appropriately decorative. Sexually he is completely nondemanding. Frankly we only have sex once or twice a year, and then it's over very quickly. That may not sound like much to you, but I know that between my husband's career and pension I'm taken care of for the rest of my life."

Tony just shook his head. He told Janice that he couldn't make her change her mind, but he surely wished she would. They could have so much fun together.

Janice stood up and actually laughed. She walked over to the door. "Honey, I told you I can't leave my husband for you. I didn't say that we couldn't have a lot of fun together whenever he's gone. After all, that is most of the time." With that Janice shut the door and walked back over to Tony.


Author's Note: I am thinking of writing a third installment in this series. However, I'm not sure if people are frankly tired of it. Any comments on whether or not you would like to see another story from the casino would be appreciated. Hope you all have enjoyed this tale.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Glad this is a fantasy because..

No way would a poster like Connie put up in O-Club stay up on the wall. At least in any army that I have been associated with. The poster would have come down within a few minutes but hey, this is a fantasy. Not sure that Tony, Janice, or Connie would be able to keep their word about the debt being paid. They could blackmail Emily for a very long time. Can't wait to read the next casino humiliations. Where did the author come up with these humiliations?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Curate's Egg

Not sure what to say. I do not approve of spiking drinks. Nor of secret filming and blackmailing with the tapes. Neither was necessary. Generally too unrealistic compared to, and also not as well written in some places as, Casino Debt - which I loved; nor proof read as well for errors. Having said that I very much enjoyed Ch 06 - a particularly good spanking story, and I do read a lot of them. Overall there were some good, stimulating, sections but not as well put together, nor as enjoyable, as Casino Debt. But then could you improve on such a great story? I hope so and look forward to reading Casino Plot next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
film script

Good tale pity you dont write for porn movies they need some good ideas instead of the lame stories they come up with

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Go for it!

Roll on, pilgrim, roll on. Use your gift for the sake of all of us!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
because not everyone knows

DON'T INSERT GLASS INTO THE ASS unless you are hoping to inflict PERMANENT INJURY

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