Casserole Gave Her Away

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Some men turn the other cheek - others...
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The day was late but our young office receptionist greeted me cheerfully anyway. I had to get some things from my desk though my original plan had been to head straight home from the airport. My business trip had been successful but spending the whole day with my customer first at their office and later having dinner with them had completely tired me out. Adding the flights there and back it was safe to say I was exhausted.

The last thing I needed was to run into the office douchebag Andy. Yet there he was with his usual cronies. We nodded out of common courtesy even when it was not a secret we did not get along that well. I guess in the beginning we were able to work together but during the years I had managed to excel with so many of our customers that Andy just could not take it. He thought that he was the best that our company had and thus irreplaceable. But just looking at the numbers one could tell it just was not true.

The loudest he was, I give him that much. He was always telling stories how he had done something brilliant but quite often it had been someone else who had the original idea. And if that wasn't enough there were the endless wannabe womanizer stories which probably were much like his business stories. At least 90% bullshit.

I tried to ignore them but Andy was rising his voice clearly telling his story not just to his group but he wanted me to overhear it also,

"I'm telling you, boys. Neglected Italian housewives are the best. When you get into the pants of such it will be unforgettable. Last night I visited my newest conquest. Her loser of a hubby was away for a business trip and she made me this delicious casserole for dinner."

He was busting my balls and obviously trying to make me angry. My wife had Italian roots and he very well knew it even if his gang of idiots would not. I wanted to shut my ears from his stupid tales but he didn't make it easy.

"She could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. But last night she sucked something completely different. Oh yes, yours truly's trouser snake," Andy continued. He could not be more of an ass even if he tried. He went on and on about how he had fucked her numb with his big dick. Funnily, I thought that when I had seen him naked in the company gym showers it seemed more or less average if even that but what the heck do I know about other men's dicks.

Finally when he boasted about how he had placed her husband's pillow under her pelvis and fucked her in the ass I had collected all the stuff I needed and had to put an end to it. While leaving the office I just had to comment on his stupidity,

"Andy you are so full of shit. Do you have any idea how moronic you sound? And those sorts of stupid stories belong to some teenage boys' locker rooms if even there. Not to the adult workplace we're trying to run here."

Andy sipped some air to respond. I didn't let him start but addressed his cronies,

"Look guys, I know Andy is your training supervisor and all but don't think even for a minute that this is normal. If he would use half the effort on working that he is spending on these b.s. tales of his he would be a decent manager. Now he's just not."

"Oh, what's the matter? You don't care for my stories about Italian housewives? Is it because you left one of them home alone yesterday?" Andy smirked.

Some of his group snickered at it but few were looking embarrassed of it all. I guess there was some hope in that trainee group after all. If Andy wouldn't spoil them all. I told Andy "Whatever" and left for home.

When I got into my house I relaxed and even sighed out some air in relief. Massaging my temples I thought what a day it had been. I was going to kick my shoes off and maybe pour myself a glass of Scots. The house was quiet and dark and I figured my wife was maybe somewhere out but I called for her anyway. No answer. I wandered around to find a glass for my drink when I noticed a note on the table,

"Hi, Greg. I went shopping but if you're hungry there's some casserole left over from yesterday. See you at night." and it was signed by my wife.

I had to read it again. Casserole! For fucks sake!!


It was dark when my wife returned. I knew nothing for certain but I had had time to think about it. Were we really so estranged that this had happened? Or was it all just some crazy coincidence? Whatever it was I had to find out.

We had met more than five years ago and now that I thought of it we had been very happy for a while. She had been so hot and we had had sex like rabbits. She didn't have any big sexual boundaries and I had always enjoyed her blowjobs a lot. Her ass had been spectacular and I had used every opportunity to enjoy her body completely.

But to be honest that had not been the case for a while. She had let herself a bit go and gained too many pounds to be as attractive as she had once been and I most probably have been too focused on my career.

She put on the lights and startled herself a bit noticing me in the chair with my whiskey glass.

"Oh hi. How was your trip? Why are you sitting here in the dark?" she asked.

So this would be it. I had to know and I could see only one option. I would have to bluff myself through,

"Yeah. I've been here for a couple of hours. The trip was fine. Had to stop by the office though. Had an interesting chat with Andy there."

From the first horrified expression on her face, I knew the truth. First, she was nervously trying to ask what do I mean but quite soon she was crying about how she could not believe Andy had told me and how it had all been a great mistake.

Shooting the rest of my drink to my mouth with one swing I rose and told her this was it. And that I really could not care less if it was a mistake or whatever it had been. She cried and pleaded about how we should talk about it but I just told her that I would be sending my sister to pick up my stuff and asking my lawyer to send her the divorce papers.

Then I took a cab to a hotel thinking how lucky it was that the house was her mother's and I had insisted on a prenup stating that each one of us would keep our own assets if there ever would be a divorce. This meant it would be relatively easy to leave everything behind.


The next morning I was gathering up the pieces and figuring out my life. Then decided that returning to work would at least give me something else to think of. At the front desk, however, was Andy. He was furiously flirting with the receptionist Jenny. When I looked at them more carefully I could see she was visibly uneasy about his efforts.

I stopped and asked what was going on there. He tried to be witty about how he was just explaining to her how he would be taking her out this Friday night but once again failed and sounded just lame. Taking a quick glance at our receptionist I could see her doing some subtle denying shakes with her head. Right, I would not need any other confirmation from her. Not with Andy, not today.

I hardened my voice, "You better leave her alone right now or I will report you to HR". He tried to protest but I stopped him and asked Jenny if she was interested in this date he was talking about and she immediately stated that she was not. Andy straightened his suit and walked away grunting something related to how she would regret this and how I should learn to mind my own business.

When he was gone I asked Jenny if she was ok and she laughed and thanked me for saving her. She also told me that Andy just wouldn't take a hint that she was not interested and had been pestering her ever since she started working here. But she also added that it was nothing she couldn't handle.

I figured that being as good-looking as she was she had a lot of experience turning unwanted suitors down. I still had to give her my opinion about it,

"Well, it's good to see you are good with this. But I would still advise you to talk to HR about it. His behavior is not acceptable and even if you are able to handle an idiot like that there may be some other young trainees who are not as confident."

She said I was probably right and promised to consider it. As I was leaving she thanked me once more for coming to "rescue" her. She also mentioned that since she was all new here she would be happy if I could take her to lunch someday. That is if I had the time.

After promising her I would get back to that lunch later and that we definitely should do it I walked away. But it was not that easy to put her behind. I had noticed her good looks earlier but she was nearly ten years younger and I had been married so I had not thought about it in that sense. Now that I did think about it I had to admit it was hard not to notice her perky breasts raising her shirt proudly or her well-painted lips moving as she spoke.

During the day I fixed many of my ongoing tasks and in the middle of the afternoon, I could congratulate myself on being so productive. Especially taking into account I had lots in my mind about my unfortunate personal situation. My mind was wandering back to Jenny when I was distracted by an angry yell,

"Greg, you son-of-a-bitch! You put her into this." Andy was shouting as he approached my desk. Everybody at the office froze but I stood up deciding to take a little defensive stand as he was coming in fast. Pointing me with a finger he spat that it was none of my business in the first place. And that now he had received a warning from HR and it was all my fault.

I calmly reminded him that if he was sexually harassing the women of the office it was hardly my fault he got a warning from it.

I could see his little ape brains working overtime and his face darkening to purple. Then he opened up his mouth for what he thought would be his masterstroke,

"You did this on purpose. You're trying to get back at me for sleeping with your wife. That's right I slept with Greg's wife!" he announced to the whole office.

Madness was gleaming in his eyes and he smiled victoriously thinking that he had me.

However, I did not falter as I gave him my response raising my voice to a similar level he was using,

"If I was trying to get back to you you would not be standing there anymore. But luckily for you, I'm in the middle of a divorce process and could not care two pennies who my soon-to-be ex-wife is fucking. Obviously, I had thought she would do better than you since you are such a sad excuse of a man but like I said I could not care less. So good luck with your warning. I hope you end up being fired!"

For a few seconds he was trying to figure out something to say back at me but the revelation that I already knew about him and my wife left him lost. Then the lizard part of his brain took over and he attacked me. Physically he was a few inches shorter but maybe ten pounds heavier than me so I guess there could have been some sort of a fight but I decided just to step aside so fast that he did not reach me.

And if I did put my foot out there to trip him I made sure that no one saw that part. He flew in a great arc and run into my heavy desk head-first. After hitting himself to the corner of the desk he rolled comically to the floor and only after some time was able to collect himself and get up.

The whole office was watching in silence. I could see the HR director was there and receptionist Jenny also had come to see what was all that yelling about. We could all see Andy had hurt his nose and face badly by falling against my desk and his white shirt was red from his blood.

Holding his nose he tried to start again but then our HR director stepped in,

"Andy this has gone too far. If you don't leave Greg alone immediately we will call the guards to take you out.

And Greg are you o.k.? On behalf of the company, I must apologize to you for his behavior. Rest assured this will have consequences."

Then it was all over and Andy left with our HR director. The next time I saw him he was going out with a box full of his stuff. Leaving the office for good.

This turned out quite a good day after all I thought. It also helped that Jenny had come to see me. This time she was asking me if I was ok. Privately she added that she was glad that awful man had to leave our company.


Few dates and a fortnight later I was panting on top of Jenny. It was hard to believe how good-looking a 27 years old woman can be naked. Her boobs were big and her waist narrow. The little fat she had in her body was all in just the right places. Going inside of her in missionary style was more pleasurable than I could remember sex ever have been for me.

Her eyes were closed and she had the cutest red blush on her cheeks. Curling around her head on the bed like some sort of halo was her blonde hair. I was getting harder and harder listening to her small moans of pleasure. Even her pussy looked young - her outer labia were extraordinarily big and those were hugging my cock tight as I drove myself in and out of her pussy.

She locked her arms and legs behind me trying to pull me deeper and deeper into her embrace. Feeling her tongue in my ear I jackhammered her like a locomotive. She even slapped my ass giving some more speed to it. Covered in my own sweat and hers I withdrew and rolled her over.

Going into her from behind was just as awesome. Hitting her bouncy buttocks with each of my thrusts I reached around and flickered her clit. Her moans were getting harder and with her other hand, she reached over her shoulder to pull my hair. Biting her neck I came deep in her with mighty force. Screaming my name she also came.

"My god that was good." was all I could say to her after collapsing next to her to the bed. She purred and giggled happily at me. Snugging in to my side. We rested maybe only for a couple of minutes and then we were making out again. It would be a long night. Just the way I like it.


A few weeks later came Halloween and my friends had a costume party. Jenny was dressed as Jessica Rabbit with a red wig and all. It was just unbelievable how she was able to pull such a revealing costume through. My buddies complimented me over some beers about her and one even joked that maybe he should try this divorce thing also as it had turned out so good for me.

Earlier that day at the office some of my colleagues told me news about Andy. He was actually moving to another city since apparently, the story of adultery and an office fight was such a hot piece of gossip that everyone in our business knew what had happened and why he was fired.

Lots of people had been invited to the party so I was not completely surprised to run into my ex-wife there. She could hardly hide her discomfort as I introduced Jenny to her as my new girlfriend. I guess she had tried to make herself presentable to the party but there was no question about which one of them was hotter.

Later in the evening, my ex cornered me when I was alone and tried to talk to me about it all. I stopped her at the beginning and told her as politely as I could that I was not interested in her excuses. That I had moved on and was glad that everything was over now. She was clearly holding back her tears but there was nothing I could do about it. She had brought it all to herself so she would have to deal with it by herself. I left her there standing - I had to run along as I had a date with Jessica Rabbit.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Funny I usually give Four stars and the occasional five, but I have run into so many Three star, Average tales lately.


oldtwitoldtwit7 months ago

Nice plot you write as maybe English isn't your first language, but it held together well.

StruckwrongStruckwrong9 months ago

I mean all his X had to do was keep strange cock out of her. Or alternatively in this case casserole out of her lover.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

One interesting part: The ex-wife doesn’t have a name, as if she isn’t decent enough to deserve one.

ghost_readerghost_reader12 months agoAuthor

Anonymous wrote, "It seems to me that Greg was actually upset ......."

This was a funny comment. I did not consider it to be so but now that you mentioned it I can't stop thinking that it could be true.

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