Cassie's Curse Ch. 04

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One Final Extenuating Event.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/01/2020
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Cassie's Curse

by BlackNight99

Chapter Four

One Final Extenuating Event

Reggie called a ride-share service to get home Sunday night because he'd had too much to drink. Mamie was relieved that he wasn't hung over the next morning, and that he could still perform sexually; but it underscored the need for contingencies. For, while she had a pussy-full of cum to appease Cassie's curse, she had to wait to deliver it until she'd driven her husband to the country club to retrieve his car before work. She realized that there would always be problems, and the more intricate the issue, the more complications they would eventually encounter.

This also would answer another serious question: how fresh was "fresh?" since that was the descriptive adjective that had been applied during Cassie's sentencing. Reggie's sexual offering had been inside her for almost two hours before Cassie could claim it; but thankfully, it seemed to meet the requirement. Somehow, Mamie thought it would.

She supposed that, eventually, things would get into a routine, but it didn't appear that that would happen anytime soon. Willow called her cell phone that evening, wanting to talk. Fortunately, a Monday Night Cardinals game was on, and so she had all the time in the world to chat discreetly in another room, away from her husband. After a while, she came to understand that the secretary had never had a real girlfriend; or, at least, not since reaching her teens, because her mother had always worried that any normal high school girl would prove to be a bad influence. That day at work, Reggie had demanded that Willow accompany him to Kansas City again, and she was uncertain what to do about it.

In the end, Mamie suggested Willow call in sick the next day. And, since Reggie had insisted they keep their affair a secret in the workplace, she could simply stay in that status until they returned on Friday. She could spend the next day here, with her. Willow jumped at the suggestion. Anything to see Mamie again!

And so, Tuesday had mostly been spent in bed with Willow. When Cassie found out she was coming, she insisted that the girl spend an hour with her, "in training." But that was okay with Willow. More than anything else in the world, she wanted to be a part of this amazing adventure. And anyway, Cassie had obviously instilled in the girl the aching need to give up all control, and plunge into the depths of the hypnotic trance that only she could provide.

Willow also suggested, more than once, that she be allowed to join in the profession of cum-carrier, and that she be introduced to the two "alternate donors" in the repair shop. Mamie patiently explained that even if Willow had grown to enjoy sex with Reggie, all men were different in the art of love, and that she might not enjoy it with someone else. But that was of little concern to her; for, even if it meant sacrifice, it would be a sacrifice for Mamie. And, oh, she loved Mamie! She couldn't seem to express that enough.

In the course of the day, they made plans; plans that included not just themselves, but all those around them. Of course, they had no secrets from Cassie, and they needed her approval; but oddly, Cassie seemed supportive. She enjoyed games, and this was turning into the grandest of them all.

On Wednesday morning, Mamie's watch woke her up at the designated fifteen-minutes-early time, and she rolled toward her husband and began stroking his cock. She was shocked this time, though, when he responded with far greater enthusiasm than normal. Eventually, he mounted her and took her hard. Very hard. He'd done this a few times before, but it was so out of the ordinary that she wondered if perhaps his ardor was being fueled by something or someone else. Was he thinking of Willow while making love to her? In his mind, was he imagining what he'd be doing to his secretary later that evening? Mamie was just beginning to respond to his overly-firm, frantic lovemaking, just beginning to build slowly toward a pinnacle, when he roared and came inside her. And the alarm went off.

After that, she couldn't wait for him to leave; couldn't wait until she could get to Cassie; couldn't wait for the feelings that only her sister could provide. And, oh my God, it was worth it!

On Thursday, Mamie went to the repair shop by herself. This would be the norm now. Cassie was with a real estate agent, trying to find a place for her hypnotherapy business, though she still hadn't received the proper state paperwork yet. The sisters established a firm time to meet back at the house for Cassie's feeding. Fortunately, she didn't have to fend off Ella, the boy's sister, this time, since the woman had recently found a love interest of her own; but Mamie wondered how long that would last.

Randy's room smelled almost smoke-free, and she was so grateful that she went to him, put her arms around his neck, thanked him, and kissed him tenderly. He reacted with far more urgency than she expected, and he was soon petting, stroking, grasping and pulling desperately at her clothing. She gave in entirely, letting him have his way with her in any way he wanted.

Eventually, she was on her hands and knees again in the center of the narrow bed, and he was once again taking her from behind. This time, however, he kept it slow, purposeful, rocking fore and aft like the steady piston of a slow-moving steam locomotive, and she realized that this was how they had wound up before; this was what he knew she liked. His hands were gentle, squeezing and tweaking her breasts and nipples; and finally, he reached down with one strong hand and began rubbing circles around her clitoris. That did it. She couldn't have held off any further if she'd tried. And she let him know, with her moans and cries of ecstasy and her frantically clutching vaginal muscles, that he had given her immense pleasure.

He rode through her wave, though, and kept moving. After a long time, he pulled out, spun her over, and mounted her face-to-face. And he just kept going and going. She came to realize that, through sheer force of will, he was waiting for her to peak again; so, she put her lips to his ear and whispered as he kept thrusting: "Oh ... Please, Randy! Please ... cum inside me. I ... need to feel that! I ... need it so much! Please!"

She wasn't sure if it was her words or if his ears were sensitive to sexual stimulation, but whatever it was, it did the trick. He bellowed and came hard, straining and pushing in as deeply as he could; then he simply collapsed atop her. She traced lines up and down his bare, perspiration-damp back with her fingertips as he caught his breath.

"I normally don't cum at all during sex," she told him softly. "And almost never twice. Plus, I was telling the truth: I really do like the feeling of you coming inside me. It was great!"

"Better than your husband? Better than Jason?"

She couldn't help but smile at that, though he saw it and frowned. "Different. Different and wonderful. I hope you'll let me be with you again next Thursday. I like doing it with you SO much! And ... I can't thank you enough for airing out the room for me."

"I did a lot more than that, doll. I quit."

She struggled up onto her elbows and looked up at him with earnest, surprised eyes. "Really? You really quit?" She frowned slightly. "You ... did that for me?"

He held up a hand. "I know, I know. No romantic attachments. Call yourself a convenient excuse, if you want."

"Randy, that's ... amazing. I don't know what to say." She studied his serious face. "But something else is wrong, I can tell. What?"

He turned and sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at his feet on the floor. "Nothing."

Scrambling out of bed, she turned sideways and settled herself in his lap, then she reached up and put her arms around his neck, cuddling into him intimately. "Please tell me."

He encircled her waist with his arms. "Cripes! Women! Always nagging." But she refused to say anything further, and eventually, he relented. "It's ... Well, it's a lot harder than I thought it would be. I always told myself that if I wanted to stop, I'd just stop. But ...."

"I could never know what you're going through," she said softly. "I've never smoked. But, will you let me suggest something?"


"My sister."

"Your sister, the dyke? What the hell could she do?"

"My sister, the registered hypnotherapist. She helps people quit all the time."

"I can get through this on my own," he groused. "I'm not about to ask your sister, or anybody else, for help."

"You wouldn't BE asking her. She owes me a favor, big time. So, don't think of it as help. Think of it as a service to me."

He considered that. "I don't know. Hypnosis. I don't like giving up control."

"She does it to me all the time."

"Really? Why?"

"Everybody has problems. I do, too. With my husband, with lots of things."

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt just to talk to her. But I'm not guaranteeing anything."

She kissed the side of his neck, then wiggled her fanny. "Oooo. Am I detecting interest in something else?"

He cleared his throat. "Not everybody follows your 'only cum one time' philosophy."

"Hey, can I ask you about something else first? Once you start making love to me, I can't think about anything else. Please?"

His grin let her know that he realized he was being manipulated by the fairer sex. "Sure. What is it?"

"I know someone that wants to meet you. Once again, no attachments. But, we're best friends, and we tell each other about everything; and there's a guy she's trying to forget, too."

"Are you fucking serious? Really? What's she look like?" He grimaced. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that."

"That's okay. She's a lot prettier than I am. No ... really! Wait 'til you see her!" She had to shift uncomfortably in his lap. He was really hard now.

"Sure. Bring her along," he told her, and then he kissed her. Hard.

She didn't resist anything he did after that; and, half an hour later, when there was a gentle knock on the door, it was Mamie who shouted: "Go away! He isn't finished with me yet! I'll be out when he is!"

It was another hour before Mamie was lying in Cassie's arms, following her feeding, and she brought up the professional hypnosis task. It brought a smile to her sister's lips, along with a resigned shrug. "My first session in this state, and it'll be pro bono."

"I'd say he's given payment in full ... in advance!"

Cassie laughed. "Yeah, I guess you're right about that. It should be an easy one, though. He's a willful son of a bitch. There's no doubt he can do this. He just needs a little gentle reinforcement."

"Thanks, sis" Mamie told her, holding her. "It means a lot to me. By the way, he's agreed to see Willow, too."

Cassie laughed at that. "Oh, this is getting good! I can't wait to see how all this plays out!"

Friday was Jason's day with Mamie at the shop. It went very much like their last session: crushingly gentle and almost innocently tender. His room was neat as a pin. He'd found some long, unfinished pine boards somewhere, and propped them up with cinderblocks to support his books. She'd tried to look interested as he showed her L-brackets that he'd used to anchor them to the wall.

He made love to her twice, and in between, he told her about his longer exercise walking course. He confessed that he was struggling with the diet, and Mamie was as tactful as possible as she suggested that perhaps her sister could help with that. She also brought up the possibility of introducing him to her best friend, and that maybe he could "help her, like he was doing now" for Mamie. To say he was shocked would be a profound understatement; but, like Randy, the proposition elicited a distinct response of arousal. Mamie found it ... enjoyable.

Cassie complained that she was beginning to feel like a public servant.

Reggie got home that night, and once again they shared a quiet evening, this time eating on trays in front of the TV. Mamie thought about how easy it apparently was for both of them to keep their outside sex lives secret. But the evening felt somehow charged with an underlying tension; because, for Reggie, for them all, another day of hiding secrets was not going to happen.

As was now their custom, they made love on Saturday morning; then Reggie was off for another day of golf at the country club. Late morning tee times on a Saturday were a treat during the summer, and he and some friends had been planning this for a while. Mamie made it a point to remind him, before he left, that she was making a special dinner tonight, and that Cassie would be joining them. He promised that he'd be home by six, and he kissed her goodbye.

Almost immediately, Willow was at the front door. She'd been parked down the street, she explained, just waiting until she saw Reggie drive away, and bending down and hiding below dashboard-level as he drove past, feeling like a detective on stakeout duty. Mamie explained that she still had to give Cassie her morning feeding, and Willow begged to come along. She'd heard about this, of course, and fantasized often; but she'd never witnessed the act.

Mamie couldn't resist the girl's entreaties, though her humiliation was acute, and she led Willow up the stairs to her sister's apartment. All three of them wound up naked in the king-sized bed, of course, with Willow holding Mamie in a tight embrace and whispering in her ear that she should "just let go," while Cassie licked and sucked and slurped down below until the screaming, all-encompassing orgasm was extracted from her.

The rest of the day was a happy, silly, romantic experience that Mamie would forever remember. Cassie was always there, supervising and controlling and teasing; and she began the day-long session by declaring that her "two submissive ladies" must wear aprons when they had to, and otherwise, nothing at all. They cleaned first, the kitchen, den and living room. Then a light lunch, talking and planning all the while about what would happen that evening, after Reggie got home.

There would be a big salad to accompany the huge pan of lasagna, which was a multi-part undertaking that entailed boiling, pan frying, chopping, baking, stirring and seasoning. Cassie hooked up her phone to a Bluetooth speaker and found a seemingly endless playlist of vintage rock from the 70's and 80's. Then, she dug an icy bottle of Chardonnay out of the refrigerator. She watched her sister and her sister's now-best-friend for a while, then walked to each of them, one at a time, and whispered softly in their ears: "Isn't the wine delicious? I can tell it's really going to your head! You seem so high and silly!"

Mamie knew. Deep down inside, she knew that the "whisper in her ear" routine was a trigger, a suggested state of mind, designed to implant emotions and desires. But Willow was suddenly so cute and happy and giggly that Mamie didn't have the heart to talk about that aspect of it; and she gave in and let the feelings wash over her.

"Do you know how to dance, Willow?" Cassie asked from a stool by the kitchen island counter. "Mamie dances really well!"

"Teach me!" Willow squealed, throwing herself into Mamie's arms. "Teach me! Please!" And they began twirling and clutching and shuffling around the room to Percy Sledge, singing along at the top of their lungs: "When a Maaaaan Loves a Woman ...." only to dissolve into unbridled mirth when their bare feet got tangled up. They tried again with the same results. Mamie had never, ever laughed so hard; and they clutched each other in an attempt to keep from falling over; until finally, finally their chuckles and titters were silent, and they stood looking at each other.

"Oh, God," Mamie said softly, her eyes suddenly brimming with tears. "Oh, God, I'm falling in love! And it feels SO fucking good!"

And they were suddenly clutching and bawling and smiling and pawing one another, so that it took Cassie a long time to get them up to the bedroom, where she took off their aprons, shoved them toward the bed and walked back downstairs alone.

It was three thirty when she went back up to wake them. "We're entering the home stretch, ladies!" she announced. "Better get a move on!"

They were suddenly rushed. The shower was only a little overly thorough, with soapy hands lingering slightly over special regions. They took turns shaving one another, then got in each other's way during the drying process. Brushes and combs worked until hair was just right. Willow was unfamiliar with Mamie's makeup, but somehow it got applied properly to both women. Then, they redonned the discarded aprons and padded back downstairs.

Cassie had prepared the ingredients in their absence, thankfully not burning them to a crisp, and all three worked together to assemble the various layers of the dish and get it into the oven. Then came another round of doing the dishes; and then preparing the salad. Lastly, they stripped and put on clean, matching aprons, standing at attention when they were ready, presenting themselves for inspection before Cassie's judgmental eyes.

But he was late, of course. Ten minutes. Fifteen. And finally, they heard the car on the driveway, the garage door grinding open. The almost-naked twosome took their places in the living room, at the bar, while Cassie met Reggie and somehow got him to sit down at the kitchen table.

"There's a big surprise for you," the woman told him. That was their cue, and they swept into the room, one carrying the cocktail shaker and the other a martini, walking to either side of him.

"Welcome home, darling," Mamie told him in a sultry whisper.

"Yes, welcome home, Mr. Godfrey!" Willow cooed in her happiest voice.

"Oh, shit," Reggie stated flatly, though it might have been construed as a groan.

"I win!" Cassie said, clapping her hands and smiling.

"We each bet what the first words out of your mouth would be," Mamie explained. She pointed briefly to Willow. "Each of us guessed it would be something a little more ... emphatic."

The man took a deep breath, reached a shaking hand out toward the martini, and he downed it in a gulp. Then he set down the empty glass, put his elbows on the table and buried his face in his hands. "How long have you known?"

"I win again!" exclaimed Cassie. "I'm on a roll!"

"The second bet was on what you'd say next," Willow told him. "We both thought you'd get right to the begging stage."

He looked up, locking eyes with Mamie, but couldn't maintain the gaze. It flickered over her body, coming to the unmistakable conclusion that she had nothing on under the apron. Unable to help it, he turned and swept his secretary with bulging eyes. "What ...? Why are you ...? What the hell is going on?"

Mamie took the chair opposite him. "Things are not as bad as you might think," she told him flatly. She thought about her own words for a second. "On the other hand, they might be worse than you think. It all depends on how you handle what we're about to tell you. You see, this is the fall of the house of secrets. We're about to usher in a new standard." She looked over at Willow. "That's a play on words. Usher. Fall of the house of." She shook her head sadly at Willow's lack of perception and everyone else's drab sense of humor.

"We're not wearing anything because Mamie and I have been upstairs in your bed making love," Willow chimed in cheerily.

He looked suspiciously from one to the other. "Say what?"

"And ... so we can both make love to YOU later! Together!" Willow chirped in excitement.

Staring across the table, trying desperately to contain his panic, he said: "Mamie, please. I'm sorry. What do I have to do to make you forgive me? To get back to normal?"

"Oh, Reggie, I'm sorry. Things haven't been normal for a long time; and they'll never, ever be normal again. You've been deceiving me ... or trying to ... for too long. And now, we three women have secrets, too. Lots of them. Like why you and I only make love in the morning now."