Catch and Release Ch. 04


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"Come on, Pet." He led her into water up to her waist.

Her breasts broke out in adorable little goose bumps.

"Cold? Feels good though, doesn't it?" he said, and splashed her.

Eve shrieked louder than she ever had before, and splashed him back.

An all out water war ensued, until they were soaked and Eve was shivering.

"Not used to the cold, are you." Tim embraced her trembling and slippery body. The skin warmed quickly where it touched.

She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Barely audible, she said, "T... t... em."

"What?" Tim's heart pounded. "Tim? Did you say, Tim?"

She smiled, and whispered, "Te...iiimmm. Timmm."

He hugged her tight and kissed her hair. "Eve you're amazing." Scooping her up, he waded in deeper. Her body tensed, but she didn't struggle. Her trust was misplaced and Tim felt a twinge of guilt.

"I'm going to teach you how to float on your back." He turned around so that he was between Eve and deeper water, and then held her up on the surface with just his palms. "Now, use your arms to keep your head up."

She didn't get it.

Tim pointed at her eyes, and then at his chest, saying, "Watch me." He proceeded to float on his back, staying on the surface by slowly moving his arms. "The trick is to do it with the least amount of movement and to relax."

Eve moved close beside him and smiled. Her eyes wandered over his body.

"See, it's easy."

She extended her hands, and placed her palms underneath to support him, just as he had done for her. But then she bent down and kissed his cock.

Surprised, Tim's head sank. He resurfaced, spluttering and laughing. "Hey, who's teaching what here?"

Grabbing her arm, he said, "Okay, now you try it," and laid her back in the water.

At first, she was stiff as a board, but as Tim held her up, she began to relax and move her arms.

"Good, keep going." Tim had his palm under one ass cheek. It felt smooth and firm, he resisted giving it a good squeeze. Her breasts made pointy tropical islands, perfect for extended vacations. The shimmering water lapped at their beaches. Right now, his mouth wanted to voyage from one peak to the other and back. "You're doing great."

Gradually, he lessened his lift, until finally she kept herself up.

Tim raised his hands. "You're floating."

Eve immediately panicked and sank. She stood up and barked out a short, but authentic laugh. Again, she tried to float on her own. After a few failed attempts, she stayed up for almost a minute. Thrilled by success, she stood up, splashed and laughed -- wet hair framing her curves.

"Lifeguard duty is very rewarding." Tim applauded her achievement. "Congratulations, Eve. You are my best student ever. In fact, I think you're the teacher's pet!" He opened his arms.

Understanding the gesture, she pounced into his embrace.

"You need to get out of the sun. Next time, I'll smear some SPF 30 on your lily white ass." He kissed her, and said, "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

She knew it was a question, but tipped her head and squinted in confusion.

"You like this too, don't you?" He asked, and nuzzled along her jaw.

Haltingly, Eve whispered, "Ye...esss."

"Yes? You said yes!" He kissed her sweetly, and said, "Come with me."

Tim grabbed their towels and led Eve into the shade of a hundred year old maple. After spreading the towels on the grass, they sat down. The gentle breeze rustled through the leaves and dried their skin. For a few minutes, they sat quietly and enjoyed the expansive view of glimmering water and craggy mountaintops.

"I love this place. I wish I could stay here forever. It's so peaceful. Everything smells fresh and clean."

Eve laid a hand on his knee and began to rub it. She twirled the hair on his leg with her fingertips. The fingers moved languidly to the hairier inner thigh, unconsciously teasing close to the groin. Physical pleasure seemed to be the result of guiltless discovery on her part.

Didn't she know what a woman's touch did to a man? Deciding he would have to teach her, his hand traveled to her thigh and he tickled the same spot on her leg.

Eve looked down at his hand and then at Tim's expanded cock. Understanding the effect she was having, she grinned and scratched temptingly higher.

Tim copied her caress, and said, "You are asking for it, aren't you?"

Instinctively, she answered, "Yesss."

"Okay, you got it." Wrapping Eve in his arms, Tim eased her back. Their skin met, fleetingly cool. Letting his hands and lips explore, he whispered, "You smell fresh and clean, like the air."

Slipping a finger between her legs caused a moan to escape Eve's pursed lips.

"You're learning how to express yourself orally. That's good. I like a responsive lover." Tim brought his moist finger to his mouth and sucked it. "Mmm, delicious."

Planting kisses across her belly, Tim slid down.

After the parking lot experience, Eve sensed where he was headed, and parted her legs invitingly.

Moving between the splayed thighs, Tim lay down, and wrapped his arms around her legs to reach over and spread her open. Eve propped up on her elbows to watch.

Tim flicked his tongue and her hips bucked. He asked, "Yes?"

Rather emphatically, Eve answered, "Yyyeeesss!"

Humming a happy tune, Tim was eager to oblige. He liked eating out, and had some excellent reviews from his dining companions. Starting off with an appetizer, he nibbled around the edges. Her feminine folds swelled and blossomed, giving him more surfaces to lick and tweeze between his lips.

As the sensations radiated beneath her skin, out of view, Eve soon gave up any effort to observe. Her knees flopped apart, but flinched suggestively whenever Tim found a new nerve to tingle. When he finally made direct contact with her most sensitive spot, Eve encouraged him by rubbing the back of his head and crossing her ankles over the small of his back.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, this time. You have the smoothest pussy, Eve. Your alien pals definitely knew what they were doing." His right hand roamed upward to wander the hills and valley of her chest.

A short time later, she became very still, until Tim sucked her clitoris and the climax exploded. His head became trapped between her legs, as she arched into the overwhelming release. Fondling her bottom with both hands, Tim stayed with her for wave after decreasing wave.

Finally, she lay quivering, covered with a glaze of perspiration.

Tim rose up on his knees and ogled the effects of his artistry.

Eve's breathing gradually returned to normal. She smiled up at him with a look of shy wonder. Wobbly, she rose up on her arms. His erection pointed at her lewdly and she reached out to grab hold.

"Uh-uh." Tim stood and held out his hand.

Frowning, Eve grab that instead.

He helped her up and then scooped her into his arms. Eve's skin was hot and slippery, as he carried her into the water. "First, we'll cool off."

She hugged tight around his neck, as the cold engulfed them.

When they were waist deep Tim let go, but Eve held on. Her legs wrapped around his hips and his cock wedged between their bodies. She kissed him hungrily and rubbed her pelvis against his. The dwindling erection soon returned to full length. For a novice, Eve had quickly discovered what felt good. Never one to refuse a beautiful and horny woman, Tim indulged her passion, and made life easier for her by wading out further, until the water was shoulder deep.

She was practically weightless now, and had no trouble sliding up and down, nudging her pussy with the tip of his penis. The sensation of the spongy glans poking and popping off her clitoris seemed to give the most pleasure. After a minute, her tempo increased and became erratic.

Cupping her bottom, Tim massaged the firm roundness and helped support her weight. His own fulfillment began to take shape and he lost focus, he became caught up in the moment.

Eve's actions became fast and unpredictable. Suddenly, she rose up high, stuck her tongue in Tim's ear, and caused him to lose stability. When she plunged back down, the tip of his cock slipped in the wrong direction, and wedged delightfully inside the entrance of her vagina.

A stunned gasp escaped from both parties. The world stopped, as they stared into each other's eyes.

At first, the thrill of penetration flustered Tim. Her sex felt incredibly tight, and it would be wonderful to fuck like this -- under the hot sun, as the cold water lubed their bodies. But as Eve closed her eyes in surrender and began to sink deeper, Tim came to his senses.

Roughly pushing her away, he yelled, "No!"

Eve's blue eyes flashed with alarm. She turned and quickly waded to shore.

"Wait! Eve, it's all right! We just can't do it without protection."

She ignored him and ran inside the cabin.

Tim remained rooted like limp sea grass for a while.

Eventually, he walked back to the tree, picked up a towel and dried off, deciding to give Eve some time to chill. He hated scenes and emotional outbursts. Maybe a beer would help. Yes, a beer or two would definitely be helpful. Besides, it was time to light the charcoal for dinner.

Inside the cabin it was eerily quiet. He went to the bedroom and found Eve lying down with her face turned toward the wall. She'd put on her tee shirt and shorts.

Tim pulled on his shorts and then sat on the edge of the bed. He rubbed her back, and said, "It's okay, Eve. I'm sorry I frightened you. I'm not mad."

She didn't move and it worried him. He'd intentionally taken advantage of her innocent dependence. Maybe he'd done serious psychological damage. "I wish you understood what I'm saying. But, actions speak louder than words, don't they."

He reached down and tickled her foot.

She kicked.

"You are alive!"

He tickled the other foot.

In a flurry, Eve sat up against the wall, tucking her feet out of reach. Her eyes were red and watery. She made a fist and circled it over her chest.

"Sorry? You have nothing to be sorry about." Tim pointed at his chest and made the 'sorry' sign. "I'm the sorry one. I'm the one who should be ashamed of himself."

She looked confused by his apology and folded her hands in her lap.

"But I'm not sorry. Not really." Tim crawled up to her on all fours. "You are just an irresistible hottie." He leaned in and kissed her.

She mewed against his lips. Her fingers tangled in his hair.

Touching his forehead to hers, he whispered, "I need to explain birth control to you," and then backed away.

Eve groaned and reluctantly let him slip through her fingers.

"Come with me," he said, beckoning from the doorway. "I'm going to draw you some dirty pictures."

After picking up a pad of paper and pencil, Tim and his trainee went to the kitchen and sat down at the worn Formica table.

"Okay, here's my penis and here's your vagina," explained Tim, as he drew crude images from a frontal perspective. "Now, if my penis goes into your vagina," from a side view, he drew a picture of insertion and then drew stick figures of a man on top of a woman, "you'll get pregnant." He drew a stick figure woman with pointy boobs and a round belly.

Eve watched intently, as the momma's round belly suddenly held a little stick baby. Then the next diagram showed two parents and a child between them.

"You remember the fat woman in the mall?" Tim made a bulging motion in front of Eve's stomach. "She was pregnant." He took her hand and placed it on her belly, like she did when feeling the woman's baby kick. "That was the baby on board." He pointed at the penis-in-the-vagina doodle again, and said, "That's how babies happen."

Tim stood and held up his palm, and said, "Wait, I'll be right back."

Less than minute later, he was back in the kitchen. "This is a condom." He showed Eve the foil package. "It isn't perfect protection, but, if used correctly, it's cheap, available and reliable."

Eve glanced at the red foil wrapper and then stared at Tim with familiar bewilderment.

"Look," he said, ripping it open and extracting the latex circle of safety. "If I had a banana to put it on, this demonstration would be more life like." He smiled at Eve and winked.

She grinned in return -- furrowed brow still expressing confusion.

"For show and tell, I'll just roll it down my fingers instead. See, this condom covers the penis," he pointed at the erection sketch, "and prevents my potent spermatoads from fertilizing your very tasty eggo." Quickly, he drew a condom covering the penis in the insertion diagram, along with lines of orgasmic spew being thwarted by the flexible barrier. "Thereby preventing a lifetime of childrearing agony." He crossed out the stick figure child.

Tim blew into the unrolled condom and held the inflated tube against his groin, suggesting it's correct location.

Eve looked everything over for a minute, but he wasn't sure how much she understood.

He took her hand and she met his gaze. "I'd be honored to be your first."

Warmly, she smiled back, her blue eyes dark in the indoor light.

After clearing away his explicit artwork, Tim strolled to the bedroom. A fresh breeze wafted through the window screen, making the curtains flutter lazily. Birds and Cicadas crooned a summer melody.

To prepare the room for what Tim hoped would be a thrill for both of them, he folded back the bedcovers, and placed an open condom and a tube of lubricant on the nightstand. Tissues were already in place.

Satisfied things were in order, Tim turned to see Eve waiting in the doorway, watching his every move.

Sitting down on the bed, he patted the mattress. "Yes?"

She seemed hesitant after what happened in the lake. Shyly, she sat down a foot away and stared at the floor, her face hidden by stringy hair.

"Let me get the comb. I'll be right back."

Surprisingly, Eve stayed put.

Tim returned and sat behind her. Gently, he worked the comb through the snarls, all the way down to the small of her back. "I'm glad the aliens didn't make you bald."

Eve remained passive, until he finished untangling her hair. When he kissed her neck and started to move away, she grabbed the comb from his hand, gave him the 'stop' sign and slowly combed his hair.

It touched him that she wanted to repay his kindness, or was it just another lesson learned and applied. He didn't really care. The sensual pleasure was the same. But then again, it wasn't the same as with other women. With Eve, everything had a greater significance. She was learning from him and the responsibility he felt was a double-edged sword, both exciting and confining. There was also the guilt factor to contend with. He knew he wasn't doing the moral thing, and it troubled him.

When she stopped combing, Tim turned to witness her inviting smile. "Thank you, Eve," he said, taking the comb and placing it on the nightstand.

Suddenly, Eve grabbed his shoulders and threw him back onto the bed. Her weight pinned him down, as her lips rained kisses over his face and then down his chest. In between pecks, she murmured, "Yes Tim?"

Her passion caught him off guard. The aggressive affection removed any restraint he felt about their sexual involvement. If she wanted it, he wanted it. Tim didn't struggle.

Eve, sensing his surrender, looked up. "Yes?"


The smiling lips descended to his sternum and proceeded to mark a damp trail down to his navel. A significant bulge already implied Tim's eagerness. Eve gripped the waistband of his shorts and tugged everything down and off. Kneeling at his feet, their eyes met, and then hers wandered over his body. The simple lust in her gaze made his heart pound and blood rush to his groin.

"Hey!" he yelped, when Eve tickled his foot.

She gave him a devilish grin, pushed apart his legs and crawled between them on all fours. Bending down, she kissed his stomach, letting his erection brush her cheek. Cool, golden silk washed over his hips and thighs.

His head fell back. "Oh my God, Eve. What have I done to you?"

She answered, "Tim," in a sultry whisper, and then kissed the underside of his cock. Her fingers teased in his pubic hair.

With the curiosity and awkwardness of a virgin, Eve explored with lips and fingers. When she discovered a touch that pleased Tim -- telegraphed by his reactions -- she would dwell on that caress, to learn every nuance and variation.

It wasn't long before the final tingle began. "Eve!" Tim groaned, while trying to lift her mouth away. But she refused, and sucked harder on the thick straw. The release exploded with pent-up intensity. Her grip tightened on his cock, as she squeaked in surprise. The last few eruptions landed hot on his stomach.

Eve sat up and tucked her hair behind her ears. Semen coated her chin. A drip fell onto her red tee shirt, marking a midway point between two engorged nipples. Smiling, she wiped her chin with a finger and then popped it into her mouth.

"Honey, you are something special," said Tim, pulling her down.

They held each other for a few minute.

Kissing her forehead, Tim said, "I wish I knew what you were thinking."

As if she understood, Eve rolled over, picked up the condom, and then laid it next to his flaccid penis. "Yes?" she asked, with hopeful eyes.

Tim couldn't help but laugh and hug her tight. "Yes... but later. I need to recharge my battery." He made the 'eat' sign. "I'm hungry. Lets cook dinner."

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