Catching Fish Ch. 01


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"Look Kylie, I know I'm just repeating myself here, but you're an amazing young woman. Beautiful, athletic, smart, are the best, and you deserve the best. Your real match is out there, and he's looking for you - but he'll never find you if you're still dating a toad."

"You know, you're right. I DO deserve better - Shana says the same thing. Cool, I'm glad the two people I trust agree on this." She stands up, gives me a hug and thanks me again, and we head off together to go to practice. I'm glad I could help, and that we're back on a regular student/teacher much safer.

That night, Dream Kylie's cool small hands are stroking up and down my raging hard on, as she slowly drops her little mouth on to my dick. Oh well...not out of trouble yet.

November starts, although in southern California it's often hard to tell. Only one football game left, and with a record of 4-5, we're not bound for the playoffs this year. Field hockey is, however, and the end of the season gives me a chance to go out and see a couple games. It reminds me of what good athletes the Siamese twins are. Shannon is big, and fast, and likes to charge the other girls. She uses her size to crowd out the other player, and has a fierce shot on goal. Kylie is different; not any faster, but a lot quicker - she can dart in and out, change direction, and is a great passer. Her real gift is her game awareness - she is always around the ball, always knows where her open teammate is. If she was a foot taller and 100 lbs heavier, she would have made a great QB. It was obvious that her recent breakup wasn't hurting her on the field.

The next Monday, Kylie shows up at lunch as usual. Short flowered skirt and white tank showing an inch of skin, I was hoping she would skip today (and praying that she wouldn't). I tell her that since she has broken up with Jake, she's off the hook for our weekly safety checks, but she says she likes coming in, and jokes that I must be trying to get rid of her. "Got some other favorite student coming in instead?" she asks, "you've already replaced me?"

"No one could replace you honey. Now that things seem safer, I just didn't want you to feel obligated."

"No worries Coach. Like I said, I like talking to you. Plus, it might be good to keep the safety plan up for a bit."

Suddenly serious, I turn to her as she pulls up a stool and sits behind my desk with me. "What? Did he do something when you told him you were breaking up?"

"I told him Saturday night. I was worried he would blow up, so I told him while we were at the mall. He got really mad, started yelling in this weird quiet way. Said he was too good for me and I'd be sorry, then stood up and stormed out, leaving me without a ride. Shana said he might do that, so she was waiting for me at Cinnabon. It's just...he scared me with how mad he was. And what did he mean by 'I'd be sorry'?"

"Probably just sour grapes, but I want to change my opinion of him. He's not a jerk, he's an immature asshole. I say good riddance. He's not allowed on school grounds, doesn't live nearby...we shouldn't see him. If you do, tell me. I'd be happy to go have a talk with him."

"Talk? Yeah,'d go beat him up, wouldn't you?" she smiles, leans in and feels my upper arm. "Mmmmm, strong. You could, too," she says, and sits back up.

I stand up and start singing the Cowardly Lion "If I...were king...of the foresssst," with a theatrical flourish. Kylie breaks out laughing, rocks back and pulls her knee up to her chest - revealing a straight in view of her panties. Pink bikini panties, stretched taught across her vaginal plane. A small pussy mound (puffy lips? vaginal hair?) covered with double fabric, smooth creamy thighs extending out beneath. Just as fast as she rocked back, she rocks forward, closing off the view...but keeps laughing, and rocks back again. This time her lifted leg gets pulled out just a little, spreading her legs a tiny bit. A moment for the beautiful view, then I look up and away - and did I just see her look away too? - at the exact same time? Was she watching me!? Holy Crap...was she showing me her panties on purpose?

I don't know, but I'm flustered and forget the next words. Kylie has stopped laughing, and is wiping her eyes...but is that a blush touching her cheeks? Damn! Now I'm imagining things! Cool it stupid, Kylie can visit your fantasies, but don't ruin everything in real life. Get back on track, and stop looking up her skirt.

"So. He bothers you in any way, in person or on the phone...whatever - you tell me. I think he's all talk, but let's be careful for a while."

We're alone in the class. She stands up, gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, says "Thanks Coach. I knew I could count on you!" and walks off. It all seemed completely natural, totally innocent - but after what I had just seen, my mind was off in crazy land again.

That night, Kylie was on top of me again, but this time rubbing her little pink panties up and down my cock. As I started to wake up, I consciously added a bit of direction - I rolled her over onto her back, pulled her panties aside so I could see her soft little pussy, and began to lick her tiny little slit. It was a good dream.

In class the next day, she's wearing jeans, sneakers, and a Teddy bear t-shirt. Safe! During a break in the class we chat, but neither of us mention the kiss. Yeah, I'm reading too much into this stuff. She likes me, and I'm helping her, so she said thanks with a peck on the cheek. No big deal.

With no practice after school, I take the opportunity to sneak out right after 5th. I get home early, do some yard work, and finally give in. I go into the garage, take out some hidden magazines, find the model that looks the most like Kylie, and beat off fantasizing about my beautiful little student. There, better now. I go in and start making dinner before my wife gets home.

As I get to school the next morning, Kylie and Shannon are waiting for me at my door, serious looks on their faces. "It's Jake," Kylie says. "He was waiting for me at my house when I got home from school yesterday."

"What did he do?" I ask, deadly serious.

Both girls look at me, somewhat shocked. They hadn't seen this part of me before, and in a hurry Kylie said "Nothing. He was sitting in his truck across the street, and he watched me go in. Then he stayed there for about half and hour before he drove off."

"We should tell your Mom, and get the police involved. This sounds like he's stalking you".

"We can't!" they say in unison. "Mom doesn't know about Jake, and if we tell the police she'll find out. And she's not home anyway...she works till 8 on weeknights," Kylie explains.

I know Kylie's dad is not in the picture, and her only sister is off at college, so..."Wait! You're home ALONE during this time?" I shout.

She hangs her head and nods, but Shannon speaks up. "But, we have a plan. Jake's just showing off, and if someone is there with Kyky, he'll bail. So, I'm going to take her home after school...but there's a problem. I work at Jamba Juice right after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I can't on those days, we need someone else. We thought of you. We trust you, big and strong, and you could be a perfect guard to see her home."

"I know it's a lot to ask," Kylie says, "and it's ok if you don't want to do it."

"Are you kidding me? I'm happy to do it, proud you would think of me. Tuesdays and Thursdays I'll ride guard, get young missy home safe. Monday Wednesday and Friday, Shotgun Shannon will be on duty. Poor devil won't stand a chance."

They look at each other and beam a smile, come together for a three way hug, and we've formed a team.

The next day is Thursday, and when Kylie walks into class, I'm suddenly glad she's getting a guard. Open sandals, tiny cut off jean shorts, and a big floppy white peasant blouse that clearly showed her lacy camisole underneath...she needed a security detail. During class, the blouse kept falling off her shoulders, and when we started working on a worksheet, she called me over for help. As I stood next to her, she leaned forward - again! Looking down and talking about the paper, she was giving me a look straight down her blouse.

This time I was greeted by the amazing sight of BOTH of Kylie's breasts. Sweet smooth curves, pink tips that...what? She had nipples now, and they were obviously growing. Was she showing me her titties on purpose...and getting turned on by it? Too much, too much, I have to move. I pat her on the shoulder and tell her nice work, and as she looks up into my eyes I see the blush on her cheeks...and now I know how far down she blushes - the tops of her breasts are glowing pink, too. She knows...she has to know - and now I get red in the face too. As I leave, Kylie straightens up, and after a minute pulls the blouse up over her shoulders again.

At lunch, she stops in and we make plans to meet at the 7-11, where I'll follow her to her house. A couple of miles down side streets, Kylie and her mom live in a track house up against a partially wooded hillside. Kylie pulled over, and I kept driving by, looking for a particular truck. I got to the end of the street, looked down both side streets, and came back. She was still by her car, and as I pulled up I said "Looks clear. Do you see anything?"

She shakes her head no, and asks if I want to come in. "No, no thanks. I've got a couple of things to do. I'll wait here till you get in the house."

She smiles (a little sadly?), thanks me, and goes inside. I wait for a minute, then drive off to a nearby Starbucks. I hang out for about 45 minutes, then drive by her house again. Still nothing, cool. Back to Starbucks, do some grading, and an hour later I make one more pass. No green truck, all looks safe, time to go home.

You can guess what my dreams were that night.

Friday in class, Kylie asks if we can just hang out 6th period again. Sandals, long khaki shorts and a button down blouse, plenty conservative so I don't think it'll be torture. Sure, come on by.

We sit at one of the tables, and she thanks me again for taking her home yesterday. "And more than that. Thanks for keeping me safe." I look at her quizzically. "I saw you drive by later. You were making sure he didn't come by, and it made me feel better. Thank you. How many times did you come back?"

"Just a couple. I'm glad it made you feel better. Made me feel better too."

"Why aren't more guys like you? I keep meeting selfish boys, and it feels like all they want to do is take. It sucks."

"Hold on," I say, "don't judge all guys by the last a-hole you dated. Most guys aren't like him."

"The ones I meet are. This summer it was Jake. You know how that turned out. Only other person I went out with regularly was my boyfriend, Jeremy. Smarter, softer than Jake, but he turned out to be a selfish jerk too."

"You've only had two boyfriends, give it time. Better days are ahead."

She looked at me while biting her lip, seemed to come to a decision, and said "Well, two long term boyfriends (the wonder of teenagers to call a couple of months 'long term')...but 3 lovers."

Wow, I didn't see that coming. Pretty much speechless, I mumble "What?".

"You know I had sex with Jake - I think. But it was always for him, never for me. Well, I had sex with Jeremy, too...sort of. We did it four times, but it never really worked. We used condoms, but he was so excited he kept, uhh, 'finishing' before we really got started. Heck, twice he finished just putting the thing on."

She takes a deep breath, holds up her pinky for a swear, and after we do she says "My first time was was with my uncle. We were swimming in Lake Morina on a camping trip, and we swam to the island in the middle. We started sunning ourselves, then he leaned over and kissed me. It felt good, so I didn't mind...even when he put his hand down my bathing suit. He's a little guy, and not just in height," she giggles, "so it didn't hurt too much when he put it in. After moving around a little, he pulled out and did it on the grass."

What a terrible way to learn about sex. I stay quiet for a minute, thinking of what to say. "I am so sorry Kylie. You've had a really bad time of it, and you deserve so much better. Sex is supposed to be amazing for both people, and it sounds like you've been left out of it every time."

"Oh, I've had fun. Like I said, it felt warm and exciting with my uncle, and I wish Jeremy could have been better - but I know how good sex can be. I've had orgasms..." And suddenly she shuts up, scared of what she just said.

"Don't be ashamed Kylie. It's natural, we all do it."

"How'd you know?!" she exclaims.

"Like I said, we all do it."

"Even married people. Even you."

"Yep. Even me."

"Well, that makes me feel better. A little weird, but better. OK, yes, I've had orgasms when I use my vibrator, but never from any sex stuff. Do you thing there's something wrong with me?"

"No, I think there has been something wrong with your lovers. Women take time to's the man's job to ensure his lover is enjoying herself. He has to go slower, be attuned to her feelings, delay his pleasure to ensure hers. It sounds like you haven't met that guy yet."

"I might have met him, but I sure haven't slept with him." she says in a joking manner, but with a somewhat serious face.

"Someday." I say, with a reassuring smile.

"Yes. Someday." she replies. "Well, gotta go, Shana is going to be waiting for me soon. Thanks again for the talk Coach. And remember...pinky swear, right?"

"Pinky swear. Have a good weekend." And just like last time, she leans in to give me a peck on the cheek before hurrying out.

That night, while making love to my wife, I started to call out Kylie's name as I came. "Ohhh baby, OHHH KYY...I...I'M COMING!" She didn't catch it, but I almost got busted right there. Damn.

Monday rolled around, and Shannon and Kylie both came in for lunch, but pretty much sat and talked to each other as I helped and chatted with some other students. No dreams that night, at least none that I remember. That's a good sign, particularly 'cause I'm on guard duty today. She comes into class wearing white sneaks, jeans and a little printed t...perfect! I was hoping she wouldn't be dressed too sexy. Kylie stays for a minute during lunch, and tells me her car is in the shop.

"Shana gave me a ride to school today, but she has to go to work right after. You're going to go by my house today there a chance you can give me a ride?"

"Sure, but we're not supposed to have students in our cars. We should meet someplace."

"OK...I'll go out the back way, and wait for you at the bus stop by the park. It's usually pretty empty."

"Got it. See you after school."

During 6th I go for a run to burn off some nervous energy. Take a shower, then shorts and t-shirt for the ride home. I leave a little early to avoid the rush, and drive over by the park. She's there already, sitting on the bench. I pull over, she jumps in, and were off.

She compliments my car, and asks if she can turn on the radio. She finds the song she wants and starts to sing...and we're rolling down the road blaring Taylor Swift - I guess there's a first for everything. When we get near her house, she tells me she wants to show me another way. We turn off right before her street, and go onto a little access road that runs along the side of the hill behind her house. On the left is the open hillside, on the right are the houses, screened by some clumps of trees. She tells me to pull over into one of those clumps and park...and there we are, right by her back yard.

"Can you walk me in? It's a little scary."

Alarm bells are going off in my head here. I know we'd be alone, and I don't trust how I've been acting lately...but it's my responsibility to get her home safe. After a slight hesitation, I say "Sure."

We walk out of the trees into her back yard, and Kylie unlocks the back kitchen door and leads me in. Dark and cool, her house is small, but clean and well furnished. "Can I get you something to drink?" she asks over her shoulder, as we walk into the house.

"No thanks. I should go."

"Don't be silly. I owe you big time...a cool drink is the least I can do. Come here." she leads me into the living room, and sits me down on a loveseat. "You wait here for a sec...I'll get your drink."

My seat faces the tv, but also the front window to my right, and the hallway leading back into the house a little on my left. Instead of going back into the kitchen for water, Kylie goes down the hallway and pulls open a door. A full length mirror attached to the inside of the door reflects what is obviously her bedroom, pink and white, and as she goes in, she only closes the door about half way.


It's the classic case of the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other.

"Go for it!" the devil snarls, "she's obviously doing this on purpose, and you want it BAD!"

"No no" preaches the angel. "She's young and inexperienced. She may not be aware of what she's doing, or at least not aware of how it affects you. She's a young colt, glorying in how fast she can just to gracefully exit."

"Don't listen to that wussy...fuck her!"

And the outcome is that I freeze - again. My eyes move back to her mirror, but she's not in view anymore. I peer out the window so she won't see me creeping her, then look back as she comes out of the room towards me. Same little socks, but an oversized white t shirt on top, The shirt comes down to the middle of her thighs, but I can't tell if she's wearing shorts underneath. What I can tell through the thin fabric, is that she's taken her bra off. As she moves, the thin cloth molds to her body, showing every soft curve of her little breasts. And there, standing proudly forth, are her two little nipples. Yep. She's teasing, she knows she's teasing, and it's making her excited. Trapped, I couldn't leave if I wanted to.

She walks into the living room and sits in the chair next to me, pulling her feet up underneath. She pushes the extra shirt into her lap, and folds her hands over it. Demurely covering her upper thighs, but also pulling the shirt taught against her breasts. With a glance, I swear it seems her little nipples are growing larger.

"You look good in shorts," she says, "you should wear them more often."

"Hard to wear 'em when I teach...but you've seen me at practice all the time."

"Yes, but I never told you you looked good in them." She looks away like she's embarrassed.

"Well, you look good too. You always do."

The pretty smile returns, and says "Oh go on. Plain Jane over here, just wearing a bunch of old clothes."

"First, your clothes are fine. Second, you'd look good in a burlap sack." Even better out of it, I think.

"That's just because you're a boy, and don't know girl's clothes. The big style now is visible know, kind of like fancy bras and camis that are supposed to be seen. I know you've seen a couple of girls wear them at school...even though they have to wear a shirt over it 'cause of the stupid dress code. That stuff is expensive, and all I've got are my old duddy stuff."

"Duddy stuff. Damn, for a smart girl Kylie, you sure can be dumb sometimes. Are you saying you aren't aware of how crazy you make the boys when you wear some of that 'duddy stuff'?"

Excited, she scoots forward and says "Really? Like what stuff?"

"Well, first off, your yoga pants. Damn girl, we all had trouble on those days." She just smiles and says "Go on."

"OK, your black shorts. Those things are so tight I don't know how you get them on. And your peasant shirt, clearly shows your pretty - I mean 'duddy' - bra. And that frilly flowered skirt... it can blow around a lot, you know."

"Which do you like best?" she coos.