Cathouse Tuesday!


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"This is kind of awkward." I announced.

"You've got a room here, don't you?" I asked Robert.

"Two floors down."

"Okay, let's go there."

I threw my dress down over my body and had my husband zip me up. No panties. I'd leave a puddle in the elevator and a cum path to Robert's room. As we left I leaned back in the door to a stunned husband.

"Bye, see ya!"


In the morning Robert had his first meeting coming up when I returned to my own room at almost ten. Porter was asleep in the bed. Who knows how late he was up fretting over his wife getting black fucked. There was a cum puddle on the fresh sheets to indicate he didn't take it as all bad.

We took separate showers for the trip home. I wanted the feel of Robert in me so I scrubbed my bush and left my inner cleft alone. Maybe David would be in that night to give me that other inch I needed. As it was I had fucked my first black guy and would probably fuck others given the opportunity.

It was afternoon when we got home. We had a ramshackle opening trying to get things and ourselves together. I fucked one guy mid-afternoon. David didn't show. After the weekend we just had maybe we needed the rest. My cunt kept telling me otherwise, but that was Monday.

Tuesday a "fuck me tour" customer did all he could to hide his hopes that I really was a hooker. Nice cock, good fuck. Porter just shook his head and pruned the roses out by the entry while the guy plowed into my pussy in room four.

In the late afternoon a man and woman about my age came out from Hicksville for a tour. It seemed funny taking twenty dollars from a local couple to show them around. Both the man and his wife showed a lot of interest, looked over each room carefully, checked out the lobby and the grounds.

"I hear you might be doing a little business out here." The wife sounded accusatory.

"Some." I almost blushed.

"His Mom used to work here." The woman added.

"Yeah, Dad's job didn't pay enough and she worked here a little bit to help out and got hooked on doing every weekend. Stayed with the place until it closed. She'd be tickled to see it up and going although she's way too old to work again."

His wife butted in to finish the story.

"Right before the place closed up for good he brought three army buddies home with him after graduating boot camp and brought them out here for some pussy. The were really surprised the next day at breakfast to learn they had fucked his Mom. Even now I think she fucked a couple of them when they last came to visit a few weeks ago ... didn't they Honey?"

The man kind of looked down when she asked.

"Yes ... they went a few rounds." He murmured.

"After the place closed down she used to fuck a lot of the neighbors until his Dad put a stop to it. He just turned his back on the deal with the army buddies. Good for your business with the locals, I'd guess. With her cutting them off and all. She's almost sixty now. I heard his buddies talking about her being a good fuck."

"We don't do much with the locals."

"You will once they learn you are hooking out here again. It might take them a while to adapt to paying for it, but they'll show up. What's the charge now for pussy only?"

"Um, we're charging, I mean, I'm charging one hundred and fifty."

"Oh, you're worth it. You'd do a lot more at a hundred even. Maybe double your pleasure."

The woman winked. She elbowed her husband in the ribs.

"You going to ask her? You've got the money."

"I'd like to fuck you if you don't mind?" The man blurted out.

Porter saw me start to walk away with the husband and came into the lobby.

"Hey. We will be in room three. His wife is going to wait out here."

Porter looked as puzzled as I did. Nothing like that had ever happened.

The man had a pretty steady rhythm. Too steady really. No wonder his wife seemed a little over sexed and wanting it. A quick spurt and we were done and back in the lobby in ten minutes. I barely managed to cum myself. If it wasn't for knowing his cum was in me I might not have gotten off at all. One thing I was always able to do was get off when cum hit my pussy whether it had been a good fuck or not.

The man looked a little sheepish when he stood back beside his wife.

"Do you think you'll get busy enough to hire some local talent?"

"We hadn't discussed it, but the weekends are really busy."

"What's the split?"

"The split?"

"When his Mom worked her the weekend girls got two thirds. The ones that lived here got half, but then they were always on duty and had a free place to stay.

"Some of the girls lived here?"

"Sure did. How about this weekend? I get off work at the bank at five Friday afternoon and can stay out here until Sunday if you need me. As long as I get some dick and make a few bucks I'll hang around."

The woman was really pretty and sweet, if a bit straight forward. A fuckable enough body that made me wonder why her husband paid to fuck me. And, working at the bank? Guys would surely pay to fuck their bank teller.

"Okay. See you at five on Friday."

"Great. And, if you wonder if it's because I want the sex or need the money we'll say we need the money, but he and I both know it's me wanting to get fucked ."

"Aren't you worried that men that know you from the bank will want to fuck you?"

"I hope they do!" She smirked.

They left my husband and I to wonder what had just happened. David showed up that night and gave me the fucking I needed. Once missionary style buried to the root, and once from behind. Much to Porter's dismay I let David spend the night with me in room five and he fucked me again before leaving in the morning.

There were a few guys the rest of the week. Even two that were repeat customers. I couldn't wait for Friday night and bank clerk Connie showing up. Her husband dropped her off at half past five. We made a couple of unconventional whores with her wearing jeans, me wearing slacks and both braless under t-shirts. Hers had a rooster on it with the words "I Love Cock". I hadn't asked before, but she had teenagers and a five year old at home that her husband would look after.

By six o'clock tires crunched on the gravel driveway. Some cowboy off the highway. The jeans must have appealed to him. Connie had her first customer. Twenty minutes later she was back out and handed me my share, fifty dollars.

"First time?" I asked.

"Yes, first time." Connie was beaming with pride. "Not that I hadn't cheated a little that hubby didn't know about. Teenagers and then a five year old should be a clue that a boyfriend and I may have gotten careless."

"Well, anyway, Congratulations. You're a prostitute and I'm a madam!"

By midnight we had both gotten what we wanted. Connie got fucked six times and me one ahead of her at seven. Not a dud in the bunch as far as we were concerned. A couple of them were locals that would bring us repeat business. We were still at the point that most were travelers trying to avoid the Interstate that saw the sign. We scored one more each by the time Connie's husband came to pick her up at one. We knew that anyone after 2 A.M. would be hopelessly drunk not worth fucking anyway. Not seeing any headlights on the highway Porter killed the the lights on the Cathouse sign.


Saturday morning found me fresh from a shower. An early fuck didn't seem to be in the cards for me. Connie's husband dropped her off at one thirty Saturday afternoon. She had been grocery shopping, watched one of her kids play soccer, gone out to eat with her family and was now ready to fuck whoever showed up looking for some pussy.

Connie had shopped for a size tighter jeans and a size smaller t-shirt. It really made her figure pop. I made a note to do the same.

We chatted about cock like most women do when alone. Both waiting for someone to pay to fuck us. We talked about cock size and orgasms. Connie admitted that although the guys she fucked from the night before were good she still thought one of those boyfriends that her husband didn't know about was the best she'd had.

Things started off good when two men that were supposed to be fishing showed up together. We paired off and soon were fucking. It was good to get started. The first load always feels good to get in me. By four o'clock we had fucked four guys each. The fourth for Connie stunned her a little. Her husband had a friend that always wanted to fuck her. He tipped his buddy off she that was fucking for money and he shows up with a hundred and fifty dollars and nails her.

"Wow!" Connie told me what had happened. "If I had known the guy had a cock like that I would have let him fuck me years ago."

She was all giggly and told me she had a new favorite "best ever".

"Nothing gets you off like fucking your husband's best friend."

"How about fucking his worst enemy?"

"Oh, that would be fun. Did you do that?"

"No, I don't think Porter has one, but maybe if he did? I laughed.

Saturday night in a whorehouse can be kind of busy. Connie beat me in the customer count with her fucking fifteen guys and me fucking thirteen. We didn't really want to quit and left the sign on until two in the morning. Porter had to turn a few men away, telling them to come back when they were sober. At midnight Connie and I were both fucking someone while three men were in the front waiting their turn. Porter did a good job of keeping control and took pride in the fact that men were lining up to fuck his wife. It was well after two in the morning when I finished up with the last customer.

When I went to walk him out the front door was locked and most of the interior lights off. My client left and I wondered what had happened to Connie. Her husband was in the parking lot waiting for her. I went down the hall. Sex noises were coming from room four. Connie must be fucking a late arrival. Fine. That would be an extra fifty bucks for me.

I still had a taste for a man's cum. Some dripped from my cunt. I wiped at it with two fingers and licked it off into my mouth. I thought of the combination of the men it could be from the night. Walking naked I went around the building looking for Porter. All the doors were open except for Connie in room four. I'd probably find my husband trying to catch up with washing sheets in the laundry room. Not there!

It wasn't funny! The only place he could be was with Connie. I went to the door of number four. It sounded like someone was finishing up in there. Damn! Someone just filled her with a load. I heard her giggle and a man laugh. It sounded like Porter when he was doing his "man laugh". That's the one he does where it drops down lower when it's about a guy thing. Son of a bitch!

There was no way I was going to stand there in the hallway like some angry wife that caught her husband cheating on her. I went back to the front and waited in a chair. In a few minutes Connie came out with Porter. I had not seen her naked before. She looked cute and sexy. Porter had put his pants back on. It was obvious that he had fucked her. I felt jealous, then wondered why I should be after letting so many fuck me.

"I hope you don't mind me borrowing your husband. I thought you might be a while. We got talking about the busy night and the men that had fucked us. I thought I'd toss him a freebie."

The phrase tossing him a freebie made me chuckle. I still felt the jealous wife thing, but it seemed to make it okay.


It was 10:00 A.M. when my husband and I got out of bed Sunday our day off. Porter wanted to go to the city. In addition to the dining, dancing, and a little gambling I was sure the trip was more about me getting black fucked again. I teased him about it, but he wouldn't confess his ultimate goal was getting the deed done to me by a black man. With no doubt that black cock in me was what was on his mind I whole-heartedly agreed to go.

"Wear something slutty."

"Like what? I don't want to look like a whore. I just want men to look at me like they wished I was."

"Okay. We can shop for that look."

I started off in dress pants and a nice blouse and four inch heels. Nothing at all on underneath. On the way in to the city Porter revealed he had some other ideas in mind for shopping.

"With you and Connie fucking guys with the doors closed I have no idea if either of you gets in trouble. I can't stand outside the doors so I'm thinking some kind of camera system."

"Wait! You're going to spy on us with cameras?"

"Well, not like in a bank, out it view. Johns would freak out. Maybe a little something hidden so I could be sure you two are safe, and the way things are picking up we may need to bring a couple of new girls."

"You're a God Damned pervert that wants to watch your wife get fucked!"

"I'd need to be sure that Connie is safe, too. Don't you think it is a good idea?"

"We've been lucky so far, but you could be right. Just one weirdo going nuts could mess everything and maybe get one of us hurt. I suppose you already have a plan in mind."

"I've checked the internet. I think I know what I need. There's a store in the city I want to check out."


Our first stop was to shop for clothes. I had told my husband I wanted smaller shirts and tighter slacks. There were several stores that sold what I'd call risqué clothing. I bought a little blue dress for showing off. With a tight short skirt and scoop neck top I could show all the assets. After buying some shirts I decided to go for some really short shorts. I bought them a size too small as well. Porter had a hard time deciding what he wanted me to wear.

We left the store with me wearing the little blue dress. I had bought a couple of others, too. Once in the parking lot on the way to the car I realized just how short the skirt would be. If I bent over at all my pussy would show and the top of the dress kept wanting to spill my tits out into view. There was no way to in or out of the car or sit down or get up with out showing my cunt. Okay, if that's what my husband wanted I could set my mind to do that.

The first test was the electronics store. My husband was like a kid at Christmas. While he was buying video systems and cameras hidden in lamps and etc. I'd catch some guy looking at my ass. I'd lean over to read a price tag or some other reason to show him my cunt. The next thing I knew was some young guy was with Porter rolling a cart loaded with almost three grand worth of "security" equipment to the car.


Porter has us booked into a different hotel, still with a bar and dance floor but a little more upscale. By the time we ate and gambled a little it was time to get me fucked. The back of my dress barley covered my ass and only a couple of inches of material hung down over my pussy. We danced enough to get all the men's attention and took a seat at a table.

Their were a lot of fuckable black men there. One well groomed man about forty in a suit that had to cost a couple of grand had to see my pussy when I sat down. I moved around a little to make sure he had a good view. From his mannerisms it was obvious I wouldn't be the first white girl he had fucked. He was cool and poised like an actor, pro athlete or elite businessman.

Only a fool wouldn't come over and ask me to dance. Hubby and I must have looked like the ultimate cuckold couple looking for the wife to get black seeded. I was ready to fuck this stranger but let him lead me onto the dance floor. By the second dance he was playing with my ass cheeks under my dress for all to see. The third dance had him finger-fucking me and we moved to a slow song. Not only Porter, but every one on the place had to see the black fingers working in and out of me while I settled down on them to the music.

I needed to get off. I had to cum. We went to our table. My husband had a quizzical look on his face.

"Come on, I need him to fuck me."

Porter slid the key across the table.

"No. You're going with us. You like to watch and God Damn it you're going to watch him fuck me.!"

We left the room with the black man's arm around my waist. Anyone watching could see my bare exposed pussy gap with my cunt lips peeking out. The damned elevator wouldn't go up fast enough. I was getting finger-fucked when two while couples got on the elevator. The black man kept fingering me and I wasn't about to stop him. They stared as the fingers flared my cunt. We got off the elevator at our floor leaving the two women in the couples to about get a hot fuck from the men.

I had my dress off and on the bed legs spread wide while the black man was being fastidious with the expensive suit. He told me to call him Nate and said he was a Baptist minister back east. He said he was thinking in the lounge about eating me out when I showed him my pussy. I hadn't expected the extra treat. I was all set to be fucked. It was mind blowing to see a black face between my legs. The tongue knew what it was doing. God, but he made me cum hard.

With all the fussing with his suit I had gotten a good look at his cock. Not yet hard, it looked like it was going to be a good one. I felt my cunt lips spread and stretch. He was thick. I'd fucked some guys with fat cocks. This one was taking a little more room than I had felt before. My husband had moved to the foot of the bed where he could watch the black cock disappear into me. I could feel Nate stuff it into my cunt. I was making room for him okay. From what I felt inside me and what was yet to go in I knew this was going to be more than David.

"Oh, fuck. That's deep!"

"Wait until you get it all."

Nate grinned at me. He knew he was huge. How many white girls had he done this to? How many married white cunts had been ripped open by this black cock? My cervix was being shoved upwards into me.

"Feel good?" Nate knew what he was doing to me.

"Oh, yes. Fucking good!"

"Let me give it a little nudge. Almost there."

There it was. Another inch more length than David for sure. Maybe a little more than that. I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of asking him the size or telling him it was my biggest ever.

"I might be able to take a little more if you've got it."

Nate wasn't one to be teased. He was slamming me hard. I had cum a couple of times on his cock, but suddenly he was grunting and thrusting like crazy. I had to catch up when I felt his seed blast into me. What a fucking ride. His cock had me so filled I wasn't sure he could pull it out. Then it softened quickly and left a trail of our mixture along my thigh. Then he starting preaching to me in a rant.

"You white women are all alike. A chance to get black cock and marriage vows mean nothing. Black men can fuck you whenever they want. And, you find a way to handle it. Somehow you find a way to get it all inside you. A couple of inches still sticking out? Here, let me work it. I'll get it all inside me you'll say. And, you do. You white cunts wouldn't be happy if you thought a black man fucked you and you couldn't take all of his cock. I mean I've fucked white women five foot tall and ninety pounds and they'll get it in. God knows how many of them kept my cum in them and got knocked up. Probably dozens. Married women. I only fuck white married women. Mix the interracial kid in with your own family. White women are whores for black cock and black breeding."

"Wow! You really are a preacher. If everyone you fuck can handle you maybe you need a bigger dick."

I didn't have a problem with it, just the preaching. Most of what he said was probably true. White women are getting easier to fuck with a black cock. I could tell that my husband was pissed. Nate was trying to knock down both me and Porter for letting a black guy fuck and cum in me. Personally I'd just been fucked by the biggest cock ever. If I had been able to get pregnant I would have been so lost while he fucked me I would have let him knock me up. My pussy wanted him in me again even as his cum flowed from my wide open cunt.