Cathy and Chris Ch. 10


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"Morning Aunty Cath," said Robert with a beaming smile and dropping down to kiss her kips.

"Morning Darling," she returned the smile and the kiss, she moved back saying, "Must be my turn to get the tea in, need the loo as well,"

The sun rose, forcing them all out of the heat of the tent bedrooms but into its shade to sit around a fold out table. The younger children, still in pyjamas but stood on grass thrilled to the experience, a totally new one for Colleen, and the delight that their adults had for them and the situation.

While Cathy dragged children, toothbrushes and towels to the facilities block, Chris went into action. Dan had returned from the shower with Robert in tow and leant a hand to lay the table.

By the time all of the females returned Chris was plating up bacon, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes and some of the larger chips left over from the previous night's meal. They just had time to eat the bowls of cereal that Dan had laid at each place next to beakers of orange juice.

Nothing was left other than a pile of washing up, and everyone except Chris (who was heading for the shower) leant a hand to wash up.

By the time Chris returned, 'going out' clothes were being put on a straightened, hair was being brushed and bedding and bedrooms tidied and zipped up.

They piled into the cars and headed out into the Cotswolds, stopping in quaint country villages and finally a large town were Chris suggested lunch. A sandwich bar was ample following from their large breakfast, and the waitress come over and asked if they wanted anything off of the sweet trolley.

Colleen begged Mummy, while Karen and Robert begged Daddy. Large slabs of carrot cake, fruitcake and iced buns appeared on the table and just as soon disappeared.

Afterwards Cathy dragged the girls while Chris took Robert to the bathrooms. Cathy came out in the café and asked the waitress for the bill. Chris had paid for most things so far and it was only fair that she got this particular bill.

"Your husband has already paid m'dear," said the lady behind the cash desk.

'Your husband' she thought, and looked at her left hand where her wedding and engagement rings used to be. They now sat in her jewellery box next to a small key ring picture of Brian from when they were first married and he seemed so different, much as she had a moment of sadness for their love it was tinged. Chris and Jen had invited them camping many times, and he'd refused preferring self-catering holiday lets. Why couldn't they have had fun like this, it wasn't that hard?

Chris came back from the toilet with Robert, his T-shirt soaked by a difficult wash hand basin, followed by a smiling Dan tickling his cousin to hurry him up.

She thought about it and yes, they did present the image of a prefect family.

And, she thought to herself with the biggest grin, as far as she was concerned they WERE a perfect family.

Some food shopping and browsing later they headed slowly back out to the car park, the younger children starting to flag at the length and excitement of the day.

Chris had one more surprise for them, announcing that if they all kept on yawning, he'd have to take them all back to bed and they'd miss the restaurant and dinner. He pulled into the hotel car park, and they all bundled out.

Dinner was fantastic and an altogether new experience for Daniel and Colleen.

They were experts at bucket cooked curries and overcooked rice stuck together, with plates of raisins, chopped tomatoes and dried coconut to spread over it; or worse; cold, curly sandwich buffets, next to over pink, under cooked chicken legs.

This was the usual fair at 'the club', but this whole menu choice concept was new to them. Dan tried desperately to hide his excitement and be cool about the whole thing, but failed miserably when the vast sweet menu was brought out.

On the journey back to the campsite the kids all nodded off in the cars, Dan with his headphones in.

At the tent, the same perfect red sky was telling of the fantastic day they could expect tomorrow. The kids took no convincing to get into their pyjamas and sleeping bags, and were soon out for the count.

Cathy and Chris sat, sipping at glasses of wine chatting with Dan about his school, rugby, squash, his new fashion sense and, with Chris on the defensive over his new male protégé, his dramatic rebirth out of grunge and the interest he created with girls. Eventually, as Cathy headed for the amenities again, Dan backed into his tent smiling at Chris,

"Thanks Chris, it's been a great day."

"You're welcome mate, we can do this anytime."

"I mean for Mum," he said, and Chris could tell the boy had struggled to say it, "See, Dad never was one for holidays, we did some holiday camps sometimes but only ones he picked through the club. Really cheesy and really cheap, and Mum still had to cook and look after us, It was basically the legion but with bloody chalets..." he sighed wistfully.

Chris laughed, "Yes mate, I can imagine."

"Anyway" said Dan, "I haven't seen Mum enjoy herself like today for years, back before Colleen was born. Was like Dad didn't think entertainment was allowed, not even for him."

"No worries Dan, your Mum is one in a million and we're all going to look after her and make up for all the stuff she missed, that alright?"

"Yeah," said Dan with a huge grin wishing Chris good night.

Her mobile buzzed, and she struggled to place herself and why her phone was going. She peered at the screen in surprise.

"step outside of the tent," it read.

She was still in her nightwear, a second look at her phone told her it was almost three in the morning.

She scrolled down the message, "walk to your right," it instructed. She peaked under the curtain and saw that he wasn't there. She grinned.

She slipped on her tracksuit bottoms, and pushed the covers to one side. The bottom of the bedroom zip was still undone and she crawled out without too much noise. The same thing happened with the main tent flap and soon she stood up in the moonlight.

She walked to her right as instructed and saw a sheet of paper with an arrow, pointing up the small path into the woods which she followed, each turning marked with a piece of paper that glowed against the leaf litter.

At one of the arrows, the paper had a message,

"Remove your top," it said. She looked around and could see no one, so, bravely she slipped off the top. Her naked boobs tingling in the cool night. There was a small holdall under the notice, and she put her T-shirt in it. She walked on, taking the holdall, starting to get an idea of what was going on, she smiled at the next notice.

"Take off your trousers," She looked around again and skinned them down, slipping off her flip-flops, standing naked in the moonlight.

Some twenty metres away Chris watched through his binoculars. Much as he wanted an exciting night for her, he didn't want her bothered by anyone else, plus he also needed to keep an eye on the tent – the baby alarm in the bag by his head sat quietly for the moment.

All of that was forgotten as he watched, stunned by the vision of her as she walked naked through the woods like some vision from a dream. She walked slowly and carefully, her ivory pale skin almost incandescent in that mid-summer hazy, crazy moonlight.

She saw him lying on the fleece blanket from his car, spread out over the collection of twigs and branches in what had yesterday been the children's den. He was naked already and lying on the ground, a single candle hidden in some branches. He held out a wineglass, and she took it.

"Greetings Mistress Titania," he said, "welcome to the woodland bower of sweet Oberon," she smiled, "and I must say that I am completely enamoured of that ass..."

She knelt next to him, brushing hair behind her ear in the way she always did.

"So, Oberon," she said, "why am I in your woodland bower?"

"What? We have spent the day in Shakespeare country, and are just a few weeks short of mid-summer?"

"Shakespeare?" she said with a soft smile, "really?"

"Really," he said, "Chances are these are the very woods Will chased Ann Hathaway through, and probably knocked her up into the bargain."

She giggled, he was such a fun guy, and this made him seem so much more sexy!

"Anyway, thought you might like to make love beneath the stars," he waved a hand around him. She looked up, although the trees and bushes hid them from view of anyone else, the sky was dappled with millions of stars and lit by the moon slowly descending to the horizon. "After you went to all of that trouble with your recent deflowerment, thought I ought to make the effort."

She looked around, still smiling,

"Yeah, but three O'clock in the morning?"

"Would you rather have come earlier?" He sipped his wine.

"OK, I give you that one," she replied sipping her wine, "while we are on the subject of giving you one," she downed her wine and made to lie down.

"No," he said, "not for a minute, I'm still trying to take you all in."


"You look like something out of a dream Cath," he said with an honest smile.

She grinned bashfully,

"What with my hair in a mess and no make up? A nightmare perhaps!"

"Nah," he said, lifting the edge of the rug to his shoulder, "A genuine fucking dream; come here." He ordered.

She walked on her hands and knees the few feet to where he was, and lay on top of him. His order to 'come here' had made her toes curl and she could no more of disregarded it than stop breathing. He pulled the fleece rug around them both and they started snogging.

Eventually her desire for him overcame the passion and she straddled his erection, fitting it easily into her and she started to ride him. She never ceased to be amazed by the wetness he could inspire in her. They would just kiss and cuddle and she would dampen enough to mark her panties, even if making love wasn't necessarily on the cards. Shit, she could sit at her desk in work and think about him and what he could do to her, and she could get wet. The number of times she'd had to go to the staff bathroom and wipe her slightly swollen puss, and put on her suit jacket to hide the erect nipples poking through the lace of her bra and into the soft white cotton of her blouse.

Here in the woods though, their activity had generated enough heat that she pushed the fleece blanket off of her shoulders and she could place her feet to the ground and ride him more efficiently, feeling the shaft of his penis ride hard against her clitoris. Looking down she saw the look on his face, he was just smiling up at her.

She stopped bouncing,

"What?" she said.

"Nothing," he carried on grinning.

"What are you smiling about?" she stopped and sat across him and folded her arms across her breasts.

"Oh I dunno, do you think it could be that I've got a beautiful naked girl making love with me in the middle of the night in an enchanted forest?"

She giggled self consciously, tucking her hair behind her ear again. She lay down on top of him and rolled, the momentum pulling him over on top of her.

Still joined together it was simple for him to continue with their lovemaking, thrusting hard into her riding high to continue the pressure on her clit she craved most. She cried out with the intensity of her orgasm, actually shaking with the emotion and energy. Their mouths sought each other, in an all too familiar conclusion of their very special business, her tears dampening his cheeks confirming how special it had been for her.

Kissing had been... well, the odd occasion during and after the throes of passion. Now it seemed they were kissing all of the time, like two love struck teenagers. He could just look at her and smile, and her tummy would turn cartwheels, the kiss that followed just seemed inevitable.

A few weeks before they had sat on the sofa locked together snogging for at least an hour separating only when Dan came down stairs to get a drink before bed and she pulled down her T-shirt over her unclipped bra with her breasts not actually in the cups. She folded her arms in embarrassment, but Danny did no more than stick his head around the door and say a second sleepy goodnight to them both. She smiled back at him keeping one hand innocently over her chin, reddened by Chris's end of the day stubble in such close and passionate contact.

Now though, there were no interruptions and they kissed passionately, so much so that his erection, still embedded in her soft warmth, hardly reduced from its former glory. He started to very gently fuck her again, bringing forth a gasp of delight from her.

"Again?" she whispered into his ear.

"Just for you," he said fucking her properly.

It was the first chirps of the dawn chorus that brought them round. He kissed her awake,

"Hey sleepy, we'd better be getting back," He unwrapped them from the fleece blanket and stood, helping her to her feet. He picked up the blanket and folded it into the holdall.

"Chris," she whispered, "clothes?"

"Come and get them!" With that he ran, naked as was she, back along the path she'd used a few hours before.

There were no signs of life in the campsite other than a single light in a small back packer tent across the field. They stopped by the tent breathlessly giggling as they struggled to get under the flap and into its warmth.

She stood panting, grinning, facing him. He held out his arms and she fell into them, kissing him they way she had a few hours before.

"Cathy," he whispered, "I'm sorry, but I... I think I'm in love with you..."

"Oh, I love you too Chris,"

"No Cathy, I'm in love with you."

"Oh," she said.

"Is that a good 'oh' or a bad one?"

"I don't know Chris," she said.

"Hmm," he said, "sounds like it could have been a bad one, sorry, won't say it again."

"I..." she stuttered, "I need some more time Chris, sorry."

"No problem mate," he said with a smile, "Heart on my sleeve kind of guy."

They both slept fitfully for what was left of that night. His revelations had surprised her that was for sure, but love?

The next day was as nice as the first had been. Cathy had always hated the last days of the holiday as Brian would start packing ages before they had to leave and it seemed that the holiday was already over.

As they sat in a large country house garden eating cream teas she looked at her watch.

"Ages yet mate," Chris said with a smile, not being rushed in the slightest.

They got back to the site for three, packed away into cars and after a final run through the woods and a promise to return during the summer holidays they left, getting home in time for tea.

With the rush to get everyone into one of the two bathrooms, school bags checked, uniform laid out for the morning, by the time ten thirty came around, she was ready for her bed.

There had been none of those silent but meaningful looks that were the prelude to what would happen once they retreated to their rooms.

He was busy with something and didn't seem to want to be around. She could only imagine how embarrassed he must have been by her... her what?

It's not like she had refused a marriage proposal, she hadn't even refused to sleep with him - so what was his problem?

At eleven o'clock she heard the wardrobe open and he came through.

Lifting the duvet from beside her he slid into the warmth of the bed.

"Thanks for your help back there." He said with a giggle.

"I'm sorry?"

"I had to pack all of that camping stuff back in the garage single handed." He said, "didn't Dan give you the message?"

"Oh!" she turned to face him, her hand to her mouth, "yes," she said, "But I was err... loading the... ahem... washing machine?"

"Good one, suppose I'll have to let you off that."

"I did wonder where you had gone!" her grin spread across her face cheekily and, it seemed, onto his.

"Look," he said, "about what I said last night, I'm fine honest, just the way we are."

"Really?" she grinned.

"Yeah really," he said, "think it must have been you being so nice to me after our little err... falling out the other night, and that fantastic day we had on Saturday. Don't worry, I'm over it."

"Good," she said pulling him onto her, "you can get over me..."

"Does that mean getting up you as well?"

"Ooooh fuck yeah!" she growled feeling his erection grow against her thigh as he pushed her legs up and slid between them.

They fucked; it was great Cathy thought, but did lack the tenderness of the last few sessions and she had to admit she missed it – a bit. Tender or no, boy could he fuck and she lay beneath him gasping as his rock hard penis powered in and out of her wet and willing puss, stopping only to flip her onto her hands and knees, screwing her from behind into paroxysms of feminine pleasure.

His hands alternately caressed breasts and buttocks, squeezing her perky nipples, strumming at her clitoris or gently stroking her anus until they both gasped in a final orgasm, before drifting gently into a perfect dreamless slumber.

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jlg07jlg07about 2 years ago

Love that you developed the characters and their relationship more in this one. Your previous vious sex scenes were certainly great and inventive, but i like that you are developing them behind just the sex on this one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
My 2 cents

I'm happy the say this is a story with sex in it. It is not sex looking for a story. I will continue to read the chapters. Thanks for your time and efforts.

fanfarefanfareabout 10 years ago
my opinion

I think that this chapter as written by Crazeems displays the truism, that family is as family does.

Connar1Connar1over 13 years ago
Still loving this story line

Have finally caught up with the whole story, keep it going, loving the two main characters and there ups an downs!

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