Catwomen Caught

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A drunken confession at a Halloween party reveals much.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/15/2015
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This story is not completed. It is a flash story that does not have a real ending. The reason for this is it's based on something that actually happened this past Halloween. This story is not finished in real life, so I left the ending open to allow the real situation to play out. I may choose to revisit this in the future.


The Halloween party was already in full swing when my wife and I arrived. It was hard to tear myself away from her toned body that was well displayed by her skintight, jet-black Catwoman costume (complete with whip!). I swear to God, even Michelle Phieffer wasn't as sexy as Catwoman. Even after two kids, who were with my parents for the weekend, Alicia was really hot. I must admit that I sometimes forget how attractive she really is.

I was dressed as a pirate. Original, sexy, imaginative? Of course not. However, it was easy.

Alicia gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and went to mingle with the other guests. I made my way to the drinks where several of my buddies were engaged in a very loud debate. It seemed heated and intense. Once I was within earshot, I understood why tensions were so high. It was one of those debates that challenges your intellect; make you think outside of the box.

Who would win? The Hulk or Superman?

I had to shake my head at the pointlessness of such a debate. You would think that a room full of grown, intelligent men would find topics to talk about that were not so asinine.

Everyone knows that the last son of Krypton is the obvious choice. Why was this even a discussion?

Anyway, I decided to participate in this monumental discussion by offering my expert opinion that I'd gathered scientifically through extensive research done as a kid. It involved looking googly eyed at Marvel's and DC's comic books for hours on end. Since my knowledge was clearly superior to anybody else's, I was sure that my input would end the discussion once and for all. Surprisingly, the others involved didn't see my arguments as absolute. I only succeeded in making the conversation louder.

But that's what happens when you mix grown (which is not necessarily the same thing as grownup) men with beer. You get a bunch of adolescents who burp, fart, and sometimes wrestle. You would think that a room full of scantily clothed nurses, Catwomen, and various animals (basically, tight leotards on their bodies and ears on their heads) would draw our attention to baser thoughts.

We all had to finally agree to disagree and table the discussion (even though I was right). There was too much beer and too much fun to be had. I planned to stay relatively sober since I knew that Alicia wasn't going to be driving us home. We'd just got here and I saw that she was already having a VERY good time.

She was sitting on the couch next to her best friend, Susie. Susie was also dressed as Catwoman, though she took on the Halle Berry version. And yes, she did her costume as much justice as Alicia.

Alicia and Susie have been inseparable since junior high. Growing up they lived on the same block. They are so similar that the only way they can coexist in the same place and time is either as best friends or as savage enemies. They talked alike, dressed alike, did most of the same things, and they even looked alike. Both sets of parents are "Mom and Dad" to them. The running joke when they were teenagers was that one of their moms had a set of twins and gave the spare baby to the other family. The only mystery was finding out who was the real mother.

They both hated that joke, by the way.

Susie was married to a guy named Dominic. They got married two years before Alicia and me. We'd been married for 6 years at this point.

You would think that because the two girls were similar in so many ways, that they would marry the same type of guy. Wrong. Susie's husband is my complete opposite. I am a clean cut person who doesn't do much physical labor at work; Dominic works with his hands all day.

I am the district manager of six local restaurants that my company owns. While I may not be a suit and tie kind of guy, I am usually - at worst - business casual.

In case your wondering, I am not "nerdy" or "geeky". I played baseball in high school, and also got into boxing when I was in college. My boxing activities were more of a hobby than a career though. But it kept me in shape.

I will admit that after I got married and settled into family life, my time at the gym dropped off a bit. Or a lot. But I wasn't overweight and out of shape.

Dominic, on the other hand, works for a local factory. I am not sure what his official title is, but I know that it involves lifting heavy "things" (whatever he lifts) numerous times a day for 8 - 10 hours. Not to mention he practically lives at the gym. As you can imagine, he is very fit. While my hair stays cut short and neat, his hair is long and kept in a ponytail. His beard completes his look of Aztec warrior/Brawny man. Dominic is like Drogo from "Game of Thrones", while I am more like Don Draper from Mad Men (Really, I am).

I never really warmed up to him. I didn't dislike him, per se, but we really didn't have a connection that would make us close friends. Or any type of friends. To me he was Susie's husband. Since Susie was my wife's best friend, I saw him occasionally. I never sought him out in any other context, nor had a desire to. I'm certain that he felt the same about me.

This night he was dressed as Tarzan, of course. Typical. Who does that? It was like 50 degrees outside, and he showed up to a party wearing a loincloth. I call that Douche Baggism. Defined: acts that can be construed as or pertaining to being a douche bag. Straight out of Webster's. Honest.

Anyway, Tarzan was hanging out with the women, like he always does at parties like this. He was very flirtatious and often bordered on being inappropriate. None of the women seemed to mind though. His thinly veiled sexual innuendos often had them giggling and blushing rather than slapping him.

Even Alicia. That really burned me up.

One would assume that Susie would find this behavior embarrassing. I know that Alicia would if it were me. However, Susie just laughed along with them. She sometimes gave him a playful slap on the shoulder and said, "Dominic, stop it!" but she never really admonished him, or even looked at him crossly. She almost looked proud that women lusted for her husband.

Tonight, Dominic was in full form. He'd consumed enough alcohol to lower his already marginal inhibitions, so his flirting was all out groping. Single women, married women, it didn't matter. Breasts were grabbed, asses were rubbed, and crotches were ground into. I saw several husbands getting angry when their wives were the subject of such attention, but nobody acted on it. Maybe they were afraid of him. Maybe they were drunk. Maybe they just didn't want to make scene. I don't know. Nevertheless, I kept an eye out when he was in the vicinity of Alicia. One act of Douche Baggism towards my wife and we were out of here.

Alicia must have sensed my trepidation, because she made her way over to me.

"Having fun, Greg?" she asked me over the music. I nodded my head and took a sip of beer. I watched her sway her body to the music as she stood next to me. I noticed that her eyes wandered over to Tarzan. Without realizing it, she gave a silent appraisal of his body. I sensed something I wished I had not. Lust.

I admit it. I got jealous.

"What kind of idiot dresses up like Tarzan when it's cold outside?"

Alicia snapped out of her trance and turned to me.

"You know Dominic, honey. He always has to be the center of attention."

I scoffed and took another sip of my beer. It had suddenly lost its taste. Alicia noticed my sour mood change.

"Honey, don't tell me you're jealous."

"Why would I be jealous of him? I don't feel the need to leave the house naked to attract women."

Alicia laughed dismissively. "Of course not honey." She said as her attention was once again directed at Douche.

As the evening wore on, even more alcohol was consumed. This made people more outrageous. After a while, Dominic and his loincloth faded into the background as I hung out with my actual friends. At some time during the night, Dominic had started to cozy up to Alicia. I didn't even notice until I went to find her because I hadn't seen her in a while.

I found her of them in the kitchen - with Dominic! They were standing close and talking in hushed tones. This was a little too intimate for my taste, and my jealousy instantly reared its head.

Dominic saw me first, and I saw him step back to a respectable distance. Alicia must have sensed the change in climate, because she turned and saw me too. She tried to smile warmly at me, but it seemed forced.

"Hey Hun. I was just looking for you." she said quickly. Too quickly.

"Really Alicia? I've been in the same place all night." My tone sounded accusatory even though I tried to hide it. She visibly flinched.

Dominic made a quick, quiet exit and left us there alone.

"Are you mad at me honey?" She asked, her voice dripping with innocence.

"What were the two of you talking about? I find you huddled in this corner with him whispering like two teenage girls who have a secret. What the fuck is going on?"

"Hun, stop it. Nothing is going on between Dominic and me. He was just being flirtatious like his always is. Nothing to get your panties in a bunch about."

"My panties in a bunch? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

A smirk played across her face, but it died quickly. It was replaced with a look of empathy and concern.

"I'm just a little drunk honey. Don't mind me."

With that, she patted my cheek and walked out.

For the rest of the night Dominic and Alicia weren't seen together. Believe me, I watched. Like a hawk. In fact, it was almost as if they were actively avoiding each other. I did see them exchange cryptic glances, but that was it.

That was enough. More than enough to get my Spidey Senses tingling. I was beginning to feel uneasy. Very uneasy.

I had to take a break from my stake out. The beer was starting to take effect and I had to go relieve the pressure or piss my pants. So I made my way upstairs and did my business.

When I came out of the bathroom, I ran right into Dominic. It was as if he followed me up here and waited for me.

"Do you have a problem with me, Greg?" he said, slurring his words. His eyes looked menacingly into mines, as if he were trying to intimidate me.

"What?" I asked. This moment seemed surreal to me. In fact, something about this entire night was a bit off.

"I asked if you have a problem with me. You're always looking down on me. You, with your fancy car and fancy house. Always waving your money around. You think you're better than me?"

If this conversation isn't making sense to you, you aren't alone. I had no idea where this shit was coming from.

"You're drunk Dominic. Go home before you say something you'll regret." I said as I pushed my way past him.

"Say something like what? Something like how sweet it is to fuck that pretty wife of yours."

Now he had my attention. Undivided. I turned around and walked up to him until we were millimeters from each other.

"Watch it fuck tard. Don't let button up shirts fool you. I will fuck you up. Leave my wife out of whatever sick fantasy you have."

He looked at me and smirked.

"Fantasies are for things that haven't happened, you moron. I have MEMORIES." The last word came out like a punctuation. And it was. It completely ended this discussion. His words sunk in.

"You're full of shit, asshole." I said, though I wasn't as sure as I would have been before this party.

"Am I lying about the birth mark on her thigh? Or about the fact that she isn't a real blonde. Of course you can't tell that now since she shaved her pus..."

That was the last thing he said. The only other sounds that were heard was the sickening bone-on-bone thud that a fist makes when it solidly connects with a jaw, followed by the sound of 195 pounds crashing through drywall.

I descended the stairs like a raging bull. Once I was at the bottom, I found Alicia. She rushing over to me.

"Greg what..."

Her question froze in her mouth. One look at me and she knew that I knew. Her wide eyes brimming with tears confirmed everything that Dominic said.

"Oh my God! Someone call 911. Dominic is out cold. I can't wake him up!" I heard from upstairs. Didn't know who it was. Didn't care. I just stood there, staring at Alicia as if I had never known her. Maybe I hadn't.

People began to rush up the stairs to see what was going on. I just stood there, staring at Alicia and searching for the wife that I married. Honestly, at that point I didn't care if Dominic were dead or not.

"What the fuck did you do to my husband?!" I heard a shriek come from behind me, followed by little fists pummeling the back of my head. I ducked to get away from Susie who was frantically swinging at me. Someone grabbed her and pulled her back.

"Greg, what the hell?" My friend Richard asked. He was the one hosting the party. The wall that now had a Dominic sized hole was his.

I completely ignored him and turned to Susie.

"Did you know that your husband was fucking Alicia?"

Susie instantly calmed down and stopped trying to attack me. She looked at me as if this explained everything. But she didn't get angry. She didn't call me a liar. Most importantly, she didn't look at Alicia. She just looked at me as if she understood.

And now, so did I.

I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Greg, we need to talk. But not here."

I turned around and shot Alicia the coldest look I could muster. At that moment, fury welled up in me like I had never felt. Blinding, white-hot rage. It was so intense that tears started to flow out of my eyes. I wasn't really crying though. It was as if the tears were a sort of release valve to keep me from exploding.

"He's awake!" I heard from upstairs. Susie left Alicia and me and flew up the stairs to soothe her fallen jungle boy.

My anger started to quell. The grim reality of things abruptly came into focus.

What if I had killed Dominic, even by mistake? One moment of anger could have doomed me to a lifetime of repercussions. I already could be facing assault charges. My career that I had worked so hard to build, all could be gone because I lost it over a drunken idiot.

A drunken idiot who fucked my wife!

"Greg, come on sweetie. Let's get out of here. We need to talk."

"We? No Alicia. YOU are going home with your boyfriend and his wife. I am getting out of here." I pushed past her and made my way to the front door. Alicia desperately ran behind me and grabbed me.

"Greg! You are not leaving me here! WE are going home and WE are going to talk! Do you hear me GODDAMIT? You are not going to put me on the backburner anymore!"

Her face was streaked with tears. She was a mixture of pissed off and incredibly sad, if that makes any sense. I have no idea what the fuck she had to be mad at.

"I can't deal with you Alicia. DO NOT come home. I could already be going to jail for assault. I don't want to add domestic violence to it."

"FUCK YOU GREG! FUCK YOU! You wanna hit me? DO IT CHICKEN SHIT! At least you won't be ignoring me! Hell, it will be the first time you touched me weeks!"

She poked me in my chest as she spoke. Her anger was rising rapidly, and I had no idea why. She was the one who was the cheating slut here. The only one with a right to be angry was me.

"That's your reason? Because I don't come home and paw you every single night? That's your fucking excuse? That's your bullshit reason for fucking that asswipe?"

She didn't answer me in words. Her defiant look spoke for her.

"For your information Alicia, I work for a living. I don't have a husband to pay my bills for me. Maybe if you got a fucking job you would know how it feels to come home tired!" I spat at her. It was then that I was reminded that we had an audience. And believe me, they were captivated. The only thing missing was a bucket of popcorn in their hands.

Alicia actually sneered at me. "Poor Greg. He's too tired to make love to his wife. Yet he finds time to sit in front of his computer and jerk off to porn EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! Maybe if you stopped looking up plastic Barbie dolls on the internet and payed more attention to your wife, she wouldn't have to go crying to her best friend about the husband who isn't interested in her anymore!"

By now, Alicia was practically screaming at the top of her lungs. Her fists were balled up at her sides as her tear streaked face displayed her pain and anger.

For me, that was the final blow. I could not have been humiliated any more than I was at that moment. I didn't have a clever comeback, or any type of retaliation. I tried to say something in response, but nothing came out.

All around me, my friends and neighbors looked at me. Their faces did nothing to hide what they were feeling watching this exchange. Shock. Disgust. Sympathy. Amusement?

I could do nothing but turn on my heels and disappear into the night. Alicia's wail of despair followed me until I started my engine and drove off.



This story is based on true events. In case you are wondering. I am not Greg. In this story, I am Richard (the guy who threw the Halloween party). Yes, I am the owner of the "Dominic" sized hole next to my daughter's room.

I used the point of view from the protagonist because I felt that this would make the audience feel the anger and the humiliation that Greg endured. I had to put myself in his place as I wrote this.

My wife and I could not help but to talk about this. In fact, it has been a subject in our house since. I know that it is wrong to be so enthralled with a situation like this, but it is like a train wreck. We can't help but to wonder about the things that we don't know.

  1. Susie didn't get angry when Greg told her that Alicia was fucking Dominic. So she knew. Was it a ménage a trois, or a swinging situation? If I'm honest, a ménage a trois with those two would rival any porn movie.

  2. How long has it been going on? I also caught the glances that Alicia and Dominic were shooting each other. There was definitely something there. Maybe I am just overthinking it. Maybe not.

  3. It was very apparent that Greg was neglecting Alicia sexually. Maybe even in more areas. Was that an excuse to cheat? I don't think so. Does it explain WHY she cheated? Absolutely. Women whose sexual advances are constantly rebuffed will have a higher temptation of having an affair. Especially if the husband shows sexual interest in other women besides her. Even watching porn can be considered cheating if it makes your spouse feel betrayed and inadequate.

On a side note, the real life Alicia (I changed everyone's names, of course) is fucking hot. In my opinion, a man would have to be dead to not show any interest in her. But that gives truth to the saying, "For every beautiful women there is a man who is tired of fucking her".

  1. The most important question. What happens next? For now the four of them are being tight lipped about the situation, but something like that can't stay quiet for long. Just a matter of time.

Even though this story is based on true events, I didn't witness everything. Some of the things I had to use creative license with. For instance, I didn't hear the exact conversation that happened when Greg punched Dominic. I heard from others who saw it that Dominic referred to Alicia shaving her pussy to prove that he had fucked her. The exact wording had to be embellished.