Caught Up in the Act


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I wasn't sure where to take the conversation next. An uncomfortable silence filled the room. I ignored it by pretending to listen to the sports analysts on TV.

"You follow the Hurricanes, man?" Jared said pointing toward the TV.

I grinned. "Only on the weather."

Jared chuckled. "Hey, I didn't used to watch, either. It's good shit, though. Kelly hates it, of course. Tried to take her to a few games. Not sure she looked up from her phone."

I watched Jared as he watched the TV. His eyes were on the screen, but I could tell they were looking somewhere different. His hand slid under the tight cotton of his black shirt. For the few seconds he scratched his stomach, I could see how tightly knit his flesh was beneath a thin layer of black hair.

I shivered and glanced away.

"Alicia doing good?" Jared asked.

I nodded. "She's always excited for Fridays."

Jared scoffed. "You should see Kelly. The nights they go out? It's the only night of the week I see life in her eyes. I see her all fixed up and I get a tiny taste of the way we used to be."

I was transfixed by Jared's voice. In this setting, relaxed in his home, I could hear the true Jared ooze out of him. His voice was so much deeper and smoother than I'd ever heard. But it was like warm whiskey. There was a bitterness, a simple sadness to his voice that drew me in. There was no use hiding from the elephant in the room. I swallowed hard before I allowed my thoughts to leave my mouth.

"Can I ask you something, Jared?"

He looked at me. "Shoot."

I licked my lips. "Do you... do you feel... bad, about you know... the last Friday I... saw you?"

My voice quivered. Jared stared at me the entire time.

"When you walked in on me?"

The bluntness of his words were a body shot that I felt deep inside. My blood began to flow. I blinked several times uncontrollably, but awaited for his response.

Jared finished his beer. "I used to, yeah. Sometimes... I still do."

I shook my head. "Then, why? How... how can you still do you do it?"

He leaned forward, letting his leg drop to the floor. Jared seemed to be considering the question. He ran his hand through his slick black hair.

"Well, usually I try to talk myself out of it." Jared shrugged. "Then, I remember that I wasn't the first one of us to do it."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

Jared gave me a look. "Kelly. She cheated on me long ago."

What shocked me the most is that I was shocked at all. I sat frozen, my beer almost to my lips. I stared at him. In my mind, I knew he was right. I'd always known. To hear it plainly was like a splash of cold water in my face.

"Damn," I breathed. "I'm so sorry man."

Jared shook his head. "Don't be. I knew it when she admitted it to me. I wasn't stupid enough to ignore the signs. Kelly thinks I only know of the one time. But I knew about the two other times she cheated before that. I noticed money gone. Looked into it of course. I know she's been a black card holder on and off at Elysium. Crazy shit can happen there with enough cash in hand."

I stared at the bottle in my hand. "You never said anything?"

"Why would I?" Jared stood and was walking to the kitchen behind us. "Things were always great on the outside like now, but they'd been rotting inside long before any of that happened."

I turned to see him returning with two more bottles in his hand.

"But... neither of you wanted divorce?" I asked.

Jared set another bottle in front of me on the ottoman. "I'm sure it's headed there one day, like I said. I've been preparing for that, legally."

I drained my beer and reached for the new one, still taken back by what I was taking in.

"Why wouldn't Kelly..."

Jared motioned to the house around us.

"Why would she?" He said. "She's got the best of both worlds. She gets to do what she does, with whoever she does, and reaps the rewards of the life we built."

"That you built," I muttered aloud.

Jared shrugged and leaned back into the couch. I shook my head, amazed that I was so wilfully ignorant to my gut feelings. A sickening thought began to form in my head. I drank deeply from my beer and looked at Jared.

"Do you know if... Alicia... is like that?"

Jared shook his head. "I don't pry that deep, man. I've never known that she did. All I can say is that it wouldn't surprise me. But I'm not going to tell you something I don't know."

I thought of the way Alicia had become. Weeknights she was in bed early. She wore sweats and old t-shirts so often. She seized every opportunity to go out with Kelly on the weekend. It was because of her job. That's what she always said and what I told myself. She was so stressed and so overworked at the hospital. I'd always felt like an asshole for even thinking of holding any grudge against her for those things.

But her makeup, the skirts, the late nights... Worst of all was her tone. The way she spoke to me was like a subordinate. As though I had duties, and none of them involved the both of us. Never had she verbally abused me, but there was always something in her voice that seemed off.

I rubbed my eyes. So many late nights had I sat in my room playing games. Every time, I'd always succumbed to my more carnal needs. I glanced at Jared, who stared at the hockey game on TV. Is this how it started for him? Were videos and self pleasure the first step? Had he walked this same road?

"Was it always with guys?" I blurted.

Jared looked at me. "I assume so. The times I knew she cheated-"

"I meant you." I forced the words out while I still had the courage.

Tiny black eyes stared back at me. I couldn't read what Jared was thinking. I wasn't sure I wanted to. He sat forward slowly lowering his gaze. I couldn't help but think of that night, of his body on top of another man's...

"Every time," was his answer.

I shifted in my seat. Only when my breath shuddered through my lips did I realize that I had been holding it in.

"Uh... why is that?" I asked. "How did it... start?"

Jared gave a half hearted grin.

"Kelly," he said. "She uh, she's to blame for that I guess, too."

I said nothing. I could only stare at him.

"Not entirely." Jared drank from his bottle. "I was always a little... that way. But we were into kinky shit together when we were younger. Hell, the toys we used on each other are still in her closet somewhere I think. Maybe that's not what she intended. But now that's what I like."

"Why not, you know...girls?" I prodded.

Jared shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, I had Kelly. For all her fucked up faults, she's gorgeous and amazing in bed. Or, she used to be. Now, our whole situation is fucked. Maybe another girl wasn't what I wanted, because it felt like I had all of that with Kelly."

Jared stared at me for a second. He seemed to wrestle with himself, trying to find the right words. He leaned close.

"Look, I'll tell you this," Jared said. His voice grew quiet, as though he feared someone might hear. Each word, however, dripped like warm syrup. "From my experience? There's no comparison. Every guy I've been with wanted to fuck. They'd chit chat sure, but Kelly never sucked my dick the way they did. She did it because it was a chore, or because it got her off in some way. Sam came in my house and laid on this couch between my legs and sucked me off for hours. He'd get me to the edge, then start playing with my balls and licking me everywhere but my dick."

My skin flushed warm. Jared's face seemed like it was inches from my own. I could feel something stir in my pants. I couldn't look away from Jared as he spoke.

"That guy sucked cock because he loved it," Jared told me. "There wasn't any obligation to hurry, or tell him he was doing good, or warn him when I was close. Sam made me cum in his mouth and sucked me clean after."

I could feel myself nodding in my jeans.

"None of the others were any different," Jared continued. "It's straight up passion. Some were gay guys I'd met through apps or online sites. Others were married guys like you and me, tired of the same old shtick. All of them had one thing in common, though. They were better than any pussy I'd ever had. Even Kelly. It took one taste for me. One. You'd be amazed at how good it feels to grab a guys cock that got hard for you, and make him cum from the simplest things."

My own cock was straining against my pants. I stared back at Jared dumbfounded at how open he was being. His small eyes searched my face. I watched them linger on my open lips for two seconds too long. I was beginning to feel like I was sliding. I couldn't claw my way back.

Jared gave me a small nod of his head. "You saw it. You saw how it can be."

I was speechless. I only stared back at Jared, my eyes now searching his features more closely. Things seemed to fall out of focus behind Jared. Something in the room was changing.

"I know you watched us, too," Jared went on. "You watched Devin and I fuck and you didn't make a scene because you saw what I'm talking about."

"Y-yeah," I stammered. I hadn't even meant to say the word.

"And you're here now." Jared stated it. I knew what he meant.

It was too late. It had been too late when I'd watched Alicia and Kelly drive off down the road. Outside I could ignore everything I wanted to. I couldn't ignore Jared. We both knew. The silly game of playing dumb was over.

Jared reached forward and slid his hand around my head and pulled me toward him. His mouth opened and our faces met. It was something I'd done hundreds of times, and my body fell into the routine. Now, however, my tongue was in Jared's mouth, and his was in mine.

Something burst like firecrackers in my head. The shock waves reverberated in my bones. It was familiar... but so damn different. I met each kiss over and over. His face was not smooth or soft. His features were not round and forgiving. I felt Jared's strong jaw open against mine. His beard brushed my face. His hand held my head firmly in place, not willing to let me retreat. I gave in and did the same.

This must have been all the invitation Jared needed. His body moved and I was being pressed back by the momentum. He wasn't forceful, but I was being over powered, controlled. I was falling back onto the seat cushions of the couch. Jared was climbing onto me. Part of me felt shocked by the suddenness of his motions, but I was too enraptured by our mouths still working against one another.

Immediately I was hooked. I couldn't remember the last kiss I'd shared with anyone that was quite like that. It had to have been with Alicia. But this felt so much more raw. Jared's breaths washed across my cheeks from his nose. Our lips would part and gasp before we locked in again. Jared's tongue was in control. It dove and pressed mine back, then coaxed it back before repeating the whole thing again and again.

I didn't feel it until Jared started to roll his hips across me. My eyes shot open from the sensation. The bulge in Jared's jeans ground itself against my own, hard. The force felt so good that my cock swelled. Even through two layers of blue jeans, I felt Jared's do the same. It was an immediate response I'd never experienced. Each time he drove himself into me, our cocks stiffened against one another.

It felt so good that it provoked me further into the act. My hands slid around Jared's waist and my fingers found new frontiers I'd not ever explored. Tight hard flesh awaited my hands. It annoyed me to find the taut cotton t-shirt in my way, but I quickly slid beneath that as well to clutch at the warmth of Jared's body. I tugged him against me.

Our faces broke apart. Jared reached up and grasped my chin between his thumb and finger and turned my head aside. It wasn't forceful, but it wasn't a request. My eyes settled on the TV screen. They fogged over and rolled when I felt Jared's hot flat tongue gliding up my neck. My hand instinctively found the silky soft hair of his head and pulled him deeper. A rock solid bristled jaw met mine. My earlobe was sucked into hungry lips.


My own moaning cry surprised me. Slowly Jared pumped his hips down into me while he lapped at my neck and my ear. I felt engulfed by the man, though he was no bigger than I. His actions were all so deep and desperate. It was like he couldn't get enough of my body. It was something I'd never felt. My jaw quivered when his tongue slid into my ear. I heard his wet breath and his grunts so loudly now.

"Oh, god..." Jared growled in my ear.

I turned to meet his face, our lips finding one another again. I was staring up into his eyes now as we kissed. Then Jared hovered over me, breathing into me, our noses touching. His body still pressing mine down into the cushions, over and over.

"We're... we're doing this, right?" Jared asked.

The question only made me balk for a second. I nodded.

To my surprise, Jared lifted himself off of me. He stood over me and began to peel his black shirt over his head. I sat up, my eyes unable to find anything in the room besides Jared's midsection. He had no gut, only the hard stomach of a man that was made for hard work. I followed the thin waves of body hair with my eyes to his belt line, just in front of my face.

Before I could say or do anything, Jared was unfastening his jeans. I looked up at him in shock. It was happening. I didn't know what to do. A rugged hairy hand pulled down the zipper on his pants. I could nearly see it. The swollen outline in his grey underwear was enough to know this was real.

"Wait, Jared..."

The man stopped, his bare chest heaving as he stared down at me. He waited patiently, his eyes knowing.

"I... look, I've never done... this," I let my own eyes motion toward his pants. "I'm not sure I can... do the things that... that they..."

Jared grinned. He reached down and took me by the arm, guiding me to my feet. Our faces were inches apart.

He nodded. "Well, I can help with that."

My shirt was being pulled up and over my body. I stood bare and shirtless next to Jared's rugged body. He reached down. Our lips came together again, and I didn't turn his away. I felt his fingers pulling open my jeans with ease, like he was tearing open a bag of chips. My zipper raced down. Even through my underwear, I felt cool air wash over the bulge at my crotch.

"Let me show you," Jared said.

He sank. As he did, my pants were tugged to my ankles. It was sudden, but even so I started to help Jared remove my jeans. I stepped free, but Jared remained below me, now squatting to sit on the ottoman. I drew in a cold breath. I felt so exposed. I still wore my briefs, but there was my hard dick poking outward under the fabric.

Jared was seated with his head right in front of my cock.

"Oh... my god," I uttered when I realized what was happening.

Jared's hands found my thighs. I could feel the strength of his arms channeled right through his palms and fingers. Both hands slid up my bare thighs while I stared down at him. I watched them slide into the legs of my underwear. My breath caught in my throat.

In seconds, Jared was clutching my shaft and my balls in his hands. He looked up at me, wearing half a grin. I gasped at the feel of a man's hands squeezing my dick. Jared leaned in and slowly opened his mouth. The heat of his breath cascaded across my crotch and moistened the cotton of my briefs right over the area of my cock. My flesh bulged in his hands.

Jared planted his mouth onto the shape of my dick and began to further wet my briefs. I could feel his lips through them. His lips gently closed again and again on my shaft. My underwear were stretched now. I peered down inside to see Jared's hairy hands groping me, pulling at my cock, squeezing to make it grow even harder in his grip.

He removed his hands and reached for the waistband. When my underwear slid to my ankles, my dick popped free to bounce in front of Jared's eyes. I felt so exposed in front of him. I still couldn't believe it was him. Those powerful hands slid around to grab me by each ass cheek. Jared opened his mouth and took my cock inside.

I didn't move or even breath. I didn't let my head fall back or cry out. I watched. Jared dove down my shaft and closed his lips around them. When he pulled his head back slowly, my entire dick was wet. I felt his tongue swirl across my tip with such force I saw my shaft bend against his lips. Jared squeezed my ass and pulled me into his head. I felt suction, and the wet friction of his tongue writhing beneath my cock.

"Oh, fuck!"

I blurted the words out of pure reflex. I heard Jared moan. His mouth opened and my cock lay across his bearded cheek. Now my flesh was being sucked into his mouth. He worked methodically, his eyes half rolled into his head while he savored every taste of me. Jared kissed and sucked at every inch of my skin. He propped my dick high with a single hand and began to roll his tongue all over it. Within seconds my entire dick was slimy and coated with spit.

Jared pushed at my hips and I dropped back onto the couch. My hips planted themselves right at the edge of the cushions, causing me to recline. I propped myself on my elbows and looked on with my mouth gaped open. Jared moved to the floor between my thighs. They opened for him. My cock lay bobbing back toward me. Jared dove into my crotch. The bristles of his mustache brushed the sensitive skin of my balls as his tongue danced between them.

My legs were hoisted on two strong hands. His fingers and thumbs dug into my skin, though I quickly realized I loved the feeling. Deeper Jared went, his tongue flattening itself and diving lower. My scrotum now became a bulging mass atop Jared's nose.

My eyes widened when I felt the flat of Jared's tongue slide over my asshole.

Now my head fell back. All of me did. I lay on the couch with my legs spread open in Jared's hands. It was such a peculiar feeling. Jared's tongue lapped at the rim of my asshole, wagging and diving in the slightest bit. All at once he rose. My sack dragged down his face while his tongue slid up between my balls, up the length of my cock to the very tip.

And he dove onto it again. My entire cock was buried in this man's face. My legs were let go to fall. I watched Jared push his mouth down to the base of my dick. I didn't have a cock like the ones I watched in my videos. Jared easily planted his bearded face against my waist. The tip of my cock was bent into his throat. I could feel it. I'd only seen this before. Alicia never did that. I wasn't sure she could. Jared did it with ease, and twisted his head slowly from side to side to feel it prod his throat.

I tried to cry out, but when I opened my mouth, a powerful hand was at my cheek. I groaned and turned to meet it with my lips. Jared's thumb plunged into my mouth. I had no time to wonder about what came over me. I slurped and sucked at the man's thumb, licking it and nodding my head back and forth.

Jared pulled his hand away. This was apparently exactly what he wanted me to do. With one hand he pinched the base of my dick, turning my shaft red in his lips. His eyes watched me as he reached down a shoved his other hand under my ass, where he squeezed and groped a single cheek.

A wet thumb prodded at the rim of my asshole. Right as I cried out, Jared began slurping his way down my cock again. His thumb popped inside of me.

Another surprise. I didn't recoil. Instead, the sensations were so overwhelming that I spread my thighs and sank as best I could to meet Jared's thumb. I felt it wriggle it's way into me. My dick throbbed harder inside Jared's mouth. Still I pushed downward. I could feel his palm. His fingers groped me while that thumb circled inside of me.

I shot up. My hand found a wad of silky hair on top of Jared's head and I pulled. I couldn't bear it.My cocked popped free from his mouth as I was able to pull Jared up.