Caught Wearing a Bra! Pt. 03

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Mike shows Joe his bra, panties and hose.
3.8k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/05/2024
Created 12/14/2023
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Mike woke up and looked at the clock on the night stand.

"Shit, Sandra, it's almost 7 o'clock!" he said, shaking her shoulder.

She rolled over and smiled a sleepy smile at him. "Good morning, lover," she purred as she pulled his face to hers, his lips to hers.

Mike kissed her, inhaling the sexy morning musk smell of their bodies and their breath.

"We have to get moving," he said, his lips still against her. "You know how Crawford feels about people coming in even a few minutes late."

She pulled on his head again and shoved her tongue into his mouth. He returned her kiss, wondering if they could both get away with calling in sick. But he knew he needed to get to work to start on the project Joe had given him yesterday.

"Let's at least shower together," she said as she rolled out of bed.

Mike looked at her thin, boyish body. From the back she could be mistaken for a man. Until she bent over to stretch, that is, and he was greeted with a magnificent view of her pussy and tight little brown hole.

They kissed some more as they soaped each other's bodies, but resisted the urge to take it further. When they had toweled each other off and Mike was looking for his clothes Sandra picked up her bra, panties and hose from yesterday.

"You wear mine today," she said as she tossed them at him. "And I'll wear yours."

"Oh, honey, you don't want to wear mine," he said. "They're all stiff with cum."

"That's why I want to wear them," she said. "All day I'll think about you cumming in them. And maybe when I go pee I will be able to smell them. Besides, mine are probably pretty stiff, too. You made me cum in them a few times!"

Mike laughed and started to put on the sheer, sexy bra and panties while he watched Sandra put on his pink bra and panties. When he had her pantyhose on he went to the living room for his clothes. He pulled his pants and shirt on, shoved his feet in his shoes without socks, shoved his socks in his pocket, and he was ready to go home to get ready for work.

Sandra came into the living room wearing a skirt and blouse similar to the one she'd worn to work yesterday.

"Are you sure you don't want me to get you one of my outfits?" she asked. "I'm pretty sure even my shoes will fit you."

"Um, I don't think Crawford & Son is quite ready for that version of me, yet," he laughed.

"Does Crawford even have a son?" Sandra asked.

"I'm pretty sure he does," Mike answered. "The story I've heard is that Crawford started the company when his son was young, and he figured he would grow up to join his dad in the family business, but then the son didn't want to follow in dad's footsteps, but the company is still named that."

Sandra nodded. "Okay. That's makes sense, I guess. Have you ever met Crawford's wife?"

Mike nodded. "Last year at the company Christmas party. She seemed, uh, nice."

"Yeah, I met her then, too. I don't know why, but she struck me as a very cold woman."

Mike nodded. "Yeah, me, too. No wonder Crawford's grumpy all the time. He's not getting any pussy at home."

Sandra laughed. "A guy like Crawford can get pussy when he wants to, even if his wife won't put out."

"True," Mike laughed. "Okay, I'm going to head over to my house to change clothes. I'll see you at the office."

Sandra kissed him on the cheek. "Okay, baby. Hey, why don't you grab a wig while you're there? I might want to femme you up a little more tonight. That is, if you're up to it."

"I'll do that," Mike smiled. "Want me to grab anything else?"

She shook her head. "Nah. I've got plenty of clothes that will fit you. No sense and hauling a bunch of crap back and forth."

An hour later Mike walked into the office. He'd walked in wearing panties and hose many times, and a bra quite a few times recently, but this time was different. He felt a tingle in his crotch when he saw Sandra at her desk talking with Anita, another young female accountant.

The way they were laughing and talking Mike knew they weren't talking about work. He felt a twinge of fear when he thought that maybe Sandra was telling Anita that he was wearing her panties and bra and hose today. Or that she was wearing his. Then he thought no, she would never do that to him. And the fact that she was wearing the bra, panties and hose he'd worn yesterday sparked another tingle in his nether region.

He hurried to his desk hoping that no one could see the bulge growing in the front of his slacks.

He'd only been working for a few minutes when Crawford stepped into his cubicle.

"Good morning, Mike," Joe said amiably as he walked in and slapped Mike on the back. Well, more like rubbed his hand over Mike's back. Mike knew what he was looking for, and he found it. "Already hard at it, I see."

Mike looked at his boss and blushed. "Yes, sir. I've got a couple of things I want to check out."

"Good, good," Crawford said, still rubbing Mike's back. He dropped a folder on Mike's desk. "I've made a few notes of things I want you to look into," he said. "I've got several meetings this morning, but perhaps sometime after lunch you can come to my office and update me on your findings?"

"Uh, yeah, sure, Mr. Crawford," Mike said nervously.

"Good, good," Crawford said, almost dreamily. "I'll look forward to seeing you then," he said. He gave Mike's back one more good rub to insure that Mike knew he'd found his bra strap.

Mike wondered what Crawford would say if he knew today's bra belonged to another of his employees? He almost giggled at the thought of showing it to him and telling him it was Sandra's. Of course, he would never do that... show him the bra or, even if he did, tell him it was Sandra's.

Mike lost track of time as he worked and was surprised when he looked up at Sandra standing outside his cubicle.

"Hey, dude, ease up there!" Sandra laughed. "You gonna come eat some lunch with us?"

Mike laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. Let me see what I have to eat in my desk. I didn't grab anything from home this morning."

"Don't worry about it," Sandra said. "I have enough leftover pizza for both of us."

She leaned over and put her mouth close to his ear. "I'm so fucking wet I'm afraid it's going to drip down my leg," she hissed in his ear.

"That wouldn't be good," Mike said. "But, um, I've had a bit of a problem this morning myself." He stood up and indicated the slight bulge in his slacks.

"I'll be so glad when we can get out of here and take care of that!" she giggled. "Have you talked to Crawford this morning?"

"Yeah, he came by my cubicle with some numbers he wants me to look at. He rubbed his hand all over my back while he was talking to me," Mike told her.

"I'm telling you, he wants to see your bra. And probably more," Sandra giggled.

"Maybe so," Mike agreed.

"So what are you going to do if he asks to see it?" she asked him.

Mike shrugged. "I'm not sure. Show it to him, I guess."

"What if he wants to touch it," she asked, grinning.

"Mmmm, I hope he doesn't. You've seen what happens when my nipples get touched," Mike said.

"Mmm, yes, I have," she smiled. "Oh, but if it does go that way, please don't tell him it's mine!"

"I won't," Mike laughed. "That would just be too much to explain!"

After lunch Mike printed out some reports to show Crawford what he was looking for and what he was finding. As he thought more about what Sandra said about Crawford wanting to see and possibly even touch his bra he was finding it hard to concentrate.

Mike jumped when his phone buzzed.

"Mike, can you come in here, please?" Crawford said through the intercom.

Mike picked up the folders he had prepared and headed for Crawford's office. Sandra saw him walking that way and winked at him.

"Come in, come in," Crawford said when Mike knocked on his door. "And, uh, close the door, please."

Mike crossed the big office and put the files on Crawford's desk. He noticed that there was already a highball glass with amber liquid in it sitting on the desk.

Joe gave the papers in one of the folders a cursory glance, then looked up at Mike.

"Have a seat, please," he said. Without asking he went to the cabinet on the side of the office and poured a generous portion of vodka and a splash of ginger ale into a glass. He handed it to Mike and sat back down behind his desk.

"Ok, Mike, I'm going to honest with you here. I'm very interested in those reports you've been working on. But I'm even more curious about some things. I'm sure you can guess what, can't you?"

Mike blushed and nodded. He looked down at his drink. "I'm going to guess it's about me wearing a bra?"

Joe nodded. "I don't want to offend you, but, um, I'm intrigued. So I'm going to ask some questions, and any time you don't want to answer them you don't have to and it won't affect your job. Okay?"

Mike took a big sip of his drink. "I'm pretty sure I'll answer anything you want to ask, Mr. C... Joe."

Joe smiled. "Thank you, Mike. So, do you wear other things? Women's things?"

Mike nodded. "Yes, sir. Most days I'm also wearing panties and pantyhose. Sometimes in the winter I wear a camisole."

"Interesting," Joe said. "So, are you wearing panties and hose today?"

"Yes, I am."

"Are the panties and bra by chance a matching set?" Joe asked.

Mike blushed and nodded. "Yes, they are."

"Very nice," Joe said, almost under his breath. "Very nice indeed."

He took a big gulp of his bourbon.

"Um, Mike, when you're not at work... what do you wear then?" he asked hesitantly.

"Um, well, to be honest, around the house I usually dress more like a woman," Mike answered honestly. "A dress or skirt and blouse, sometimes a wig, sometimes some heels."

"Oh, nice!" Joe said. "Uh, do you ever dress up and go out?"

"I used to, when I was in college," Mike admitted. "I haven't since I moved here. I know there are some places to go, but I haven't really checked them out."

Joe nodded. "Yes, from what I understand there is a big area they call the Rainbow District. I'm sure you can guess why."

Mike nodded. "Yes, sir, I've heard of it. I just haven't taken the time to check it out."

Joe nodded again. He seemed to be thinking, maybe trying to figure out how to say what he wanted to say... or ask.

"Okay, Mike, I'm going to be blunt. Are you gay? Be honest with me, and remember that your answer will in no way affect your job."

Mike took a big gulp of his drink and looked his boss in the eyes.

"No, I'm not gay," he said. "I am bi. I don't have a lot of experience with either women or men. I do enjoy sex with a man now and then, but for a relationship I want to be with a woman. And I enjoy sex with a woman, too."

Joe looked at him for a long time. "It sounds like you've given that a lot of thought," he said quietly. "Or been asked before."

"Both," Mike said. "The first time I was asked that question was by my mother when I finally admitted to her that I like to dress in women's clothes. I didn't have a good answer for her that day, but it gave me a reason to think about it."

Again Joe drained his drink and looked at Mike for what seemed like a long time. He got up and walked to the cabinet to mix himself another.

"Mike, would it be possible for me to see your bra sometime? And, um, your panties?" Joe blurted while his back was to Mike.

"Um, well, uh, sure, I guess so," Mike stammered. He had been thinking that's where the conversation was leading, but he wasn't expecting it to be so blunt.

Joe took a big gulp of his drink, then filled the glass back up, and turned around to face Mike.

"Like, now?" Joe asked.

"Huh?" Mike looked at him, confused.

"Now," Joe repeated. "Can I see them now?"

"Uh, now? Here? In your office?" Mike asked.

"Why not?" Joe said. "I can lock the door, so no one will come in."

"You want me to strip down to my bra and panties here? Now?" Mike felt his cock stir in Sandra's sheer panties. He didn't want to be turned on. He thought of Sandra and how she might feel if she knew he was taking his clothes off in Joe's office. But they had talked about it, and she knew it might happen.

Joe walked across the big office and turned the lock on the door, then walked back to sit behind his desk.

"Would it help if I say please?" Joe asked.

Mike thought he could hear a slight tremble in his boss's voice. He drained the last of the mixture in his glass and stood up. He pulled his polo over his head, revealing the sheer sexy bra he was wearing. He unbuttoned his pants and took them off. This time he also took off the dark socks he was wearing to cover his hosed ankles, then stood up and faced his boss in the sexy lingerie.

Joe stared at him, a slight smile on his face. "That is so sexy," he whispered. "Mike, would you mind coming over here so I can get a better look?"

Mike walked around the desk as Joe turned his big office chair to the side to face him. He was surprised by how comfortable he felt presenting himself to his boss in the sheer bra and panties and hose.

"Did you want me to take the hose off, too?" he asked quietly.

"No, no," Joe said quickly. "No, leave the hose on."

When Mike neared him Joe stood up. He reached out to touch the sheer cup over Mike's right breast, then pulled his hand back quickly.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I should have asked before I did that. Do you mind if I touch you?"

"Not at all," Mike smiled, almost forgetting that he was in his boss's office. Mike didn't let just any man touch him in his lingerie, but he was attracted to Joe as a man, not as his boss.

Mike reached out and took Joe's hand in his. He raised it to his chest, and pushed it flat against the sheer cup. He moved it around, and had to stifle a slight moan when Joe's palm rubbed his hard nipple.

Joe was letting Mike direct his hand as he stared at the sexy bra.

"I've never touched a man in a bra before," Joe whispered. "I never knew it would be so sexy."

"Thank you for thinking I'm sexy," Mike said quietly. "I think you're sexy, too."

Now that it was happening Mike's cock was throbbing in the sheer panties. He put his hands on the front of Joe's slacks and found Joe's hard cock.

Joe took that as a hint and put his other hand on Mike's crotch. He rubbed his hand back and forth, feeling Mike's hard shaft through the sheer hose and panties.

"That feels so sexy!" Joe whispered, still staring at the other bra cup covering Mike's left breast.

"Mmmm, yes it does," Mike moaned, pushing his crotch against Joe's hand.

He started working to unbuckle Joe's belt and pants. Joe moved his hand to help him.

When Joe's slacks dropped around his ankles Mike pushed his boxers down around his thighs. He stepped closer to rub his nylon clad crotch against Joe's rigid shaft and started to unbutton Joe's shirt. When the shirt was open he rubbed his lace covered nipples against Joe's hard little nipples.

Mike knew it wouldn't take long, and it didn't. Joe put his hands on Mike's hips and pulled them tighter together. A little grunt, then a growl came out of Joe's mouth as he pushed his throbbing dick hard against Mike's hosed cock.

Mike grabbed Joe's hips and pulled them together. He felt Joe's shaft throb, and then felt the first spurt of hot cum shoot up between them all the way to their chests. Mike moved his hips, rubbing his crotch against Joe's cock as another jet of hot cum blasted up between them.

Joe's eyes were closed, his teeth were clenched. His breath came in a series of gasps. "Uhn, uhn, uhn, mmmmm, yessssss!"

As Mike felt Joe's shaft pulse and shoot hot cum over them his own cock throbbed and filled the sheer panties with his own cum. He pumped his crotch against Joe's, humping him as their orgasms crashed over them, until Joe's cock was oozing cum on the outside of Mike's hose and panties, and Mikes cum was starting to escape the elastic leg of his panties and drip down his hose-clad thigh.

Mike continued to rub his crotch on Joe's softening cock, smearing the cum on his panties and hose. He smiled knowing he would wear the wet panties and hose the rest of the day. He smiled when he thought about Sandra's reaction when he told her the stiffness on her hose and panties was their boss's cum!

He stepped back from Joe and sank to his knees. He now knew he loved to be with a woman, but he still had the urge to feel Joe's cock in his mouth. He licked cum off of Joe's chest and belly on his way down, then gently sucked Joe's softening cock into his mouth. He ran his tongue softly around Joe's dick, then sucked hard and pulled his head back.

When Mike stood back up Joe put his hands on Mike's face and pulled them together for a kiss. Mike was surprised when he felt Joe's tongue pushing against his lips, but opened his mouth to accept the deep, gentle kiss.

Joe pulled his head back and looked at Mike.

"A lot of firsts for me today," he said quietly. "Thank you for everything."

"You're welcome," Mike smiled. "And thank you! Um, how about I get a towel to clean us up and we can look at those numbers now?"

Joe laughed. "Yeah, I guess we probably should do some work." He waved a hand, indicating the rest of the office. "They're going to be wondering what's going on in here."

'I know one who probably isn't wondering,' Mike thought to himself as he got a towel from the liquor cabinet.

When they had cleaned up a little and had their clothes back on Joe quickly showed Mike some things he wanted him to check on. Mike made some notes on the reports and headed for the door.

"Uh, Mike?" Joe said before Mike opened the door. "I, uh, I have an apartment not far from here. You think sometime I could have you over for dinner and a drink?"

"You live in an apartment?" Mike asked.

Joe laughed. "No. I have a place very close to work for those nights when I work really late and need to be here early in the morning. And for when we have clients in town."

Mike nodded. "Oh, okay, nice. Yes, I'd love to come for dinner and a drink sometime."

"Good," Joe said. "And, uh, Mike?" Mike stopped before he opened the door. "If you wanted to, uh, you know, dress up a little more, well, that'd be okay."

Mike smiled and nodded. "I'd love to dress up pretty for you, Joe," he said.

Joe smiled and nodded. "Good. One day next week, maybe?"

Mike nodded. "Sounds good."

Mike felt a tingle in his body as he walked back through the rows of cubicles to get back to his own workspace knowing his bra and panties and hose were wet with the boss's cum! He wondered if any of them could smell the sex on him. Mike could still taste Joe's cum and smell the musky scent of his cock.

Soon after Mike sat back down at his desk Sandra appeared beside him. She put her hand on the back of his chair and leaned over like she was looking at something on his computer screen.

"You were in there long enough!" she whispered in his ear. Then she sniffed him. "You smell like cum!"

Mike blushed and nodded.

"Yours or his?" Sandra asked.

"Both," Mike smiled.

Sandra sighed. "Shit, I want to hear the details!"

"I know you do, but we can't," Mike said. "You'll have to wait until after work when we get to your place."

Sandra sighed again. "That's a problem," she said. "You remember me telling you about my friend who keeps my liquor cabinet stocked?" Mike nodded. "Well, he wants to come restock it this evening," Sandra said.

"Damn," Mike said. "How long does he usually stay?"

"It varies," she said. "Depends on what he's got going on. Sometimes he's only there for an hour or so, sometimes he spends the night."

"Oh, he's that kind of friend," Mike said. "Well, I guess you'll just have to hear the details tomorrow."

"I know, and I don't want to wait. I'll try to get him to leave. I'll tell him I'm not feeling good or something," Sandra said.

"Okay," Mike said. "So, are you going to change out of my bra and panties before he comes over?"