Caught with his Pants Down Ch. 03


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Katie unbuttoned her man's jeans and pulled down the zipper.

"This," she said to Gloria, "is the major difference between father and son."

Then she yanked his trousers down to his knees.

Gloria's jaw dropped. She had always assumed that, since the Anthony's general bodily proportions were nearly identical to her ex-husband's, that his penis would be similarly sized. What she saw was a hunk of impossibly thick man meat that hung down between his legs nearly six inches even though it was still soft.

She wanted to shout, "Oh my fucking god!" but she was so shocked that she couldn't get her voice to work. She ended up just mouthing the words.

When the initial shock wore off and she finally found her voice she croaked out, "How big...?" the sentence trailed of as she stared at the huge appendage and the startlingly massive balls that hung below it, with an equal measures of fascination, lust, and apprehension.

"Ten and three quarter inches when it's hard," Katie said smugly.

Gloria's mouth began to water, her vagina began to moisten, and her nipples began to harden. It was the same size as the beloved pleasure pole her father had used on her. He used to fuck her so wonderfully with it. Sometimes he would put it between her big tits and hump them until he spurted all over her chin and cleavage. Frequently she would be able to catch some of his loving liquid in her mouth as he did it. What she liked best of all was when he would let her suck it. Her proudest moment, as a teen, had been the first time that she had successfully deep throated the entire shaft. She still remembered how he had bellowed with joy as he shot his paternal essence directly into her stomach. When he finished he stroked her cheek, looking down at her with the love that only a father can give his daughter, and told what a good girl she was.

But, while her father's cock could be an instrument of pleasure it could also be an instrument of punishment. His anger terrified her because when he was angry he would shove it into her ass. He never used any sort of lubrication. He would just ram it home. She would scream and cry from the pain, but that just made him fuck her harder.

She could still remember him yelling, "You have been a bad girl!" He would shout each syllable in time with each thrust of his weapon of retribution through her helpless rosebud.

He would grip her butt cheeks in his ham hock-like hands so hard that the pain of his grip would sometimes eclipse the pain in her asshole. Then he would brutally spank her as he fucked. He would end the punishment by calling her filthy names until he filled her bowels with his scorching, liquid ire.

Within an hour he would always return with apologies and tender caresses. He would kiss and lick the place where he had hurt her. Then he would turn her over to lick her pussy.

He would stick one, maybe two of his thick fingers into her while he licked, nibbled, and sucked her clit. When he thought that she was almost ready to climax her would fuck her slowly and lovingly until she screamed with pleasure instead of pain as an orgasm took hold of her.

Two weeks after her twentieth birthday he was killed in an auto crash. She cried for weeks. Even though she had never admitted it to herself, she had been searching for another cock that could love her like Daddy's ever since.

The impressive tool dangling between her son's legs wasn't, as she had expected, her ex-husband's pathetic, little penis. It was her father's cock.

For a long time nobody said a word. The only sound was Gloria's increasingly labored breathing as she gazed at the slowly lengthening facsimile of her beloved father. Her massive breasts heaved with the effort. She licked her lips as she longingly stared at her son's manhood.

"Why don't you go stand in front of her," Katie said, "and give a closer look?"

Anthony didn't move.

"Yes," said Gloria huskily, "Please, let me see it closer." She managed to stop herself before she accidently added the word, "Daddy."

"No," said Anthony.

He pointed toward the kitchen and told Katie, "We need to talk."

His woman looked up at him questioningly.

"Now," Anthony said firmly.

Katie turned to Gloria as she got up to leave. "Don't you dare move!" she shouted.

She needn't have bothered. Gloria had no desire to go anywhere before she got her mouth on that magnificent fuckpole.

In the kitchen Katie said impatiently, "What are you doing? We can't stop now. We have that bitch right where we want her."

Anthony put his hand on her cheek and caressed it lovingly.

"Are you listening to yourself?" he said, "Do really understand what it is you're doing?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Katie said angrily.

"I've been listening to the whole thing from the top of the stairs," Anthony said, "I don't quite know how it happened, but somewhere along the line you stopped being Katie."

"What?" Katie said incredulously, "That's ridiculous. I'm still me."

"No," said Anthony with deep concern, "You're not. I don't know if you just gave in to your anger or what. But, at some point in the last twenty minute you became calculating and controlling just like my mother."

"No," Katie protested, "I couldn't have!"

Anthony ignored her and continued, "I know that you did it trying to protect me, and I love you for that."

Katie stared at him with her eyes wide. Did he just say what she thought he said?

"But, this isn't you," he said, "This is someone else. This is someone who knows nothing but anger and revenge. It's scaring my mother. But, it's scaring me, too."

He wrapped his arms around her protectively and said, "I don't want that angry woman. I want my Katie back."

She threw her arms tightly around her man. She could feel his strength flowing into her through the embrace. She began to cry as the reality of the last twenty minutes came crashing down on her.

She knew that Anthony was wrong. She hadn't given in to her anger. She had let it possess her. She had let it drive all rational thought or compassion from her. She had actually begun to enjoy Gloria's terror.

As she convulsed with sobs her man stroked her hair and told her that it would be allright. She buried her face in his shoulder as she cried. She had gone to save him from his mother and, in turn, he had saved her from herself. She hugged him more tightly. She never wanted to let him go.

"I love you," she mumbled into his collar bone.

He put a hand under her chin and gently raised her head until their eyes met.

"I love you, too." He said.

Their kiss was slow and tender. Each could feel their strength flowing into the other and back again until both strengths became one. They knew that they would never part.

When they finished Katie said, "We still have one outstanding problem."

"Mother," said Anthony.

Meanwhile, Gloria had begun wonder exactly how Anthony would fuck her. Would he be quick and utilitarian like Roger, or leisurely and loving like Daddy? When she sucked him would he go off in minutes like most of her cougar cubs, or last seemingly forever like Daddy?

What was taking them so long? What we they talking about? What were they doing? Were they having sex in there? Was her son wasting his powerful tool on that slut.

Gloria had come here to save her son from becoming his father. That slimy skank of a step-mother had actually become angry about that.

When she remembered the anger she froze. She had only ever seen that kind of rage in one other person.

What we they saying in there? Was that worthless tramp turning her son against her? Was she making him angry, too?

Her breathing almost stopped when she wondered, "If he's angry, will he want punish me like Daddy did?"

Without conscious thought she did something that she hadn't done in thirty-one years. She sat on her hands as though to protect herself from the feared retribution.

Katie and Anthony were still trying to decide what to do next.

"Look," Katie said earnestly, "I know that what I did was completely crazy and wrong. But, we can't change that. We have to take the situation as it is."

"You're right," Anthony said with frustrated sigh, "I'm just not sure about this, though. I mean, we're talking about incest here."

"That was inevitable anyway," said Katie, "Your mother came here today with the specific intent of taking your virginity. There's no way around that.

Gloria wasn't going to leave here until she fucked you. Even if we managed to get her to go away right now she still wouldn't give us any peace until she got what she wanted."

"Especially now that she's seen me naked," Anthony added.

"Exactly," said Katie, "So, it's not a matter of doing it or not doing it. It's a matter when and on whose terms."

Anthony shook his head in resignation and said, "I guess now is as good a time as any."

Katie kissed him and said, "Will you stop acting like you've just volunteered to be executed?"

"Katie," he said with exasperation, "I'm about to go into the next room and fuck my mother. That's not something that people normally do. Normal people try to avoid doing things like that," then added, "if they even think about it at all."

"Since when has this been a normal family?" Katie asked, raising one eyebrow.

"You're sarcasm doesn't change anything," he said.

"Will you just stop?" she said impatiently, "Besides, it's not like she's ugly. As much as I dislike her I have to admit that she's a damned good looking woman. I'll bet that there are men who would saw off their left leg for an hour with her. Then there's her, shall we say, considerable experience. She's probably forgotten more about sex than either of us will ever know. You may actually have a good time."

With a somewhat tentative smile he asked, "So, how do I go about this?"

"Take command like you do with me," she said.

"She's going to follow my orders?" he inquired skeptically.

"I saw the hunger in her eyes when I dropped your pants, Lover," she said with a wicked grin, as she reached down to stroke him lightly, "I think that she'll do just about anything to get her hands on this beautiful piece meat."

She let go of his dick and pushed him toward the livingroom and his waiting mother saying, "We'll pick up where we left of and improvise from there."

The entered the room resuming previous positions, Katie sitting on the opposite end of the couch from Gloria and Anthony standing next to her.

"Now," said Katie, "Where were we?" She pretended to give it a moment's thought then said, "Ah, yes. Anthony, I think that you were about to give Gloria a closer look at that big, thick cock." She slowly drew out the last three words.

Gloria smiled in anticipation.

"Actually," the man said, "You had asked me to do that and I had said that I wouldn't."

Gloria's smile disappeared.

"Right," said Katie, "I stand corrected."

"You're sitting down," said Anthony.

"Allright," she responded, "I sit corrected." Then she gave one of his butt cheeks a playful squeeze and said, "Smartass!"

"Some part of me had to be," said her man with a smirk.

While the loving couple had been conferring in the kitchen Gloria had managed to regain some semblance of her equilibrium and decorum.

She said sternly, "Are you two going spend the rest of the day bantering?"

"Why not?" Katie said, "It's fun."

"Because I have other things to do and other people to see," Gloria said indignantly, "I've already spent a good deal more time here than I had planned."

"Well," said Anthony, "We're sorry to have imposed upon your valuable time. We won't keep you any longer. The door is that way." He pointed toward the front hallway.

"Don't be impertinent. You know very well what I mean. Now, come here immediately!" the mother demanded.

"No," said the son flatly.

"Don't you dare disobey me!" she shouted, "I'm your mother and you will do as you're told."

"I think that Anthony has made it pretty clear that he doesn't want to," said Katie.

"You stay out of this, you worthless, thieving trollop!" Gloria nearly roared, "Don't think for one minute that you can order me about just because you stole my son's virginity from me!"

"From you?" Katie asked, not believing what she had just heard.

"Yes, from me!" Gloria went on loudly, "I'm his mother! It was mine to take! It was my duty to take it. It is the pinnacle of depraved evil that I should have been prevented from fulfilling my responsibility to my only child by some rancid slut!"

"That tears it," said Anthony, "Katie, would you hand me my trousers, please?"

Katie complied.

"Wait!" the mother shouted, "What are you doing?"

"I won't tolerate having you say things like that about Katie," he said angrily, "or anyone else for that matter, not while I'm able to stop it. We're done here. Leave! Now!"

As Anthony began to put his pants on his mother stopped him with words she almost choked on, "I apologize, Katie. I shouldn't have said that."

Anthony handed his trousers back to Katie as his loving woman said, "Apology accepted."

"Thank you," Gloria muttered.

"Let's start again. Mother," Anthony said, "What's all this nonsense about duty?"

"Duty is not nonsense," Gloria said resolutely, "It is my responsibility, as your mother, to teach you the ways of the world, and specifically the ways of women."

"Really," Katie and Anthony said in unison.

"Well, of course!" Gloria said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"So that's a justification for incest?" Anthony asked.

"The concept of incest is a ludicrous fiction," His mother declared adamantly.

"What?" he asked.

"It's a ludicrous fiction," she repeated, "It is an arbitrarily constructed, narrow, lower-class pseudo-ethic designed to give the poor and middle classes an excuse to avoid conducting themselves in a responsible and truly moral manner."

Katie rolled her eyes. Anthony squinted.

"Even at that," said Anthony, "I live with a woman who is very beautiful, very loving, and, I have to say, very horny who is willing to fuck me into oblivion at the drop of a hat. Can you give me one good reason why I should also have sex with you?"

Gloria smiled coquettishly as she began to slowly unbutton her blouse and said, "I can give you two good reasons for a start."

The release of each button revealed a little more of her mouth-watering cleavage. She kept her eyes locked on her son's prodigious pole to gauge his response. She smiled and licked her lips as blood started to flow into the mighty cudgel. She imagined what it would feel like filling her hot pussy. She was practically drooling at the thought of having it in her mouth, shooting the contents of his huge balls down her throat.

In spite of himself Anthony felt himself hardening. As his mother pulled her blouse free of her skirt and her tremendous bosoms bounce free, he had to admit that she had gorgeous tits. They were perfectly spherical with barely a hint of sag. Each was capped with areola, much darker than one might have guessed from her generally light complexion, and tiny nipples that seem to beg to be sucked.

Never taking her eyes from his cock she said smugly, "In case you were wondering, Katie, the answer is no. I haven't had any work done. These are all natural. This is all me."

She held up her immense orbs in invitation as she watched her son's meat harden.

In highschool and college Katie had experienced brief dalliances with other women. They had been fun, but it was never really her thing. Watching the raw sensuality of this older woman, however, had set her mouth to watering. She decided that she could enjoy spending a very long time sucking and biting those stunning breasts.

Anthony was at half-mast watching his mother's display. She was definitely a very sexy woman. Their relationship as son and mother was slowly becoming irrelevant. He wanted to fuck her.

She released her breasts. They bounced back into place enticingly.

She slowly lifted her skirt and spread her broad thighs as she said, "This is another good reason."

Her moist gash immediately came into view. Above that was a narrow, salt and pepper landing strip. Her thighs looked firm and strong. She hadn't worn any panties or a bra that day because she had wanted no barriers between her and her son.

"I can do things with this," she cooed as she fingered herself, "that most men can't imagine and most women can't believe to be possible."

While Katie stared in horny fascination at the older woman's vagina, Anthony looked at his woman and realized that it might be something of a battle to see whose tongue got in there first.

"There are other ways that I can please you," Gloria said as she gave her lips a sensuous, teasing lick.

By that time Anthony was hard as a rock and Katie was breathing heavily as she fondled one of her own massive breasts.

"Now," the alluring, incestuous cougar purred, "Come over here and let fulfill my duty to you as your mother."

"No," said Anthony.

Both women were stunned.

Gloria was in a near panic. No man had ever turned her down. What had gone wrong? She tried desperately to think of something to say that would turn it around.

All that came out was a whiney, "Now what?"

"You come here," Anthony said curtly.

There was a long silence as mother and son stared at each other. Gloria was having trouble meeting her son's eyes. She couldn't stop staring at the magnificent stiffness bobbing between his legs.

Katie watched them both apprehensively, looking back and forth between the two as though watching a tennis match.

The tension in the room became thicker and heavier as time passed. Katie was becoming anxious. She had no idea which one of them would blink first.

Finally, Gloria forced herself to stop staring at her son's cock and they locked eyes for a serious battle of wills.

Anthony knew that no matter what happened he was going to fuck Gloria Carter good and hard. She was no longer his mother. She was a sexy, arrogant bitch who needed to be brought down a peg. He was sure he had just the peg to do it with. He'd fuck her pussy. He'd fuck her face. He'd fuck her tits. He wondered how she'd react to getting in the ass.

For her part, Gloria kept up the fight by internally chanting, "I don't lose. I don't lose."

Katie was becoming increasingly worried. There was no telling which one of them would come out on top. All she knew for certain was that if Gloria won she'd have an even tighter control over their lives than she already had. She would use it to make their lives miserable.

"Please, Anthony," she thought desperately, "Don't let this bitch win or were screwed."

At long last Anthony broke the silence.

He extended his hand toward Katie and said one word, "Trousers."

"Trousers," Katie said with mock solemnity as she handed him his pants.

"NO!" Gloria screamed.

She jumped to her feet and ran to her son.

"Allright," she said bitterly, "you win."

Her bitterness was almost immediately forgotten as she finally wrapped her hand around her son's steel-hard shaft. It felt hot and strong just like her father's. It would fill the way she had longed to be filled for over thirty years. She stroked it for several minutes as she gazed at it adoringly.

"Just that?" Anthony said suddenly.

"What?" his mother said. She was clearly startled.

"You put us through all that bullshit just to give me a handjob?" he asked.

"O-of course not," she sputtered.

"Well, you're in the wrong position to do me any good," he said sternly.

Gloria knew exactly what he meant. She dropped slowly to her knees.

She had only been on her knees before one other man, her beloved father. When she gave oral pleasure to her cougar cubs it was in the sixty-nine position with her one top so that she could maintain control of it. The closest she had ever gotten to being one her knees with her young men was when she would play one of her favorite tricks on them.