Celebrity Interlude

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A young couple’s celebrity sighting.
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Many thanks to Todger65 for editing.

It's Monday morning and as is my routine I am drinking coffee and perusing the newspaper. I don't spend a lot of time on the society pages, but something caught my eye. The two hottest celebrities in the world were relocating to our city for a movie shoot. Ange and Brad were the married epitome of gorgeous couples. I didn't get the fascination that women had with Brad, but I could without a doubt understand the fascination us men had with Ange. She was a perfect woman with a body that screamed hot sex. Those voluptuous lips just begged to be kissed or to be wrapped around my fat cock. Just the idea of those lips had me as hard as a rock.

That was the moment that my lovely wife Lisa made her entrance. She poured herself a cup of coffee, stood at the table behind me, and began reading over my shoulder, "Whatcha reading? Oh my god! Ange and Brad are coming here!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm, "Yeh, the man of your dreams, or should I say fantasies, is coming to town. He is accompanied by his rather dowdy and barely fuckable, wife."

Lisa lightly slapped my shoulder, "You would do her in a heartbeat you perv."

I gave her the raised eyebrow look, "How am I the perv when it is obvious you would let Brad do you in town square if he were to just ask?"

Lisa sipped her coffee while she considered her reply to my comment, "Not town square, but a romantic interlude would be very nice. I bet he is very good in bed."

Normally I would feel threatened by such a statement about another man. Let's face it, most men don't appreciate their wives lusting after someone else, even if it is someone unobtainable. The reality is that if the guy she was lusting after was our next-door neighbor I would have been very concerned. A movie star that she will never meet; not so much, "I tell you what babe. If you get the chance to bed Brad you have my permission to go for it. However, you have to agree that if I get the chance to bed Ange, you will support me in that endeavor."

Her laugh followed me as I left the room, "Sorry babe, you are on your own with Ange. Just flip out that big dick of yours. That will get her attention!"

"Yeh right! It will get her gaggle of bodyguards' attentions for sure. That's all I need, me laying on the street, beat up, with my dick hanging out, while you are laying in Brad's bed getting your brains fucked out."

Lisa laughed at the mental picture, "Well it's not like I meant for you to walk up and say 'High Ange! Take a look at this!' and flop your dick out. I mean, at least get it hard first."

I shook my head, "You are a cruel woman. I need to get going. See you tonight at the restaurant?"

Her response followed me out of the door, "I can't wait."


After a long day at the office, I was ready to meet my beautiful wife to celebrate five years of marital bliss. The restaurant was in the nicest hotel in the city. It was our preferred place to celebrate major events in our lives. There was some delay when we arrived although we couldn't see what it was. Eventually the host led us to our favorite table. We had a wonderful view of the city and the bay on one side and a view of the restaurant on the other that allowed us to easily people watch.

I was the first to notice Brad and Ange sitting at the table next to ours. I reached out and took my wife's hand, "Five years has flown by, and I love you more than anything in this world. Remember what we talked about this morning?"

Lisa looked at me with curiosity, "Yes, why?"

"Look to your right discretely."

Her eyebrows flew up, "Oh my god! It's them!"

It was quite the rush for both of us. There not ten feet from us were the two premier actors and sex symbols in the country. Neither of us were crass enough to interrupt their dinner. I decided that if the opportunity arose, we could politely talk to them when dinner was over.

I was talking to Lisa about the mundane stuff we usually cover when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Lisa's eyes were as huge as I had ever seen them. I looked up to see Brad smiling at my wife just before he looked down at me, "Please excuse me. Ange and I are new to the city and were wondering if you two would like to join us for dinner and conversation?"

Normally if a strange man approached us about joining him and his wife for dinner, I would have been very curious as to why us and what his motives were, regardless of what he said. In this case we knew who they were, as did everyone in the room. In addition, there was the discussion this morning swirling around in my brain. I figured at worst we would have fantasy material that would last for a long time.

I started to ask Lisa if she would like to join them, but she was already nodding her head yes. In short order we arranged with the staff to move to their table. Ange sat to my right and her stunning beauty couldn't be denied. I found myself comparing her to Lisa and was happy to find that I found Lisa more attractive. My Lisa is beautiful, but not movie star beautiful. What she does have is an inner glow, a love, that shows through. There is no other like her but damn, Ange is fucking hot! Not to mention she seems to be attractive as a person.

Brad certainly had Lisa in a trance. I could see the flush in her cheeks as he spoke to her. She was clearly smitten. The bastard was not only good looking, but he was also very charming. I guess I was kind of hoping he would be an asshole. It was a matter of moments before I realized the double standard in my thinking. I was perfectly comfortable with lusting after Ange but didn't like Lisa's attraction to Brad one little bit. It wasn't fair to my amazing wife, and I decided right then to stop being a dick about it before I said something stupid.

We conversed about local points of interest, restaurants, and stuff only locals would know. We had just finished our main course when things got noisy. A man and a woman, both looking very serious, approached our table. The man leaned down and quietly talked to Brad. Brad nodded at the man, "Give us one minute and please pay the bill. Leave a good tip."

He then turned to us, "It appears some rather rabid fans have shown up in force and are attempting to enter the restaurant. We are enjoying the conversation with you. We don't get many opportunities to talk with people that don't have an agenda. Would you like to come to our suite and hang out for a while?"

We agreed and were up and being escorted by the bodyguards in seconds. Lisa nor I had ever been in a penthouse suite so even the trip up in the elevator was a thrilling new experience. We walked out of the elevator into a foyer that led to a living area that was bigger than the ground floor of our house. The requisite grand piano sat in one corner and a wall of glass overlooked the city and the bay. The view was amazing.

We walked down into the sunken seating area. Brad led Lisa to the couch and sat down next to her. Ange's soft hand found mine and I followed her in a daze to the adjacent couch. I couldn't believe I was holding her hand!

We sat and talked as the bodyguards served us. Unlike the movies they weren't wearing black suites and dark sunglasses. Both were dressed in casual attire, and they had an easy-going relationship with Brad and Ange. It was obvious that they had worked for the couple for some time. It was also obvious that they were very attractive people.

As I watched Brad with Lisa, I picked up a funny vibe in the room. I began to suspect that something more than casual conversation was afoot. I could tell by the look on my wife's face that she was not only totally enthralled by Brad, but also totally turned on. I knew all of her tells and they were telling me that she wanted to be on a cock, and she wouldn't mind a bit of it belonged to Brad.

Not that I could blame her in the slightest. I was absolutely honest with her when I said that if she had the chance then she should take it. I wouldn't hold it against her as long as she came home to me, and she loved me exclusively. I wasn't so sure about Ange. I was getting the impression that she was enjoying playing a game and I, and possibly we, were to be the pieces on the board.

I was all for some mutual fun. I wasn't so sure I wanted us to be part of some sick game. The last thing I wanted was for my wife to be hurt by whatever was happening here. Ange seemed to detect my reticence and engaged me in conversation. She explained that she and Brad were scheduled to be in town for at least six months and they wanted to make some friends that they could trust to just be people. It was very difficult for them to develop any friendships because of their fame. It seemed that most people wanted something from them whether it be as innocent as an autograph or as evil as rape and murder. Being famous made them targets for the best and the worst in humanity.

While we talked, I couldn't help but notice that the male bodyguard was hovering close to Brad and Lisa, while Ange's bodyguard stayed close to us. I finally couldn't stand the mystery anymore and turned to Ange, "I don't mean to be rude, but I feel like your bodyguard friends are hovering and I can't help but notice that the man is staying close to Lisa while your female guard is hanging close to us."

Ange laughed lightly, "Please don't misunderstand or feel threatened. We have had so many attacks against us that our bodyguards are like our second skin. We don't go anywhere or do anything without them. Both have saved our lives on several occasions. I literally would not be alive today without Susan and Brad wouldn't be alive without Steve.

"I know it seems very odd to you, but we are at best odd people doing an odd job. There are few jobs in this world that if you do them well you become a celebrity. Once you become a celebrity there are people that assume that they have the right to invade your privacy, fall in love with you, and hate you in equal measure. Over half of our income goes toward paying security costs. As a result, we have become rather odd in our approach to everyday life since we have no such thing."

I nodded my understanding as I looked over toward Lisa. Brad's hand was lightly rubbing her arm as he looked into her eyes. I could tell that he was rapidly going in for the kill. I turned back toward Ange and smiled, "I understand your unique life as well as I can without living it. Let's be honest with each other. Are you and your husband trying to seduce my wife and me? Or is your husband just seducing my wife?"

Her laugh was as infectious in real life as it was on the big screen, "You are so refreshing. Most people are scared to speak truth to us. They just want to say whatever they think we want to hear. At this moment my husband is trying to seduce your wife. I don't often need to try to seduce a man, but you are proving to be a bit more difficult than usual. Why is that?"

I looked into her eyes, "Because if by some chance we do end up in bed I want it to be memorable for both of us. I don't want to be another notch on the bedpost, any more than my wife does. I would like for us to be friends as well as lovers if that is even possible in your world."

Her eyes sparkled as she moved closer to me, "Oh it is very possible. Now if you would be so kind sir, would you mind kissing me?"

The kiss was everything I imagined it would be. Her lips were soft and supple, her tongue flicked against mine. We kissed for an endless time before coming up for air. I looked over at Lisa and watched as Brad led her from the room, followed by his bodyguard Steve. Ange took my hand and led me to one of the other bedrooms in the penthouse. I barely noticed Susan following us.

Ange kissed me hard as we stood in the bedroom. She took a step back from me and began to unbutton her silk blouse. She peeled it away to reveal those magnificent tits that the big screen seldom showed and never did justice to. I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. Susan was undressing as well! Ange came in for another kiss and I grasped her arms to hold her back, "Is Steve planning on joining Brad with my wife?"

Ange smiled up at me, "If he were would that be a problem?"

"Yes, if Lisa wasn't asked and if that isn't what she wants. I think before we go any further, I want to talk with my wife."

Ange frowned but walked toward the bedroom door, "Sure thing. Go ahead."

I walked down the hall to the other bedroom and knocked on the door. Steve cracked open the door, "Can I help you?"

"Yes, you can let me talk to my wife."

Surprisingly, he backed away from the door and let me in. Lisa was sitting on the end of the bed looking very nervous. I motioned for her to come out into the living area, and she came out meekly. When we were alone, I looked deep into her eyes, "Are you ok honey? You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Somehow I don't think either of us planned on a threesome."

She smiled at me shyly, "I have to say when Steve started undressing it took the air out of my sails. I thought it was just going to be Brad and I fulfilling my fantasy. Suddenly, I find that the plan is to share me. Uhm, honey? Uhm, if you don't mind, I could take care of two fantasies in one night. Steve seems very nice, and I couldn't help but notice how nice he is built. If you catch my drift."

I held her close and kissed her, "OK, as long as you are happy I am. Go ahead and enjoy the evening. I will see you later."

She looked at me seriously, "What about you? Are you and Angelina going to have fun?"

"We were starting to when I stopped to check on you. I might have ruined the mood but if that's the case then so be it. I just want you to be safe and happy first and foremost."

She smiled up at me, "I love you and I will leave right now without regret if that is what you want."

I smiled back, "What I want is for you to be thoroughly fucked and enjoying every minute of it. I will be here if you need me, but only if you need me. Otherwise, I might be engaged. If you catch my drift."

She grinned up at me, kissed me, and walked back into the bedroom. Steve nodded at me and pulled the door closed. I was very torn. On one hand, I wanted to fuck Ange more than I have ever wanted to fuck anyone in my life and including Susan into the equation made it just that much better. On the other hand, I wanted to watch my wife getting fucked by two guys. Hell, I wanted a movie of it!

I couldn't be in two places at once, so I headed back to Ange's room, wishing my beautiful wife the best as I went down the hall. I made a mental note to ask Ange if they might have security tape of the bedroom and if I might be able to obtain a copy.

I walked through the door and froze as I took in the sight before me. Ange was reclining on the bed, fully nude, with Susan's head artfully resting on her shoulder. Susan had lost her clothing as well. They were stunning in their beauty and sexuality, and I wasted no time undressing so that I could join them. In seconds I was sliding my knee up the bed between them.

I leaned down and looked Susan in the eye, "Hello beautiful. How about a kiss?" followed immediately by my lips meeting hers for the first time. My hand traced down her face and neck as the kiss deepened and our tongues danced. I cupped her breast and, as the kiss broke, took her nipple into my mouth. I flicked it lightly with my tongue. Her rapid breathing told me things were going well between us.

I kissed her again with more passion, then turned to Ange. Our kiss picked up where it had left off in the living room. Our tongues twisted together, and our hands wandered. She grasped my rock-hard cock as I took her nipple into my mouth. My hand glided down her belly and continued down her shaven mons. I slid one finger up her slit and lightly rubbed her clit. Her wetness was obvious and welcome. I slid my finger back down and teased her opening while my thumb rubbed her clit. She squirmed against me, and her hand had a death grip on my cock.

There was one thing on my bucket list that I never dreamed I would come close to obtaining. I wasn't about to go any further with this until I checked it off the list. I moved down Ange's body and between her legs. I pushed those beautiful thighs up and out and buried my face in her pussy. Oh rapture! Such a wonderful pussy! She smelled amazing and tasted sweet. Truly her genetics are blessed.

I played her clit like a violin while my fingers teased at her entrance before finally entering her. I found her g-spot with my fingers and brought her to a loud orgasm. Bucket list item well and truly checked off! I moved up the bed and kissed Ange passionately. I turned back to Susan while Ange basked in the afterglow. I kissed my way down Susan's body. I gave her a hands-on demonstration of what I had just done to Ange. She was very appreciative of my efforts. I wiped her moisture from my face as I moved back up the bed.

My intention was to kiss Susan, but Ange intercepted me. She pulled me on top of her and as I knelt between her legs, she looked up at me, "I want you to fuck me now." I wasted no time lining my concrete hard cock with her entrance. I moved ever so slowly to give her body time to adjust and to further arouse her. Her lips where glued to mine when our groins met, and her arms were locked around me.

I slowly pumped my cock out and back in. She gasped in response and her hips moved, forcing her pussy hard against me. Another long slow stroke and a moaning kiss. Her hips slammed upward, trying to speed things up. I wasn't having it. I was going to make this last at least long enough to get a couple of orgasms out of her. I increased my pace enough to change things from teasing to serious business. I kissed and bit her neck as she moaned her approval. Her body suddenly froze as she orgasmed and an involuntary "Oh god" escaped her mouth.

I plunged deep into her and began flexing my cock while she orgasmed. As Ange recovered from what appeared to be an explosive orgasm I started moving within her again. At first slowly, romantically, while she basked in the afterglow but soon faster. I began to long stroke fast and deep, bringing her rapidly toward another orgasm. Her hips slammed into mine until she lost her ability to control them, and she orgasmed yet again. She kissed me so hard I tasted blood from my own lips.

Finally, she got her breath back enough to speak. I was still as hard as I had ever been. For reasons beyond my understanding, I hadn't cum yet. I knew that when I did it was going to be epic. Her hands cupped my face and she smiled up at me, "Well you've done it. You've made me cum so hard I'm fucked out. I can't take anymore right now. I'm just too sensitive."

I chuckled as I slowly pulled my cock from her warm, wet, and slightly abused tunnel. I wasn't disappointed in the least. Susan was more than happy to pick up where we had left off. I managed to make her cum once before I could no longer hold off, "I'm going to cum soon Susan." Ange had been watching us fuck and she moved toward us, "I want to suck your cock and eat your cum."

I almost came just hearing those words come out of her mouth. I barely managed to pull out of Susan and lean toward Ange before I started to cum. I don't know how much I came but it felt like she should have drowned in it. I don't remember having ever cum that hard before in my life. Her mouth wrapped around my cock was a high voltage charge of lust right through my testicles. Ange did a bang-up job of catching every drop. Bucket list now thoroughly shot to shit. I'm going to have to start an entire new one.

Half an hour later we were back in the living room snuggling, having a drink, and just shooting the shit. The door opened to the other bedroom and Brad, Steve, and Lisa trooped out laughing at some joke between them. Lisa looked freshly fucked and very happy. Which reminded me, "Ange do you guys by any chance have security video of the bedrooms? And if so, would it be possible to get a copy of certain video that may show my beautiful wife getting her brains fucked out?"