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A prostitute gets hired by a pagan god.
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Cami was startled out of her mindless scroll of social media by the ding of her email. She shifted over and saw a new client had signed up and picked her out of the digital catwalk.

It was scheduled soon. She closed her computer and rushed to the bathroom to get ready. First a shower, hot, almost scalding — she always needed to feel clean coming into this — and took some time to put up her hair and do her make up. Then she got dressed. Slipping on the short tight shiny black skirt that advertised her trade, and a tanktop that showed as much as it hid. She put on sexy lacy panties, and tucked another more practical pair into her purse for the way back.

Then she texted her pimp to let him know the location of the job. If something went wrong he would try and find her. Her phone gave her the address and she set it to give her directions, winding out of the city and into a pastoral landscape that finally gave way to huge dark trees that twisted around one another. The road turned gravel, then dirt, forking several times. The mechanical voice of the GPS always instructing her towards the less traveled fork until she finally saw the little red road marker announcing the address. She pulled in and parked. A trail lead into the woods from the small round dirt parking lot.

She got out and headed up the trail. There were no other vehicles parked here, and she hoped that she had the right place. When she emerged from the crooked trees she found herself in a clearing. A huge rock cliff face veered out of the ground across it, and a large cave cut into it. It was approaching dusk, and she could see the warm orange glow of a campfire inside, and hear the crackling of firewood.

"Hello?" she called out.

There wasn't an answer, so she went towards the fire. It was unoccupied but going strong. There were a couple of wooden benches and she went to one and sat down warming herself at the fire. This had to be where she was supposed to be. There hadn't been any other trails and she had seen the address was right. She glanced around and saw that the cave wasn't all that much deeper, the firelight catching the back wall. The firepit looked as if it had been there a long time.

She sat looking into the fire. It must have been a while because the fire burned down, and the shadows grew longer. Out of the cave mouth she could see stars. She checked her phone a couple of times and didn't see anything from her client, but somehow she didn't feel too worried. He would find her here.

She turned when he darkened the doorway of the cave. The subtle shift of light. The alteration in the feeling of the air. He was tall, perhaps seven feet tall. His beard was stubbly but thick, with hair that thickly matted his chest and stomach. He was naked. His eyes were piercing and bright, and on his head was a pair of antlers that seemed rooted to his skull.

Instinctively she bolted from her seat and ran for the door, angling for the spot he covered the least, but he was there and caught her by the wrist in an iron grasp. She was panicked, heart fluttering, wanting to get away, but his grip, though not tight, was unbreakable. Please God, she found herself thinking. Jesus almighty, please, please, please.

His other hand reached up and stroked her face, coming away with a smear of blush and mascara. His palm the size of her head, he smelled of musk and wild things. He pulled his hand back along her head and untangled her hair which she had put up there, letting it pile down across her shoulders. Then his hand came down behind her and ripped the tanktop down the back, letting it fall down her arms, and then ripped it again, tossing it away from them and towards the fire which flared with the new fuel.

Her nipples suddenly felt the cold and tightened. She had largely frozen now, but as his hand ran down her side and his huge finger snagged on her skirt she reacted, battering at him with her free hand, kicking, biting. She bared her teeth snarling at him, and he snarled back. It was a primal sound, one that brought every hair on her body up in fear. He snarled again and nipped at her neck as the hand that had been holding her wrist dipped under her skirt and slipped past her panties, just a single electrifying touch.

It was then that she realized she didn't think she had ever been this wet before. Her body was hot. Her heart was racing. Her mouth was dry and tasted like desire. He threw her on the ground, finger hooking on her panties pulling them off and into the fire as well. She lay there, legs apart, exposed and open. His huge hands gripped her skirt and pulling both ways ripped it in half and off, and she thought it want to the fire as well, but she wasn't really tracking that. He was ontop of her, huge body crushing hers. His lips came down on hers and she was kissing him back like an animal. She could feel the dirt cold against her naked butt and back, but her body was hot.

She became aware at some point of his erection. Massive cock hard on her stomach. She got a hand down and almost around it, fingers just short of touching each other. He made another animal sound of pleasure, strange in a human throat, resonating from his chest. He came back onto his knees and she was on his cock in a moment. Her mouth hardly fit over the tip, but she licked round and round, both hands on the shaft, occasionally coming down to his massive balls, tight against his body.

It seemed almost by instinct that she sucked him - as if itching the need to worship this instrument was a pleasure in itself. She did not know how long she sucked, but then he was lifting her, turning her, and she was facing away from him towards the fire, her legs apart, his hands on her hips.

She felt his phalos against her. She was wet, her juices coating her inner thighs, but she still felt afraid. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, as he began to rock his hips, but it was slow. His huge hands traced across her back, and his lips caressed her shoulders. Each rock brought him only a little deeper into her, and she forgot to be afraid, as with infinite patience he slipped slowly into her. She began to moan, louder and louder, unaware of herself as she filled the air with the sounds of her pleasure. She only felt pain when he finally hit her cervix, the whole of him pressed against that gateway trying to push through into her womb itself.

Then his hands steadied her and he began to fuck her. He built momentum slowly, inexorably. She had never had an orgasm from just her vagina before but one hit her now and awestriking in its intensity. He barely slowed for its passing and then another one was building. Soon she was screaming as climax after climax hit her. One hand gripped her hair and pushed her down into the mud as he pushed into her again and again.

When he came inside her, it was revelation. A piece of her mind awoke from the animalistic frenzy she had been in, and knew that he wasn't wearing a condom, and knew what time of month it was, and though she had never wanted children before she wanted this one.

She awoke curled next to the fire. He sat across from her, with a whole salmon spitted beside the fire. He crossed the space between them, and ripped a piece of salmon from the spit and stuffed it in her mouth. It was still partly raw and she found herself ravenous for it. He took her on his lap and fingered her, huge fingers the size of cocks, as she sat and ripped into the fish, covering her face with grease. Then, mixing grease and pussy juice, he smeared it all over her body, fingers reaching across every inch of skin. Then they were kissing again, and he was rocking against her, and then he was inside her, and she was screaming her pleasure to the sky. He came inside her again, then took her to a stream and they washed each other.

There in the stream she knelt and washed his cock of her juices with the utmost care and devotion. It never went all the way down, but as she touched it with reverence it rose again, and with a growl he pushed her down in the water and pushed into her again, almost easily now. They spent the day like this. They ran through the forest together and she watched him as he approached a buck and they snuffed at one another and then it knelt and let him snap its neck in a single swift motion, and he carried it back on his shoulders.

He gutted it with his bare hands, ripping open its stomach. He rubbed blood on her body now, and fucked her with its lubrication, as if she needed more. They ripped into its flesh with sharp teeth and growled their appreciation for half charred meat. They bathed again, and when she fell asleep it was with him still inside her, spooned against his stomach and encircled in his arms, and when she awoke it was the same. He was slowly starting to move inside of her, and by the time she was fully awake she was quivering with her first orgasm of the day.

He took her long and slow that morning. They gnawed the remains of deer bones, kissed, and he took her again. Then he left, disappearing into the forest as she squatted by the fire, picking through last night's carrion.

She startled when she heard radios, the back and forth chatter kind, punctuated by static. She turned, growling low in her throat. Two men in traffic vests - neon yellow bands across their chests, rounded the corner of the trail.

"That's her!" One shouted. They rushed up to the cave. "Are you okay?" One asked.

She backed away slowly growling.

They radioed in and blocked the entrance. She stared at them, occasionally gnawing and keeping the fire between them and her, until a dozen or so other people arrived. They came in. Tried to talk to her, and finally chased her down and put her in a straight jacket, but not before she had scratched one rescue worker across the face and bitten another.

They dragged her to an ambulance which took her to a hospital, and soon she found herself confined in a psych ward. Her pimp visited her a couple times but she simply growled at him low in her throat, and snapped if he got too close.

It took about a week for language to return to her. Her psychologist was thrilled when she croaked out her first words, and prompted her whether she remembered her name, and on the details of her life. Cami, her name was Cami. Slowly she remembered. It was not that it had been gone, but simply that the rest of her life felt dull and ugly next to Him. She didn't want to remember anything else. She didn't want to be the struggling escort who couldn't make it through college — she wanted to be the animal who didn't care.

She learned that when she hadn't phoned in by the next morning, her pimp had gotten worried and come out to the address. Finding only her abandoned car and then her purse in the cave - she had been hunting in the woods, he had called the police who had come out and also found nothing. They had decided to call it quits for the night just before she would have returned and sent the party that had found her the following morning. She hadn't noticed her purse was gone when she got back to the cave. It hadn't registered as important.

Another week saw her released. When she got out she felt like she was walking in a dream. She went home and ate something that tasted bland. She checked her computer and noticed to her surprise that she had been paid for the whole time they had been together. She charged 400 an hour, so that was 13,400 in her bank account - more than she could normally expect to make in several months. It startled her. Not the amount so much as the connection to reaity. In her time in the psyche ward she had begun to think that maybe she had been gang raped and her mind had concocted a memory to hide it. Her whole body had been sore, she knew something had happened, but that part must have been a dream. The name the client gave was "Cerunos"

The next morning she went out and found the cave again. It was empty, the fire was cold. She wandered around the area trying to find the paths they had traveled together, and couldn't pick them out. His smell was gone and she felt alone. Finally, past dark, she trudged back to her car and drove to the supermarket. She got a big porkchop and took it home and devoured it raw, savoring the taste of grease and raw flesh and the aliveness it brought. She rubbed the oil across her face and into her hair, and for a moment felt the primal sense of being wild.

Then she felt greasy and stupid and took a shower. Then she felt sick to her stomach and spent the night intermittently puking and curling up in a ball on the bathroom floor.

Weeks passed. She tried to get back into her work as a call girl, but the first time she tried she couldn't. The small balding man touched her wrong, and a snarl crept to her lips. He was nervous and needed encouragement and she wanted to be overpowered and fucked and not hold back. They mutually called it off and she gave him his money back. She had a long talk with her pimp that night and he agreed that she was mentally ill and should take a break. She got a job waitressing. Life seemed dreamlike.

it was only when she missed her period that life seemed to come back into focus. In a blurr she moved out of the city to a small cabin in the woods. She lived off the money he had given her with a few days work in the nearby town. She found a nature school and took classes on tracking and plant lore, slowly growing in competence in what had seemed so natural the day she spent with him in the woods.

Another man in her class asked her out on a date and he smelled right. She insisted on a long courtship and she was approaching eight months when she finally let him take her. He was human, large for his kind, but also fumbling sometimes, and able to laugh at it. He asked her questions and listened to her answers. It was similar enough to Him that she felt the power of that joining, but different enough it wasn't trying to compete. She relaxed into his arms and let him slide into her, arms around her pregnant belly, murmuring attractions into her ear. They moved in together just before she gave birth.

She'd been having contractions all morning and hadn't gotten very much sleep. She went outside and under the trees to pee, and squatting there after she had relieved herself the pain came on her. She crouched low and scraped the earth with her fingers and howled. Her mind went away and the animal came again. She growled, spat, and tore at the plants around her as the pain came in waves again and again, rippling through her body like teeth tearing at meat.

Then she felt him behind her. His huge hands on her back, his rumbling growl met with her own, encouraging her, and she got louder. She pushed and he guided and held her letting her focus on her all consuming task. Finally the baby came. A tiny girl that her father held before her, biting the cord with his teeth. They sat together, cradling the tiny form between them.

"Where were you?" She asked. "I looked everywhere for you."

He snuffled at her as if to say, I have always been here, but you cannot bind me to you. You had to find me another way.

"My daughter deserves a father," she said. He looked at her and cocked an ear, and she heard it too, the sound of her human mate driving into the driveway, his car door slamming. She will have one, he seemed to imply.

"But she will need you." Cami insisted.

"Send her to the woods." The old god said. "I will be here."

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NomioiNomioialmost 2 years ago

Huh - I just took door as meaning entrance.

Jackspeed2U feel free to stop submitting comments lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Don’t listen to the Hate

This piece was a really good story! I loved the writing and descriptions. I love how clearly you focused on the wildness that Cami took on. At some point I think everyone feels left of center to the human world and you articulate that really well. I loved the ending too. I wish I had read this first before the farm hand; only because the female names are the same and it threw me for the beginning of the story. Now my mind is insisting that the farmhand story came later on and it’s a continuing work about Cami’s misadventures.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
An interesting fantasy

Btw, the spelling would be Cernunnos/ Herne/ Pan. I enjoyed your story a glimpse at the old ways.

To Jackspeed2u - yes it is very implausible but at the same time it’s clearly a fantasy. A walled up cave with a doorway in it has the nearest lockable door damn right it’s the best option. Just a minor query but is she a “bitch” because she’s a part time prostitute or is it because she’s a woman? Maybe it’s the cave as a residential address you’re having a problem with? I once met a guy who lived in a cave, the front of his house looked like a normal cottage but when you went inside you realised that it was part of a cave. LOTS of people around the world still live in caves, like Opal Miners in Australia. The film scene in Star Wars with Luke his Aunt and Uncle was filmed in what is now a hotel. The ONLY odd part here was the length of time that she waited for her customer. The rest is down to A God, survival instincts and of course MAGIC. 🙄

Tess (UK)

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uabout 4 years ago
So fucked it’s not even funny.

So a fire pit next to a cliff with a cave in it that’s in the absolute middle of nowhere happens to have a street address that google maps can navigate to. Fuck off just fuck right off. Then the bitch parks and wanders off alone and sits alone by a fire for ages with oh well the John will find me sooner or later. By the hour dick heads. Oh the 7 foot dude shows up and scares her and she runs for the... guess.. no guess again... THE DOOR. You know there is a cliff with a rock cave and a fire pit with a almost depleted fire and a seat and a car some way away. The only door is on the car that’s a ways away shit she’s running for the cave door.

This story is just so fucked up with errors and stupidity that I couldn’t continue.

Feel free to stop submitting stories to Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Not bad


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