CFNM, Nude Day, and Drunken Women


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An adrenaline junkie who lived for the rush, goading this and daring that, a mogul jumping, skydiving daredevil, first one down the mountain, off the course, downhill skier, she was the first one in line to ride the first car of rollercoaster again. If only to feel alive and to feel something, anything but boredom, loving to live life large, she enjoyed bragging that she's driven her Ferrari more than 200 miles per hour. A woman who could never be tied down and held back by any one man, never mind being tied to a bed and spanked, she'd be the one who'd strip the man naked and sexually assault him.

"They're in Vegas," said Kathy, so matter of fact, as if she was discussing caterers. "Without doubt, that's where they are, the dirty bastards."

Maureen, with a mane of hair as lushly red as her eyes were blue, was Maureen O'Hara reincarnated in temperament, when she played opposite John Wayne in The Quiet Man. A fire sign, Leo the lioness, she was just as quick to flame and roar, when ignored, as she was to cool and purr, when stroked. Everything in her world was okay, so long as she was the center of attention, something so difficult to be in this group of accomplished, articulate, and self-effusing women.

"God help my husband if he's having sex with some high priced call girl," said Maureen looking at her friend with a face full of controlled rage. "I'll cut off his dick."

Carol, careful and cautious, literally saying what she means, but never meaning what she says figuratively, was the lawyer of the group. Whereas the other five women preferred wearing fashionable frocks, too stiff to crack a smile, Carol wore business suits with high heels. She wore her hair pulled back so tightly that she didn't need a facelift, just some pain pills for the headache her hairstyle surely must have caused her by the end of the day. A woman making her way in a man's world, before she gave up her law practice for marriage, if one didn't know she was a sexual and sensual woman, in the way she defended her clients and won her cases, they'd think she was a well endowed man with big brass ones.

"Now that you mention it," said Carol, "I found an escort business card from Nevada casino in Jack's jacket pocket. It was just matches that may have been passed from one to another and I didn't think anything of it, until now that we have more circumstantial evidence."

Forcing men to stare, give her their seat, their right testicle, or their left arm, the contrast of Irene's shiny, blue black hair and bright, sapphire eyes were stunningly shocking, as they were sexually provoking. A young Elizabeth Taylor look alike, her unblemished, porcelain skin made her appear so much younger and her innocent nature made her so much more desirable. A woman that a man would launch a thousand ships to win her heart, after it was over, she'd question all the commotion.

"I caught bits and pieces of Bob's hushed telephone conversations," said Irene. "He's planning something for Nude Day, but I had no idea what it was, until now."

"And you didn't think anything suspicious," said Carol, as if cross examining a witness, instead of talking to her friend, "when you heard Bob say Nude Day?" So tensely unemotional and so tersely combative, as if only laughing because it was expected that she should, she laughed a small controlled laugh that ended as abruptly as it started.

"Well, to be honest, I thought he said new day and it wasn't until later that I realized he had said Nude Day and not new day," said Irene.

"I received a voice mail confirmation from a reservation clerk meant for Harry to a Las Vegas hotel," said Kathy.

"Well, now it's all starting to make sense. I found a matchbook cover from the Gentlemen's Private Lounge in Vegas," said Joan with a phone number on the inside cover with the names Tiffany, Crystal, Monique, Samantha, Roxanne, and Veronica."

"Bastards, those no good, dirty bastards. Well, that about sums it up," said Patricia. "I read an errant e-mail meant for Martin but that was sent to me, about a Nude Day Swingers' convention in Vegas. I thought it was just spam but now I know better."

"Swingers' convention? This is worse than the time they went to the Super Bowl in New Orleans and the Fantasy Fest in Key West. They're going all out, this time. At least, now we know where they are. I'm afraid you're right, Kathy," said Carol. "They're in Vegas, gambling, drinking, and getting sucked and fucked.

"Well," said Kathy. "Two can play that game."

"What do you mean?" As if she was about to divulge an insider trading tip, Patricia sat up in her chair tall and looked at her friend with curiosity.

"If you ladies are game and looking to do something naughty for Nude Day, I have the telephone number of a man my sister had for her 40th birthday party," said Kathy holding up the number in the air with her extended arm, as if she was holding up the scalp of her soon to be dead husband.

"You do? Oh, goodie," said Irene. "What is he a clown? A magician? A standup comic?" With the same look, no doubt, she gave her Prom date so long ago, when he promised her that he wouldn't cum in her mouth, Irene looked at Kathy with wide-eyed innocence.

"Hardly," said Kathy laughing at Irene's naiveté. "He's a stripper, a big, black, bawdy stripper, and he owns a company called Ebony Hard Wood that employs other black strippers."

"Ebony Hard Wood? Gees, I would have thought that was a carpentry place," said Irene quietly, as if talking to herself and making the group of women laugh. "I don't know about this. I've never even seen a naked black man."

"Well, you're in for a surprise, a big surprise," said Kathy with a laugh and raising her hand to her mouth and moving it back and forth, as if giving a blowjob.

"Oh, are we playing Charades, now," said Irene, obviously a bit tipsy. "I love charades. Were you playing the Trombone? Oh, so they're musicians and not strippers. I knew you girls were joking and having some fun with me."

"Trombone," laughed Kathy. "The only bone I'll be playing is the skin flute."

"Skin flute? Oh, I know what that is," said Irene and making everyone burst out laughing again. "It's that African flute made from antelope hide that they played at the symphony orchestra last season."

"Oh, Irene, you have so much to learn about skin flutes," said Kathy.

"Let me see that telephone number," said Patricia. "Do you think they'd come on short notice?"

"Short notice? What's short notice?" Maureen looked from Patricia to Kathy.

"Now," said Patricia with a laugh.

"It's Thursday night. I wouldn't think they'd be booked on a Thursday night. No one does anything on a Thursday night," said Joan. "Besides, how long does it take to put on a G-string?"

"The question is, how long does it take to remove a G-string," said Kathy laughing and making everyone, but Irene, laugh.

"Wait, did you forget that it's Nude Day? They may be booked," said Maureen.

"Oh, well," said Irene. "That's too bad," she said with a look of relief on her face.

"Nude Day? That's even more reason to get naked," said Kathy.

"Let's call them, anyway. You never know. Maybe they had a cancellation," said Carol. "If the men are in Vegas having their shafts waxed, I could use a little hard body entertainment, myself."

Patricia dialed the number.

"Hello? Hi. I received your number from a friend and I know that it's short notice, but I was wondering if I could book you and two more of your men to entertain us. My name? It's Patricia. When? Well, I was hoping for tonight," she said with a laugh.

"Tell them we'll pay them more, if they come tonight," said Kathy in her friend's ear. "I'm horny," she said grabbing at her breasts.

"That's no problem. I can pay double your rate because of the short notice," said Patricia waving Kathy away from her ear. "How much do you charge ordinarily? So, doubling that rate is fine. Okay, sure, no problem, so long as you take a credit card. Perfect."

"Are they coming tonight?" Kathy pulled at Patricia, as if she was pulling at her mother and Patricia nodded a smile to Kathy.

"There are six of us. No, we're all Caucasian," said Patricia. "Does that matter? Sure. Okay. Yes, I know you are a black CFNM group. We'd all love to see three black men dance and strip while entertaining us. My address is 33 Elm Avenue. That's in Scarsdale. What time? In about an hour? That's great. Good-bye."

"Oh, my God," said Maureen. "I don't believe it. We're hosting our very own CFNM hen party," she said with a laugh.

"They don't actually bring chickens with them, do they?" Irene looked at Kathy and Kathy burst out laughing and making everyone else laugh.

"Chickens? No, there are no animals, except for the two legged human kind," said Kathy with a laugh and making everyone laugh.

"This is exciting, I guess," said Irene in her feeble attempt to go with the flow, "but they don't get completely naked, do they? I mean, they don't show their things, do they? And they don't make you do things to their things that you wouldn't ordinarily do to their things, would they?"

"Just relax, Irene. It will be fun," said Carol nearly cracking a smile. "You can just watch, if that's all you want to do. Surely, there's no pressure to do anything with their things that you're uncomfortable doing with their things," she said with a little short laugh.

"I plan on doing a lot more with their things than just watching their things," said Kathy with a wicked laugh and making the blowjob gesture with her hand held up to her mouth, again.

"Me too," said Patricia returning her laugh, but not the gesture.

* * * * *

Then, the music started and the three strippers entered the room together dancing. Unable to contain herself, rushing up to the three men, Kathy was already out of her chair and groping the three men and feeling their cocks, before she settled on Big Willie and his big prick. Not even allowing the men to go through their routine, she was already on her knees with Big Willie's big, black cock out of his G-string and stroking it in her hand, before kneeling down and taking it in her mouth. The contrast of seeing Kathy so blonde and so beautiful up against Big Willie, so black and so beautiful was as startling as it was arousing.

"Oh, my," said Irene watching her friend suck Big Willie.

"Now, I know why they call you Big Willie," said Kathy taking his cock out of her mouth to speak.

"My real name is Thomas, but everyone calls me Big Willie, 'cause I have a big Willie," he said with a laugh.

Taking a cue from Kathy, Joan was all over Otis. Discarding her top and her bra, she put Otis's big hands on her big tits, while fondling his cock and dancing with him.

Marvin was out numbered. Surrounded by Patricia, Maureen, and Carol, the women took turns kissing him and groping his cock, while he took turns kissing and groping them. Looking red faced embarrassed, Irene sat alone drinking, while watching the five women having their way with the three men.

Then, there was a loud crash of glass against the fireplace, when Irene threw her crystal wine glass and it shattered into a hundred pieces. Patricia, Kathy, Joan, Maureen, and Carol turned to look at their upset friend, while Willie quickly turned off the music.

"Irene, dear," said Patricia. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong," she said suddenly bursting into tears. "I'm tired of being the good girl and the good wife. I'm tired of being left out and not having any fun. I'm tired of being ignored. I want to pull a wagon."

"Pull a wagon?" Kathy laughed. "Do you mean that you want to pull a train?"

"Yes, I want a mob boom," said Irene.

"A mob boom? It's called a gangbang," said Kathy this time not laughing at her friend.

"Just once, I'd like to know what it feels like to have a cock in my pussy, a cock in my ass, and a cock my mouth, all at the same," erupted Irene. The five women look at one another in stone cold silence, before looking back at their sexually frustrated friend.

"We can arrange for you to have whatever you'd like to have, dear," said Patricia finally breaking the uncomfortable quiet. "I'll pay you an extra thousand dollars for you and your two employees to give my friend whatever she wants and whatever she needs," said Patricia to Big Willie.

"And I'll add another thousand dollars just to watch," said Kathy, this time laughing.

"Me too," said Carol, nearly smiling.

"I'm in for a thousand dollars, too," said Maureen with a big grin.

"Well, I wouldn't miss this for the world," said Joan in her best southern accent. "I'll add my thousand to make it an even five thousand dollars to give Irene her wagon train, I mean, gangbang," she said with a laugh.

Willie, Otis, and Marvin surrounded Irene and with six hands removing her blouse, bra, skirt, and panties, she was naked within seconds. Otis got on his back on the floor beneath Irene, pulled her down, and inserted his cock in her already wet pussy, while Marvin bent Irene over, lubricated her ass with a bit of gel, and impaled her ass with his cock. Not one to be denied, Willie put a big hand to the back of Irene's beautiful head and stuck his big, black, beautiful cock in her small, beautiful mouth. Patricia, Kathy, Joan, Maureen, and Carol watched the three men switch places, while fucking and humping Irene. Hungry for sex and for the attention, Irene fucked and sucked all three men with great exuberance.

"Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!"

Then, it was Patricia, Kathy, Maureen, Joan, and Carol's turn. Kathy fucked Big Willie, while Willie ate Patricia's pussy. Joan and Maureen took turns sucking Marvin's cock, while Otis gave Carol some extra special attention. Then, in a full blown orgy that had nothing to do with dancing or stripping, it was a marathon of sex. After all six women sucked and fucked all three men, all six women were licked and fucked by all three men. Nearly three hours later, the nine sweating naked bodies were in a heap of limbs on the living room carpet.

"Well, this is the best Nude Day I've ever had," said Irene smoking a cigarette.

"Me, too," said Kathy smoking, but without the cigarette.

"If you're interested, Big Willie, I mean, Thomas, I have a proposition for you," said Patricia.

"I'm all ears," said Big Willie.

"How would you like to go in business with us? We have the money and you have the talent. We can introduce you to our closed circle of friends, who'd reward you and us handsomely for the services you just provided us."

Patricia, Kathy, Joan, Maureen, Carol, and Irene were now in the CFNM business. Now not giving a care what their husbands were doing and who they were doing it with, the women had plenty of action of their own on the side.


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abermainabermainabout 1 year ago

too long a buildup for the main event

ptebadenptebadenalmost 8 years ago

Sorry but ... where is the eroticism?

OverthefallsOverthefallsover 10 years ago
I don't get it

The women turn themselves into sluts. Yeah that makes sense. Great revenge. I wonder how long it will be before they have an std or aids? Did any of them have an IQ above 10?

gperry2843gperry2843over 11 years ago
Fun story.

Loved your work with Irene, so humorous. Even got Barbara giving you 5's.

BarbaraBarbaraalmost 13 years ago
Your Geriatric fans from NZ also enjoyed your excursion into 'CFNM' genre submissions!

Sadly we avoided 'Boston Fiction Writer' stories, concentrating on 'at the end' written submissions. Hopefully; you've increased your fan base by taking away your former partners nom-de-plume, but if not perhaps that is your fault afterall! Barbara enjoyed all your literary efforts, bur forbade me to offer financial support meanwhile, until you submit in ourfavorite CFNM genre? Is Super Hero Ralph a Black Labrador perchance, or Golden Bed-companion?

Herewith a rare 5 Star effort, our friend Susan duly rewarded!

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