Chameleon in Chrome Ch. 09


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"Please forgive me if you think that you can, cousin.

"I love you.

"I have always loved you.

"But I have decided that whatever he is, wherever he is from, he is what I want because I have seen what he can do to protect us. I have seen his people when they have come here to this planet and even met a few of them as I have said. I watched when they showed that documentary about the colonies out on the edge that were staffed with both of our kinds, his and ours and I've never heard that there were any problems, and even if there were, they surely couldn't have been as bad as what humans can do to each other here and get away with it.

"So forgive me if I think that I might try for him. I see how he looks at both of us and our children - and I do not think that what I see is hunger.

"That one is lonely, cousin. If I am given only a thin chance, I want to try for his heart, for surely it is many times larger than any human's and I have a feeling that maybe my son and I can live there in that large heart.

"If you've got a brain, you might start thinking the same way that I am. I do not see that you have any better chance at a life than I have at the moment."

Maria shook her head, "What are you saying? He can't have us both as wives."

Daniella smiled, "He couldn't as a human. Look, who knows what sorts of arrangements are allowed ones like him on his world or elsewhere? I've seen Anubian males with two females. At school, I saw a female with one each! I met them. And what was the law among our people before the conquistadors came and brought the priests to teach us how to live? How many wives could a man have then?

"The trading worlds don't care - as long as you're bringing in money, you could have a different husband in your bed every night for a month, some of them even your own."

She sniffled and tried to keep her son from feeling her upset.

"Look, I'm sorry Maria. You do what you see as right. You know that I love you. But I'm going to try for him if I get the chance. I do like him. I think that he is wonderful. I'm even coming to like the way that he looks very much, especially if I am right in what I think that I see when he looks at me."


She found D'Jymm sitting on the flight deck at the loadmaster's station with screens of engineering drawings in front of him.

"Trouble?" she smiled, "or is my company not worth waiting a little for?"

He chuckled and shook his head, "Quite the opposite, Daniella. I am only here because I have found a problem in what I want to do to repair my vessel.

"If there is any way that you think that I might be able to help D'Jymm, then please only say it to me. To my mind, I owe you much."

He looked at her for a moment, "If I cannot resolve this, it may be that I would be stranded here, alone. Admittedly, it is the worst case, but it is a possible outcome."

She nodded, "I see.

"Well then, I am sure that it wouldn't be much, but in that case, you would still not be alone.

"I can admit that if you were not in that situation and I had the choice, I would be happy to go with you off of this world, and maybe I would be even happier if you decided that you liked me enough to take me with you where you go. My situation here is beyond desperate now, so my preference would be to leave here with you.

"But, if the worst case outcome does come to pass, you would only need to look around to find me there with you. You have made a friend in me regardless, though I would probably make you laugh to see me with a pack on my back and a small child hung on me somewhere with a weapon in my hands as we went."

He looked at her, "Truly?"

She nodded, "I do like you for many reasons, enough to say this at such an early stage.

"Obviously, I would prefer the notion of flying away with you. Much more romantic."

She sighed and chuckled, "There would be a lot less legwork to it that way, but also, in that case, I would only have the problem of finding something that would be useful to you so that I could contribute."

She shook her head, "There is a human term for a female, wanting to give herself to a male so that she might have a share in whatever wealth that male might accumulate. She trades her body for his pleasure for as long as the ride lasts. In the English tongue, such women are known as gold-diggers.

"At this point," she smiled, "I see the concept as a cliché that I'd wish to avoid because it is not how I feel, though I probably couldn't blame you if you thought that it was where I was trying to position myself, but I doubt that any such woman would agree to stand with you in a fight."

He smiled, "I feel that you are being genuine."

She nodded, looking him right in the eye, "I would. I already have and would do so again. I found that I worried when you shot one of the men after killing that one with the flare. You shot one and then I watched as you looked away to where the floaters were."

She laughed a little, "I couldn't believe what I saw! Of course I didn't know then what I learned a little later, that it was something that you can do to perfection, not needing to look to know what your enemy is doing. I was standing there with my rifle in my hands.

"But I was there; ready to protect the one who seemed to want to help us.

"And why not? I like you when you do these loco things that scare the mud out of me at the time, but that I can laugh about after. I have never met one like you and if I have a choice and find a weapon in my hand, I will fight with you for as long as I can last."

She smiled, "Maria is no helpless thing either if she can play on her own terms. Just after you ran off to kill the men on the floaters, she shot a man who was coming toward me with her bow, the third one that she killed today."

She shrugged as she got to her feet with a quiet laugh, "Hombre, make no mistake please. I felt alive tonight because I was near you. You fought for me and my little son because I asked you to. It is no small thing to me. Never doubt that you have a friend in me." She bent down a little and she kissed him softly.

He looked at her and watched her smile as it grew.

"Another thing to like about you," she said, "Not only a pretty face after all."

He pulled her down and she ended up sitting on his thigh.

"Could ... could we do that again?" he asked.

She nodded and put her arms around his neck as they began.


"Is this how courtship goes between humans?" he asked as she looked down at him from the vantage point of his chest. They were in his bed, having just gotten there.

"Do you wish to court me?" she asked with a bright smile. She let it fade and shrugged, "I suppose it could be a part of it," she said.

"But I am thinking that we are a new pair of friends, since we only met properly today. Neither of us is exactly in our first race here. Please do not fall in love with me in one night. Can I tell you how I would want this to go?"

He nodded slowly as he watched her lower her face to his so that she could kiss him again, loving the way that he could send her drifting off by bringing his tongue into his kisses.

"We are adults. I am a mother, but I do like you so very much - more every moment, if I must admit it.

"If you want me here in your bed tonight, I have no trouble with it, though I admit that I have never had such a chance with one like you. Let us be careful tonight and if we like it, then let us share this bed and our bodies. Underneath it all, I want to be with my friend.

"I would also like it very much if my friend could like my son as well because he will not be so little forever and a male's influence cannot be a bad thing for a boy whose father was killed.

"But this can wait, I think. For now, let us see if we can love together, because it is my wish that I please you tonight. Does that sound fair?"

He nodded and she moved back so that with a little help reaching back, his hardness found it's way to her gate and she moved back so that it slipped inside of her. She lay still for a moment, just savoring the way that it felt.

"I haven't died," she grinned, "It has only been a good long while since I have done this with anyone." She wiggled her hips and he groaned.

"Sorry," she sighed, "Just testing the ahh, flight controls. I've never flown this model before."

"And?" he asked.

She lifted up to look at his face as she pushed down so that they both moaned, "Good joystick. Very nice!"

"I love your fur," she groaned as ran her hands over his chest. She looked up to see him watching her with a soft smile.

His smile widened, "And I love yours. When I saw you shift earlier, I was afraid that I'd sound like an idiot when I spoke after that."

It was a bit of a revelation to Daniella, that a male might like her body while she was like this. It had just never crossed her mind.

"Thank you, D'Jymm. It's good to hear that. Around here, a girl with fur never knows if the way that she looks even has much effect. And after becoming a mother, she always feels less certain that her charms can carry her through in anything but complete darkness."

He chuckled and she felt it as it moved her in delicious ways. "I cannot imagine that you lost any charms," he said, "and if you have, Daniella, then I can't imagine how. You are the most lovely girl that I have ever seen."

"Thank you," she gasped "I guess that it's been some time since you were home."

She saw it when he shook his head, "It has, but that is not what I meant. I was not qualifying anything. I meant what I said exactly."

Daniella's heart flew for a moment. "Oh, for a male like you to say something like that ... "

She made up her mind right then. "You win the prize, my love."

He didn't know what she'd meant, but he sure felt what she was putting into this now. She gritted her teeth, determined that if she had a say in things, then she wanted to seal this between them from this very first fuck.


Maria sat on the bunk feeling very sad and sorry for her words with her cousin. Since they'd both come back from university, they'd landed squarely in the shit puddle that life had become where they'd been born. So many times, she'd been despondent over the ones that she'd lost and the bleak landscape that was the only future that she could see.

And every time, it had been Daniella who had come to yank her out of her depression - by the hair, if necessary to sit her down and lay things out, no matter how shitty the deck was. "It's what we've got, Maria," Daniella would say. "All we have is each other, right? At least we have that. At least we still have each other."

Somewhere in it, Daniella would grab her by a leg and drag her to the middle of the bed and get her face into Maria's crotch before she had time to move her legs together or push her cousin away.

It wasn't until after, when she'd wake up and look over at her lover to watch her sleep that she'd put the rest together.

So yeah, something bad had happened to her, whatever it might have been each time. And whatever it had been, it had crushed her to the point where she felt that she just couldn't go on. Christ in Heaven, they'd even dug graves together for family because there was no money to pay anyone. Maria would want to just curl up into a ball and weep until she was dead herself and each time, it had been Daniella who'd reached into the jar of shit that was Maria's life to pull her out.

It always began the same way.

Sex was the very last thing on her list, so far down that left to her own devices; she'd probably never want it again in her life. But her cousin with the wicked little smile would get her to let it begin and when she was done, and it was only the first orgasm, she'd crawl up Maria and kiss her hungrily, needing to share the feeling as well as the juice. Daniella was more than her cousin to her, closer than probably any sister could have been to her. She was the lover that she needed in order to live.

Her next thought brought tears welling up instantly. More than anyone, more than her dead man had ever been to her, Daniella WAS her husband.

It wasn't until after ...

It wasn't until long hours after that Maria would see that Daniella had troubles of her own and from her viewpoint, they were just as bad as hers, if not even worse.

She looked up, hearing something out in the corridor and it was Daniella, giggling like a complete idiot, running in, bent over a little with one hand clamped tightly over her own cunt.

"Come on," she laughed, "You have to save me."

Maria blinked and tried to begin before she forgot. "Daniella, I'm so sorry for what I said, I - "

"I know," her cousin giggled, "I know all that because I know you. It's alright, Maria. I'm sorry too for being so hard to you. I was struggling and I reacted badly, that's all. Let's please forget it because it's not important right now. I - I ... " She laughed almost absurdly.

"What?" Maria asked, her own smile beginning because her cousin's was so infectious. "What the hell has gotten into you?"

Daniella almost collapsed because she'd found what her cousin said to be beyond ironic.

She stopped and held herself up by leaning on Maria's shoulder with one hand. The other one was needed over her crotch apparently.

"Come on, get up. I don't think I can do this alone. I - I need help - your help. I've been fucking with D'Jymm. He's more than a machine, my darling. He can fuck like nobody I've ever seen or even heard of. Come on, let's go. I'll need your help if we're going to lay this one out."

She pulled Maria upright, "Come on!"

Maria couldn't believe this, but she went along out into the corridor, "What's so different? He's a male.

"He sees a girl's hole, he fucks it. What then?"

Daniella shook her head, "He comes, that's what, only he doesn't let you go then. He holds you tight and cousin, that's such a feeling. At first, you feel nervous because you seriously can't move an inch. But then he starts again, a little slowly, but that doesn't last long. He starts stabbing you with that thing just like before but then you realise that he really is still fucking you for the first time!

"And - and then - then he COMES again!

"He did that to me over and over for almost ten minutes! And he COMES a lot! Well you've seen his huevos. You get more every time."

She looked up, "I can still hear ok, so I don't think he's got it up to my ears yet."

She smiled softly, "And it feels so good to be held like that and he thanks you every time.

Maria exhaled heavily, "Don't you ever grow tired of always being right?

"So, my sexy cousin decides that she wants this freaking godlike male, who treats us both well and cares enough to kill to save us and our kids.

"But he is not perfect."

Daniella's mouth fell open, "He's not perfect? Tell me how he's not perfect."

Maria shrugged as she stood at the mirror in the bathroom of the cabin, brushing her mane, "No. He is not ..."

She blew air past her lips, "Not a Nahual then. Only a handsome fantastico Brujo."

She smiled, "You could probably settle, Daniella."

Daniella walked over and slapped her cousin on the ass, "And so could you, Maria. Come on, please?

"Oh Maria, please, please take my hand and we'll go to him together. You need this too."


D'Jymm was just wondering what had happened to Daniella. He already thought that she was the best that he'd ever had and no matter what happened, even if he was stuck here, he would keep her near him. What he felt in his heart after that last time ... He knew that he was falling for her. She was what he wanted for the long run.

He sat up just as the women ran into the room laughing happily. Daniella stepped onto the bed and stood before D'Jymm as she finally removed her hand. Maria stared for a moment and then groaned as his semen began to slide out of her cousin.

"What is this?" D'Jymm laughed.

Daniella lunged for him and dragged him down onto his back. He looked up and saw both of them leering down at him. They lowered themselves a little carefully just before Maria began her kisses. Daniella joined in, though after a minute, she migrated to suck on one of his ears.

"I brought reinforcements," she moaned softly.

His hardness surged again at the way that her voice sounded in his ear, so wantonly soft and yet intriguing.

"I've brought the rest of your women, all of the ones who care very much about you." she smiled.

She was trying to tell herself that this was only her acting, but the thought felt hollow in her mind. Who was she fooling here? She knew what was what, and she knew herself. This wasn't all lust, just as the things that she'd said about fighting for him if necessary weren't lies.

She felt so alive. For the first time in so long - so long that she couldn't even recall the last time that she'd felt this way and Carlos didn't count because he wasn't in the class of lover that she meant here - she wanted a male, one specific, powerful male and she wanted him to fuck her senseless, when she wasn't watching him fuck sweet Maria senseless.

Daniella let go of his ear and watched for a moment as Maria left her moaning hot kisses on his handsome face.

Daniella eased herself down again and kissed him softly on the cheek.

"We know we aren't the same kind as you. But we want you and yes, we are sure that we want you for more than this, what we do here now.

"Tonight, you need to learn that there are two women who want you; one of us who can't believe how much she feels in her heart for you and one who wants to know how that feels. The two of us have loved each other our whole lives."

She got onto her knees and pulled Maria off D'Jymm. "Bend down on your elbows, my love. Let him show you."

Maria did as Daniella asked and she looked back at him, moving her tail back and forth languidly. He came closer but Danialla stopped him, bending low to drool on his shaft. She helped to line him up then and as the slow strokes began, she hovered nearby caressing Maria's fur and watching.

She stopped them only once to get her own cleft under Maria.

"Come on beautiful cousin," she moaned as she moved her hips for Maria, "Kiss me where you are always welcome."

The wanton look on Maria's face was priceless and her eyes gleamed brightly as she reached for Daniella's hips and began to suck and lick while their male ploughed her furry little patch.

After twenty minutes, he clutched Maria tightly and slowly rolled onto his side and then he was on his back, still holding Maria who wailed in joyful surprise.

Daniella stared as he settled Maria against his front while his thrusts began anew and Maria cried out softly with every thrust.

Daniella saw his hand reaching for her cousin's clitoris and she gently brushed it away.

"I've got this," she smiled at him as she got down and began to lick both of them, so taken with the sight of him pounding in and out of her.

She stopped only once and asked him if he could do this to her afterward and he laughed a little. "This is my favorite way," he said.

Maria had been lying with her eyes closed during this so that the way that the room seemed to move around her while he was railing her this way didn't make her dizzy. Suddenly, she opened her eyes and reached up to try to pull his face to hers. She licked his lips and when his tongue came out to play, she sucked it hungrily.

She released him for a moment and said, "Yes."

Daniella thought it sounded different to her so she asked, "Yes, what?"

Maria laughed and her internal motions caused D'Jymm to groan for a moment.

"Yes, I'll marry you, D'Jymmi, as long as you take my cousin too. And if you promise to do me in my ass this way once in a while, then you just send somebody for the padre, because I'll marry you right now!"
