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"Not really, but I have not attempted anything challenging before now," Laurena responded.

"Try the light conjuration spell, it will show you if your magic has increased somehow," Sapphire suggested.

Laurena was hesitant to try, she did not wish to share with them how feeble her magic truly was, but she stiffened her spine. They had both done so much for her, and over the last few days had shown respect and appreciation for her dedication. They deserved her trust. Also, she was curious.

Chanting the spell softly, she held up her hand and was amazed at how brightly it glowed. Even in the afternoon sun it shone, illuminating as powerfully as a well lit torch. Looking to Sapphire she exclaimed, "It has never been this bright before. Not even close. This is an order of magnitude brighter than I was ever able to accomplish before."

"I have also noticed an increase with my magic," Sapphire replied. "During the attack I cast a telekinesis spell that was far more powerful than I had intended, and I had just assumed it was the excitement of the battle. That night when I conjured our bedding it was effortless. I began to suspect that my magic had grown."

Both of them turned to look at David, and he shrugged. "I've got so much 'mojo' how would I even know if there was more?"

Sapphire contemplated his strange response for a moment, and then was forced to agree. They hadn't even seen his full potential that first night, cancelling the spell before it blinded all of them. Even if he had somehow gained more power, she knew of no way to determine it.

"But, how?" Laurena asked.

"Isn't the sharing of love in an Erosian service supposed to boost the magic of the attendees for a time?" David inquired.

"Not that much?" Laurena replied.

"Maybe the fact that it was with a Champion of Eros made it more powerful," Sapphire suggested.

Laurena considered this idea for a few moments, before beginning to slowly nod. It made sense.

"Wait a minute. Are you really suggesting I have a magic dick?" " David interjected, recalling the still unexplained growth in his equipment.

Looking at him sexily, Sapphire practically purred, "Oh yes, it definitely felt magical."

Laurena walked to the Dracian and snaked an arm around her waist, deciding to join her new friend in teasing David. "I have to agree with Sapphire, the orgasms were practically divine."

David just rolled his eyes while the two partners-in-crime snickered at him. It wasn't like the sex had sucked. In fact it had been pretty epic, even with the whole mysterious penis enlargement. But he wasn't sure that the two beauties standing before him and giving him the same look a fat man gives an all-you-can-eat buffet was a good thing.

"Ladies, can we please focus?"

"Yes David," they sing-songed simultaneously. It was like they had some sort of 'fucking with a man's head' psychic wonder-twin power.

Setting aside the discussion of his sexual prowess - and any affect it had on their magical power - the two women returned to training, but that was not the end of the issue. During dinner that evening there was a whole lot of whispered conversation between the two that David wasn't invited to participate in. He was pretty damn sure that a conspiracy was afoot, but he had no clue what it would mean for his future.


"I think you should test your theory tonight," Laurena whispered to Sapphire.

"What do you mean?" she responded quietly.

"You should have sex with David. If it was the ceremony that caused the increase in power, then sex without the ceremony will cause no change to your magic. If it was him, then your power will increase again. If it was something else, then at least we eliminated one possibility."

"What if I don't want to lie with David?" Sapphire whispered, seemingly offended at the notion.

Laurena just gave her a knowing look, and Sapphire broke into a fit of giggling.

"What are you too up to?" David asked, hearing the giggling and assuming nothing good would come of it.

"Nothing," the both responded. He was less than comforted by their statement.

"Ok, so I should have sex with David tonight. What about you?" Sapphire asked Laurena softly, determined to keep their plotting a secret from her love.

"I cannot have sex with him. I can only render the Blessings of Eros during services," Laurena replied sadly.

"I meant where will you sleep? There is only the one tent and I have no desire to force you to stay outside in the night while I 'test my theory'?"

"It will be okay. You can come get me when you are finished," the acolyte suggested.

Sapphire thought about it. The idea had merit, but it also didn't appeal to her for some reason. Something about the idea of her being with David while her friend - and Laurena had truly become her friend in the last few days - didn't sit well with her. She thought about the first and only time that she had lain with her love. Maybe there was a way to work around this.

"What if you join us in the tent, but don't participate. Would you be okay with just observing, and answering any questions that I may have?"

Laurena thought about her request. She had not realized at the time how inexperienced Sapphire was, but in the last few days they had discussed the matter at length, and her new friend had confessed her fears and insecurities. Laurena was still envious of her relationship with David, but she also realized that Sapphire was still nervous and new to sexual intimacy. She could put aside her own desires and help her with this after everything that had happened.

"Of course I can," she replied with a comforting smile.

The women continued conspiring for a few more minutes, and then Sapphire announced that they were going to get ready for bed and asked David to wait outside until they called him. He countered by saying that he was going to try a different warning system tonight, and it would probably take him an hour or more to test and set up. After some additional whispering between the women they agreed not to call for him for at least an hour, and retired to the tent. He quickly conjured his standard trip wire layers, and snuck away into the nearby darkness to work on his present for Sapphire. It would require quite a bit of trial and error, but he was determined to make it work.


"David, are you out there?" Sapphire's voiced floated to David from inside the tent. He had spent his time wisely, and had made great strides on his gift for her. It would still take a while to make, but his initial tests that night allowed him to work through the major design flaws. Sometimes what seemed like a good idea in his head didn't always end up that way. Now all he had to do was borrow some items from her to be able to begin crafting it.

"Yep. Can we go to sleep now?"

He heard movement inside the tent, and looked toward the opening in time to see Sapphire part the curtained entrance. She was illuminated by both the rapidly expiring campfire and also a soft glow from inside the tent. The sight of her was breathtaking.

She was wearing what could be best described as a translucent white, halter-top style, baby doll negligee, and nothing else. The bare exterior light fought the soft interior light, causing her outline to shimmer from beneath the bare covering. Her hair was loosed from its braid; most of its silky strands cascading down her back, but with a bundle of stray lock gathered in front to caress and conceal her left breast teasingly.

It took nearly a minute for David to remember that breathing was an important necessity, and a few more minutes to notice the sexy, triumphant smirk she wore. His previous concern over the women's plotting was discarded. If this was what they had been dreaming up, he hoped they did it more often.

"You are more than welcome to come to bed now," she broke the silence with a sultry purr, "but I suspect that sleep may not be much of a priority for a while."

Shaking the paralysis from his form, he stood up and walked slowly to his love. Moving to take her in his arms, he snaked one hand around to her lower back and the other around her neck. Moving in for a passionate kiss, he whispered, "Who needs sleep."

Their lips met, and all of Sapphire's worries and doubts evaporated. She had been nervous about their plan - fearing her inexperience would ruin her attempt at seduction - but Laurena had continuously reassured her that men were not complicated. They were inherently visual creatures, and that the proper choice in wardrobe would pretty much guarantee success. Once she had crafted what Laurena referred to as 'the perfect bait' they had discussed what Sapphire should do with David.

Sapphire had voiced her concerns about his size, but Laurena assured her that while he was more endowed than any other man she had ever seen, a baby was even larger. If a woman could stretch enough to give birth then why couldn't she stretch enough to enjoy him? Then she reminded her friend how wonderful he had felt the first time, and explained that it would be even better this time. Sapphire both hoped and feared it would be true. Less pain and discomfort would be nice, but she wasn't sure she could survive much more pleasure than what he had given her last time. But after seeing the hunger in his eyes now, she was damned sure willing to try.

David hands slowly roamed during the kiss. His right thumb stroking her earlobe through her thick tresses while his left hand lowered to cup her exquisite ass. He stroked and kneaded the muscular flesh, stoking the flames of her passion with his caress. Her hands began at his waist, but quickly rose to intertwine behind his neck, her fingers playing with his hair.

Deciding to move the night along, he lowered his hand to her other - unattended - buttock, and picked her up. She responded with a surprised and happy squeal, wrapping her legs around his hips and grinding her molten core against his front. Carefully navigating the curtained entrance, he carried his woman into the tent, refusing to allow her to slow their passionate kissing. Their escalating desires only paused when his foot bumped the edge of the mat, and he gently lowered her to its soft surface. Rising up to feast his eyes upon her beauty in the soft light, he could only be amazed at his luck. She was absolutely perfect. He had no idea what he had done to deserve this wonderful woman, but he decided then and there that he would spend the rest of his life trying to be worthy of her.

Sapphire was less philosophical about their union. She knew she was ridiculously lucky to have him, and she had already decided to do whatever it took to keep him. Now she just wanted his delicious body naked and on top of her, his hardness filling her core like nothing ever had before. Her sex was practically gushing in anticipation, so she was beyond ready for him. Unfortunately she was growing annoyed that he was still dressed. She decided to help fix that problem. Reaching to his belt line, she grasped the bottom of his fleece jacked and combat shirt underneath, pulling both up and over his head with one motion. Then she nearly ripped his pants off, barely slowed by his belt and boots. His socks and underwear followed, and his naked form was quickly pressed on top of her. His fully erect manhood pressed against her outer lips deliciously as she wrapped her legs around him, and his muscular frame rubbed her sensitive nipples as he lowered his upper body to kiss her once again. Running her hands up and down his sleek, muscled torso, she moaned happily into his lips while rubbing her slickened sex against his rock hard pillar.

Breaking their kiss reluctantly, she pushed up on his shoulders to get enough room to catch her breath. Then she stated her demand. "I want you to fuck me, love. Pound me till I'm hoarse from screaming your name in ecstasy. Make love to me until my entire body quivers, my lungs gasp for air, and the very sound of your voice causes me to explode in rapture."

"As you wish," he replied.

*** Chapter 34: Discovery ***

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Three Miles North of the Calavius Road, Erosius

Off to the side of the tent - sitting quietly in the shadows cast by the softly glowing orb of light - Laurena watched the two lovers join. She was slightly surprised that David hadn't noticed her yet. Then again, his focus on the woman lying beneath him was understandable. Witnessing their union from a few feet away, the acolyte felt a mixture of pride and happiness for her friend, as well as a twinge of longing to join her. The passion and love shared between the two was wonderful to behold, but left her feeling slightly lonely. As Sapphire gasped in ecstasy from David's thrusts, her own desire rose. The sexual energies of the pair was causing her own core to heat and moisten, and fanned a flame of desire that she needed to quench. Reaching beneath her robes she began to stroke her glistening folds. She may not be able to join in their union, but she could relieve her own stress.

Sapphire was awash in waves of pleasure. David's tumescent manhood had entered her slowly at first. Thankfully she had adjusted far quicker this time, and it had barely taken a few minutes of gentle pumping before she had begged him for more. Now she was receiving each of his powerful thrusts with passionate cries, singing out to the first climax he had granted her. With barely a moment's pause for her recovery, he continued his assault on her. She had barely caught her breath from her last aria, before her a cappella performance resumed. A multitude of orgasms were his gift to her, and her breath was soon hoarse from her song of passion.

David was rapidly building toward his own finale when he heard a pleasured gasp that wasn't from his love. Looking in the direction of the noise he saw Laurena half sitting / half lying at the side of the tent, her hand working feverishly beneath her robes. He shouldn't have been surprised to see her - she had entered the tent earlier and it wasn't like he ever saw her leave - but he was. Apparently his situational awareness went to hell when a beautiful, mostly naked woman offered herself to him. Breathing hard and barely conscious Sapphire still noticed his gaze, and decided to address it.

"I asked her to stay (pant). I am still learning... (deep breath) and I wanted her here in case I had any questions," she explained. While that was also the excuse she gave to Laurena, it was not the complete truth. Something about the acolyte watching her and her man in the throes of passion truly excited her. She didn't know why, but she liked having the woman watch them.

David wasn't sure how much he believed that, but he was also too close to cumming to care. Turning back to the gorgeous beauty he was thrusting into, he figured there were worse things than having a smoking hot girlfriend with an exhibitionist streak. That was also the last thought he had before his cock erupted, spewing forth his seed to coat the insides of Sapphire's channel. At the same time Laurena cried out, reaching her own release as well.

Sapphire had just orgasmed moments ago, and she had barely begun climbing another peak when David spent himself deep inside her womb. When his cum began to coat her walls she climaxed instantly, her most powerful one of the night. She saw stars again - just like their first night together - only this time she was able to remain conscious...barely. She was also paying close attention to her body and her magic. That was when she noticed an unusual rush, separate from her orgasm. It caused her to flush, and a sensation of warmth spread from her feminine core to the rest of her body. She couldn't be completely certain without casting a spell to test it, but as she gasped for breath she began to consider the possibility that David's dick really was magical.


It took a few minutes for David, Sapphire, and Laurena to recover from their climaxes. When they finally did Sapphire was the first to break the silence.

"Wow," she said, laying on her back and staring at the roof of the tent. Rolling to the side she snuggled up to David's side and laid her head on his chest. "That was even better than the first time," she murmured.

"Glad to be of service," he replied with a chuckle.

"I told you so," Laurena reminded her friend mirthfully.

Lifting up Sapphire turned to face her, and beckoned the acolyte to join her. Laurena crawled over to them and sat on the mat next to Sapphire. The Dracian shifted over and hugged her friend once she was seated. "Thank you Laurena. I know it was a lot to ask, and I truly appreciate you being here."

The acolyte hugged her back and whispered in her ear, "Anytime."

Sapphire smiled and returned to cuddling with David.

"Also thank you David. I know you and Laurena have not always gotten along, and I was worried you would be mad that I asked her to stay. I don't know what I would have done if you had been less understanding."

Lifting his head from his pillow he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "I'm in love with you honey. I won't claim to understand why you needed this, but I don't have to. Anything you need, any time you need it, if have the power to make it happen I will."

Turning his head to look at the acolyte, he continued to speak his mind. "Also, I know you and I have had our issues Laurena, but I am willing to forgive you if you are willing to forgive me. You have come a long way in the last few days, and if you are willing to give us a second chance how can I do any less for you?"

"I have already forgiven you David," she replied, blinking away the moisture that was filling her eyes, "and I only hope to be worthy of your forgiveness...both of you."

Not even looking Sapphire reached back and groped around for her friend's hand. Once she captured it she pulled Laurena in behind herself and cast a spell of cleansing on all of them. Then she used her telekinesis to lift the blankets over their resting forms. "Time for bed you two," she said yawning. "We can talk more in the morning."


David woke up early the next morning. He had set the alarm on his watch because he wanted to work on Sapphire's surprise gift. The key word here being 'surprise'. He nearly woke her up sneaking out, but managed to pull off his departure as well as secure the necessary accoutrements from her possessions to ensure his plan's success. He was able to conjure her gift, replace her pilfered belongings, and start on the enchanting before the women woke up. It would probably take a week or more to charge some of the enchantments - and some he had no idea how long they would take - but at least they were started. He hid everything in his rucksack, and charged her gift every time he charged his pair of swords.

Once the women were awake and everyone had eaten, he began their scheduled training for that day. He had originally planned to only stop for a few days, but both women were progressing so well he realized that it would be better for their safety to spend a little bit longer training. They began the morning with three hours of firearms training. Half an hour of basic shooting techniques, then he taught them advanced shooting techniques for the remaining two and a half hours. After a break for lunch they changed over to stick / knife fighting and unarmed combat. Sapphire continued to improve, and Laurena continued to improve faster. The acolyte was still a long way from being able to compete with him, but he was confident she could fight off any of the assholes he had encountered so

That evening both Sapphire and Laurena were in high spirits. David had heaped on the praise for their successes to date, and reminded them that they were progressing very quickly in disciplines that they had no prior experience with, or even knowledge of. He told them how proud he was of them both. They soaked up his praise, and doted on him during dinner in response. Watching them chat away happily, he decided to add a small gift for Laurena to his list of projects. It wasn't much, but she had proven herself so well over the last few days he wanted to make her something. She mattered to Sapphire now, and that meant she mattered to him too. He would conjure it the next morning before they woke up.
