Changing Room Pt. 03: The Gym


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"You are shy man?" asked Marta. "No need with Marta. Just relax and enjoy your massage." She continued down my tired legs. "Is good?" she asked again.

"Very good," I replied, honestly. If heaven was like this I'd confess my sins to the next pastor I met. Perhaps Marta had one as a client.

I'd never had a foot massage, but this was included in the 'gold' package. I never dreamed it could be so erotic, Marta was a magician with her dexterity. Finally she bid me turn over.

"I do not want you embarrass," said Marta in her own style of English language, "But it is, how you say, normal for a man with my gold massage. Are you OK with this?" she pointed to my still semi erection. "It is good for me to know I have given good massage. It pleases me too. You understand, yes?"

In for a penny, I thought. Why not. "Yes," I answered, but was it cheating on Rachel or Holly? No, I reasoned, it was simply a massage.

"I make you feel less embarrass," Marta offered. "You are friend of Rob, you do good work. I do good work for you also." And with that she swiftly lifted her tee-shirt over her head, unzipped her shorts and within moments was as naked as me.

"It is always too hot in here. Now we are equal. No embarrass. OK?"

I nodded, "OK."

"You like?"

I quickly scanned up and down her beautiful fit body. It was tanned with no tell tale lines. Tanning tube or nude sunbathing? I didn't know and I wasn't going to ask. She had short pale brown hair, brown eyes, average sized, perfectly formed breasts and juicy, aroused nipples. Marta obviously worked out, her waist slim, her buttocks plump but tight. Her flat tummy ended with pubic hair neatly trimmed to a landing strip just atop her valley of eastern promise. "I like very much." I couldn't lie. My semi was now fully erect, something which Marta had also noticed.

"You are big, fit man. Is very nice," she said, pointing closely to, but not touching my erection. "Don't worry. I pay my respect to this later," she added, still pointing. "Is worth extra attention. I like ... I like very much to make him pleasure. Is OK?"

I nodded and she paused, awaiting any further comment I wanted to make. None forthcoming she continued, "Now I finish massage, OK?"

"OK," I confirmed, hell I didn't want to offend her ... Well that was my excuse.

The two small pillows cradling my head gave me little angle to view her hands but I was mesmerised by her breasts. She pulled away slightly.

"You like?" she cupped her breasts with her oiled hands.

"I like very much."

"You like taste? Yes?"

She leaned forward and my lips enclosed her swollen nipples, sucking, licking. She pulled away. "I must work not tease. I will make him harder." Marta laughed as she briefly touched my hardness. "He is nearly burst. I will please him soon."

There was little sway or swing of her firm breasts. She glanced at my eyes from time to time, smiling as she knew I never took my eyes off those enchanting breasts.

Marta skipped my pelvis, my hardness, moving on to the muscles in my thighs, legs, calves. Only when she was certain every leg muscle was relaxed did she return to the places she'd missed.

With her trimmed fingernails she lightly scratched the skin from below my navel right down to my balls. She broke rhythm only to take more oil, cupping my balls then tracing her fingers up my shaft. Gently easing my foreskin she drew it back as far as it would go, then oiled the exposed tender glans. Time after time she repeated the moves; balls, shaft, glans until I felt I could take no more.

I was in a state of pure bliss and she held me there as the minutes ticked by. I was amazed by her ability to keep me right on the edge, squeezing hard then easing off and slowing, and the urge to shoot passed me by.

Finally she asked, "You are ready, Terry, yes?" Stupid question.

"Raise your hip," she commanded, and stuffed a well folded towel under my butt to keep me raised up.

"Now you cum for Marta, " she commanded again, encircling my swollen cock with one hand and pushing a finger of the other hand neatly up my butt hole seeking out that all important little bump that ...

Oh fuck. I have never ever exploded like that before. My cum rocket erupted like Vesuvius, all over my stomach, Marta's hand, everywhere. I felt surges of pleasure pass through me like bolts of lightening.

I came slowly back down to earth, elated. This woman had performed some magic on me that I've rarely experienced since then.

Showered and clothed again I passed Marta a generous tip, left and reluctantly returned home, my planned work on the computer system totally forgotten.


"Wow daddy, you look great!" chimed Holly as I walked through the door, running to hug me.

"I've been to Rob's, he booked me in for a massage with Marta, free of charge as a thank you for the extra work I've been putting in."

"It looks like you enjoyed it."

I agreed with Holly though I didn't say why. We kissed deeply, time meant nothing when we so close.

"You smell real good," she commented, breaking briefly away from our kiss.

"Yes, it's the massage oil, even though I've showered. It's very ... very ... sensuous, erotic," I couldn't exactly describe it.

"Well," she mused, "It's making me horny." And with that she returned to our kiss. There was no need for words for her hips pushed against me, grinding her pubis against my rapidly swelling cock. Holly always tasted good, whether it was her lips, her nipples or her shaved pussy I was sampling.

The kiss and the grind somehow seemed more sexually charged than normal. I'd shot more than double my usual load only a short while before, at the gym, yet fuck I was so ready for more. Holly I knew loved kisses and her returned kiss and grind meant she was horny too. Holly was always horny, always ready, night or day.

Take Tuesday for example; I couldn't sleep - stressed out - and Rachel was giving out the triple zzz's. I snuck out of our bed, through into Holly's room, into her bed. It was a tight squeeze in Holly's bed but it wouldn't be the first time I'd been there. A long slow fuck is one of nature's best cures for insomnia and Holly never turned me down. She had come to prefer being on top. Ever wet, tight cunt, slowly moving up and down so nothing creaked, teasing, stopping, restarting, powerful young love muscles coaxing me to cum, then denying me until she felt the time was right for her. Much had changed within a very short space of time.

"Daddy," she sensed my thoughts were elsewhere. "Daddy?"

"Sorry Princess. I was thinking of last Tuesday, when I came to your room during the night."

"Oh," she gave a naughty laugh. "And you want to now. Sure. Let's go." She paused, "Why so horny on a Saturday afternoon?"

"Well ... your welcomes always help and, well ... " I chose my words carefully. "Rob wanted to thank me for getting on speedily with the security work and ... look, you must not say anything ... promise?"

I knew I could trust Holly. I told her everything ... the nude sauna, the massage ... everything, in detail.

"Wow, that's great. And free?"

Holly never batted an eyelid. "I gave Marta a tip, that's all."

"Wow. Say, can I come with you next time?"

"Nude sauna?" She nodded.

"And do they exercise nude, too?" she queried.

I really don't know. I didn't need to be in the gym. The spa suite is separate so I'd have to ask."

Holly giggled. "I'll tell you a secret. Last year, when we went to Spain, we came across this nude beach."

"And you ..."

"Daddy don't fuckin' interrupt."

"There was this guy, and his cock was a foot long. And, besides, it felt real good."

"His cock?"

"DADDY! NO! I meant it felt good being naked."

I burst into laughter. "I'll have a word with Rob, see if I can get you a visit. I'm not supposed to get free passes until my work's completed."

"Daddy, I didn't go with that guy."

I laughed again. "So I can't have a wank fantasising about a foot long cock inside you?"

"DADDY NO!! You don't need to fantasise. I love you daddy, you can have me any time you want."

"So you didn't want that guy inside you ... why did you go on the nude beach?"

"Daddy, stop teasing. Are you going to fuck me or not?"

In little more than a heartbeat we were in Holly's room. I rather liked the idea of Holly being on top, something else which Rachel would never do. I was hard, very hard but Holly was more than capable of taking my length and girth. Holly's cunt muscles were young and strong and she knew how to squeeze me tight.

"I love you too, Princess," I said, "And I really mean it." I just loved watching Holly's breasts move up and down. They were (and still are) perfect in every way.

Holly's eyes closed as she concentrated on the good feelings. Her rhythm was slow and steady, her young muscles able to go on like that for ages.

"My tits, daddy, please."

So engrossed was I, and damn near to cumming, that I'd forgotten. Holly loved her tits being fondled, her nipples being tweaked to the point of causing pain. Finally she came, rapidly increasing her speed both to increase her pleasure and mine. It wasn't long before I followed, the familiar pumping ensuring my cum shot upwards into her cave.


I rang Rob from my office at Grandbutts first thing Monday.

"Hi Rob, it's Terry. I just wanted to thank you for inviting me to your spa suite."

Rob laughed, "I spoke to Marta a short while ago. She's an excellent masseuse."

"You should her give a rise. She's excellent."

Rob laughed again, "It's usually the other way round."

"I suppose so," I admitted, "She's beautiful and talented." I paused. "I'm coming over there straight after work. Will you be at the gym?"

"I have to be somewhere for 7pm so I need to leave here by 6.30"

"That's OK, I'll be over there by 5.30 at the latest."

Though the traffic delayed me I was at the gym by 5.40. Rob was on reception browsing the security cameras.

He tapped the screen, "I've been watching these two for a while now, and recording in case I miss something. I'm pretty certain they're dealing."

"How can you be sure?" I asked.

"Just call it intuition. They do minimal exercises and spend a lot of time talking to others."

"I should have everything online for you by the end of this week," I said.

Rob turned and smiled. "You've spent a lot of time on this. Are you sure your original quote was enough."

"Well," I replied, "It's been a challenge for me which has been worthwhile. The money is OK but perhaps you could throw in a few more massages."

"You randy bugger. You should be slowing down a little. You're quite a bit older than me."

I laughed. "I'll slow down when I'm ready for my coffin. My daughter reckons the undertaker will have to saw off my boner before he can close the coffin lid."

"Your daughter? Not your wife?"

"Holly's fantastic. I can confide in her better than Rachel. I was even joking with her about that massage."

"You told her everything?"

"More or less. Trouble is she's wanting one too ... and the nude sauna."

"You're joking?"

"She says she's been on a nude beach, checking out the well endowed men."

Rob smiled broadly. "Let's see when I can book her in. No charge either." He brought up the diary on the screen. "We do the nude gym and sauna once a month. It's mainly booked out to a nudist group, but I said I'd review it. I was looking at possibly extending our Saturday evenings to 10pm. At the moment we shut at 8. I'll have a word with the staff and the nudist group." He paused to jot down a note to phone them.

"So when will you know?" I asked.

"Pretty soon. The occasional Saturday afternoon session has been a big hit with both the nudist members and a lot of our members. Everyone on my books is over 18 and the group knows no minors are allowed so the sessions are perfectly above board. We've had people joining our club through the trial, though they have to be active members for 3 months."

I needed to get on with my work, so I left it to Rob to get in touch later.

By the following weekend all was up and running, linked in remotely to the Internet. I knew there would be a few niggles but most of the system would be fine.

"After you've logged in you'll have admin control over every camera." I told Rob, "Don't leave yourself logged in, otherwise the rest of the staff will have access to the covert ones. Each room is switchable, so if you want the staff to monitor specific areas, you can grant them access as required." I let Rob try out the covert access. The views were perfect.

"Click on here," I pointed, and the cameras record everything. And this button here," I clicked, "Will activate online access. You can switch it on or off. I've also built coding in to start up an online shop, and I've built in a routine for prospective new clients to view the gym equipment, but not any other rooms, via the security cameras."

"Thank you so much," said Rob after he'd checked everything out. He produced 4 key cards. "You asked for 4 memberships but I've given you and 3 others top level access. You can use any part of the gym, the sauna, spa, and tanning rooms. If you phone me beforehand I'll book you each 3 free massages with either Marta or Hans."


"We have a male masseur too. As well as the ladies, some of the men prefer him. And before you ask, Hans doesn't mind as long as he gets paid. As for your fees, the money will be in your bank account tomorrow."

"You don't need an invoice?"

"No. I'll pay you from a private account, not the business one."

"How did you go with the nudist group?"

"Oh yes, I forgot. They're really pleased to get extra sessions here. Marta will stay late if she's required. If anyone needs Hans they'll have to come to the other session." He thought for a moment. "You mentioned your daughter, Holly. There isn't an afternoon nude session till next month. I could book her in for the new late session, but if she wants a massage it will be Marta."

"Marta won't mind?"

"Will Holly want a gold session?"

"Holly is very open minded. Book her in."


Rachel was out when I got back. Holly enthusiastically wrapped herself around me, thrusting her pelvis hard against my baby machine, hugging me tightly. Her kiss was long, her mouth melting into mine, her tongue busily working.

"Daddy, you're home," she said, suddenly pulling away.

"Well, erm, yes. I do usually come home. Eventually." I was out of breath. Her greeting had taken me by surprise, then I noticed blurred colours under her eyes. Holly had been crying.

"Princess, what's the matter?"

I never was subtle. Holly immediately burst into tears. Between sobs it transpired that one of her best friends, once a boyfriend, was moving to the far south.

"But you have the phone, and Skype. Maybe he'll be back sometime."

It took Holly a good half hour to calm down. She had lost a good friend, occasionally a comfort fuck, but as a regular boyfriend things hadn't worked out. She had pleaded for a parting fuck but he had refused, which was probably wise.

"So you're still feeling horny?" I asked; but probably I shouldn't.

"I just need some comfort, daddy, please."

I had done comfort many times in the past. It included hugs, kisses, touches, tongues but no fuck. I enjoyed comfort as much as Holly did, perfectly willing to satisfy my own needs privately in the bathroom afterwards, my fingers coated in my daughter's sex juices - an aroma which had never failed ever since that first discovery of the same but slightly varying aroma, after daring to borrow her panties from the dirty linen basket one day.

Despite my ever closer relationship with Holly, I'd never been jealous of Carl. He had been good for Holly on many occasions and I really felt for her. We kissed again, Holly grinding against me, her knowledge that it was arousing me an important part of the comforting. We kissed deeply, my hands unbuttoning her blouse then reaching round to unclasp her bra. Holly murmured approval as I fondled first one then the other breast. The kiss never broke as I thumbed each plump nipple, her arousal already apparent.

Holly shivered involuntarily, another noise from her throat assuring me she was enjoying the comfort. My hand went round again, this time to unzip her skirt. Even if Rachel returned home she was now programmed (I hate the word brainwashed) to accept this was beneficial to Holly, therefore it was good.

With one hand softly fondling a tit, I brushed my thumb across a responsive nipple. My other hand was now inside the briefest of panties. Was it a thong? I don't know; despite working for an online fashion retailer I still got confused. Whatever the briefest of panties were called I now had an inquisitive finger inside. A throaty murmur mid-kiss meant this was what she needed, then suddenly Holly pulled away, quickly pulled down whatever those panties were called and kicked them off. Without a word she locked on to my mouth again. One finger traced a line along her groove, totally devoid of pubic hair, such a wonderful feeling. I was hard, rock hard, but I was pleasuring Holly. She needed it, I didn't.

Holly moved just enough to allow my finger access. She was wet, very wet and my finger sought out her clit, sufficiently lubricated that I could easily and quickly frig her off. Fast? Yes, she came very quickly. Considerate? I was always considerate when she fucked me. But now all she needed was release, and I was pleased to cooperate.

After her earlier tears and the release of pent up sexual tension, Holly slept for half an hour, curled up on the sofa. She woke, stretched and realised her state of undress. She quickly dressed again before making us both coffee.

"Rob has arranged for an all nude session - both exercise and relaxation - for Saturday evening. I've booked you in for both gym and spa." I passed her the key card. "Don't lose it, it's very valuable."

"Thanks daddy," she smiled broadly. "Are you coming?"

"I think it might be better for you on your own. The nudists tend to be a friendly group, you might meet someone your age. I don't want to get in your way."

At first she looked disappointed, then she nodded, "Yes, perhaps you're right."

"I'll take you in the car, and if you ring me I'll pick you up as well. Oh, and Rob's booked a massage for you with Marta if that's OK." Holly wasn't so sure. I continued, "If you try the sauna first the whole session will help you totally relax and unwind."

What I didn't tell Holly was that I'd be able to monitor most of it.


It was 7.45 when I dropped her off at the gym. Rob liked all clients to be out 30 minutes before closing. It didn't always happen, but Saturday evenings tended to be quiet anyway. Two of the regular staff were needed to ensure Health and Safety regulations were adhered to. After 8.15 the front door would be locked.

As soon as I got home I logged in. 6 rapid clicks on a certain part of the gym website home page brought up a secret menu. My own password got me full admin access. Although I knew the system inside out, it took me a few minutes to operate the cameras. My jaw dropped - I hadn't until then realised their quality. The set-up was top notch, state of the art, the very latest equipment. Knocked off? I wasn't going to ask.

The fresh faced girl from the sauna was on one of the rowing machines, her butt moving backwards and forwards in steady rhythm that defied her size. Although the camera's position was fixed, it both rotated, tilted and zoomed. Far from simple security, Rob's system was a formidable piece of voyeuristic delight.

With a bit of practice I could keep my focus on the seat of the rowing machine, her butt filling a large part of my laptop screen. It was hypnotising, I could see every dimple, every crease. She slowed then stopped, moving to another piece of equipment. I moved the lens to get a good look.