Chapter 18: Jenny

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Cheryl's niece visit while her parents are on vacation.
4.4k words

Part 17 of the 18 part series

Updated 12/06/2023
Created 07/20/2023
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Jenny arrived at the Bree household on an early morning flight. Cheryl picked her up at the airport and took her straight to their house.

Cheryl hugged her and said "I talked to your mom just before you landed and she said this 'second honeymoon' was a great idea and everything was going great. I know how much she loves your dad, so it will all work out."

Jenny replied "I know some kids might think they are a burden to their parents and are being dumped off. Others might think the parents are leaving them behind because the kid is causing problems. I know my parents love me. I know they love each other. They need to be able to be romantic with no distractions and no constraints. Frankly, they need to be able to carry on like children without judgement and be able to make love without constraints. I get all that. Thanks for taking me in aunt Cheryl."

"Just call me Cheryl. We are two adult women. I want to be your friend, not your aunt."

"Thanks, Cheryl. That sounds pretty odd. I will probably slip up."

"You have your own room with private bath. No one will enter if the door is closed, regardless of whether you are in or not. Either leave the door open or bring dirty laundry to the laundry room, make your own bed, and clean the bathroom. Your choice. You may come and go as you please. You have a house key. We have two cars. You have free use of both. Anything else?"

"You are being really generous. I will ask if I think of something au..., I mean Cheryl."

"We have close friends with kids your age. We will have a 'coming out' party tomorrow to introduce you, if that is okay."

"Thanks, it will be great to have some friends while I am here."

"Do you have someone special back at home?"

"No boyfriend if that is what you mean. He was being too pushy so I broke up with him a month ago. I figure I am here for a short time, so I am not looking for a romantic relationship here. Just some folks to hang with would be nice."

Jenny continued "It is still early and I have some nervous energy. Is it okay to look around the neighborhood?" Jenny's energy was actually her horniness. At home she might go to one of her favorite places to show off or, if that did not work, simply expose herself to the sunlight. The sun on her boobs and a light breeze on her nipples always turned her on enough to make her self-love sessions extra productive. She wanted to scout locations that might work.

"Sure. The people here are mostly older and are quite nice. Give me a call if you get disoriented or have questions." Cheryl thought Jenny might get some surprises on the way. She will encounter "those" women eventually, seeing some today might be a good thing. No need to warn her, she's a big girl and can deal with it. Besides if "those" women do not do anything then talking about it would be needless concern.

Deciding that a slow approach was best, Jenny dressed conservatively. She could adjust clothing choices on future excursions.

Across the street, several houses down, Jenny noticed a woman a bit older than Cheryl working in a front yard flower garden. The woman looked up at Jenny and said "Hello!"

Jenny introduced herself as Cheryl's niece visiting for a while. As she did so, she noticed the woman's blouse fit loosely with several buttons not fastened. Jenny could see the entire front of her to her waist. Her pendulous breasts were fully exposed. Jenny tried not to look, but looking down on the other woman made it impossible unless Jenny got on the ground or looked away. Jenny thought it would be rude not to make eye contact and it might embarrass the other woman if she got on the ground or looked away, so she kept the eye contact and looked at the woman's breasts.

"Nice to meet you, I am Ann. I live alone here. How long are you staying?" Jenny figured that Ann knew exactly what Jenny could see, and was not concerned because they were both women.

"I am not sure. My parents are traveling in Europe as kind of a second honeymoon, so I will stay as long as they need. I am looking forward to seeing the sights."

"Well, I apologize if these are your first sights," looking down towards her chest and giving a slight lift to her tits and allowed them to bobble back down, swaying, "they are not the best attributes in the area." Chuckling at her silly joke.

"Oh, my goodness, I do not mean to look." Jenny stammered with total embarrassment.

Ann laughed "I know that. I did not get up to greet you as I should and so I apologize for forcing the view. Getting up and down is a bit more difficult these days and I was just cleaning up the last couple of plants. It is a hot day, so I needed a little more ventilation."

"I know what you mean. I hate bras too, especially on hot days. I did not want to go braless in case the folks around here do not approve of that. I want a good first impression. I guess I failed that one right away!"

"Don't be silly, I'm the one starting with a questionable first impression. I am done her, let's go sit on the porch chairs." She bent over to give Jenny a full view and swung the tits like pendulums and laughed, getting a laugh from Jenny in return. As Jenny sat, she noticed Ann had unfastened the remaining buttons. As they continued to talk, Ann's huge tits bobbled free frequently. Ann made motions to keep them covered, but most times at least one nipple showed. Ann did not seem concerned about showing so Jenny decided not to be rude by looking away.

"Like I said, I didn't give you a choice. At my age I really don't worry about showing, especially to women. Some of the wives kid me about it because their husbands come down to chat with me. At first, they didn't like their men looking at another woman's tits, but eventually they began to accept it because the men get horny and give the wives a little more attention at home. They all know I am not going to hijack a husband." She laughed at the mutual benefits.

"This seems well thought out."

"It just kind of evolved. I have to make sure us women are friends. If I think trouble might arise, no more treats for the men."

"That would be too bad if you have to give up your personal pleasure."

"You say that as if you have experience."

"I have to admit more than one man has gotten an eyeful; accidentally, of course. I do not let anyone in my neighborhood see."

Ann laughed "Yes, totally different. I expect the women around here give me a break because I am older. Your young tits might be a very different game."

"I would not show on purpose in the neighborhood."

"You do not like bras; those bouncy tits of yours would give men something to see, even without seeing bare skin." Ann seemed to be encouraging her to show off. At least one ally.

Returning to Ann's exhibitionism, Jenny said "So everyone wins, the men get an eyeful, their wives get some romance, and you get to show off."

"I did not say I am an exhibitionist. I just do not mind the men, or even the women, looking."

"You have great breasts. I am sure the men enjoy them."

"Men enjoy looking at any tits."

"Yours are nice, though."

"I will tell your aunt how polite you are."

"Don't get yourself in trouble with her. I am not sure how she would react to me talking about tits."

"No worries, no details, I do not need her to think I am perverted, even if I do enjoy showing. Your uncle gets his fill."

"So, you are showing on purpose." Jenny smirked. She just got a little nod and smirk in reply.

"But only to men. The women may see, but they act like they don't care. I do make sure the women get a good look so they know what their husbands are getting," and smirked again.


"No one admits it, but women look. I am sure you know it."

"Yes. Some just for curiosity, some out of desire."

"And some because they are jealous of your very big, young, firm tits. You know what you have."

"Not all of the attention is appreciated."

"I get that. I was young once."

"You have bigger ones than me, so I am sure the attention was doubled. They are still great looking. Do the women ever give you a look?"

"Most do. We do not admit to looking, so most just get comfortable around other women; not nude or topless, mind you, but braless with large armholes or few buttons. Sometimes one of the women will find an excuse to get topless, showing us a new outfit or like that, but not often. No one admits it, but they all seem to enjoy it. You did not hear it from me, but your aunt likes to see and be seen." Giving a knowing grin. Jenny took that in with a thoughtful look.

Ann continued "It is far too warm for a bra. Let me remove yours."

Jenny really wanted Ann to see her tits, and the idea that someone might see from the surrounding houses was a real bonus, but she needed to retain deniability. "You are right. It was silly to keep it on for my walk." Intentionally allowing her excitement to show she said "Shouldn't we go inside, someone might see."

"I am not ready for visitors. I think it is reasonably safe." Her knowing look belied the words and helped increase Jenny's anticipation. "Turn your back to me. Let's pull your arms out."

Jenny looked to the street as Ann raised Jenny's shirt to fully expose her bra. "Not so high." Jenny protested weakly with an excited voice. Jenny retracted her arms through the arm holes. The shirt was now supported by Jenny's shoulders.

"I'll be quick. Your shirt is a bit tight, so we need to lift it out of the way. I remember when I could do justice to a tight sweater." Without comment, Ann unexpectedly exposed Jenny's breasts to the neighborhood before unhooking the bra. She proceeded to remove the bra down Jenny's arms and lifted the right side of the shirt to put in the right arm and then did the same to the left. Jenny was completely turned on as her shirt again covered her decently.

Jenny noticed at least two houses in which she thought there was movement behind the windows. Before she could ask, Ann reached under the shirt and fondled Jenny's breasts and tweaked the nipples. "Just checking what might show under this shirt. You need to be careful; your nipples are seriously erected. Let me see."

Jenny turned to show her pokies and Ann surprised her yet again by raising the shirt to give each nipple a suck. "Just a kiss for safe passage."

"Same to you." As Jenny fully opened Ann's shirt and nuzzled each nipple in turn, leaving Ann fully exposed. Ann acted as if she did not know she was exposed and smiled broadly.

Ann said "I will clean up a bit so we can go inside next time."

"Your porch was very comfortable and it seemed private enough for what we wanted to do. I have really enjoyed meeting you. Your hospitality far exceeded my expectations. The scenery is great," she said staring at Ann's nipples. Jenny flashed her tits at Ann impulsively and slowly wandered to the sidewalk.

The door to the house in which she first noticed movement opened and a woman in a yellow floral-print dress stepped out. From across the street the woman acted surprised and said "Oh, hi."

As Jenny crossed the street, she noticed the woman's nipples were erected and huge for such small breasts. Jenny explained who she was as the woman surreptitiously peeked at Jenny's pokies. "I just met Ann. Everyone seems nice in this neighborhood."

"I am Jackie, pleased to meet you. We take pride in being hospitable."

"It shows," she said, believing her double entendre was acknowledged with a smile. "I hope I can be just as hospitable."

"So far, you are golden."

"I'll come down the street some more, I hope to see you."

"Just knock, I'll be glad to see you anytime."

"I will do that. Thanks for being welcoming."

Back at her aunt's house, Cheryl made an obvious show of seeing Jenny's pokies. "I thought you were wearing a bra when you left."

"I was, but it is hot. I meet two of your neighbors and they were both braless. Ann talked me into getting comfortable."

"I'll bet she did, she has a way to do that. She has nice tits, doesn't she?" Jenny acted confused at the comment. "No need to pretend, we all know she loves to show those huge things. I'm sure she made you look."

Chastened, Jenny quietly said "Yes, it was impossible to ignore. She was on the ground and to look into her eyes they were right there." A little less quietly she said "Very nice tits. And as you said, huge. I assume you see them often."

Slightly indignant, "I don't intentionally look," and then softer, "yes, pretty often. Like you, I try to be polite."

"I did not mind. Once we sat on the porch, she just seemed comfortable with her exposure, not exhibitionistic about it, sort of like a naturist."

"I will consider that next time she flops them out." Jenny laughed at her choice of words. "So, did she see yours?"

"Yes, helping me remove my bra," humorously adding "jealous?"

Cheryl laughed and continued the joke "Of course." Jenny removed her shirt. Cheryl looked at her niece with interest and then tried to feign curiosity with "Why did you do that?"

Pleased that she gave her aunt a surprise treat, she calmly answered "Two reasons. One, don't I need to put on a bra? Two, I don't want you to be jealous of Ann." Laughing.

Cheryl laughed and said "Thanks for watching out for my feelings. Unless you start a romance with Ann, I would not be jealous of her. Thinking about it, I am not sure why you need a bra. Your uncle is at the office late tonight preparing for his trip; it is just us chicks."

After her initial fear of how her aunt would react, Jenny was finally calming down as the adrenaline dissipated. Cheryl was no longer acting shocked or outraged and she also seemed to be getting more comfortable with Jenny's nudity. Cheryl was still looking at Jenny's tits, but more curious than surprised.

Cheryl surprised Jenny back by not saying anything more about her casual nudity. Jenny wanted her aunt to see her partly because they are close blood relatives, so curiosity is perfectly normal, and partly because her libido was still heightened and she wanted to exhibit. Jenny wanted to prolong this and maybe get her aunt topless, too. She sat on the sofa and her aunt sat on the loveseat. To emphasize the point Jenny left her shirt on the table near the door where it remained.

"So, who else exposed themself to you?" Chuckling.

"No one. I met Jackie. She was clothed." Chuckling.

"Yes, she is always properly dressed."

"What did you mean by 'properly?'"

"No short skirts, all buttons fastened, full set of conservative underwear."

"Interesting, she probably rushed out of the house to greet me. She did not wear a bra." Jenny actually thought Jackie had removed it when she saw Jenny topless.

"I have never seen her bobble or have pokies and anytime I have seen under her top she always has a bra, even on chance encounters."

"She does have small breasts, probably A-cups, so no bobble, but she did poke out a lot. She must have enormous nipples to show that much."

"I need to go on your next walk. Mine are never that interesting."

"I would love that. It is nice that the women seem to be pretty easy going with each other. Do you always wear a bra to walk in the neighborhood?".

"No, not always. Like you said we are pretty easy going.". Cheryl took off her dress, leaving her in bra and panties giving Jenny hope. Jenny also noticed Cheryl's panties sported a visible camel toe, she must know that.

They continued to chat for a while about the neighborhood. Jenny figured Cheryl was deciding if she should be topless or not and to build the courage to do it. Cheryl got off the loveseat and walked to the kitchen as they continued to chat. She then meandered near the front door. "This is it, she is going to bring my shirt, c'est la vie," Jenny thought.

Cheryl returned to the family room and put her back to Jenny. Jenny unhooked the bra. Cheryl, still covered by the loose bra picked up her dress as if to put it on. She carefully folded it, went to the door and placed the dress on top of Jenny's blouse and let the bra slowly slide down her arm, exposing her magnificent breasts to her niece and left the bra on the top of the stack.

She returned and sat next to Jenny and hugged her tight, whispering "Thank you," in her ear.

As her aunt relaxed the hug, Jenny pulled her aunt back in and whispered "No, thank you," and held the hug, tits crushed together, for another minute.

They relaxed the hug and her aunt made to move back to the loveseat, but Jenny put a hand on her shoulder and Cheryl stayed seated next to her.

"Well, aunt Cheryl, our tits are nearly identical. Almost the same size. You were shaped like me when you were my age, weren't you?"

"Yes, all three of us, your grandmother, your mom, and I had the same boobs."

Jenny looked into Cheryl's face for any sign of disapproval and lifted Cheryl's right breast and then her own left. "Check the weight, they are the same.

Cheryl lifted both of Jenny's and then her own. "I think you are right." Cheryl then pulled on her own nipples to make them erect. She then did Jenny's. While Jenny knew the tweak was coming, the intimate touch caused her to suck in a breath and close her eyes.

"Oops," said Cheryl mischievously, "sorry."

"No, that was fine. More than fine, it was great! But you did not finish."

Cheryl was a bit concerned this might become sexual. She was entrusted with Jenny's care; incest was a red flag. "One more time," she thought. Jenny saw Cheryl's hesitation and guessed her sexual reaction caused it.

Cheryl tweaked Jenny's nipples again and even though it felt heavenly, Jenny kept a straight face. She even rubbed her palm against her own nipples and then her aunt's. She was pleased to see Cheryl choking back a sexual reaction of her own, but not backing down.

"So, you, mom and grandma felt up each other's tits?"

"I would not call it 'feeling up' but we did look at each other and touch occasionally for education and just curiosity. But, yes, we compared breasts, we understood nipple erectile response: all in preparation to deal with make out sessions with boys, of course. Your mom and I had each other for education, but I think my mom wanted to be involved with her daughters in case we had questions."

As Cheryl was talking, Jenny removed her shorts. Cheryl looked puzzled. "Is this okay? You look so comfortable in just panties I wanted to join you."

"Fine, honey. Those are cute little panties." They were simple cotton panties, but with a high rise and very small covering for her pubes and ass. Jenny also showed a serious camel toe. They always made her feel sexy. Jenny stood up first so her mom could see the camel toe, and she did, and then did a twirl. She stopped with her back to her mom and did a quick moon, covered up and sat down with a mischievous grin. "Thanks, Cheryl, they are seriously comfortable."

Jenny went back to the touches, "I am sorry about my shudder when you touched my nipple. I know it was not sexual."

"I understand you liked it, sexually or not."

"I did and realized it was not meant that way."

"It was not meant sexually, but I am sure it felt sexual to you, right?" Jenny grimaced and nodded. "I will admit I reacted sexually when you touched me. It felt good. I almost made us stop. I am glad we continued."

"Honesty is best, so yes, the brief sexual feeling was nice and I enjoyed it, too. It would be nice to repeat sometime. I am sure it must have happened when grandma was helping you learn."

Cheryl hesitated about revealing private family information and said "I do not mind talking about me, but there are others involved, especially your mother."

"I understand that. You know I can keep a confidence, so just keep it at your comfort level."

"Yes, since we were learning about breasts first hand, so to speak, sexual excitement is unavoidable. We did not talk about the sexual side, but it was always there and was your mother's and my primary motivation for the lessons. It might have been your grandmother's as well. We wanted to understand about sex.