Charity Begins at Home


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After the grand finale, they both went into the sleeping beauty routine. I waited for just over half an hour then managed to half rouse Edmund and lead him to the spare bedroom. Returning I threw the cover over Beverly and slipped in beside her. She rolled towards me, gave me a clumsy kiss and mumbled contentedly, "I love you so much for letting me do this."

Taking the word 'love' as my cue I tried to clamber on top in search of a welcoming warm haven for my own stiff and aching dick but Beverly pushed me away. "I'll give you your reward tomorrow, I will be so good to you I promise - but not just now please love," she said.

I could easily have lain and let my resentment fester on this but amazingly I fell asleep and when the next night proved my wife to be good as her word I forgot about it. At some point she suggested that we switch our house guest night from Wednesday to Friday night and I had to admit that it made a lot of sense. I have no grumbles about the sex during the week - anything would have been better than the frustrations of the previous years but I was beginning to realise that I had to pay for it. When the Friday arrived, events on the bed were a replica of the previous session except that when I tried to rouse Edmund, Beverly put out a hand to stop me. "It's a shame to disturb him," she said. "Do you mind going in the guest room just this once love - I've put the duvet on the chair, just throw it over us before you go."

I didn't sleep this time. I lay for hours feeling totally excluded and this feeling of rejection was exacerbated when unmistakable sounds from the next room told me that they were screwing again. It was the last straw and I was determined to put my foot down. There was no opportunity to talk before I had returned Edmund to his hostel and when I got home my wife had discovered some urgent shopping that needed to be done. Then came lunch. While drinking my cup of tea I was busy marshalling the words of my ultimatum and had actually cleared my throat to speak when Beverly got in first to say, "You got a bit of a raw deal last night - would you like to go to bed for a bit?" We did not actually screw but the way that she made me feel with her mouth was sheer heaven. Afterwards she said, "You were going to say something earlier."

"It doesn't matter, "I told her.

The fact that it did not matter to me meant that this whole routine was repeated on the next two weekends. Then in a newspaper Beverly spotted an event at the nearest coastal resort. "Edmund would love that," she said. "We could take him, I'm sure that he doesn't get to see the sea very often. In case we are back late you can book him out for the Saturday night as well."

"Now wait a minute...." I started to say.

"I know what you are thinking," Beverly interrupted, "- but Friday night are Friday nights, Saturdays are completely different. This is just to give him a special day out; we can even drop him back at the hostel if we are back in time."

On that basis I agreed but of course it did not turn out like that. I thought that we were back in time but Beverly disagreed and her view prevailed. Then when it was approaching bedtime, she pulled me to one side and said, "I know that there was not meant to be any sex with Eddie but he is sitting there so expectantly and I am not sure how he will react if I say no. I had better let him have a quickie just to keep him happy."

But there was no such thing as a quickie with Edmund any more because his premature problems had completely disappeared. He had turned into a thrusting machine, apparently indefatigable. And he was learning, learning how to vary the pace fast, then slow and then fast again. Most impressive of all was the way he had thought to pull almost completely out and then give her the whole of that impressive length in one mind boggling thrust. Beverly was on another planet and I have to report that I spent a second successive night in the guest bedroom.

I have no grumbles about the consolation that I received during the Sunday afternoon and night - and to a lesser extent throughout the following week. I think that Beverly must have insinuated into my mind the idea that I was gaining out of the situation because amazingly I made no objection when she found another Saturday day out for Edmund that would necessitate him again staying with us that night. Inevitably this established a pattern and from then on Beverly was my wife for five days a week with Edmund claiming the remaining two. Having said that I believe that I still received far more quality sex than the great majority of husbands.

I paid for my pleasures with the pain of both envy and jealousy. Watching them copulate a certain mathematical ability started to plague me. Given that Edmunds cock was round about twice as long as mine and roughly double the thickness, it was a simple calculation to work out that he was pushing between six and eight times the volume of meat into her than I could possibly manage. The magnitude of the difference was totally devastating to my ego.

There was also another distressing factor that was definitely getting worse. They say that a the elasticity of a woman's cunt adjusts to accommodate whatever size of penis is presented to it. This is not strictly true because when I had sex after the cuckoo in my nest had stretched her, my dick literally did not touch the sides, it was like poking fresh air and my old ejaculation problem showed signs of returning. Usually I got some sensation back by Thursday but then Edmund would turn up on the Friday to ruin her for me again. My only answer was to make more recourse to oral sex and I have to say that the nerve endings in my wife's twat were now so highly tuned that I could send her into paroxysms of delight with very little effort from my tongue.

The whole thing began to get me down but I hung on because we had fortnight's holiday coming up that was booked the previous year. That effectively meant that there would be a three weekends break from Edmund and I figured I could extend this to four by not contacting the hostel during the week after. I hoped that this gap combined with sun sand and my own sexual attentions might wean my wife off what I was beginning to realise was an addiction.

On the Thursday before I was due to collect Edmund for what I hoped might possibly be the last time, we got a answer phone message from Clive saying that he would drop Edmund off and save me the trouble of picking him up. When we opened the door, Clive was standing there alone but he quickly explained that he had asked Edmund to stay in the car for a moment because he wanted a private word with us. Seated inside he told us, " The fact is that I have a problem you could help me with but don't be afraid to say no if it is really inconvenient. All the hostel residents together with staff are booked to go on holiday next week. One is already going away independently with his befriender's family but Edmund has refused to go with us. This means that a proportion of the staff will have to stay behind just to look after him unless I can make other arrangements. You have been very good to Eddie and I hate to impose further but would it be possible for you to take him for the full week? You will of course get an allowance for his food and accommodation."

Had Clive approached me while I was at the hostel he would have received a categorical refusal but I heard I heard my wife say emphatically, "Yes we'd love to - it will be a pleasure."

My heart sank and I must have sat bemused for a time because when I came to, Clive had gone and Edmund was carrying a hold-all upstairs. Jumping up I grabbed Beverly but before I could speak she said happily, "He'll be no trouble. I have already got two days off work to get packed for Greece and I'm due some spare days that I can add on. If you can get a couple of days off too we can take him somewhere during the week - it will be a lot better because visitor attractions only get really busy at weekends."

I expected the week to be bad but it was awful. When I got home on the Monday evening, the smell (and not only in the bedroom) told me that they had been at it all day. It was difficult to get any days off and I did not really try because I knew my presence would make no difference to Beverly and Edmund - and I saw no need to expose myself to extra torment. At the start Edmund had been both shy and nervous but over the weeks he had gradually gained in confidence and now I found him positively arrogant. This only served to increase my resentment of him. All through the week by evening the pair of them had no urgency for sex so we sat and watched TV but my wife still had a need to fondle him. Picture them on the settee, Edmund sprawled back with his prick out and Beverley continually stroking it and occasionally leaning forward to lick up any pre-cum that appeared.

One consolation throughout was that there was little or no oral sex. Apart from screwing and enthusiastically squeezing her tits, Edmund had little idea of sex play not even kissing so the only non-copulation activity that took place was Beverly ministering to him. Even then she could not get his cock into her mouth and had to resort to licking it like a lollipop. Occasionally he exploded while she was doing this and although some of the spunk went into her mouth, most splattered over her face. It is significant to note the way that Edmund always reacted to this occurrence, chortling with the kind of childish glee that normal people reserve for custard pies. I regarded these as Felix the cat moments.

I was completely banished to the spare room for sleeping but Beverly did make efforts to take the edge off my sexual needs by giving me a blow job when he was asleep - Edmund did nap frequently between fucks. She also invited me to join in but I always refused - in photographic terms, I could not bear the thought of my penis being caught in the same frame as his.

During the week Beverly had taken to wearing dresses and no knickers to be always easily available to him. On the Saturday morning as I was thankfully preparing to take him back to the hostel, she had dressed the same way out of habit. I was actually standing with the car keys in my hand when Edmund decided that he wanted a last shag. Whipping his cock out he lifted her dress and started pushing her backwards. She had never refused him before but now she said pleasantly, "No Eddie - not now."

"Yes," said Edmund in a determined voice and pushed harder to send her sprawling backwards onto the settee.

As he got on top she tried to push him off saying, "NO, I'm serious Eddie, we haven't got time."

"YES," he snarled, brutally pushing her legs apart and ramming himself into her.

I was about to intervene and try to pull him off but before I could act she started to moan, "Yes, oh yes, harder - please harder." We finished up being very lucky to get to the airport on time.

On the plane to Greece my thoughts were more relief at having got away from the home situation rather than any contemplation of the holiday pleasure ahead. In bed at the hotel I found that, after a week of almost constant occupation by that mammoth pole my wife's once trim vagina was utterly useless to me. Beverly was sexually like an overheated furnace but even she could see the problem. "There's nothing for it - you'll just have to fuck me the back way," she said.

Now early on in the marriage when we were both up for anything we did of course try anal sex. I don't know it I did it wrong or if it was just a bad time but I did not enjoy it and she had bowel problems for nearly a week. We had agreed then ' never again' - but 'needs must when the devil drives' as they say. It was surprisingly good, I loved it and so did she. I actually made her cum almost as much as Edmund had the conventional way with his extraordinary equipment. Beverly was exultant, "That is a big problem solved. From now on Eddie can have the front to himself, you have the back and there is no conflict. I wonder if it will be possible for you both to screw me at the same time."

I returned home sated in both body and mind but, despite Beverly's plans for combination fucking, I was still determined to get rid of Edmund one way or another. It was therefore distressing to find a message from Clive on the answer-phone asking me to contact him immediately. Despite my better judgement I did ring. Clive refused to give me any information over the phone and insisted on driving out to see us immediately. "I'm afraid that you won't be seeing Edmund again," he said the moment that he was ushered into the house. "He is in prison and it's likely that he will stay there for a very long time."

My wife and I asked, "Whatever has he done?" almost in unison.

"I'm afraid that he has raped a young girl. While our lot were on holiday they had an overflow problem in the women's hostel and moved her into our empty one temporarily. Unfortunately the problem continued but our resident who went away independently is being adopted by that family and won't be coming back so we allocated his bed to the sixteen year old girl on a short tem basis. The very first night Edmund went into her room and forced his attentions on her. This resulted in internal damage and left the girl severely traumatised. Perhaps the most distressing aspect is that Edmund cannot see that he has done anything wrong and keeps insisting that the girl enjoyed it. Investigation of his possessions turned up a large quantity of pornographic material so it looks as if he has been edging that way for quite a while."

Clive paused and turned to my wife with an apologetic look on his face. "He keeps saying your name and it seems that you are part of some sick fantasy that he has got in his head. He talks constantly about doing the same to you and it is only luck that you have emerged unscathed. I feel so guilty at having inflicted him on you because it now seems that he has no concept of right and wrong. There won't be a trial because he is unfit to plead so he will be sent quietly away to Broadmoor or Rampton."

I was not at all sorry for Edmund because any sympathy I had for him was long gone but Beverly was very upset. When we got to bed she was too depressed for sex but that was understandable. Normal relations were re-established the next night but something was missing. On holiday we had enjoyed exuberant sex without Edmund anywhere near and I hoped this would continue but I was to find that the prospect of being with him in the future was the spark that had enlivened my wife. It was not an immediate decline because we both went through the motions, pretending that were enjoying it more than we were but after only a few weeks there were more nights that we didn't bother than those we did. Beverly began to crave a cock in her cunt in her cunt and found reason to again bar me from her back passage. This did me no good at all. Lack of sensation combined with her unconcealed disinterest brought back my ejaculation difficulties with a vengeance and the night that she eventually said, "For God's sake either cum or take the damn thing out I want to go to sleep," marked a watershed in our sexual relationship.

It was about two weeks later the postman delivered a very bulky package addressed to Beverly. She took it away and made no reference to it that night. However, at the weekend she handed me a copy of a contact magazine open at a page with one of the adverts ringed. It showed a fuzzy faced photograph taken five years ago showing her sitting naked on the side of the Jacuzzi. The text read 'Attractive adventurous 39-year-old wife seeks uninhibited sex fun. Only the exceptionally well endowed need reply'.

She then gave me two clips, one bursting with letters and the other holding only a few. "These are the replies," she said. "All of those are the rejects, most are from blokes with an over inflated idea of their equipment but some are from out and out perverts, (they actually make very good reading). The other six are the ones I have selected and I wondered if you would like to decide which guy I should see first."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked without even glancing at the letters.

"Surely you know that as well as I do Pete. You must have noticed that I am slipping back to how I was and after the last few months I will try anything I can think of to stop it happening. Have you any better suggestions?"

I shook my head helplessly. I was equally afraid of a new ice age starting but I had an awful feeling that the cure might prove to be more distressing than the disease. To show willing I started leafing through the smaller clip just looking at the photos that all had provided. The fact that jumped out at me was that four of the six were black. None of the half dozen would threaten Edmund's penile supremacy but all were pretty impressive.

"Don't just look at the pictures because you also need to read what they say, Beverly advised cheerfully. "All the same, if the camera angle isn't causing distortion, that first black guy is rather spectacular don't you think?"

"How often do you plan to see them?"

"I've absolutely no idea."

There was no point in pursuing that line of question so I balanced the forty to fifty reject letters on my hand and asked, "What do you plan to do with these?"

"File them of course," my wife told me. "If those six don't do the trick I may have to switch from quality to quantity."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

He should have dumped the sick bitch long before chapter four.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

British humor and wit with a 'stiff upper lip' is amusing. To hear how a married affluent lady becomes a 'size queen is a riot. Avoiding being called a 'cum solution and avoiding responsibility of training a 'special needs' buddy to become an incorrigible rapist is the hubris of self entitled narcissism.

HighBrowHighBrow7 months ago

Um, if you’ve never been around them, I must tell you this would be a very unpleasant and dangerous thing to try. Femdom agitprop be damned.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

My Mrs. has told me " size doesn't matter."

Only days latter to complain about the "small picker" of the last guy. Or praise for a suiter with "considerable mass." Just as us men like em tight, wet and enthusiastic.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Shit story, shit writing.

Starting with the story. Really? What a terrible idea. Very offensive.

Now to the writing. Poorly written. A messy jumble of words. Poor grammar.

Overall I would give zero stars if possible.

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