Charlene Ch. 02

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Charlie gets in trouble in College.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/21/2015
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I wasn't sure where I was going. I just ran. Hard and fast. I stopped running when I got to the subway. I sat on the train for hours trying to figure out what to do.

My step dad, who had tried several times to get me since I turned 18, had finally succeeded in raping me tonight. Just 4 hours ago I had been a virgin. Now I was in pain, deflowered, devastated and on the run.

I had a friend who was a runaway and he told me he lived out of a locker at the bus station. I decided to go there.

It took me longer than I thought to find Timmy. I thought living there would be like me living in my house. Turns out its just a place to keep your stuff. Sitting in the cafe together I told Tim my story. I felt hollow. I couldn't even cry.

Tim told me his old man pounded on him regular like all his life. When he was 18 his dad got in the shower with him. It was the last time he ever hit Tim. When Tim left an hour later his dad was still in the shower unconscious and his mom had called the police.

I cried for Tim.

Tim helped me decide to go to New York. He was sure the Osloviks , my old employers, would help me even if they couldn't let me stay there. It was the safest place I could think of. Tim wouldn't let me go alone so I payed our way and we left.

Standing outside the gate of their house I was petrified. Tim kept asking me if I got the address right. I didn't know. The postal address said this was the place but...

A car pulled up beside us and Mr. Oslovik slid his window down. He seemed angry. He wanted to know what we wanted.

I guess it did look kinda bad. Two teens standing around in dark clothes and hoodies. Bags filled with god only knew what as night was creeping in. I pulled my hood off and said 'sorry Mr Olsovik'. He looked shocked and made us get in his car. He kept asking what I was doing there but in a confused way. His anger gone.

He drove us up the long drive to his house. Once inside he made us tell him and his wife what was going on. So I told them who Tim was and how we both came to be runaways. Tim was 19 now so he could do what he wanted. I was technically not minor either but Mr. O said that this crime needed to be reported.

Ready to bolt I jumped up. Mr. O gently grabbed my arm and asked me to sit down. He explained that he needed to figure out what to do but that sending me back was NOT going to be how this all worked out. Tears filled with relief slid down my face.

It was decided that Tim would join the household as an under gardener. He would live in the bunk house with the others and be paid a wage. Tim, who was very wary of adults now, was happy enough. He would stay long enough to make sure I was gonna be ok. I was happy about that.

My next few days were filled with meetings. Two cops came to the house and I had to tell them my story over and over. Then a lawyer came. He explained that he was going to represent me and my interests for court. He asked hundreds of questions, made me tell him two or three times all that had happened and wrote everything down.

Then he came back with a man and a woman. They said the were detectives with 'special victims unit'. They deal with sex crimes and crimes against children. I had to tell them my story too. My lawyer recorded everything and wrote pages of notes.

Then Child Protective Services came. I didn't like the lady. She looked at me like I asked for it or something. My lawyer seemed to notice too cause he made Mrs O come in and sit with me while the guy asked questions. The lady was asked to step into the hall with my lawyer. She never came back.

The man had a really nice lady with him the next time he came. Then the detectives came back with C.P.S. and a cop from home. They asked a lot of questions about my home. They were trying to determine if my sister was safe in the house.

The lady had a letter from my mom. Reading it made me cry. The lady offered to wait for me to write back if I wanted I just nodded.

Eventually my day in court came. It was hard to face my step dad but I did it. He was sentenced to two years in prison for raping me.

Child Protective Services concluded there investigation of my Birth Mothers home as my step dad was in jail. I was satisfied.

Mr O took me to a private College the following week. I had to work hard to catch up but by mid semester I was where I should be.

I made some friends. I didn't have much time to hang out but we enjoyed hanging out at school. A few boys wanted to date but I was not interested in any kind of intimacy!

A lot of guys pursued me hard, trying to get me to go out with them. Some just pressured me for sex. I started to get depressed. I felt like i was invisible. That all anyone saw was my beauty.

The girls started treating me different like i was trying to steal all the male attention for myself. I didn't want it! Any of it! I even had a teacher ask me for a blow job after class one day. I withdrew from everyone. I was too afraid to tell Mr and Mrs O about it. I was afraid they would think I was too much trouble and get rid of me.

Mrs O could see something serious was wrong. I had been so settled and happy with them. The school councilor started calling home and my behavior was thoroughly discussed. Mr O thought I needed to see a therapist so Ms O took me every week to see a lady.

She helped me make sense of a lot of what had happened and how it effected me. I cried because I missed my sister and even though I thought she was ok at home I was hurting for her. I didn't think Dave would bother his own daughter. I was convinced that he saw me sexually because I wasn't really his.

We talked a lot about it and I decided to make matching photo albums for us. Mom could show them to her everyday. I would have C.P.S. give her the photos of me when they went for her visits. They could give her the disposable cameras I bought her then to and give them back at my visit.

I had money to develop them and put her pictures in my album. We also exchanged letters this way too. It helped ease some of my fears.

The therapist also helped me understand what was happening to me now. She helped me talk to the school and the Osloviks about my problems too. Mrs O cried when she found out my fears. She held me and reassured me that I was loved and wanted no matter what. Through our talks with my therapist I decided I wanted to remain single until I met THE GUY.

She recommended not waiting for marriage because I might not like 'the goods' and women can seek their own pleasure now a days but in my heart I had already made my choice.

By the time summer vacation rolled around I still felt pretty stiff around most guys. My naturally reserved nature was morphing into reclusivity.

Besides Tim, Mr O, was the only guy that I ever allowed to touch me. They seemed to have the exact amount of intimacy and impersonal ness that I needed to feel loved and safe. Little Eric and Nina Oslovik didn't count since they were firmly in the 'little people' category.

I spent my summer babysitting Mr. And Mrs O's children. I began to feel a little more relaxed and even a little happy! But, finally summer was ending and I would be leaving for the Harvard residence in a few days.

I was getting a great room and roommate. Carla was 19 and in her second year. Her dad was insanely rich so a roommate was a choice not a necessity. Her room was massive and had a great view from all three sides. She didn't have to work and liked most of the same things as me.

Her dad worked with Mr O a time or two so everyone was happy. I begged Mr and Mrs O to let me keep working for them so I had plenty of pocket cash and they insisted on paying for my schooling, residency, food cards and books so all my money was my own.

For my 19th birthday they bought me a little red bug with a special plate that read 'rbabibug'. I cried all day. My own parents didn't love me with half the love these people gave me everyday!

My first year was pretty crazy! I met an insane number of people daily and so continually felt like I would throw up at any second. I was pursued by guys constantly. A few times it was so bad I wanted to quit. I started seeing my therapist again to deal with my fear and anxiety.

My roommate was great. She did a lot of intervention with guys who hounded the door. Frequent flower and gift deliveries as well as anonymous love mail falling through the mail slot. She thought it was pretty funny and loved that she got first dibs at all the cute guys that came around.

It seemed like forever before the tide turned back to a trickle. Between my job and my homework I was spared a lot of socializing. This is all that kept me from going off the deep end.

My second year was better. By now most people could see I was a nice but shy, reserved person and I was able to make a few close friends. The flood of love sic boys settled again.

My roommate was a real social butterfly but had no problem making our 'home' off limits so I could have the privacy I needed. In return I ran interference for her with her parents and kept her social calendar from the accidental double booking she was famous for. For the first time in my life I could see a good future emerging from the ashes of my childhood.

The inevitable rough patch came near the end of year three. The year had gone well. I had even gone on a double date or two with Carla. The guys were ok and not pushy so I was able to relax around them. Carla always made sure I got home before she did anything else so I would never have to deal with the 'end of the night' issues. I was really starting to relax and come out of my shell. I should have known.

The trouble started when a date with Clara and 'Winston Chandler Everett III' failed to happen. It was my fault. I didn't get a message to Clara from her parents that the hook up was arranged for theThursday coming.

That same night Clara had a hot date with the MVP of the football team. Winston showed up at the dorm but there was no Carla to meet him. To say that he was upset was an understatement. He insisted on checking her room and then on waiting.

He talked the entire night. I was so overwhelmed i didn't hear one in three words he said. More fool me. I was almost a basket case by the time Carla returned.

Now Carla is a pretty amazing person. She is confident, beautiful and assertive. She had Winston turned down and out before even he knew it was happening. So Winston turned all his considerable attention to me.

He came to the door several times a day, called, sent flowers and love letters touting the 'undeniable connection between us' that night. I was scared shitless.

Then he started following me... Everywhere. He waited outside my classes. Stood behind me in the coffee line, food line, bookstore line. He shadowed my every move.

I tried everything I could think of to convince him he meant less than nothing to me but the only voice he heard was his own. He told me I was just confused, that he knew what was best for me and our future. He even tried to have my classes changed for the following semester! After all my major was not in keeping with his ideal!

Finally I was so stressed out Carla spoke to Mr O, whom I was now calling Dad. He spoke to Mr Everett who stammered and carried on for ages but finally agreed to speak to his son.

It took Winston 5 minutes to convince his dad that my dad was just confused and overprotective. That he just didn't think anyone was good enough for his baby girl. And he was right because only he, Winston, WAS good enough and my dad would soon see that too and stop making trouble for us.

My dad made an appointment with the Dean.

It was an uncomfortable meeting. The Dean requested that Mr Everett attend with his son as well as my Dad and I. I explained the situation. Winston refuted everything I said. The Dean told the Everett's that this was to stop and were they clear?

The only thing it changed was how much Winston adored me.

Now he was full out 'hate' stalking me. I found dead things outside my door. The love letters all talked about how much he would 'love' to make me pay for humiliating him and throwing his love back in his face.

He followed me everywhere still only now, instead of telling every person he saw how I was his, he told them I was a bitch, frigid and stuck up.

My life was hell.

A few of his friends joined in fully believing that I deserved the treatment. After all I messed with their friends head, lead him on and then humiliated him! It didn't take long to get physical.

Coming back from babysitting one night I was walking through student parking when two of them grabbed me from behind.

One caught me under my arms with one arm and covered my mouth with his other hand. The other caught my feet.

They dragged me around to the tree bank and pinned me face down. They tied a rag around my mouth and while one held me down the other ripped my pants off.

They were laughing about thawing the 'ice bitch' with a little 'sex therapy'. I was freaking and fighting as hard as I could. I heard a zipper and started crying and hyperventilating.

One of them spread my legs and got between them on his knees. Strong hands dug into my skin as they held my kicking legs still. A knee came down hard in my back while another set of hands pulled my arms behind my back and pinned them there. Forcing them up higher than was comfortable.

Using my body to reduce my struggles, his other hand started slapping my bum hard and fast. I stopped fighting. Memories of another spanking flooded my mind. I started crying in earnest.

The hands holding my legs started running up and down the backs and insides of my thighs while the other hands continued to pin me and slap me as hard and fast as they could.

They were laughing about how 'red hot' my bum looked when I heard rustling in the bushes. I was terrified that Someone else was going to join us.

The guys stopped momentarily and listened but decided it was an animal and went back to their fun.

The guy between my legs started talking about how hard his long thick wood was and how it was weeping for a chance to poke me hard and fast. His fingers slid inside me hard and pain shot up stealing my breath. 'shit she's a tight!' he said, excitement evident in his voice.

He started rubbing my nub with one finger as another dove in and out of me faster but more gently. "Quick man get her up on her knees! She can suck you off while I rape her tight hole!" Horrified I resumed my struggles.

The guy on my back started to have second thoughts about raping me but his friend was not having that. They started arguing back and forth about it all the while buddy was squeezing my bum and working his hand in and out of me.

He unzipped his pants and let out his straining member. He started rubbing the tip over my bum and 'dick slapping' me with his cock. One hand rubbed his pole while the other pulled my hips up to meet him. This caused me intense pain as his friend on my pack was still holding my upper body down and my arms up. I cried out.

Just as the one behind me started slamming himself into me with uncontrolled lust, Someone stepped out of the bushes. I started screaming and tried to buck to get away. This guy was HUGE! I was petrified. He looked so angry and mean that that I feared he'd kill me if he touched me!

The guy postponing in and out of my pussy heard the noise and turned his head to look behind him. His aggressive "keep going." Spoken before he realized who was behind him.

The two guys let me go in a flash and scrambled to their feet. I heard pants rustling and a zipper going up fast... 'uh hey Jake... W what's up'?

Jake never even spoke. He pulverized them both right there. Neither guy could get up and Jake wasn't even breathing heavy.

Jake approached me very slowly. Talking softly and making very slow moves. He told me everything he was going to do before he did it. He untied my mouth and wrapped his sweater around my legs.

He grabbed my pants, shoes and purse and took me to his car. He wanted to take me to the hospital but I just wanted to go home. I started crying and this big, muscular, gorgeous, 250 pound hunk just shook while he held me.

My dad had a fit. Jake tried his best to explain everything to him without making things worse. It was only when he got to the part where he pounded 'Curtis' and 'Billy' to a pulp that my dad started to calm down.

I never even realized that Jake had held me in his arms during the entire time. My meltdown in his car, the 35 minute drive home and the 40 minute conversation with my parents!

In the morning I got a text from Jake.

J: Hey, got ur # from C. U coming 2 schl 2day? I will meet u in the lot

Me: No. Have 2 meet w Dean and my M/D.

J: ok. Want me 2 meet u 2mrow?

Me: I will be at my rm alrdy.

J: I will pick u up for first class

Me: ok 8:am :)

Jake never left my side.

Two straight weeks Jake took me everyplace I needed to go on campus. When I went home he took me right to my car. When I came back he opened my car door for me. He met me after class, he stayed with me in lines. He glared at anyone who got within two feet of me. Male or female.

Word had got out on campus about my assault but Jakes presence was so effective not one murmur reached my ears. Things were finally seeming normal again. I began to go places alone or with other friends.

Jake still met me a lot especially if I had to go through parking or secluded parts of campus. One afternoon I was in the coffee line with a few students from my next class when Curtis and Winston walked by. They jostled me in the line and Curtis pinched my nipple excruciatingly hard. He called me a scank and Winston spit in my face.

A couple of my friends started shouting at them and soon it was a shoving match. Strong gentle arms came around me and pulled me out of the throng.

I knew it was Jake. The smell, the feel of him giving him away before his voice spoke to me. He reassured me and held me.

The crowd broke a bit and Winston glared right at me. He was pointing his finger at us, screaming and shouting like a mad man. Vile words and threats spewed like foam from his mouth. His spit flying everywhere as his angry tirade consumed him.

Campus security hauled him away but I didn't see it. My face was buried in jakes beautiful chest. His arms sheltering me from everyone.

That's when I met Samuel Edward Dunstin Holister V. He is an old family with old money. Like the Rosschilds. He is Curtis Flemings Godfather. He is Billy Dunnhams uncle. He is fuming mad.

The meeting in the Deans office included everyone but me. I wasn't invited. I wasn't told. I was at the beach with Mrs. O, my 'mom'.

The Dean wanted to expel everyone. My father was there for Jake who had no parents. His grandfathers heart wouldn't have stood up to the stress so Jake begged the Dean to keep quiet about it.

Mr Holister called my father to see what all the trouble over a girl was about. My dad put two and two together and came to the meeting.

Winston told his story first. Then the two boys. The three were unaware that statements had already been made by bystanders. My therapist had sent a statement and photos of the marks and bruises caused during the sexual attack. Jake gave his story last.

Mr H and my dad were silent but Mr Everett and Winston squawked and interrupted the entire time. Casting blame and making wild statements throughout.

When Mr. H spoke he clarified and reiterated the key points, uninterrupted, for the Dean, and asked what his decision was. The four boys would be expelled.

My Dad spoke for Jake defending his actions. The dean would not relent. He was afraid Mr H would be offended and retaliate by withdrawing his substantial aid. Jake was just a scholarship student. Not worth the risk!