Charlie and Mindy Bk. 01 Ch. 07


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We decided that it was nicer to have closer body contact while we made love. So we separated momentarily, planning for her to roll onto her back and for me to roll onto her. But she got another idea in mid-changeover. She got up onto her knees and pushed me over onto my back. She leaned over and took my entire cock into her mouth. She held it there for ten or fifteen seconds, and then pumped gently up and down—taking about two-thirds of it into her mouth on each stroke.

"Oh shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" was all I could say. My body went limp in response to the sensation of her hot wet mouth sliding up and down my masculinity.

She sensed the gathering storm, and removed her mouth before I could explode. She moved up beside me and lay down again, on her back this time, and looked expectantly at me—grinning about the unanticipated treat she'd just given me.

I got to my own knees between her legs, which parted to make room for me. She brought her knees up toward her shoulders with her thighs apart, opening her pussy to me. But, not to be outdone, I didn't do quite what she expected. Instead I leaned over and slowly drew my tongue the length of her slit, up past her opening, onward up between her inner lips to her clit. And I fluttered my tongue against her little pink pearl.

She gasped and her hands came down to my head. They pushed me gently against her, encouraging me to continue what I was doing. "Oh, yes!" she exclaimed. "Eat my pussy!"

It seemed like a good idea to me, and I kept tweaking and tickling her clit with my tongue, nibbling it with my lips every now and then. Her hands continued to encourage me. She began moaning and rocking her hips. And she had rotated her legs so that her feet clasped my back; they, too, gave me to believe she wanted me to keep this up. I complied.

After a few minutes, her thrashing grew more pronounced and less coordinated. She rolled from side to side as she thrust her pussy into my face; her moaning got louder and louder. I knew that she was very close to coming. The proximity of her feminine treasure to my face, its shapes, its texture, its taste, its intoxicating fragrance, had driven me to an insanity of desire, too. My cock throbbed, demanding its own release.

In spite of her clutching hands and clasping legs, I pulled myself away from her.

"Oh, don't stop! Don't!" she protested.

I wasn't exactly stopping—I had something even better in mind. I placed a hand on the bed beside her chest and, putting the weight of my upper body on that hand, I straightened my knees, bringing my hips up level with hers.

"Now I'm going to fuck you, Mindy!" I announced.

She stopped protesting and urged me onward. "Oh, yes! Do it now, Charlie! Do it! Put your cock in my pussy and fuck me!"

With my other hand, I guided my cock into her hot, sweet passage. Our unaccustomed dirty talk had turned us on even more, and she was holding herself open with both hands. In a single mutual stroke of our hips, we plunged me into her all the way up to my balls.

She wrapped her legs around my ass as I brought my arm up beside her and transferred my weight to my elbows. She clasped my waist. We pounded at each other, driving me—all of me—in and out of her, quickly, repeatedly. The squeaking of the bed frame under us, and the rhythmic sound of our bodies slapping together, accompanied our grunts and moans as we drove ourselves against each other.

She had been so close when I entered her that it took only a dozen or so of those furious strokes to bring her to her climax.

"Unnnhhh! Don't stop! God, I'm coming! Fuck! Don't stop! Aaaahhhhh!"

She moaned, shouted, thrashed, writhed, and clutched at me. Her body squeezed my cock as I repeatedly slammed it into her. As her orgasm subsided, mine began. With one last, determined thrust I reached my own pinnacle, and Big Brother's cum spurted deep into Little Sister's welcoming depths.

Again and again and again, I pumped geysers of my semen into her as I moaned, shouted, thrashed, writhed, and clutched at her. My back arched, and my muscles went rigid, in the overpowering paroxysm that signaled the end of my orgasm.

I collapsed on top of her, into her arms, my head to one side of hers. With regained control of my muscles, I turned toward her and nibbled gently on her ear and neck. Then I remembered that a gentleman bears the weight of his body on his arms, brought my elbows in close to her sides, and lifted myself up onto them. Smiling in thanks for that courtesy, she drew a deep breath.

"God, you turn me on!" I said to her. "Making love with you is so good. And you make me come so hard!"

"You're pretty good, yourself," she returned, looking up at me and smiling. "What a nice way to start the day."

I continued to nuzzle her, caressing her ears, neck, face with my lips and my own face. Her hands stroked my back and my ass as we lay there, still connected. Her legs continued to hold my lower body close to hers, helping gravity maintain the connection. We lay there for a few minutes, sharing our temporarily satiated bodies and the sweet joy of after-sex.

Eventually, I moved a bit, and my limp, shrunken cock slipped out of her.

"He's gone!" she said, with an exaggerated frownie-face.

"He'll be back," I said. "You'll think of some way to bring him around, next time you really want him."

She grinned. "I sure hope so."

Our teenage appetites for sex satisfied, at least for the moment, our teenage appetites for food asserted themselves. We needed to find something to eat. So we got out of bed, and prepared to share a shower.

But just before we turned on the water, Mindy put her hand on my arm. As I looked to see what she wanted, she put her finger to her lips, signing for silence. She cupped a hand to an ear, which I interpreted to mean that I should listen. I did. From one of the rooms next to ours, we could distinctly hear a bed creaking rhythmically—accompanied by gentle moaning in the same rhythm. We grinned at each other. Apparently we weren't the only people who liked morning sex.

We had thought it would be a quick shower. Satiated as we were, we thought that the distractions of a shared shower might not be so strong. They weren't, but that is not to say that there wasn't a good bit of stroking, feeling, tweaking, nuzzling, kissing, sighing, tickling, and laughing. We probably would've finished sooner if we'd taken separate showers, but that had been something neither of us had wanted to consider.

It took us almost as long to dry each other.

Not far from the motel was a café—The Wrangler. It turned out to be a pretty good diner; the food was fine, plentiful, and inexpensive.

It was a little before nine when we got back to the room, where we got ourselves ready and loaded our junk into the car. As we were doing the loading, a gray-haired couple came out of the room we'd heard the moaning from—each with a suitcase. They were probably in their sixties, but they looked pretty fit.

They loaded their luggage into the car parked beside ours and got in. Just before the man slid behind the wheel, he looked directly at me, grinned, winked, gave me the thumbs-up sign. Then he got in and drove off.

I was nonplussed. Then I realized that, used to the backcountry as we were, we hadn't made much effort to be quiet during our morning exercises. Apparently we weren't the only people who'd heard noises from an adjoining room.

And our activity had inspired those two. I wished I'd been able to process it all quickly enough; I should have given him a wink and a thumbs-up right back.

We finished packing, and Mindy got into the passenger's seat. I went back to make a final check that we hadn't left anything. We hadn't.

As I returned to the car, a man, a woman, and two kids—a girl about 12 and a boy about 10—came out of the room on the other side of ours. The boy and girl looked at us, and smirked at each other. The man and his wife gave me looks that might've killed a weaker man. I guessed that the older couple hadn't been the only people who'd heard our morning exercises. And these two hadn't liked having their kids hear us. Especially, I imagined, since we'd used words like "cock," "pussy," "eat," and "fuck" loudly, liberally, and in ways that couldn't have left much doubt about what we'd been doing.

And, I guessed, the noises from our shared shower had probably been almost as interesting.

There was only one thing I could do.

I looked directly at them, grinned, winked, and gave all four of them the thumbs-up sign. The kids smiled doubtfully back at me; the alleged grown-ups gave me a pair of looks that would've caused a blizzard, right then, in August, if they'd lasted after I was out of sight. I still felt like I should be shivering as we pulled out of the parking lot.

Mindy had been studying the map, so she hadn't seen the reactions of either set of neighbors. She hooted when I told her about the older couple, and she really liked the older man's thumbs-up. She also liked hearing about the other neighbors, and she disintegrated when I got to my thumbs-up—and the blizzard.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There was a lot we needed to talk about on the way back home. We knew that our lives had changed immensely. We were committed, without reservation, to those changes and to each other. But we agreed that we would have to keep our new relationship a secret, even from Mom and Dad.

We would be at home for most of the next two weeks. Mom and Dad worked long hours during the week, so we would be able to find time together alone when they were out of the house. And they would provide a test of our ability to keep our secret. If we could conceal our new love from them, we should be able to conceal it from anyone.

In another two weeks, we would be at college together. Luckily, Mom and Dad had decided, long ago, that we would go to the same college. But freshmen had to live in dorms, and Mindy would have a roommate. I would live in an off-campus apartment, which I'd share with a friend. He and I would have separate bedrooms, but he knew that I had a younger sister named Mindy who would be a freshman that year.

So, during the coming year, Mindy and I would be hard-put to find the privacy that lovers need for mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical intimacy. And we knew that we would face other, unforeseen, problems as we tried to maintain our love. We would just have to deal with those problems when they forced themselves upon us.

That's about where we were when we stopped for a burger somewhere east of Rock Springs. As we left the burger joint, Mindy could tell that I was feeling depressed. She put her arm in mine.

"Cheer up," she said. "We'll manage."

"I know," I said. "I'm just not looking forward to all the troubles we might face. But we'll make it."

I stopped, turned, looked at her, and smiled.

"Mindy," I said. "When you're beside me, I can face anything. You make me feel like I'm ten feet tall."

She stepped up against me, body to body. Her little boobs pressed against me. She looked up at me, craning her neck so that we could see each other's faces.

"I am not little," she said, smiling. "But if I were, I would say that you feel that way because you are about ten feet tall."

We laughed, squeezed, and kissed. Each with an arm around the other, we walked back to the car. Mindy was just the tonic I needed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Knowing that Mom would be home when we arrived, we pulled over, just before we got into town, to enjoy one last squeeze and kiss. We slipped in a few good feels, too. When we did get home, we would have to "go into hiding," as Mindy said. That was as good a way of putting it as any.

It was late afternoon when we arrived. We parked in the driveway near the back door, and Mom came out to greet us. After giving us each a motherly hug, she helped us carry our gear into the house.

"I've fixed you a nice spaghetti dinner," she said as we started toward the house with the first load.

We couldn't keep our faces from falling. We'd been eating pasta for a week in the backcountry.

Mom laughed at our reactions. "Actually," she said, "it's the chicken salad you both like so much. And I've got ice cream and fresh peaches for dessert. I know what you took with you, so I have a pretty good idea of what you want."

She laughed again when our faces brightened at this news.

We put our gear into the sunroom at the back of the house where, later in the week, we could unpack it, clean it, and organize it for return or storage. Then we all sat at the kitchen table for coffee, so that we could tell her more about the trip while we waited for Dad—whom she expected in an hour or so.

We chatted for a while. The things that we could tell Mom about had been so good that we easily avoided our new, forbidden, love. She was fascinated by every aspect of our trip—what we'd seen, how we'd found our way, what we'd done, how we'd cooked. I thought that someday we might take Dad and her into the wilderness. And I thought we'd have little trouble talking her, at least, into supporting Mindy in her wish to take a MOLS course.

At length, Mindy got up to get some more coffee. Just then, Mom said, "I was worried about you two, alone out there in the wilderness, and I'm so glad you've come home safely. But on the other hand, I've been worried over the last year that with Charlie away, you might lose the special closeness you two have always shared. I've always been proud that the two of you were such a close pair. Did you get to reconnect while you were away?"

"Charlie and I are as close as we've ever been," Mindy replied. "I don't think we'll ever lose that special sense of closeness we share with each other."

Somehow I maintained my composure, and I managed to say, "Yes, Mindy is my wonderful little sister, and I'll always love her."

"I hope," said Mom, "that the two of you will be able to maintain your connection with each other this coming year at school." She was still looking at me.

"You bet," Mindy replied, from behind Mom. "Charlie and I plan to see a lot of each other."

As she said it, she looked me in the eye, grinned, winked, and gave me the thumbs-up sign. My little sister's private message came through loud and clear. Fortunately, I'd been taking a sip of coffee, and in order to conceal my real reaction, I could cough and spurt as if coffee had gone down the wrong pipe.

We planned to "see a lot of each other," all right—in particular, we planned to see parts of each other that we usually covered with clothing!

When Mom had decided I'd recovered, she turned to look at Mindy. "Oh, I'm so glad to hear that."

"Yes, Mom," I said to her back, as I looked Mindy in the eye. I grinned, winked, and gave her the thumbs-up sign. "We really are going to see a lot of each other."

(End of Book 1)


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DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 1 year ago

I've not commented on each chapter because I get fed up saying the same thing it's all becoming repetitive but the same goes for each chapter. Beautiful emotional a wonderful tale of love between a good brother and a sweet sister. I have sisters but never experienced the sort of friendship they had even before they became lovers, it was more a mutual good natured tolerance which I think is more usual, probably. However that is not too denigrate the feelings between these two I love the fact that you have drawn this couple as they are and created a pair we can all dream along with. There are very few distractions, typos, errors etc. As a writer I think you are very clever, and I look forward to reading book two, even though this is at least the second time I have read it. Yes it is that good, I think I remember how it finishes, I shall find out at the last page of the last chapter. Always five stars.

OU8ME2ICOU8ME2ICover 1 year ago

This is a wonderful story. Its well written, with great character development, storyline and well paced. I liked how you incorporated what happened each day. Thanks for the time and effort you put in writing this cohesive story.


Again, I did not comment on the last chapter, so I am making some here..

All the comments about "this" or "that" and how the author made mistakes/misstatements/goof-ups about how the characters said or did things...WHY?? This is quite the entertaining and sensuous series, the love that has existed and now come to the forefront between Mindy and Charlie, and is going to continue in the next book...if you do not appreciate the tale, please don't comment...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


dbsidedbsidealmost 3 years ago

Sweet, loving and a big THUMBS UP🤗

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