Charlie and Mindy Bk. 03 Ch. 01


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"You're a good, smart, strong, courageous woman—my good, smart, strong, courageous woman, and I'm really glad that I'm in love with you."

She looked at me, the blue fire in her eyes had strengthened again, but now it was the softer, gentler fire of love.

"Charlie, you're good, smart, strong, and courageous, too. More of each than me. And you're my good smart, strong, courageous man. I couldn't be happier that I'm in love with you."

I squeezed her. "And now, my sweet little sister, turn around so that I can snuggle you properly for a little while."

She was smiling. "I will, 'cause I like it when we make spoons and I can feel your whole body against me. But first…"

And she kissed me. It was a gentle, loving kiss, and we lingered in it a while. When it was over, she did turn around and back up against me. I took her warm little body into my arms and held her close. I cupped her tit again, and I continued to knead it as I'd been doing earlier.

"Mmmmm," she hummed again. "You know what I like, don't you." And she wiggled her ass against my boner.

"And you know what I like," I returned, pumping my hips a little.

My cock wasn't lying along her cleft, as it had been before, because she'd moved upward in the bed when she'd rolled over to talk to me. But my crown had slipped between her ass-cheeks, and I could feel it bumping up against the soft little depression of her rear orifice. I pushed a little harder, and felt her sphincter relax so that my tip just entered her. And right then, I knew that I wanted the rest of it in her there.

"Maybe," I said, "I'll put it in here this time." I wiggled my hips back and forth just a bit, for emphasis.

"What a dirty thing to do so early in the day," she said, but I could hear the smile in her voice. "We haven't done that for a long time. I hope you have some lube so we can."

"As a matter of fact…" I said, abandoning her for a moment to roll over, sit up, reach into the drawer of the nightstand beside my bed, and bring out a tube. "…ta-dah!" I held it up as she looked back over her shoulder at me.

"What a well-equipped bedroom you have," she said, grinning at me.

"Well," I replied, "a fellow never can tell what his girl-friends will want to do."

She reached back to swat me, but I intercepted the swat, brought the offending hand to my mouth, and nibbled on it lightly. She started to roll toward me.

"No," I said. "Let's try it while we snuggle."

I released her hand and she rolled back. I opened the lube and slathered some on myself. The stuff was frigid, but I was hot enough that I hardly noticed.

Then I squeezed a good dollop onto my finger. The covers had fallen off of us as I'd sat up, and I had no trouble getting my finger to the right place. She raised her leg a little to help, and I spread the slippery stuff around, penetrating her slightly with my fingertip.

"God, that stuff is cold," she offered, shivering a little.

"I bet we'll warm it up pretty quickly," I pointed out as I lay down again behind her and guided the tip of my cock toward its intended destination. She threw the covers back over us and raised her leg again to give me better access.

She reached between her legs and grasped my shaft. Seeing that she was going to guide me, I let go and wrapped my arms around her. I held her close, and cupped her tit again. I squeezed it gently a couple of times as she stroked my cock a bit. And then she guided me to her rear entrance. I pushed gently, while she held me in place.

She relaxed her sphincter so that my tip entered her—more easily and more deeply than a bit earlier. But, as when we'd done this before, her tight little ring resisted complete penetration.

"You feel so good on the head of my cock," I said. "Are you ready for more?'

She didn't say anything; but she pushed back against me. I took that for a "Yes," and I pushed, too, gently but firmly. For a few seconds, nothing happened. And then her sphincter gave up the unequal battle, and my entire crown surged into her. I felt her ring of muscle grip me tightly. We lay there for a moment, enjoying what we had accomplished. But that couldn't last for long.

"Ooohh! Charlie! You feel so big and so good in there. I want more of him!"

We pushed again, and I slowly slid almost all the way into her. We lay, quietly again, for a while, enjoying the sensations as she adjusted to the intruder's presence. I continued to knead her little boob with my right hand, and I felt her sphincter contracting and releasing in slow rhythm around me in response.

"Oh, damn!" I whispered. "It feels like you're milking me!"

She chuckled. It was that deep throaty chuckle that I'd only heard two or three times—always when she was feeling very turned on. And then she really contracted around me.

"It's only fair. You're milking me with your hand. And that feels really good. It makes you feel even better in me."

"I won't last long if you keep squeezing me like you just did."

She chuckled again; another of those deep throaty ones. She clamped on me again, and my hips responded automatically—thrusting me into her and pulling me back.

"Ooohh! That was nice! I think I have you figured out, now." No chuckle this time—just another clamp of that tight, tight ring.

I squawked, as my hips bucked again and my cock plunged and retreated. And plunged and retreated. And…

My cock knew what it wanted, and there was no stopping it from getting it. Dimly, I realized that her hips were moving, too, conspiring with mine to drive me in and out, in and out, in and out…

"Mmmmm!" she moaned. Pressure welled up inside me and she continued, "Pound your big hot cock into me! Come for me!"

I knew it wouldn't be long. I could tell that my coordination was failing and that, all unintentionally, I was squeezing her tit roughly, probably painfully.

"Come in my ass! Come in your little sister's ass!"

And I did. I shouted in my ecstasy as I rammed myself into her one last time. I felt the first explosion race through the length of my cock and into her, to be followed by another, and another, and another, until, in my rapture, I lost count.

Then I lay there, holding her close, my cock still embedded in her, while I recovered. I kissed the back of her neck to announce my eventual return. When I did that, she reached for me, where I still held her boob. Wordlessly, she caressed my hand, and then, taking it into hers, she pulled it downward, and brought it to her pussy.

I got the hint. Gently, I pushed a finger into her cleft and stroked her inner lips. They were slick with her moisture. I stroked them again and moved to her clit. She moaned when I found it, gentle as I was being. And then I began to tickle it, gently. Her hips rocked in response. My cock was still hard, still in her, and the motion drove it in and out of her again.

"That's so good," she moaned. "Do it a little harder with your finger. And with your cock, too."

Her hips' movements grew stronger, more insistent, and she whimpered in her need. I had some difficulty keeping my hand in place, but I persisted. I tickled her clit harder and more directly, and I rocked my own hips in response to hers—driving the tight band of her sphincter up and down my shaft again and keeping my cock stiff, even after its earlier exertions.

"Don't stop! Don't stop!" I heard in her whimpers. And then she rammed herself back into me and clutched my hand to her pussy as she exploded in my arms. She moaned and quivered in her spasms as her climax transported her to some other world. I had just been in my own version of that other world, and I shared her journey through her rhythmic contractions on my cock.

Gradually she subsided, and at length she lay limp in my arms. She gently pulled my hand away from her clit; as always after she'd come, it was too sensitive to bear my slightest touch. I brought the hand back to her tit, and kneaded it gently—knowing that doing so prolonged her enjoyment. Under my touch, she stiffened a bit, resuming some of her backward pressure, seeking to get herself more deeply impaled on my cock. Then, more slowly, more gently than before, she continued her contractions around me.

"Oooohh, that feels so good," she moaned softly. And then she whispered, "You're so good to me, Charlie."

I kissed the back of her neck—another big wet one. She moaned again in response and quivered in my arms. I continued to squeeze her boob, massaging it gently, and her slow rhythmic contractions continued.

"You're good to me, you know," I pointed out. "You deserve everything I can give you, and more than I can give you."

"Big Brother and Little Sister," she crooned. It was the first line of our childhood litany, which we'd revived and enhanced after we'd become lovers.

"Best friends and lovers," I crooned back the response.

"Now and always," we whispered in chorus.

"I love you so much," she continued.

"I love you even more," I replied, squeezing her lovely little body.

We lay there a little while, until at last her contractions pushed my shrinking cock out of her.

"I like having your cock in me," she whispered. "I wish it would stay longer."

"I like having it in you. And I love holding you close. I'm really glad we have a few nights we can spend together."

"Mmmmm," she moaned as she wiggled herself back against me more tightly.

I held her close and kissed the back of her neck again, causing another moan and another shiver.

"But I think we'd better get a shower and get to work," she finally said.

"I'm afraid you're right," I agreed. "And we'd better get the sheets off the bed and put the spares on. It's probably time to change them, anyway."

"How long has it been, Charlie?"

"Ohh," I said, "I don't think it's been much more than six weeks."

She elbowed me in the ribs. "Charlie! Do you mean to tell me that we've been Doing It on these same sheets for six weeks?" She looked back at me over her shoulder, an expression of mild shock on her face.

I grinned. "Well, you didn't have any objections when you got into bed with me last night, did you? So they couldn't have been all that bad."

"You're a lazy, filthy bum, Charlie," she said. She craned her neck back to kiss me. "But," she went on after the kiss, "you're my lazy, filthy bum."

We lay there for few more minutes, and then we rolled away from each other. Together, we headed for the shower and the official beginning of the new day.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

By the time we'd finished our shower and gotten dressed, it was half-past-ten. We got a quick breakfast and walked to Krojer to get the makings for the two apple pies Mindy planned to make. She had also promised to fix Mom's cranberry sauce—which both of us loved—and a green salad. So we got the fixings for those items as well.

The cranberry sauce was easy—we just had to measure things, put them together, and let the mixture simmer for a while before pouring it into a soup bowl—which made a dandy substitute for a more formal mold—and then put it in the refrigerator. After we'd gotten that done, we spent a good bit of the afternoon on the pies. I hadn't mastered the mysteries of piecrust—but Mom said that Mindy was an expert, and I was happy to take her word for it. I cored, peeled, sliced, and did other tasks as directed; Mindy did the important parts. It was late afternoon by the time the pies were done. They smelled wonderful. We would take one pie to Steph's the next day, and we would eat the other one—but not, Mindy was adamant, until Friday.

I couldn't budge her on that—not even by pointing out that we weren't even sure that those pies were fit for human consumption and we owed it to Steph and Steve to test them for edibility. It would not do, she said, for us to enjoy ours until we'd shared the other one with our hosts. I sulked a bit, but she used her feminine wiles to raise my spirits.

We had supper that night at Arlene's, our favorite local greasy spoon, so I did get to have some pie that day—but it was cherry, and not apple.

After supper, we went to a movie downtown. I'd put a couple of bottles of white wine—in addition to the ones we were going to take with us the next day—in the refrigerator, and we worked on them until bedtime. So we went to bed—naked, of course—happy with life and with each other. Once in bed, we engaged in a snuggle—followed by more joyful lovemaking. After which, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was about nine-thirty on Thanksgiving morning when I woke up on my side. Mindy's warm little body was snuggled up against my back, and she was gently pumping my morning boner.

I moaned happily to announce that I was awake, aware of what she was doing, and liked it. Then I added, "That feels really good."

She kissed me between the shoulders—not being quite able to reach my neck. "I like your cock, mister!" she said. "I'm going to the bathroom, and then—"

Having rolled over and taken her into my arms, I interrupted her with a kiss, and then I looked her in the eyes. She smiled at me, and I at her. "…and then we're going to Do the Nasty!" I finished for her. "And the sooner the better!"

Simultaneously, we rolled out from under the quilts and into the November chill of the house. Again, I used the downstairs toilet while she used the upstairs one. Again, I kicked the thermostat back up to a comfortable temperature as I returned to the stairs. Again, knowing what it would find in my bed, my boner reasserted itself on the way up the stairs. Again, she was waiting for me in the bed when I got back.

I slid under the quilts and took my lovely little sister's naked body into my arms as she took mine into hers. I kissed her as her bare little boobs caressed my chest and my hard-on rubbed against her thighs.

As we broke the kiss, I looked into her eyes—their deep, deep blue engulfed me again. She stroked my back and my side, and I caressed her cheek. We moaned and leaned in for another, longer, deeper kiss. Her hips moved up against me; her legs opened and admitted my cock between her thighs. She clasped it between those thighs and against the wet heat of her pussy—which was opening like a budding flower. She wiggled, and her slippery furrow slid along my length.

When the kiss ended, she folded an arm between us, against my chest. Looking again into my eyes, she whispered, "I love you so much, Charlie."

"Mindy, I love you even more." My arms folded her to me tightly again, and her face moved into the juncture of my neck and my shoulder. But I saw the smile on her lips before I lost sight of them as she delivered hot, moist kisses to my neck.

She rocked her hips, driving her cleft along the length of my cock again; my hips responded. We moaned.

"Do you remember the first time we touched each other this way?" she asked. Her face was still buried in my neck, but I could hear the smile in her voice.

"God, yes!" I replied. "It really turned me on. You came within a gnat's eyelash of losing your virginity right then and there."

She nibbled on my neck, using lips first, and then—gently—teeth. Our hips continued to rock. We moaned again.

"It turned me on, too. You should've just taken me then. I'd kind of invited you to." She hadn't raised her face from my neck; her lips went back to work.

"I wanted to. But you didn't know—neither of us knew—how good this feels. You didn't know that what you'd done would be such an invitation. I knew you wouldn't stop me. But I could see that you were afraid to do It."

"I was. You're my brother, and Doing It with you is so wrong. At least, it was then." She nipped me; it stung.

I pinched her ass lightly in retaliation. The pain made her drive herself against me harder, forcing my cock to rub against her pussy more strongly.

She raised her head from my neck, and I saw what I had heard: She was smiling at me. Gently, she pushed me over onto my back and climbed up onto me. She sat up and straddled me, and I felt her desire in the seething kisses her lower lips delivered just below my belly button. The covers fell off of us as she rose, but neither of us noticed the chill in the room.

I reached for her boobs, caressed them, kneaded them. Gently, I tweaked her stiffened nipples. Her hips rocked, and I felt her slipperiness again on my lower belly. She'd backed up some, and my hard, hard cock slipped along the upper part of the cleft between her ass-cheeks.

She put her hands down on the bed to either side of me and transferred the weight of her upper body to them. Slowly, teasingly, her deep blue eyes locked on my own eyes, she bent down toward me until her mouth found mine. Our tongues intertwined as I continued to knead her tits and we rocked our hips against each other.

When she broke the kiss, she rose to the vertical again, taking her hands off of the bed. Her eyes were again locked on mine. She rose to her knees and backed up a bit, until the tip of my cock reached into the cleft of her pussy. Grasping my shaft, then, she guided it into herself as she lowered her body—still vertical—straight down onto me.

We moaned our delight, and slowly, eyes now closed and mouth slack, she bent down until she lay upon me. She laid her head on my chest. Her hands slid, palm up, under my shoulders, and clasped me. My own arms enveloped her.

We lay there awhile, lost in the sensations that her pussy and my cock brought each other. Gradually, I began to move my hands, stroking and tickling her back. She moaned. I reached down and cupped her ass-cheeks in my hands, drawing her down more tightly against me, embedding my cock even more firmly in her hot, tight warmth.

"Jesus!" I said. "You always feel so good." My cock throbbed and pulsed inside her as I said it; she contracted around it, did it again, and again.

"Oh, Charlie! I love to feel you in me." It was more a moan than a statement. Her hands, still under my shoulders, tightened their grasp in an effort to bring our upper bodies closer than close.

"Do you remember the first time we did this?" I murmured.

"I do; we did it just the way we're doing it now. It was at Belford Lake, when we spent that week alone with each other in the Wind River Mountains. It was such a beautiful place. And you felt so good, just like you feel now. It made me so happy to have your big hard cock so deep in me—just like it does now."

She raised her head and looked into my eyes. The blue fire of her love burned in her eyes; it enveloped me, just as her pussy enveloped my cock. She stretched toward me; I raised my head from the pillow where it lay and reached for her. In spite of the difference in our sizes and the way we'd anchored our hips to each other, our lips met, and we exchanged a long, gentle kiss.

The kiss ended, and we again looked into each other's eyes. She spoke. "And that was just like the kiss we shared earlier that evening at Belford Lake. I won't forget that kiss no matter how long I live."

"I won't either," I said. "When you kissed me back, I knew for sure that we were lovers."

"Me, too," she replied. "I'm glad we went on that trip, just the two of us, together in the wild country."

"I love you so much, Little Sister," I whispered.

"I love you even more, Big Brother," she whispered, smiling. "Do you know how much I love you?"

I smiled. "How much?"

"This much!" She grinned and bumped her hips—away from me, and then back again. Her tight, slippery channel delivered that stroke to the length of my cock—which surged in response.