Charlottes Story (A Becky-adjacent)

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What happened between Charlotte, David and Peter.
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Charlotte's Story

It was late Sunday evening and David Altman was sitting up in his bedroom, pants off, dick hard. His right hand was coated in baby oil and he was slowly stroking his very hard cock as he watched his best friends mom playing with her neighbor Becky in the shower. He had watched this video several times since he had slipped into Charlottes bathroom and secretly videoed them together in the shower. Becky was on her knees licking Charlottes pussy and Charlotte was moaning, head thrown back, her large breasts heaving as water cascaded down over them. She had her hand on Becky's small breast, pinching and squeezing her nipple as Becky groaned into her pussy, lapping harder with each passing moment.

The video only lasted about 90 seconds and as it ended, David just restarted it and began to wank himself faster. He was breathing hard now and he could feel he was close. His hand sped up and he urged himself to reach his climax before the video ended again. He was almost there, the feeling spreading from his full tight balls to the tip of his throbbing cock when time ran out and the video once again stopped. At this point it didn't matter, David had to finish and he couldn't stop to restart the show once more. He whipped his oily hand up and down along his shaft till with an explosive grunt he began shooting his load onto his fist and over his blankets and leg. He pumped himself till he was dry and fell back against his pillows.

Each time he masturbated to Charlotte and Becky it felt less and less satisfying. It was still exciting to watch but it wasn't enough. He needed to get some quality time with Charlotte. He wanted to feel those full tits, have her legs trembling as he held them up and slammed his cock into her. He wanted her mouth wrapped around his cock. Slowly, he put his phone down on his nightstand and went through the process of cleaning himself and his bed up. Finally he collapsed back on his bed, his cock already twitching and starting to get hard again as he thought about Charlotte. He had to have her. As he lay there, he started to think about exactly how that could happen. She seemed perfectly all right with forcing Becky to do all those things and she didn't seem to mind both Peter and him from using Becky whenever they wanted, so maybe, just maybe, she deserved to know how that felt. He slowly began to smile as a plan began to form in his mind.

* * *

It was Summer and Monday came with clear blue skies and rising temperatures. It promised to be in the high 80's or even low 90's today. That worked well for David. On days like this, he knew that Charlotte liked to sun herself in the back yard of her house, and though she didn't go in for nude sunbathing, due to Peter and often David being around, she did have an awesome collection of very skimpy bikini's. David knew that just showing her the video and demanding sex wouldn't be enough. Extortion worked very well on Becky, she was a rather introverted woman and seemingly the nervous type, but Charlotte was too strong willed just to go along with David's demands without some muscle to back it up.

He thought about Charlottes neighbor, Brian. He had helped Charlotte on a couple of occasions with Becky and he seemed into that sort of thing, but he might be too loyal to Charlotte so he didn't think that would work. He considered his options and finally made a decision. The local college was having a football camp this summer and several of Davids friends were attending to try and get into the program when they started next year. A couple of the guys in particular came to mind. Tyrone and William. These two were big, loud, and always ready for trouble. It was actually surprising that they hadn't been thrown out of school their senior year, considering the crap they pulled. They would be at the college and David thought they might be interested in helping, especially once he showed them the video.

David went down to the campus athletic field where the sports camp was being held. It didn't take him long to spot his two friends, and David was not surprised to see them arguing with the coach. He was yelling at the two men and they were responding the same way, waving their arms, and gesturing towards a couple of guys on the field. David was too far away to hear what they were saying but he could tell that the coach wasn't having any of it. After a few minutes of shouting, he grabbed his whistle and let out a piercing shriek. That seemed to stop the two of them for a moment. In the ensuing silence, coach's voice was clearly heard.

"That's it for you two! Hit the showers. You can come back next week if you think you can control yourself!" Tyrone and William shouted something back at the coach, then the two of them turned away and stalked off towards the showers. David chuckled as he watched them go. They were furious right now but by lunch time they would have totally forgotten it. That's just the way they were. He began heading towards the gym where the showers were at, thinking he would wait for them to cool off, literally and figuratively. Then he would catch them as they left and see if they were up for some action of a different sort.

About thirty minutes later, David was sitting on a bench outside the gym, waiting for them. He heard them coming before he saw them, their laughter echoing off the walls as they exited. David got up and went to meet them. They saw David and shouted their greeting, waving at him. David waved back and trotted quickly up to the two of them. Tyrone smiled a huge and genuine open smile. He slapped David on the back as he came up. William held up his hand for a fist bump and David reached out and met it with his own.

"How's it going little bro'?" Tyrone asked. "You finally coming out for football?" He looked David up and down with exaggerated appraisal. "Not exactly quarterback material but you could prob'ly pass for a tight-end!" The two men laughed and shook his head chuckling.

"No football," he said, "But, I was thinking about tight ends of a sort!" The two looked at him and smiled.

"Oh yeah?" William asked. "Do tell!" David brought out his phone and quickly scrolled through till he got to the video of Charlotte and Becky in the shower.

"You remember Peters mom, right! Well, I'm thinking she could do with a little male companionship!" He pressed the play button and held out the phone to the two of them. They watched with obvious interest and their eyes growing larger as they took in every second of the two women playing in the shower.

"Man that's hot!" Said Tyrone when the video finished playing. William nodded in agreement.

"I'd love to get my hands on either of those ladies! But man, that Charlotte is smokin'!" David took the phone back and slipped it back in his pocket.

"Well, I was thinking we could all get our hands on Charlotte...if you're up for it?" The two big fellows looked at David with interest, and lust, glinting in their eyes.

"Go on," said William. "We're listening.

It didn't take long for David to outline his plan. He didn't try to be overly complicated. He just figured the three of them could show up, show her the video and demand that she do what they wanted. If she refused, the three of them could probably make her cooperate. Tyrone and William quickly agreed. They weren't big thinkers either but they were never afraid of flexing a little muscle to get what they wanted. And they had heard the stories about Charlotte for a few years now. They didn't think it would take too much to get what they wanted out of her. Within a half hour, David, Tyrone, and William were on their way to Charlottes house. The only thing nagging David was what if Peter were there. How would he react to their plan? David wasn't certain that he'd be OK with them forcing his mom to do what they wanted and the one thing David didn't want, was to create a rift with his best friend.

* * *

It was early afternoon and Charlotte had the house to herself. Peter had headed out earlier to go to a matinee. David hadn't been available so he had headed out alone. The day was sunny and hot, perfect for a few hours of laying out in the back yard working on her tan. She went to her room and chose a very skimpy all black bikini. Once she had it on, she adjusted it to make certain what little fabric there was covered her nipples, barely. Then she grabbed the suntan lotion, a towel and headed out back. She got outside and set up her lounge chair in the middle of the yard where it would be in the sun for the longest time. Then she began to apply the suntan lotion. She couldn't reach her own back but everywhere else was doable.

She applied a liberal amount to her hands and began to rub on to her long, firm legs. Charlotte did her best to keep in shape and she applied pressure with her thumb and palm, massaging in the lotion till her legs glistened. Then she dribbled a bit more onto her belly and shivered as the cool lotion dripped across her stomach. She began to rub it in using alternating circles with both hands. She planned on keeping her bikini on so she didn't need to lotion up her breasts as thoroughly but she loved the feel of slick fingers squeezing her ample tits and caressing them. She slid her hands under the thin strips of material and rubbed her fingers over her quickly stiffening nipples. She didn't want to get too carried away so after a few moments she reluctantly stopped and adjusted her top once more. Then, she spread her towel out over the lounge and laid down on her stomach, the warm rays of the sun soaking into her skin, giving her a feeling of deep relaxation. She crossed her arms under her head and allowed herself to lie there, almost drifting off to sleep.

A short time later, she really couldn't say how long, she was startled to hear the door to the patio sliding open. She blinked her eyes and raised herself up to see who it was, expecting Peter. Instead she saw David coming out into her yard, followed by two other guys that she didn't know. They were big fellows, both over six foot and both well-muscled. One was bald and carried quite a gut on him but she could still see his physique underneath. It looked like he played football or some other physically demanding sport. The second man was also almost as big as the first, though his girth looked to be all muscle. As she tried to sit up and focus on what they were doing in her yard they walked over and stood around her lounge.

"David?" Charlotte said as she sat up. "What are you doing here? Peter's out at the movies and won't be back till later." She let her eyes take in the three of them all standing around her. Too close around her actually, it made her feel penned in. She smiled nervously and tried to stand up but David actually reached out and gently pushed her back onto her lawn chair.

"That's okay Charlotte," David said, using her first name in a way that made her feel vaguely uneasy. "We're not here for Peter. I actually wanted to show you something." As he said this, he touched something on the screen of his phone that he'd been holding and then turned the screen towards her. Charlotte was confused but looked at the phone and what was being displayed. She stared at it for a moment, her breath catching in her chest as she watched the video of her and Becky in the shower. After allowing it to run for several moments, David pulled the phone back and clicked it off, shoving it into his pocket. For as moment, he just stood there, smiling at her. Charlotte stared back at him and began to get angry.

"What the hell David?" She demanded. "How did you even get that! I mean, how dare you invade my privacy like that!" David just smiled down at her as she went on till finally, he took his hand and raising a finger, pushed it against her mouth to quiet her.

"Charlotte, come on now, you've done far worse. I'm sure Becky would agree. I just thought it was time that you got a little taste of what you have been doling out!" Charlottes eyes widened in surprise. She slapped Davids hand away and jumped up, pushing him back a step as she did so.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Get the hell out of here right now before I forget you're my sons best friend!" David gave a rude chuckle and just shook his head slowly.

"I was afraid you might have that reaction. You see, that's why I brought my two friends here with me." He looked at the two big guys standing to either side of Charlotte. "Tyrone, William, it looks like I'm going to need your help after all." The two big men began to smile broadly and stepped forward. Charlotte suddenly realized what was happening and tried to dodge out of the way but she was just a fraction too slow.

"Oh no!" She screamed at them. "No fucking way!" As she tried to push past David he blocked her with his body and Tyrone and William grabbed her by the arms. They held her tight and brought her arms back behind her, twisting them up at a sharp angle till she cried out. The were holding her so that she was bent partially forward. She struggled between them, twisting, and trying to escape their grip. David just stood and watched as her struggles shook her large breasts back and forth.

David watched them bounce for a minute before he casually reached out and grabbing at the thin strips of material making up her top, yanked them aside exposing both her breasts. Then, doing what he had wanted to do for so long, he reached out and grabbed both of them, squeezing her soft, jiggling boobs in both hands. It felt better than he could ever have imagined.

"David, you bastard! Get the fuck off of me and let me go right now!" Charlotte shouted at the young man, fairly spitting as she did so. David allowed himself a moment more to luxuriate in the feel of her breasts. Then, with an obvious reluctant sigh, he stepped back and looked at his two companions.

"Let's take her inside to the bedroom. I think she'll be more comfortable there and we can avoid being disturbed by anyone." He stared fixedly at Charlotte making certain to meet her gaze, then added: "besides, I think she has some toys there that we can use to really spice things up."

Hearing this, Charlottes heart skipped a beat and the blood seemed to freeze in her veins. How did David know about her sex toys...unless Peter told him. This was all too much. She took a deep breath and prepared to scream at the top of her lungs but David was quicker. He slapped a hand over her mouth before she could yell. Then with his free hand, he grabbed her arm that Tyrone was holding.

"Pull that bottom of hers off, quick Tyrone." While Tyrone grabbed at her bikini bottoms and started to yank them down, David wrapped his one arm around her arm while keeping his other hand still over her mouth. Charlotte kicked and bucked like a wild horse trying to get free but the boys had her held tight. With only a little trouble, Tyrone got the bottoms off of Charlotte. David looked at him and grinned fiercely. "When I take my hand away, stuff those into her mouth all the way." Tyrone grinned back and balled up the thin swimsuit material. David nodded and pulled his hand away. As soon as he did Charlotte opened her mouth to scream but Tyrone was fast and shoved the wadded up swimsuit bottoms into her mouth. He used his thick fingers to shove the material deep, filling her cheeks. Then he grabbed her arm again, freeing David.

As soon as his hands were free, he looked at Charlotte and then reached out deliberately and slapped her hanging breast hard. Charlotte squealed through her gag and redoubled her efforts to pull away. David just laughed and motioned the two guys to follow and bring her along. Then he headed into the house with Tyrone and William half dragging, half carrying the struggling Charlotte between them.

* * *

As Tyrone and William brought the wildly struggling Charlotte into her house and carried her towards her bedroom, David thought back to just a few months ago when he and Peter had spent an afternoon alone in the house. Charlotte had been out running some errands and the boys had been left to their own devices. They had found a bottle of Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey that Charlotte hadn't hidden as well as she thought, and they were doing shots as they talked about their favorite subject: Sex!

Peter was going on about this girl he met at school. He really wanted to get into her pants so bad but as of yet, she was keeping him at first base. After their second, or was it third shot, they both had a warm glow building up and Peter had asked David who was his dream girl. It was likely the whiskey talking, but in a moment of alcohol fueled honesty, David had blurted out that he had always fantasized about Charlotte, Peter's mom.

There was a moment of dead silence and for an instance, David thought he had gone too far and upset his best friend. He was desperately trying to think of a way to apologize when Peter had burst out laughing.

"Oh man! She is such a slut too! You should go for it!" David stared in shock at his friend, not even certain how to respond to that.

"Really?" he asked slowly. "You, uh, don't really mean that, do you?" Peter laughed and jumped to his feet.

"C'mon! let me show you something!" Now less drunk, and more curious, David got up and followed his friend into his mothers bedroom. When they got there, Peter went to the closet and opened them up. Then he squatted down and from the back corner he pulled out a small footlocker. There was a combination lock snapped closed on the latch. Peter looked at David and snickered. Then, he spun the dial on the lock a few times and with obvious practiced ease, snapped it open. He turned to David once more. "Here, Take a look. He stood up and opened the footlocker. David came over and looked in. What he saw shocked him, and, if he was honest, excited him too.

The footlocker was about half filled with various sex toys of all shapes and types. There were vibrating dildos in a wide variety of sizes, including a big black realistic looking one that David wasn't certain could actually fit in a woman's pussy. There were clamps, floggers, a Hitachi wand, coils of rope, handcuffs and more. David just stared incredulously at all of it.

"I had no idea..." he stammered stupidly, unable to think of anything else. Peter just kept grinning.

"You haven't seen the best part yet! Look!" he turned and went towards Charlottes bed. It was a California King with a pillowtop mattress. It was set up on a large heavy wooden four poster bedframe. Peter moved to the head of the bed and once more knelt beside it. Reaching out to the heavy wooden leg of the frame, he reached around, searching for something. Then David heard a 'click' and a long narrow door opened on the side of the bedframes support. Peter pulled it open and began uncoiling something that was stored inside the hollow leg. It was a long chain that ended in a steel cuff, like a policeman's handcuff. Peter uncoiled it and laid the cuff on the mattress corner. The chain was just long enough to reach about a foot onto the bed. David just stared in wide eyed amazement.

"Why does she even have that?" He asked stupidly. But already in his minds eye he could see why.

"There's a length and cuff on each corner. She uses it with her boy-toys. Likes to show them who's in charge!" Peter giggled. David stared at him.

"Do I even want to know how you know this?" he asked. The two looked at each other for a long moment and then both started laughing.

"Like I said, a real slut!" They let their laughter run it's course and then quickly put everything back the way it had been. Then they headed out to the living room to finish off the bottle. That's where Charlotte had found them an hour or so later when she arrived home. Passed out in the living room with the empty bottle on the table between them. She woke them up, made them clean up and then sent Peter to bed and allowed David to use the guest room to sleep it off rather than send him home drunk. She had laughed it off as "boys will be boys" type of nonsense, never realizing that this had been the exact moment that started David on his path to right now.