Cheerleader Tale Ch. 07: First Day's Study Surprises

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Susan's 1st Day of Study, Shocks, Sex & Cindy.
11.6k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 11/10/2023
Created 03/12/2021
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(Authors Note --

Please note that this is Adult Erotic Fiction, so should only be read by those who qualify!

This will make most sense if read after the previous chapters, but if you want a quick summary......

Susan has arrived at MidCounty University full of hope for a more exciting life than possible back at her remote country farm home. In particular she'd been keenly aware of how restricted her sex life had been and was keen to explore new boundaries. She was also keen to join the Vipers Football Cheerleading team, a tradition previously established by her elder Sister and Mother!

She'd quickly made friends with other girls in her new dorm, and particularly the more sophisticated Sam who was sleeping next door, and Trish and Andy across the corridor. They'd soon established themselves as the 'Dead End Girls' gang.

Early encounters with prospective male partners hadn't really gone well, and the initial exposure to the Cheerleader program had been a bit of an eye opener, but it was her new best friend Sam's Pyjama Party that really took her to a new, unexpected level! And then there was the Friday night Fresher's Ball, biggest event of the week. She'd looked forward to it all week but in the end it really hadn't turned out as she'd hoped as she'd fallen victim to a hypno-gangbang scam.

It had left her confused and angry, but still as determined as ever to do well on Sunday's first Cheerleaders Team Practice. Along with her new Asian friend Li of course!

And that had gone really......err......... the end anyway!

More fantasy moments in the coffee shop had really got her juices running and a more 'productive' re-acquaintance with hockey player Martin had helped pass her last evening before the first official day of her new studies. She was really looking forward to getting down to it!

Constructive comments and scores are always welcome, but regardless, I sincerely hope that you enjoy..........

Duke )

Monday Sept 15th 17.30

Dear Diary

Hello again,

Hadn't intended to make another entry so early!

But after what's happened on my first real day at college today, I've got so much to tell you!

Wow!! You're just not going to believe this! I'm not sure that even I do!!

Thing is, it started pretty much as expected. There was a Faculty Introduction session planned for 10am in one of the big lecture theatres - a chance to meet and greet fellow students, but in particular to introduce our learned tutors! Then a few more 'normal' lectures giving me time afterwards to explore the library, and then a 'final' lecture at 2pm and some 'free' periods for the rest of the day!

Should have been a pretty easyish intro to English Literature.... and a chance to stop thinking about sex all the time! I wish!! Or maybe I don't!!!

And after my first week at Uni - Fresher's Week - I feel that I really do need to slow things down a bit.

After all, I'm still just a relatively inexperienced farm girl at heart, and although I'd been hoping to gee-up my sex life a bit when I got here, I hadn't bargained for quite that much in my first week!

Volume OR variety!!

Still, I ought to get back to what happened today I suppose - talk about an eye-opener!!


1. Meeting New Friends

Susan had had a lazy breakfast and catch-up with the rest of 'The Dead End Gals' gang, and was feeling really excited about properly starting her University career.

Sam, Andy and Trish had grilled her pretty mercilessly about how she'd got on with 'her ice hockey player', Martin, and she'd been pleased to report a more successful encounter after the disaster of their first meeting!

Sam had confirmed that it had sounded EXTREMELY successful given the amount of noise that Susan had been making when she'd orgasmed! Susan had been quick to respond though that it was probably only just cancelling out Sam's cries of ecstasy as she'd entertained her own personal 'Mr Adonis', Craig, in the next dorm room!

But when Susan had pointed out that Martin and her would still need to do more work on their technique, all the girls had raised their eyebrows and rolled their eyes in mock disbelief.

"She's positively insatiable!" had laughed her new best friend, Sam, as she swished her long blonde hair off her shoulder and down her back.

Susan was still chuckling at the thought of their expressions when she'd arrived in the corridor outside the big Literature Lecture Hall in the main college campus. It was quiet, just a few people around, and she checked her watch and sighed. She was over half an hour early! It was her farming background of course, early riser and still following her lovely old grandma's edict of never being late for anything!

Eventually a few more people turned up, and a group of three came over to ask her if this was the right place for the English Literature Introduction. Two were hand in hand, a short, mousy blond wearing a trendy boiler suit outfit and a taller, pleasant looking young man with long dark hair, wearing jeans and a 'Death Metal' tee shirt. The other girl was the one who'd spoken to her first in a pleasingly tinged foreign accent. She had long, shiny black hair that was held at the back of her head by a silver clasp and then cascaded right down to the small of her back. Around her waist she wore a very chic looking blue and white chequered miniskirt under a frilly, white blouse.

Susan thought that she looked more like a model waiting outside a fashion salon than an English Lit student, and cast a furtive glance down at her usual faded denim skirt and thinly ribbed, ivory coloured roll-neck sweater. The top was figure hugging around her pert breasts, but she suddenly felt a bit drab in comparison!

It quickly turned out that the 'model' was called Monique and hailed from Montreal, which explained the delicious French accent, and probably her taste in clothes! The blonde was called Sarah, who live locally and was Monique's cousin. The guy was introduced as Joe, and turned out to be Sarah's boyfriend.

They all gave a quick hug as the introductions were made, which Susan was slightly awkward about, but Monique, in her casual French way, had just wrapped her arms around her, pulled her in, squashed their breasts briefly together and flooded her nose with sweet fragrance! In Susan's current state of almost permanent arousal, that had an almost immediate effect on her nipples which tingled encouragingly!!

When the lecture room doors opened to let them in, there was quite a crowd, but Susan and the other three got seats near the front on the second row. She wasn't sure what to expect, but they were slightly below the level of the stage, which had a couple of rows of simple, wooden, straight back chairs on either side of a central Lectern.

2. The Tutors Put on a Show

At the appointed time, a short, bespectacled man wearing a long, and somewhat shabby black gown opened the side door and ambled over to the lectern. The general hubbub quickly died away as the new students waited for him to speak. He was almost bald, with just a few silvery wisps of hair around his head, but he had lively, sparkling blue eyes, and proceeded to warmly welcome everyone to the 'English Literature Year One Group' in a strong, deep voice.

After explaining that he, Professor Simpson, was head of the English Faculty, he then waved his arm sideways and said that he would now introduce all the first year lecturers and tutorial staff. Immediately, a group of ten men and women, also gowned, came in, each accompanied by what looked like an older student. Each lecturer sat on the second row of chairs with their 'student' in front of them. Susan was quick to see that Professor Watkins was amongst them, whom she'd met briefly at the Italian coffee Shop a few days previously, although she was with a different, younger looking male student this time.

The tall women with long brown hair tied back in a bun this time, was dressed conservatively in a longish grey skirt, black belt and plain white blouse under her gown, and Susan blushed slightly as she remembered the way that she'd imagined her getting stripped and fucked by her other student in Susan's own coffee shop fantasy orgy! The hot images flashing through her mind again almost made Susan miss some of the introductions!

She'd managed to catch on to most of it though as Professor Simpson explained that each Lecturer would introduce themselves in turn, say a few words and that each had chosen a second year student to be their 'Personal Junior Liaison' with the younger students. The intention was that these older students would be able to deal with some of the newer student's queries, and escalate where necessary. Susan though that this sounded like a good idea, but her eyes were drawn to just one of the female 'juniors' who was sitting more or less right in front of her.

Unlike most of the other students, who were wearing the usual assortment of denims and casual tops and tee- shirts, this girl with stylish, shoulder length red hair was wearing a tight, form fitting black dress that looked distinctly semi-formal. It was sleeveless, had a deep square and plunging neckline that showed off the tops of two impressive looking boobs and, now that she'd sat down, the hem had ridden up a good four or five inches up her bare thighs. It also had a striking, external silver zipper running right down the front from top to bottom. Even with her knees primly together Susan thought that she looked incredibly sexy!

She also looked decidedly uncomfortable!

Susan thought that her thin, angular features would have looked almost classically beautiful had it not been for the scowl plastered across her face! Her light brown eyes were flitting around the room in something of a panic, which puzzled Susan, and when the girl's own Lecturers name, Doctor Hendricks, was called, she squeezed them tight shut!

Doctor Hendricks stood up and began to speak. He was a slim, cultured looking man, with shortly cropped black hair. He was medium in height, and wearing dark blue slacks and a light blue shirt under a matching dark blue waistcoat. Susan didn't actually think that he looked anything special, but then she noted his piercing, blue/grey eyes which seemed to arrow straight through her when he briefly gazed down at her sending a shiver down her spine! After a few words of introduction in a rather high pitched voice, of himself and his student, 'Cindy', he suddenly scowled and leaned forward to tap his 'junior' sharply on the shoulder.

Susan was puzzled again at the action, but her eyes widened and her mouth opened in silent shock at what happened next!

The redhead slowly opened her eyes which she raised to the ceiling, took in a deep breath, and then spread her knees wider apart! It gave everyone around Susan a plain view of the fact that, under the tight black dress which had now ridden even higher up her taut thighs, the girl was out 'commando' style! Her thick, red pubic bush was plainly in sight for a large part of the audience!!

There were a lot of intakes of breath and a quick murmur of whispered voices around her as Susan watched the poor girl go red with embarrassment! She didn't close her legs though and kept a fixed, furious expression on her face throughout the rest of her lecturer's ten minute talk. Only when he'd finished, and patted her on the shoulder as he sat down again did she sigh in relief and slowly bring her legs together, this time crossing them. Even though that showed off even more of her taut thighs, her sexy bush was back in hiding!

There was no doubting what the hot topic of conversation was as the students finally exited the theatre. Sarah was flabbergasted.

"Can you believe that girl?! What an exhibitionist!!" she gasped.

Her boyfriend responded with a wide grin, which Sarah took quickly off his face with a fierce look and a sharp kick to the ankle!

Monique's response was more considered, her eyebrows furrowed in thought, "I think there was more going on there than simply showing off....... the girl looked...........well, as though she was forced to do it perhaps??"

Susan felt the same nagging doubt. The redhead had looked positively mortified that everyone was staring at her bare sex. It seemed that there was something strange going on with this Doctor Hendricks. It made Susan slightly worried that this man was to head one of her tutorial groups and he'd asked for a preliminary test paper to be handed in to his office later in the afternoon.

She had a strong feeling that she would have to be very wary of him!

3. Library Conversations

Later, after a quick lunch, Susan settled herself down in the main College Library to review her notes of the last two lectures, and prepare the paper that the mysterious and rather odd Dr Hendricks had requested. She'd spent quite a bit of time with Monique, her cousin and boyfriend during the morning lectures and they'd quickly got into a relaxed grouping. She was pleased that she'd found some new friends on her course so soon!

The big, bright library hall was made up of a large central section, with desks for six to eight people in a long row, some with PC's and all with local wi-fi and power connections for laptops. Fully surrounding this high-ceilinged space was a mezzanine area with rows of bookshelves interspaced with smaller, quieter desk areas, split into three tables for four. Susan had found one of the smaller study areas on the lower area, with just a couple of other busy students, and near to a large window overlooking a green, tree lined quadrangle. It promised to be quiet and peaceful. Perfect!

When she'd arrived, she'd noticed a couple of the senior cheerleaders, sat next to each other near to the area that Susan had finally chosen. She'd recognised them as the tall, blonde Ulla, and the shorter, raven haired Sharon, but neither of them had deigned to notice her when she went past which hadn't really surprised her. She'd chuckled to herself as the term 'Stuck Up Bitches' came to mind!

She'd thought it strange though that they were wearing the rather sexy uniform that they performed in on the football field. The short, pleated black and red skirts were riding high up their crossed legs and displaying miles of taut thigh above their long black lace-up boots, and even though they were wearing official 'Viper' Track suit tops, they were open down the middle and showing off their red tops, lacy black bras and bulging boobs! No wonder they were getting plenty of admiring glances from the male students!

After she'd got busy researching some material for her one page piece on American 17th Century Poets, some movement near to the other cheerleaders caught Susan's eye and she looked up to see a group of track-suited football players had surrounded them. She recognised them as part of the Line Backer group and all were all big, strong looking young men. Ulla seemed to be protesting about something or other for a short while before she finally shrugged at her partner and they both stood up, allowing the players to shepherd them down one of the bookshelf corridors and out of sight!

Susan's raised her eyebrows at the strange little scene, but eventually shrugged, mystified, and got on with her work. It was a good twenty or thirty minutes later before Susan saw the group heading back to the cheerleaders table. The player's all looked in good spirits, laughing and joking quietly as befitted Library rules, but Susan was quick to see that the girl's looked rather hot and flustered, and Ulla in particularly was walking rather stiffly, and sat down gingerly when the players finally left them by their books!

There followed a quick, lively little conversation between the two girls before they gathered up their books and looked around, giving Susan a bit of a shock when they headed towards her little haven of tranquillity!

This time at least, Sharon briefly nodded towards Susan as the other two sat down at a table as far from the main hall as possible, but that didn't imply any sort of friendly recognition and Susan was relieved that they didn't seem to want to engage in conversation. They seemed to be still wrapped up in some problems of their own though, and proceeded to engage in a spirited, whispered conversation that Susan couldn't help overhearing, even though she wasn't on the same table!

She found it interesting to say the least!

Ulla was first to speak.

"Shit Sharon! Six of them!! What's the bloody point of Tanya agreeing that we'd only do groups of four or less in SST if they're just going to ignore the fucking rules!!"

"I know Helen, I'm positively worn out! That must be at least fourteen today and we're only just past lunch! It's a good job we're only on duty one Monday a month!"

"Fucking sixteen for me Sharon! Sixteen!!! A couple of the Full Backs picked me up when you went to the washroom before lunch. God but that Benjie is big!!"

"Yeah well, at least they won't be able to see us so easily from the entrance here. I know that we have to stick to public areas, but these bloody uniforms make us stand out like beacons! It's like bees attracted to bright flowers...."

"Big, muscular bees though...." laughed Ulla at last, winking, ".... and now I'm full of honey!!"

At which point both girls dissolved into a fit of giggles!

After that, they toned down the volume a bit and Susan couldn't pick up on the following conversation. It had been enough though! She'd been suspecting for a while that the Senior Cheerleaders were indulging in something more than just banter with the football players and this latest episode had just confirmed her fears.

Or were they fears? She wasn't quite sure! She'd dreamt of getting on the team for so long that she didn't think that she was going to be put off by the odd bit of extra-curriculum sex here and there!

She shook her head though and got back to her studies. After the strange events this morning, sShe certainly didn't want to put in late work for Doctor Hendricks!

4. Submitting Her First Paper!

Around three o'clock and after another really interesting lecture on 'The Relevance of Jane Austin on Modern Times', Susan found herself outside of the main offices of the English Literature Faculty. She looked up at the stately old building in admiration. It was brick built, substantial, but in colonial style and looked like it had been part of the original campus when the University was founded. Inside, the smell of seasoned, polished wood was a pleasant accompaniment as she strolled own the old-fashioned panelled, high ceilinged corridors, searching for the strange Doctor Hendricks' rooms.

She had a plan of the building to hand so quickly found the right place on the first floor, but when she got there she paused before knocking on the big, shiny oak door, a little uncertain of her reception. When she did step forward though she got a shock!

Hand raised to knock, the door was suddenly dragged open in front of her and she was faced with the sight of the red-head in the black dress, just ready to storm out!

They both took a step back in surprise at the sudden, unexpected confrontation!!

"What the fuck?!" gasped the other girl.

"Oh! I'm sorry," responded Susan, somewhat more politely!

When her heart had stopped feeling like it would explode, Susan asked the other girl if Doctor Hendricks was inside, because she had a test paper to hand in. She waved it as if in evidence.

The other girl looked at her in annoyance and bustled past.

"He's not here!" she snapped, "....... but when I find him I'm going to kill him!" she added, waving a piece of paper of her own.

"Bastard.....!" she added with feeling as she disappeared down the corridor.