Cherry Takes On The NFL Ch. 07


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Cherry collapsed onto his chest and her black hair splayed over his shoulders. She felt his heart pounding against her breast and she sighed softly. His hands caressed her back and the tenderness of his touch thrilled her. She raised her head and their lips touched. The sensuousness of that one kiss astonished her. His deep blue eyes were dancing as she gazed into them.

"Mark, you scare me. You, more than anyone, know I can't handle love. I've never been able to. I screw it up every single time. Maybe I've never known what love is until now. I know I feel different this time. I don't want to hurt you, I am just afraid I will."

"You keep telling me you're broken. I don't accept that. God knows I am not an expert. I see things from a different perspective. What I see is a woman who is afraid to trust anyone and is completely frightened of love. That is not broken, just misguided. I believe with all my heart that there never can be love without trust. If you learn to trust then love will flow to and from you."

"I do trust you; I just know what I'm like. I lash out and run away. I don't want to run away this time. I don't even understand me. I can't expect you to. If I do what I've always done, just know it isn't you I'm running away from, it is me. My history is so bad. You know that. I've told you repeatedly and yet, you still want me. I don't understand. You can have any woman you want. Why do you want me?"

"It is an antiquated concept that you will never understand. You won't understand it because you don't believe in it. Just know I do. Now, kiss me gorgeous. I don't want you to run away either." Mark rolled her onto her back and kissed her lovely neck. He straddled her tiny body and began to tickle her unmercifully. She tried to nip at his hand but he pulled it away. He was relentless and she was laughing and flinching as he kept it up.

"I'm going to make you pay Mr. Banner. Just let me up and you'll see. I am not about to let you get away with this. Tickle me again and you die!" she giggled.

Mark slid his legs between hers and kissed her jabbering lips. She wasn't quick enough. He pulled his lips away as she snapped her pearly whites at him. He kissed her neck and she cooed. His tongue graced each nipple as he slid his face between her tender thighs. Mark looked into her dark eyes and kissed her thigh sweetly.

He heard her coo as his lips parted hers and his tongue began to taste her yet again. His hands gently parted her, revealing the pinkest, sweetest cradle of love he knew. His tongue glided along her valley and into the river of honey that was there. Mark's tongue drove her wild and he loved hearing her soft, sensuous moans as he licked her.

His mouth closed over her hard protruding clit. He began softly stroking her. Her hips began to move under his tongue. Mark brought his hands up her tight, carved belly and he cupped her breasts in his palms. His wet cheeks slid along her inner thighs as he teased her deliciously.

Cherry's moans were increasing and her hips were pushing upwards onto his face. His momentum never varied. Her body craved the release she had just discovered he was capable of bringing and she wanted everything this man could give to her. Her voice became louder and her hips flared as she felt the beginning of a terrific orgasm building. His magical tongue kept on and she wrapped her legs around his neck. Her back arched and she began to come.

"Oh Mark this feel so good. Baby, baby, please don't stop. I'm coming Mark, darling, I'm coming baby. Oh yes!"

Mark smiled into the soft wet folds and his mouth continued its erotic motions. She began to come again and this one was harder than the last. He didn't stop and she began to fly off the mattress onto his face. He rode her hips and never stopped. Orgasm after orgasm built, each stronger and longer than the last. Her body was wrapped in total bliss and he would not quit. His hands squeezed her breasts and she came at that simple touch. His mouth worked and the miracle of the next orgasm took her breath away. Her legs were vibrating, toes curled, back arched and her body was streaming cum into and onto Mark's handsome face.

Cherry grabbed his head and she rode him in ways she never knew possible. This man astonished her every single time, pleasing her in ways she never knew existed. Yes, he frightens me!

This gorgeous creature had stolen his heart in ways he never thought either. The committed bachelor, the man who dates models and actresses had fallen for this woman.

Cherry could not stop coming and she crashed her sweet pussy into Mark's face furiously as wave after wave of cum washed over him. He licked, sucked and swallowed and her flow was unending. Her body pulsed and the river of love was delicious. Her beet red flesh panted wildly and she gripped the edge of the mattress. One final massive orgasm took complete control of every nerve in her body. She gushed; she sprayed and streamed yet again as Mark's face brought her more satisfaction than she ever thought possible.

Mark slid up her body and his wonderful organ slipped into her tenderly. Her eyes were trying to focus while she fought for breath.

"You do things to me no one ever has. I don't know how but you do," she gasped as he kissed her softly.

Cherry rolled him over onto his side and threw one leg over his. Her head rested on his chest and she closed her eyes. The feel of his hard cock filled her wonderfully. He did not move, he just let her rest while kissing her forehead gently. She purred into his chest as his hands slid along her back thrilling her.

Mark began to flex his shaft and it began to press into her sponge softly and seductively. With each flex, she moaned sweetly. She was quietly lying next to him as the head of his talented cock pressed against her G-Spot repeatedly.

"God, that feels so good."

He continued and she moaned louder and deeper. His athletic body controlled his movement and he picked up the pace.

"Oh, Yes Mark, Oh, Yes."

Cherry pushed her hips tight against his and he continued.

"I love this Mark, don't stop. I'm going to cum baby"

Mark felt her tighten as he moved. Her strong muscles hugged him and he drove into her harder.

"I'm coming baby, I'm coming!"

Mark felt her body begin to spasm and he moved at a practiced pace as she clamped down and began to squirm on his hardness. She bit his neck. Her hips began to scream in pure pleasure. Her body rode him hard. She came again. Mark turned her over and began to stroke her tight, hot pussy steadily as she continued to come. He stroked and she came again. His hips picked up speed and she came again. Her back arched off the bed; she came harder. Mark dove deeper and his hips moved into her faster and stronger and she came again. Mark felt her nails dig into his butt as she pulled him into her.

"This is perfect Mark. Love me my darling; fuck me so sweetly. I'm yours forever. I'm going to cum again darling."

Mark sank into her fully. She felt him push at her cervix and she came harder and louder. He stroked and she was lost in the lust. Her body was screaming and her pussy was drenched around him. She could not get enough of this man.

Mark felt himself building and he looked into her glazed eyes. The lovely, wonderful woman who was beneath him cried out for him to fill her with his love. His powerful strokes drove into her deliciously as he felt his own release build. She sensed it and together their bodies flew into a rage of raw savage sexual release. He felt her legs wrap tight around his waist and she demanded every drop he had to offer. He felt her clamp onto him as wave after wave of hot cum flew into her. She screamed and came again. Their union was one and their pleasure was enormous.

Mark collapsed beside her gasping for his own breath. His smile was broad and caring.

The cockpit intercom chimed and Jack's voice informed Mark that they would be landing in LA in twenty minutes. They laughed, kissed and left the bedroom. Their clothes were out in the orgy section of the Gulfstream. Both of them burst out laughing when they saw Michelle. She was airtight on three massive black cocks and she had no intention of stopping.

"Bitch!" Cherry laughed as she walked past the insatiable slut.

Aleka, Diane and Lori were grinning.

"Don't be mad at her Cherry, she is just the last in line for that. I'd never done it so I was first," Aleka blushed.

"Honey, I'm teasing her. She knows that."

Everyone eventually dressed and prepared to deplane while Tom and Jack refueled. The landing was smooth and Aleka collected her luggage from the plane. They decided to grab some lunch and they all walked arm-in-arm through the terminal.

"Mark, this has been the perfect vacation. Thank you so much. It's funny, I grew up in the islands and yet, I had more fun in the last ten days than at any time I can remember," Aleka smiled.

"You've also had more sex than any other time too," he quipped.

"Yes my darling, you know that's true. Cherry, you better hold on to him or I'll be beating a path to his door." Aleka kissed Rashad, Chris and Jamal, hugged Michelle and Diane. She turned to Lori, "Get those contracts ready girlfriend. I'll be in Vegas at the end of the month to sign them. I want to be number two on the shove it up Dave Trainer's ass list."

They watched as her limo drove off. Mark's cell rang and it was Tom telling them the plane was refueled and awaiting their return.

Mark poured drinks and discovered that no one was in a total rush to get home. It was decided that everyone would stay at Mark's tonight. Cherry had a photo shoot scheduled for tomorrow morning and then she was flying home. Diane had to go to New York and Mark would just take the guys to their cities on the way. He had some business that needed his attention in the Big Apple anyway. That way they could all enjoy some of Vegas' nightlife and continue the party one more night.

Michelle made dinner reservations at Emeril's New Orleans Fish House at the Venetian. She also made reservations for MGM Grand's Crazy Horse Paris Show. Mark said it was something he wanted to see.

"We'll finish the night at The Playboy Club and Moon over at the Palms. It should be a good night." Michelle turned to Mark, "You do know where your key is, don't you."

"Yeah, I have it. I don't need it. We know everyone there. Call ahead and let George know we're coming in tonight. Tell him to join us for a few drinks. I haven't seen him in a while. Also, see if Joe is in town. If he is, I want to talk to him about the potential move of the Kings. I can enjoy the evening and find out if we have anything to worry about. We have several of their players under contract."

"George will be all over the girls like white on rice," she laughed.

"Hey, it's his hotel. He always pulls it off with style."

"He definitely does that," Michelle smiled.

The flight from LA to Vegas didn't take long. Jack set the plane down without the slightest bump. Jackson met them and they were back at the Towers in no time.

Cherry's and Mark's luggage were taken to the top floor. Mark had a few messages to return and Cherry decided to take a good look at his apartment. She had only briefly seen it her first night here and it was something that was positively breathtaking.

She wandered the place and everywhere she looked, she saw luxury. The living room was massive and was filled with the finest furniture imaginable. Everything was comfortable and the colors were perfectly coordinated. She didn't know who had decorated this place but she somehow knew it wasn't Mark. The artwork was impressive even though she had no idea who the artists were.

She walked into his media room and saw an entire wall filled with flat panel TV's. Mark could watch every football game at once. It was definitely the ultimate man cave.

She had always teased him when he said he loved to cook but his kitchen was unlike anything she had ever seen. It was gorgeous and filled with every appliance you could imagine. He even had a walk in freezer and refrigerator. This definitely impressed her.

She had not seen four additional bedroom suites before. Each one was beautiful. The place was simply magnificent.

Cherry walked to the bar and poured herself a Cuba Libre and one for Mark. She heard him coming as she took the drinks out onto the expansive patio. She turned, smiled and handed him his drink. She looked out across the expansive view of Las Vegas as the city lights were just beginning to come to life.

"It really is a gorgeous city isn't it. What a view." Cherry looked from the strip over towards Industrial. What does it say on that big white building?"

Mark laughed, "It says Sapphires hon. It isn't my favorite strip club but it is the largest. I'm told it is the largest in square footage. It is convenient. They serve good food for lunch."

"Convenient? With the kitchen you have here, I'm surprised you would eat out at all."

"Do you see that building next to Sapphires? My offices are in that building. So yes, Sapphires is convenient."

"What floor is your office on?"

"My office is on the tenth floor. Michelle has her office up there and Lori's will be too. My office manager Diane has her office on the ninth floor. We call her Dee Dee. Floors six through nine house the legal and support staff for the existing clients. The fifth floor is the law library. The rest of the building is empty. I'll need that space for Lori's new division. She is going to be very busy."

"It is going to be expensive renting the entire building. I know Lori will bring in a lot of business," Cherry smiled.

"I don't rent the building Cherry, I built it. I had been planning on expansion for a long time. I just never thought I would get someone as qualified as Lori to head it up. It is weird how fate just makes things happen at time."

Cherry turned and kissed him. "You could say that again." She held his hand as they sipped their drink.

"We had better get ready. It is going to be a fun night. I'm hungry and Emeril's food is to die for. Do you ever watch him on TV?"

"He's funny. I am not a cook. I never took the time to learn."

Mark laughed, "Then it is a good thing I did, huh?"

They met everyone downstairs and headed to the elevators. Mark threw Chris the keys to the Lamborghini and the keys to the Maybach hit Rashad in the chest. Mark took Cherry's hand and walked her to the Little Deuce Coupe. The smile on his face was huge as he settled her into his favorite car. The roar from the twin exhausts on the custom built 427 Chevy engine was deafening in the confines of the garage. Mark was laughing as he headed out into the Vegas night air.

"We'll cruise the strip later but I know how you want people to stare. Well baby, they will be staring at you tonight. They will look at the car and then they will see you and then they will forget about the car totally. I'll be the envy of Vegas once again." He was laughing as they pulled into the Venetian.

Dinner and later the show at the MGM were spectacular. Everything about Vegas is big and when they do something, they really do it. The Crazy Horse Show was Paris personified. It was sexy and definitely lived up to its reputation.

The caravan pulled into the Palms and the valet pointed to three spaces that had been reserved for Mark right at the door.

"Mr. Banner, it is nice to see you again," he said.

"Hi Jimmy, take good care of these for me please."

"We always take care of you sir," the valley grinned as he opened the door of the coupe for Cherry.

They took the elevator to the Playboy Club. They were greeted by a gorgeous voluptuous woman, "Hello Mark, how was Hawaii?

"Hi Ginger, we had a great time. You would have loved it. This is my friend Cherry."

"Oh we know Cherry. She is Miss 36-23-40! We all saw her photo from the Pro Bowl the next day. As a matter of fact, that photo is up on the dressing room mirror."

"You've got to be kidding me?" Cherry blurted.

"Seriously, I'll show you if you want to see it. You've got the number one catch in Vegas girl, we're all very jealous."

Mark's party was taken to the Fireplace Lounge. It is the VIP section of the club and is simply stunning. Drinks flowed and the laughter was loud. Jamal and Rashad went to play some blackjack and Lori and Diane hit the Roulette table. Michelle, Chris, Mark and Cherry sat and watched the action and just soaked up the ambiance.

Ginger came back and handed the press clipping to Cherry. There she was, in living color, wearing that sexy jersey. Mark looked at it and laughed. Chris looked and grinned broadly.

"What are you laughing at Chris? Every woman in this place wants hers too. Don't think you're the only one getting this message Mister. Rashad and Jamal are sitting at Candy's blackjack table. They may lose their shirts," Ginger giggled.

"We are screwed." Chris looked at Mark for help but none was forthcoming.

"Do you guys know all these women?" Cherry asked Chris.

"Sure we do. They are all regulars at Mark's parties. You haven't seen a party until you've seen the third floor full of naked fucking people. Up to now, all you've seen are dress rehearsals." Michelle smiled.

Michelle and Mark burst out laughing.

Mark's eyes were dancing as he spoke, "Don't worry Cherry, the parties are all scheduled around times when no one is working. I'll send Tom and Jack to get you no matter where you are in the world. You don't want to miss any of these parties. They definitely are more fun than even you can imagine."

"I can't wait. When is the next one?"

"The Valentines Day Bash will be the next one. There are usually two hundred or more people attending. It starts on Friday evening and goes all weekend. All the dancers from Crazy Horse II and Sapphires will be there. Quite a few of the entertainers and of course, the showgirls all show up. It is fun. This year should be even better with the new division. Lori will be busy as now; we should have some of the top fashion models attending too."

"What about the athletes," Cherry asked.

"Well, remember back in Hawaii, we told you we have 'friends' and we have 'clients'. Our friends will be attending. Don't worry darling, there will be enough black cock to go around," Marked winked as he spoke.

"There had better be. I seem to have lost one already." She poked Chris in the ribs and glared at Michelle.

"Baby, he was mine before you ever met him," Michelle said, ducking behind Mark's broad shoulders.

"That is not exactly accurate Cherry," Ginger smiled as she brought new drinks over to the table. "Every woman in this place claimed these three gorgeous hunks of men a long time ago."

Yeah, but I know you haven't known them the way I have.

Lori and Diane were dragging Rashad and Jamal from the blackjack table. "Come on, let's dance."

They took the elevator down to Moon. The door opened into the VIP area and they were immediately seated. The place was, packed with the sexiest women and hottest men in Vegas. Cherry led the way as they went down the spiral staircase to the dance floor. The music was getting to her. She danced for a living; music was her aphrodisiac.

She pulled Mark onto the dance floor and was astonished at the moves this man had. He not only could dance, he could dance well. This handsome, sexy man looked like he owned the dance floor and the two of them were amazing to watch. Cherry drew a crowd just standing in a room but put her on the dance floor and she ruled. Her body was amazing, her clothes were exquisite but her dancing was beyond description. Every man and woman in the place wanted to be with her. Mark smiled as he caught the glances everywhere he looked.

The more they looked, the hotter she danced. Cherry was always aware of the eyes that starred at her. It was, after all, what she lived for. She danced into Mark and began to crawl up his body. Her hands caressed him and her breasts crushed his chest. She grabbed his face and kissed him deeply while her body undulated against his. Her hands grabbed his ass and pulled him tight as her ass vibrated her body against his hardening cock. She began to slide down his body and her short skirt began to ride up her fantastic legs. Her perfect ass was on display as she pseudo-sucked him on the dance floor. Her hands trailed his body and he danced to heighten the effect. The song ended and the crowd applauded wildly. Mark grabbed Cherry and they left the dance floor giggling wildly.