Cheryl's Trip


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"How's it going?" I asked her.

She sighed and said, "Oh, I miss you and the kids, wish you were here. How was your day?"

"I made a couple of calls with the new guy." I knew that I couldn't waste a lot of time, Thomas would be waiting, so with some reluctance I went on. "Remember what we were talking about this morning before I left?"

She laughed and said, "Ooohhhh, is poor Danny horny?"

"I'm always horny, but remember?"

"Of course, how could I forget, why?" "Well, I've been on the net chatting with a guy in Charlotte, he wants to talk with you."

"What did you tell him?" She asked with real concern.


She didn't say anything for several seconds, then she asked, "Does he know who we are?"

"Only our first names and that we live in Phoenix."

"But you said that if he calls he can cross-check our telephone number with our address and then know everything.

"He doesn't expect to talk on the phone, just for you to chat on the computer with him."

"He must be stupid, he wouldn't be able to know who he was even talking to."

"That's true, but, for some reason I can't explain, I trust this guy and I think he's for real. He seems to trust me too. He asked about photos of you and I told him if I had any I wouldn't send them anyway. Seemed to do the trick."

"Do you want me to chat with him?" She asked already knowing what my answer would be.

"You know I do."

"What did he tell you about himself?"

"He's older, I think he said 55, 6'3" weighs about 250."

"He's almost as old as my dad." She said and continued, "Sounds fat to me."

I paused then added, "He's black."

There wasn't any response so I went on. "Said he used to drive a truck."

"Is he retired?"

"Not exactly, sort of changed his career," I offered.

"What does he do now?" She asked softly.

"He runs a whorehouse."

Silence again as this registered. "Let me get this straight: You've been chatting with this guy who lives back east a fat, old, black pimp who runs a whorehouse. You've told him about us and your fantasy and now you want me to get on the computer and chat with him. Is that right? You better tell me exactly what you really want to happen."

"Well, I want you to chat with him, see how it goes."

"That's not what I mean Danny and you know it." She interrupted and raised her voice. "What do you want to happen after I chat with him?"

"Let's see what happens Cher," was may lame non-answer to her question.

"Damn it! Do you want me to go to Charlotte, or not? Do you want me to spend the weekend there?" She nearly shouted her questions at me.

"Yes, that's what I want you to do. Is that what you want to do?"

"Oh no you don't, Dan. This wasn't ever my idea."

What could I say? I didn't say anything for a minute then I put my salesman's hat back on and said, "he's waiting for you."

"Tell me how to do it."

I gave her instructions, the net wasn't her thing. I warned her that it might be hard to get in because it could be very busy this time of night. Then, I knew I couldn't avoid telling her what Thomas handle was. "He has logged in as ‘pimp4wwife,' and you are supposed to log in as ThomasWW."

She asked me the same question that I had asked Thomas, "and what does WW mean?"

"White whore."

Silence again as everything that had transpired in the last few minutes registered. Then, "okay, shall I call you when I've finished?"

"Ya, I'm in room 745."

"I love you Danny," she said almost desperately.

I paused for moment letting the enormity of where this could lead sink in before saying,"I love you too Cher," and then she was gone, replaced by the hum of the dial tone.

I thought I detected a trace of excitement in her voice.

At 11:00, I telephoned home and the line was busy. We didn't have "call waiting" so she was obviously still on the Internet. I tried again at 11:30, it was still busy. Fifteen minutes later the phone in my room rang.

"Hi honey," I greeted, trying to seem cool.

"Hi yourself." She said softly.

"How'd it go?" I asked.

"Okay, I guess. We chatted on the Internet and then I called this number he gave me and we've been on the telephone for the last half hour."

"What? You telephoned him. I thought we agreed we wouldn't do that."

"Like you said Danny, you trust him. After chatting for nearly an hour, I decided I trusted him too. He didn't ask for our number but volunteered his. He said he didn't have caller ID. Anyway, what's done is done."

"So, what now?" I wanted to know.

"What time do you get in tomorrow night?" She asked.

"6:15, on Delta."

"Ironic isn't it? You get home tomorrow on Delta, I leave the next morning at 9:15 on the same airline for Charlotte. You said you can get me a ticket with your frequent flyer points didn't you? Anyway, he went ahead and made a reservation on flight 308 through Atlanta while we were talking. I arrive in Charlotte at 4:57 Friday evening. "

There was a lump in my throat, my mouth was dry. Did I hear what I thought I heard?

"So that means you're going to do it?"

"I promised him I would," she said matter of factly. "That's what you wanted, isn't it?"

"I guess it is. It's all happening so fast. What did you talk about?"

"Let's see, really everything. He asked so many questions, questions I've never been asked or even thought about before."

"Where are you?" I wanted to know.

"In bed, all snuggled up. Why?" She teased.

"What do you have on?"

"Let's see, my nail polish, wedding ring and perfume, what's left of it. Danny, I know you're probably "frisky" and want to talk, but Thomas wants you to call him. It's nearly two in the morning on the east coast . . . do you want to talk with him?"

"I guess I should," I acknowledged. She gave me a number which I wrote down.

"I'm really tired honey. I love you. See you tomorrow." She said before clicking off.

Nervously, I punched in the numbers, my credit card number and waited. He picked up on the first ring.

"Hello,"boomed a deep voice with a southern drawl.


"Hey, must be Dan," he said.

"Yes it is, how'd it go?"

"I gotta ask ya man, is Cheryl for real? I mean, she's got the most beautiful voice and after she warmed up, I never, never talked with a sexier woman. Does she really look the way you described her? I mean, she described herself to me too, but fuck, this seems too good to be true. I'm holding my cock, ain't still hard though but sure is swollen got cum all over my hand don't want to ever let go, fraid if I do I just might wake up and find I been dreamin." He rambled.

"So how did it go?" I repeated.

"Man, if she's half as good looking as you say, she must be an angel."

"You won't be disappointed, she's better than I said. Sort of a brunette Heather Locklear only better. What did you two talk about and how did you get her to telephone you?"

"What didn't we talk about? Let me ask you straight out, are you going to send her to me on Friday?"

"What did she say about that?" I asked hedging my answer.

"She said she'd come. "

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Hope she's the kind that keeps her word and not just a fucking cyber tease. I've had my fill of those."

"Thomas I think she'll do it. What else?"

"I told her to shave her twat, just leave a little hair above the snatch but the lips have to be baby bare. Also I had to make sure that she wasn't having her period or that it wouldn't start while she's here. Let's see? Oh, ya, finally, I told her that she couldn't fuck you tomorrow night when you get home. You'll both have to wait until Sunday night, that is, if she's in any shape to handle one more by then. Hope that's cool with you."

Everything was coming at me so fast. This wasn't fantasizing anymore, now it was real. Here was a guy talking about my wife's period, her vagina and he knew what she called her most private parts.

"Oh couple more things," he went on, "I told her to paint her toe nails and finger nails bright red but to dress like a lady for the flight. I guarantee when you pick her up she won't look like or be a lady anymore, she'll be a ho for black cock. If that ain't okay with you, if that ain't really what you want you better fucking tell me right now cause I'm gonna put the word out that we'll have fresh meat. Do we have a deal or not?"

"We have a deal," I said finding it difficult to speak with a lump in my throat.

"Great man. Look, it's late here gotta split, Cheryl's gonna call tomorrow and confirm things.

That night I tossed and turned in the king-size hotel bed in Denver and slept very little. My thoughts were of my wife and her apparent willingness to cooperate and make all this happen. I went about my business the next morning mechanically, almost in a daze. The new salesman asked me a couple of times, "Dan, are you all right?" If I had told him the truth I would have said, "no I'm not all right, something's about to happen that will change my life forever, I don't know if it will be for the better or worse." But, I didn't say anything of the sort. Later, he drove me to the airport. I hardly remember boarding the plane and the flight home.


When I exited the terminal in Phoenix I saw the Honda parked at the curb as I knew it would be. Cheryl popped the trunk lid and I threw my computer case and carry-on in the trunk as I had many times before. She slid over to the passenger side and leaned towards me and pressed her moist lips to mine after I closed the driver-side door. We both knew that we would be back here in just a few short hours for her flight but neither of us acknowledged it with spoken words. She was wearing sandals and I couldn't help but notice the bright red polish that covered the nails on her pretty toes for the first time. I glanced at her hands and saw that her finger nails were covered in the same bright shade. She was wearing a sun dress and I couldn't help myself from asking, "anything different under your dress?"

"Oh, Thomas must have told you, huh?"

"Well, is there?" I insisted.

"See for yourself," she invited.

I took her up on her invitation, and though I didn't see, I certainly felt. Sure enough, as my exploring hand reached the juncture of her thighs I discovered she wasn't wearing panties and I felt a small tuft of hair above her clit. To help me, she parted her legs as I touched the lips that, for the first time since her puberty, were totally bare of hair, soft as velvet and very wet.


"God Cheryl, you look and feel great. I can't wait until we get home."

"Danny, Thomas asked me not to have sex tonight. Can we wait until I return on Sunday?" To make sure my ego wasn't bruised she quickly added, "I want you too baby but I told him I'd wait. You're my husband though and I've never turned you down before, it's up to you."

"If we are really going to do this we might as well do it his way." I paused and looked intently into her eyes before asking, "Are we really going to do this Cheryl?"

"I guess we are," she said softly as she lowered her eyes.

During the short ride home we were both lost in our private thoughts. Like I said before, I didn't get much sleep that night. This morning I watched her dress and then, poof, she's gone and won't be back for two days.

When I snapped out of my revery and looked at my computer screen I saw, PRIVATE FOR CherylsHub: Hey man, you there?" The message came from "whitehubby." I saw that he had sent three other messages while I had been lost in my private memories of the last two days.

"Sorry, I'm here, this is Dan." I typed back.

"Nice to meet you Dan, where's Cheryl?"

"That's a very good question. The simple truth is she's on a plane that will be landing in Dallas in . . . " I looked at my watch and then typed, "about fifteen minutes."

"Why is she going to Dallas?"

"Only to change planes. She's going on to Charlotte to meet someone."


"A black man named Thomas who's going to have her for the weekend."

"Are you serious?" He questioned.


"God, I wish that was my wife, Peggy. Been working on her for five years. No luck."

"Don't give up," I encouraged. This is a first for Cheryl, as a matter of fact she's never been to bed with anyone but me."

"How did you get her to do it?" he asked.

For the next several minutes I related our history and brought him up to the moment before typing, "Got to run, she should be calling any minute if the plane's on time."


It was a long half hour before the phone finally rang.

The caller ID revealed that the call was placed from the 404 area code, that had to be Atlanta and Cheryl. "Hi hon, thought you must have landed quite a while ago."

"We did. I walked to the gate for the Charlotte flight and checked in before I called. I only have a few minutes before we leave, they're boarding first class now."

"How was your flight?" I asked.

"It was okay, time for a lot of thinking."

"You still okay with this. You don't have to do it you know."

"I know I don't and I'll admit I'm really scared. I won't lie to you, I walked past a gate that was boarding a flight to Phoenix and I sure thought about stopping to see if there was a seat available." She paused for a moment before continuing, " of course, I'm afraid, who wouldn't be? But I'm also excited. Since you said you didn't think I had the ‘guts' to do what those other women do, I've thought a lot about it. No, I'm going to get on the plane unless you tell me not to." She paused waiting for my response. I didn't say anything. " If you want me to, I'll call you from Charlotte."

"Of course I want you to call me."

She seemed to sigh before saying, "I love you Danny."

"I love you too Cher," was all I could get out before she hung up."

Time seemed to pass as slowly as it did the night before Christmas when I still believed in Santa Claus. I went to the store and bought groceries for a couple of days. Later, I tried watching TV. Minutes seemed like hours. With each passing minute I knew she was getting closer to Charlotte. Charlotte, where Thomas was waiting. I had never been to Charlotte and, as I said earlier, neither had Cheryl. Charlotte, the place where Cheryl would give herself to another man for the first time. Charlotte, where later she would lay under other men. How many? Five, ten, fifty? I didn't know. Charlotte, where she would sleep, or would she? Charlotte, where she would meet new people. What kind of people? Would they be dangerous? I realized that it was a little late to worry about her safety. I had placed her in this compromising situation. Would I regret it? I hoped I wouldn't.

The ringing telephone was a welcome interruption to my second guessing, "will you accept a collect call from Cheryl?" Questioned the operator.

"Yes . . . Hi baby," I greeted.

"Hi yourself," she responded.

"Was he there?" I wanted to know.

"Oh yes. He's in the restroom . . . I think to give us some privacy. He insisted that I call you to let you know everything was okay."

"What's he like?"

"He seems nice. I think he's a little older than he told you. He's huge, shaved head and black as coal. Oh, here he comes now."

Then I heard his voice, the same one I had heard for the first time night before last ask in the background, "Is that Danny, honey?" And she said "yes." "Can I talk to him?" He asked her. She didn't respond but must have handed him the receiver.

"Hey man, you said she was very beautiful, you didn't tell me she was the most beautiful woman in the whole-fucking world."

"Thanks Thomas, about that you and I agree."

Then he must have cupped the mouthpiece as he lowered his voice and said, "if she fucks half as good as she looks I ain't gonna let her come back." Then realizing I might take him serious he said, "just shittin ya."

"Take good care of her Thomas," was all I could say which seemed very inadequate.

"Hey Danny boy, I'm gonna put her back on." Very quietly he tried to enlist me as a conspirator by saying, "when she comes on I want you to tell her to let me kiss her right here in public and squeeze her tits and feel her ass. That would be a good start for tonight doncha think?"

"She'll never go for that, but its worth a try."

Then she was back. "Thomas said you wanted to tell me something."

"I want you to kiss him and don't resist or make a scene if he tries to feel you up." I expected a response but all I heard was a muffled mmmmm and several seconds of silence. I said "Cheryl? Did he kiss you?"

"Oh yes and not like a brother. He also squeezed my boobs and bottom. Well, I guess we better go. He said we have to stop by a place that closes at 8:00."

"Are you wet?" I questioned.

"Very, but also very afraid."

When I asked "are you still okay with this?" It sounded feeble, even to me.

"I guess so," was her response without conviction.

"Do you think that within a couple of hours he will have fucked you?"

"Probably sooner than that. Now let me ask you a question, are you still okay with this?"

I paused for a few seconds before answering, "yes I am."

"Are you hard?"

"As hard as stone."

"Good. And after Thomas finishes with me, then what?"

"You know."

"I want you to say it Danny," she insisted.

"Okay, I want you to be with the others."

"Don't you mean fuck his customers?" She whispered.

I hesitated for just a moment knowing that there would be no turning back before saying, "yes, that's exactly what I want you to do."

" Wait a minute. Thomas wants to say something else to you. Talk to you later, love you." She was gone before I could tell her I loved her too.

"Hey Danny boy. You didn't tell me that kissing Cheryl is better than fucking most women. Her ass and tits are firm. I can't wait to see them. Don't worry about a thing. I put the word out the last couple of days up and down the Interstate. The black truckers know there's fresh married stuff at Thomas' place. Should be a busy weekend. Might even break the record. I'll have her call you about noon tomorrow after she's had some rest, that okay with you?"

"Hold on, what's the record?" I wanted to know.

"Let's see . . . it was twenty-two, no twenty-three the second night the school teacher from Raleigh worked." He answered matter-of-factly.

"How many women working tonight?"

"Sorry, thought you understood, only Cheryl. Gotta run man, first date will be there at 8:00. Don't call em appointments or tricks or John's, just dates. Gotta sample the merchandise . . . ha ha ha, talk to you tomorrow. Hey, thanks for the loan of your wife."

Those were his final words, then silence. I didn't hang up the phone until the familiar recorded voice said, "If you would like to make a call, please hang up."

The mother of our children, my wife of nearly sixteen years was in North Carolina, a continent away, about to fulfill a fantasy that had become an obsession of mine for years. It was nearly 6:00 p.m. in Charlotte, 4:00 p.m. here in Phoenix. I wouldn't talk with Cheryl again for another 18 hours or see her for 48 hours. The waiting would be excruciating. I imagined her as she allowed Thomas to kiss her in the airport and then place his black hand on her ass and squeeze her breasts.

I knew that they were probably in his vehicle. I didn't know if it was a pick-up truck or a car, old or new. I didn't know exactly where they were going from the airport. He said they had to make a stop and then I remembered what he said on the phone when I called him from Denver that he would get her some "frilly things" which I took to mean lingerie.

I didn't know anything about the whorehouse, though I was certain it wasn't upscale considering his clientele. It was dawning on me how much I didn't know about Cheryl's adventure and circumstances. All of a sudden, the lack of sleep and tension overcame me, I was totally exhausted. I stripped naked and climbed between the cool sheets that covered our bed and almost instantly drifted off to into a deep, dreamless sleep.