Children of the Light Ch. 01


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She tipped her head and gave him a strange look. He realized that the female was demonstrating body language. That was good, he found that to be far easier than language. Normally he could simply know through the Father what any creature was thinking but right at the moment he had no clue.

She seemed to be confused. He looked at her, then glanced around to check for other danger.

Water was flowing nearby, that was good because he knew he would need some liquid soon to keep this body provided until he could figure out what to do.

"That helps but not much, your pecker is still hanging out. Man, for such a big guy you sure don't have...?" She giggled, looking down at him.

"Sorry, dude. Size don't matter." She looked away, demonstrating discomfort.

Apparently she wanted him to cover the appendage, so he tugged at the bottom of the T-shirt but it would not quite reach. With another thought, it lengthened slightly.

She didn't appear to notice that.

"I'm Kathy, do you have a name?" She asked.

"D'aath." He told her.



"Death?" She suddenly became tense.

"No. D'aath."



"That's not a name, what is it really?" She said.

"I do not know what you mean, I am the Father's spawn and it chose."

"Your Father's...spawn?" Again she tipped her head with a confused look.

They looked at each other, D'aath had now decided that she did not intend to attack.

"You aren't from around here, are you? Where are you from?" She asked finally, after studying him closely.

"No." D'aath was not sure what she meant, he had no concept of here, just like he had no concept of there. He was from..everywhere.

"No, what?" She asked.

"I am not..from here."

"Well, where then?" D'aath felt a fleeting vision of her stomping her foot but that faded almost instantly.

The pod was gaining more traces of energy.

He waved his arm in a circle.

"OK. Let's try this. Where do you live?"

He waved his arm in another circle.

"What the fuck are you, guy? Some kind of alien or something?" She said.


Kathy just stared at him.

"I almost believe that, the way you are acting. Fuck it, I am going to call you Davey, OK? Now lets go find you some pants."

D'aath got a flash in his mind of her handing him some cloth, then again that faded. The afternoon Sun was shining very brightly, thankfully his pod was gaining even more traces of power.

Energy was beginning to flow, although very weak.

Normally by now the pod would have gained enough that D'aath could reach out to the nearby world and know, but something was not right.

He knew it would take many Sun cycles now before he was going anywhere, and even then he would be lucky to manage barely a trickle of light speed.

At the current level, he knew it would barely be enough to escape this tiny planet's pitiful gravity, if at all. He also knew it would require him to be aware, and he hated that.

Traveling vast distance while aware was a terrible thing.

Still, he could go directly into the Sun and soak if he could just get moving. But this planet was rotating, he now knew he was going to have to suffer a dark period. Already the surrounding plants were casting long shadows.

Soon it would be darkness.

Dark periods were the most dangerous of all.

With the pod drained, he had little protection of any kind. He knew he could move some mass, and he knew the pod would stay close by, but that was about it.

It might even require a period of dormancy if he could not find enough energy.

"Hey! Knock knock! Are you in there?" He realized she was suddenly right there, within easy range. He tensed up but she didn't do anything except look at him.

"Yes, of course I am in here." He told her.

"Jesus!" She muttered.

"What? No, I am D'aath." This female had very poor memory retention, he could sense that.

Kathy stared at him for a moment.

"Just wait right here, OK?" She turned and pushed out through the brush, not waiting for an answer.

D'aath thought of moving on, but decided to wait. He took the time to inspect his surroundings. It was a small grassy clearing, surrounded by brush and large towering plants.

He spotted another bush that was reproducing, made his way over and picked some, carefully avoiding it's claws. There was no reaction but then he did not expect there to be.

He had eaten quite a few of them when she came back.

"Here you go!" She said, tossing some cloth at him. D'aath was in the process of pulling the shorts on after a few seconds of figuring them out when he felt another flash of vision.

She was uncomfortable but didn't want to leave him.

"Go ahead. I mean no harm for you." He told her.

"Go ahead, what?" She again cocked her head to that odd angle.

"Go ahead and expel your fluid wastes." He told her.

"What? You want me to..are you crazy?"

"You need to. You are not comfortable, so go ahead." He said.

"How did you..? Good God, you really are something else, aren't you?"

"I do not know what you mean?"

"Christ. The best looking dude I run into all fucking day and he has a screw loose." She muttered to herself.

"With a fucking two inch dick on top of it, good grief." She added almost to herself.

D'aath just stared at her, not understanding.

But he was getting tiny bits of knowledge from her, then he felt others not far away.

"Your tribe is nearby?" He asked.

"Tribe? My...what? You mean the other kids? They are over getting a bonfire ready for the beach party tonight." She again had that odd tip of her head.

D'aath didn't answer, he went over to the bushes and began to feed. The plants reproductions had nutrients but it took a lot of those to fill his needs.

"Man, you sure do like those fucking berries, don't you? Wait here, OK? And don't look!" She went into the bushes.

D'aath knew she was eliminating, he felt that in his thoughts. He concentrated on that for an instant, then he realized how this species mated.

The eggs were carried inside the body. She was days away from being fertile. As her fingers reached down to press the last moisture away from her body, D'aath sensed the shape of her organs.

That same distasteful method, so inefficient and time consuming. The seeds needed to be placed inside the female.

The female reached down and grasped a plant leaf, dabbed at herself, D'aath saw that clearly in his mind.

Kathy was back in minutes.

"Come on!" She reached out for his hand, he felt she wanted him to grasp it so he allowed that cautiously.

The moment his hand touched hers, the thoughts cleared. He had no need to fear her, he knew that now.

The threat appeared to have passed, now she was thinking about mating, but something was not right, she was not ready to breed?

Yet she still wished to mate? That made no sense at all. Then D'aath remembered the world with the fuzzy little creatures that pretend bred constantly.

Perhaps that was it?

The beat of her heart had picked up speed, her internal pressures had escalated, he could feel that easily since she had her hand in his.

He also sensed she was not completely content about something?

With a brief concentration, D'aath managed to blend with her thoughts.

He understood she was not pleased with the size of his mating appendage? Perhaps for proper breeding she required it longer?

But why? D'aath had already sensed that most of her nerve endings were on the outside, just like the body he now was.

Suddenly she stopped.

"What? Did you say something?" She asked him, looking at him with a strange expression.

"No." D'aath realized she had sensed his invasion of her thoughts, that was a surprise.

No other species had ever reacted to that.

Then he put that out of his mind as he tried to avoid the sharp clawed plants as they passed.

In the clearing he saw several males and females piling up undergrowth. The Sun was still shining and he was absorbing more and more of what was going on so he sensed what they were gathering.

None of it had life.

D'aath watched as one male used a tool to create fire, but it flared up and then went out. A second attempt resulted in the same.

D'aath wanted the flames, he felt desperate for them, that would help him gain energy far more quickly.

When the male reached down once again to create fire, D'aath used a trace of the pod's energy to bring the dry plants up in temperature, the flames suddenly leaped high and the male jumped back.

"Wow!" He exclaimed.

"Hey, did one of you motherfuckers dump some gas on this?" He sounded upset.

No one answered, they all just looked at the flames in what seemed to be surprise.

"Fucking assholes!" The man exclaimed.

D'aath moved closer to the pleasure of the flames, feeling the energy flow into him.

The pod also drew in energy, it shimmered slightly, became almost visible, then returned to what were just waves of heat.

"What's that?" One large male looked behind D'aath.

"What's what?" A different female asked.

"I thought I saw something?" The male now had that same confused body language the Kathy female kept demonstrating.

D'aath realized the male had gotten a glimpse of the pod as it had drained nearly completely and could sustain only barely. He realized he was going to have to quit drawing on it or it would become visible and he had no idea what would happen if it ever drained to zero energy.

The male walked over to where the pod was, waved his hands but of course he could touch nothing since the pod contained almost no mass.

D'aath watched as the male walked back to the fire, looked at it closely, then glanced back towards the pod. It was there, but not really visible. Then he just shrugged and walked away.

D'aath forced his mind to become aware only of his surroundings. His body needed sunlight, or fire, something. There was no choice but to conserve.

The flames were certainly helping though.

D'aath turned his attention to the other beings, he was still aware that some of them might mean danger.

All of the females appeared to be in mating ritual, the males also. He sensed the interest of the females and the distrust from the males when they saw him, using their body language to read them.

Kathy began to name all of them. D'aath instantly got a feeling that one she called by the name of Mark did not like him being there.

"This is Davey, I found him out in the woods." She let out another sound of humor.

D'aath felt a sudden flash of anger from the one large male, he looked carefully at that one. The male looked right back, appearing to draw himself up to demonstrate size.

D'aath responded with a demonstration of his own size. He had seen that many times as a male made war over a female, often a demonstration could avoid conflict.

"Hey, we didn't invite this guy." Mark protested.

"Shut up, Mark. I invited him." Kathy told him.

Mark glared but went back to the piling of the deceased plants.

"That male wishes to mate with you." D'aath told Kathy.

"Not bloody fucking likely!" She broke out laughing.

"He will make war to claim you." D'aath told her.

The female again looked at him with that strange tip of her head.

The rest of what he now knew were humans showed no concern, just the one large male kept sending anger his way. D'aath realized he would need to watch that one closely.

Then he could no longer feel the thoughts, the Sun was sliding behind the horizon. It caused a sensation of wanting to find a secure place, where he could go dormant during the dark period to conserve.

D'aath moved closer to the flames, they felt good.

"Careful, Davey. That fire is hot, you might get burned." Kathy told him when he stood at the very edge of the flames.

D'aath moved back, sensing her concern. He did not want to, but understood.

As he watched, the mating dances began. This species demonstrated much like many others D'aath had witnessed, waving their appendages and bouncing up and down. A small machine was emitting sounds, it was a very loud chant.

That was also strange, these beings used machines for their mating rituals, rather than their own calls like most did?

Soon one of the females began to show acceptance as the upper bright decoration was cast aside. The other males all now let out loud sounds as the female leaned backwards and shook her upper torso.

That was interesting, the large masses of flesh swung back and forth furiously. There was a darker area on each gland, D'aath understood that was for nutrients for her young. That was very strange, he reached up and felt the glands his body had, they seemed similar.

Did the males also feed the young? D'aath sensed that they perhaps could, that was odd.

The female's dance and exposure appeared to be a demonstration of willingness as one male grasped her. The other males yelled even more as the male began to nurse.

That appeared odd also, if she had young then why was she feeding the male? It appeared to excite the other males, they all acted like they wished to feed also.

Unsure if this might mean battle over the female, D'aath quietly moved quietly back towards the shadows, even though the light from the burning was giving him traces of much needed energy.

Then as the mating rituals went on, the beings began to pair off more and more.

"There you are! Why are you hiding back here in the bushes?" He heard the female named Kathy say. He saw she had not yet cast aside her coverings?

D'aath was having a struggle understanding all that was happening.

She carried two containers of liquid, and handed him one. He studied it for a moment, it had a seal to keep the liquid inside. He had no idea at all of what to do with it.

"Give me that!" She took it and with a twist it was open.

Handing it back, she watched as D'aath tried to sense it. He felt no sense of the liquid being self aware although it did have life. When Kathy tipped hers to drink, he then did the same.

The liquid was actually rather good so he drank the rest of it to quench his thirst. He was thinking this was such a poor method of sustenance, yet from the appearance of the others it was a continual requirement.

Liquid was flowing in a nearby stream in what seemed to be adequate amounts, why package it?

Once again she was far too close, easily within range but now he decided that the colors and decorations were all for the mating ritual and she was not likely to be a threat.

She reached out and put her hand on his chest, gave him a gentle push. D'aath stepped backwards and she pushed gently again. Her feeding orifice curled upwards.

D'aath felt his back touch a large plant.

Then she reached behind herself and in one quick motion removed the upper decoration. That was interesting, it appeared her body was well designed for feeding her young. This was another thing he had witnessed in other species, although this was so different in that the feeding glands were very high.

Perhaps she expected him to feed?

Just as he was inspecting her in the dim light, trying to assure himself of her intentions, he felt something, barely.

There was a motion of the air moving so he leaned aside. The large male named Mark had approached closely and appeared to be in anger, having cast a blow.

The male turned and again lashed out but D'aath simply moved slightly. He had no desire to hurt any of this species, and certainly wished no combat.

"Mark! You knock your shit off!" Kathy yelled at him.

"What are you doing out here with this mother fucker?" Mark yelled, casting another ineffectual blow at D'aath.

"We were just talking, I brought him a beer. You leave Davey alone!" She said loudly. Her voice was now very high, agitated.

"Why do you have your fucking tits out, then?" Mark yelled, his sound also rising in pitch.

"It's none of your fucking business, you asshole!" Then she launched herself at Mark, the claws on both of her appendages still fully unsheathed.

The male blocked her with one hand, then drew back to strike at her.

D'aath moved instantly and lifted her, turned and placed her on the ground behind himself as the male's large paw slipped by where she had just been.

Mark was again preparing to swing, D'aath reached out and trapped the paw he had wadded up to lash out with. When Mark struck out with the other, D'aath grasped that one also.

That took energy and D'aath did not have very much left although this male seemed to be extremely weak. He lifted the man and carried him to a large plant, pressed him against the base of it. The being was extremely slow and surprisingly not very strong, even in D'aath's own weakened state he could easily defeat this male.

"Let go of me, asshole." Mark yelled.

"I do not wish to send you to the All, you must stop." He told the agitated male calmly. Mark struggled furiously but had no chance to get free. D'aath increased the pressure until he saw he had created pain. Then Mark relaxed, giving up.

"OK, OK! Let go of me!" He protested.

Releasing him and stepping back out of range, D'aath watched as the male stared at him, rubbing his appendages.

"Fuck it!" He muttered, then turned and walked away.

"Man, you sure handled that prick!" Kathy said behind him.

D'aath did not quite understand that, but then she dropped to her knees before him, reached out and tugged the lower garment down.

That part D'aath understood perfectly. It was very interesting, he had not expected mating to be this way. She was using the same orifice she utilized for sustenance.

But she was having a struggle, using just her lips and it kept slipping out of her mouth.

Somehow he understood that she wished it was larger plus the appendage required being more firm, so he allowed that.

Kathy came to a stop in surprise, holding D'aath's member with one hand, staring at it.

"Oh my God! I never saw one come up like this before! It was so little and now it's..?" Kathy muttered, then she began to act far more eager as she opened her mouth wide to slide over it.

He watched in fascination as she performed her ritual. She kept mumbling something about this not being possible.

D'aath thought this was really a very odd way to mate, obviously it was for the pleasure sensations. He stood there in fascination as she tried to get all of it into her mouth, not quite succeeding.

That was actually quite amusing.

Then he began to feel a powerful sensation, it was something he had never known.

He did understand that muscular contractions created pleasures, but this was far beyond anything he had ever felt.

Instead of a nearly instant expelling of the seeds, this was a time consuming ritual. It was so interesting that he held back, enjoying her efforts.

Kathy was now grunting and moaning. Sensing that she wanted to be touched, D'aath reached down with both hands to hold her face. He saw her eyes swing up to look at him, they were glazed. Then he felt her body shudder in contractions, he understood that she really liked what she was doing.

As the form he inhabited finally went into spasms, it took nearly all of his remaining energy.

D'aath felt his mind go blank.


"Are you OK Davey?" The female was saying. D'aath realized he had lost awareness, his energy was so far down that he knew he was very close to reverting to his natural state.

"Light. I need the light. The combustion, there is light there." He managed, his mind swimming.

"Light? Why? Oh, I get it! You like to look, huh?" Then she tipped her head back and laughed.

"Come on." She tugged at him, he managed to get to his feet. Kathy reached down and pulled up his lower covering. Looking around, she found her own upper covering and slipped it on.

"Damn, you are still hard as a fucking rock!" She exclaimed, looking at the bulge he made in the shorts.
