Chocolate Dreams Ch. 05 Pt. 02


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"We're making progress on my side," I told her. "But we won't be there in five days - maybe ten,"

"That means I have to get poor Brandi involved," she concluded. "If I don't, Mike will ruin Jordan's life"

'It looks like it," I said. "But, if I succeed before the trip, there will be minimal harm done, and we will have freed everyone from Mike. Doesn't that seem like a good solution?

"I doubt it's the one Brandi would pick if we asked her," Diane said morosely.

"You're probably right," I agreed. "But it's the only play we have. I can't let you go to Puerto Rico with Mike to be his personal plaything for two days and then get thrown to the wolves on the third."

"It does sound pretty horrible," Diane agreed. "It sounds like he wants to work the managers up to a drunken sexual frenzy and then let them loose on us. I admit I enjoyed parts of the 'parties' he threw with me as the guest of honor but I'm done with that. I'm very happy with where I am right now."

You're sure you're OK?' I asked again. "Can I get you something to eat, or a glass of wine?"

"Wine sounds good," she said. "and then bed."

I met with Rodger the next day to check on progress and see if anything could be done to speed up the investigation.

"It's going well, Dave," he told me. "But as I said, this takes time. It's clear something is going on - we need to track down exactly where and how.'

"Maybe we should squeeze one of his managers," I suggested.

"That's a thought, but we risk it getting back to him," Rodger pointed out.

"True...... I really want this bastard," I told him.

"Me too Dave," he told me. "And we will get him."

As we left for work two days later, Diane told me the meeting with Brandi was set for that morning.

"I don't know if I can do this Dave," she told me.

"What choice do you have?" I asked. "Don't worry, we will protect her."

That evening I arrived at her condo right before she did. Diane came in with a resigned look on her face.

"I hate myself," she told me. "I can't believe I did that. Poor Brandi, she's a mess."

You can tell me about it if you want to," I told her.

"Oh, I can do better than tell you, I can show you" she said. "Mike emailed both of us copies of the video to prove it existed."

She opened her laptop on the coffee table and started it up. Going to her email she found Mike's message and opened it. Mike had put 'Ladies at work' in the subject line. Diane clicked on the attachment and a video began to play. It looked like Mike had edited out the actual meeting - just the encounter between the two women was on the video.

The video began just as the marketing meeting ended and Jordan was standing, gathering his papers. Brandi and Diane were standing as well but they seemed to be staying to talk further. Brandi was about the same height as Diane, around 30 years old and blonde. She was attractive but not beautiful - slim, with a modest bust and long legs.

The room was one of the smaller conference rooms, with a table that fit eight people and credenzas at either end of the room. Whatever held the hidden camera was on the one away from the door so it could see people coming and going. It provided a good view of most of the room - the picture and sound quality were excellent.

Jordan left, closing the door behind him. The women moved to the end of the table so they could sit on either side of the corner and look at papers together. Before they sat down Diane said, "I'm looking forward to working together on this. I haven't had much chance to work with you before."

"Same here," Brandi said. "I'm glad Jordan paired us."

Diane hesitated, then said, "Before we get to this, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"I guess that's OK," Brandi replied.

Diane took a deep breath. "Thanks. I'm struggling with an identity crisis and I was hoping you could give me advice. I really respect what you've dealt with as a single mom. I think I'm done with men. I can't take their shit anymore. But I need to have I right thinking you're a lesbian?"

"Yes, I am," Brandi replied. "I've been pretty open about it. But what happened with you and Jordan?"

"Jordan?!" Diane said, surprised. "Why do you think I'm seeing Jordan? He's married."

"Office gossip," Brandi told her. "People have noticed that you're much nicer to him than you used to be and put two and two together. Sorry if I'm wrong."

I looked at Diane, arching my eyebrows and shaking my head. She was blushing as only she can. Office gossip knows all.

"Jordan and I are not together," Diane said emphatically. "If I'm nicer to him it's because I got tired of kicking a puppy."

"In a way that's too bad," Brandi said with a smile. "You could have confirmed rumors about his cock."

"His cock!?" Diane said. "What are the rumors?"

Brandi smiled and lowered her voice. "Rumor has it that he has a huge dick," she whispered conspiratorially.

"Really?" Diane said. "How would anyone know that?"

"I think it came from one of the sales managers," Brandi told her. "Who knows how he knows - maybe he saw it when they were both using the men's room."

'Or he saw it when Jordan was fucking Diane,' I thought.

"Interesting," Diane said. "But again, any rumors about him and me are not true."

"OK, sorry. What was your question?"

"Well, I was wondering, what's it like to have a relationship with another woman?"

Brandi thought about question. "In some ways, a lot like any relationship - a lot of the day-to-day issues are the same. But women are generally more supportive emotionally, and more willing to help with your problems."

"What know....the physical part?"

"Women are definitely more tender and caring about your pleasure." Brandi told her. "And, in my opinion, they know how to please other women far better than men do."

"But aren't there.... you know....missing parts?"

Brandi laughed. "That's what dildos are for Diane. Much better than a man - all the pleasure, none of the aggravation. I have one at home named Derek that may outdo the rumors about Jordan."

'Small world,' I thought.

"Oh! My goodness!" Diane laughed. She was an amazing actress.

"I guess I have a lot to think about," Diane mused. "I mean, I'm not even as far as that Katy Perry song, 'I kissed a girl...'

"Never been kissed by a girl?" Brandi asked. Diane shook her head no. "Would you like to fix that right now?"

Brandi went to the conference room door and locked it. She walked back to Diane and held out her arms.

"I don't even know where to put my arms," Diane told her.

"Around my neck would be perfect," Brandi said. "And I'll hold your waist."

They embraced and Brandi moved to kiss her. The kiss started as tentative, their lips together and tenderly touching each other. It quickly developed into a more passionate kiss with the two women holding each other tightly.

When they broke the kiss, still embracing, Diane said, "My goodness, that was a fantastic kiss!"

"Again?" Brandi asked and met Diane's lips again. This kiss lasted longer and was even more passionate. They parted to take a breath and kissed again. This time Brandi's hand left Diane's waist and went to her right breast, palming it through her blouse and bra.

"Mmmm," Diane moaned. Brandi took that as encouragement and moved to open Diane's blouse enough to slip her hand inside. Diane squirmed as she caressed her bra-covered breast. "Brandi...." Diane whispered as they broke the kiss.

Brandi continued to caress Diane's breast as they caught their breath.

"You have fantastic breasts," she told her. "I'd give a lot to have ones like this."

"Thank you," Diane replied. "But yours are very nice too."

"So firm," Brandi said as her hand moved under the blouse. "And the rumor mill definitely got one thing wrong."

"What?" Diane asked.

"The jealous bitches in the office all maintain that they're not real," Brandi told her.

Diane laughed. "They're all me. You can inspect them more closely if you like."

Brandi kissed her again, but now her hand slipped down Diane's side to her hip. She moved the hand between them to caress Diane's pussy through her skirt.

"Mmmm...mmmm," Diane moaned into Brandi's mouth. They broke apart again and Diane softly said, "Brandi....."

Brandi crouched in front of her, raising her skirt as she did and caressing Diane's legs.

"Let me show you one of the ways women please each other. Lean back on the table and move your legs apart."

When Diane had done that Brandi slid Diane's panties down her legs and put them on the table next to her. She began kissing Diane's thighs, her hand going to her pussy to caress her there.

"Ahhhhh...Brandi.." Diane whispered.

Brandi looked up. "You're wet," she said. "So ready."

"I arouse quickly," Diane said breathlessly. "But then....ah!.....I can be multi-orgasmic too."

"Poor you," Brandi said, moving her head to lap at Diane's slit. Diane's head went back in pleasure. "Mmmm..."

"Nice acting," I commented as we watched Brandi pleasure her.

"No acting necessary," Diane said back. "She's quite skilled."

"Better than me?" I asked in a mock offended tone.

"Different," Diane commented. "But you show promise of becoming a master."

Brandi looked up and told Diane, "Hop up onto the edge of the table, it will open you up more."

Diane gathered her skirt at her waist and hopped up, so that her rear was resting on the table edge. Brandi spread her legs and returned to her slit.

"Ah....oh, nice!"

Brandi's head moved up and down slightly, her tongue doing the work. Her hand joined her tongue; I guessed she now had several fingers in Diane and was stroking her with them.

"Ohhhh... Mmmmmm......Ah! Brandi! Your tongue is incredible!"

Diane's hips rose and began straining toward Brandi's face as she lapped at Diane's clit. I recognized the signs of an imminent climax.

"Oh my god! Oh, nice! So....wonderful!"

Brandi stayed in place, lapping at Diane as she eased down from her orgasm. Then she helped her slide off the table; once off, they kissed.

"Thank you Brandi," she said softly. "That was amazing. I hope you'll let me do the same for you - finish my first lesson?"

Brandi just kissed her in reply and Diane took charge. As they kissed she began caressing Brandi's breasts, producing a moan from her. In due time she undid buttons, exposed Brandi's bra, lowered one cup and sucked at the nipple she had exposed. "Ummm...Diane," Brandi gasped, holding Diane's head against her chest.

They shifted around so Brandi could sit on the edge of the table, much as Diane had. Diane took off her panties and moved to her slit. One of Brandi's legs went over a shoulder, the other stretched out to the side to open herself to Diane's attentions. We watched as Diane brought Brandi to a strong climax, so much so that she lay back on the table catching her breath for a few minutes.

"I think you passed the test," I joked. "Do you get a certificate or something?"

"She's so vulnerable," Diane answered. "She told me that was the first sex she had in six months that didn't involve 'Derek'".

We closed the video, both of us taking a deep breath to clear our minds.

"So, what happened after that?" I asked.

"After that," she told me, "We both got a summons from Mike. Come to his office IMMEDIATELY. We arrived about the same time; he was waiting by the door, waved us in and shut and locked the door."

"He told us to stand behind him and watch the computer screen. He said something like, 'Apparently the two of you don't know that I had video surveillance put into the sales conference room last month.' Brandi gasped and almost started crying. I said, 'So?'"

"So, I just watched a very steamy video of you two. And now I have a dilemma. Do I report this, and get both of you fired, or is there another solution?"

"He started the video where we began kissing just for effect. Said 'This isn't the best part, but you get the idea - nice quality, don't you think?' I just said, 'What do you want, Mike?' to him."

"What I that both of you belong to me now. Today, that means that you use those talented mouths on my cock. In a few weeks it means that you both take a four-day trip with me and the sales managers to Puerto Rico. That's non-negotiable. No cock, no trip - no job. And obviously, you go down together, pun intended."

"Brandi brought up her daughter and Mike told her to have her mother watch her - somehow he knew Brandi did that when she had to travel!"

"He's good," I remarked. "He knows almost everything about everyone he's targeting. What happened?"

"We agreed, of course," she said. "Brandi can't afford to lose her job. To prove we meant it Mike made us both suck him off. He was delighted to get pictures of the two of us licking him and alternating sucking him. I thought Brandi was going to cry, but she toughed it out. I'm sure he's going to be treasuring the pictures he took after he came on our faces."

"Son of a bitch! What about Puerto Rico?" I asked.

"She's going - both of us are, unless you pull a rabbit out of the hat."

"Don't give up hope," I told her.

The two weeks went by very quickly - too quickly. The documentation of Mike's crimes was slowly assembling, but slowly was the operative word. With just a few days left before the day Diane and Brandi would leave for Puerto Rico it was clear we would not be ready in time. I waited until we were settled for the evening at Diane's condo to break the news.

"I'm afraid I have some very bad news," I told her as we were sitting on the couch sipping wine. "There's no way we can confront Mike before Friday; we simply don't have enough of the pieces of the puzzle put together yet."

Diane's face fell at my words. "We have to go to Puerto Rico?"

"It seems so," I said. "We could suffer through what he could do to you, but I can't protect Brandi."

"Brandi isn't going to take this well," Diane observed. "It's going to be very hard for her to do this trip, and she's worried about losing her daughter if she doesn't. I feel terrible about her situation."

"This isn't your fault," I told her. "Mike was determined to compromise her whether he used you or not. You have to remember that Mike's the villain here, not you, and do what you can to help Brandi through it."

"I know," Diane said. "It's just hard to not blame myself for getting her into this. I'll talk to her tomorrow. We will get through this but promise me you will destroy Mike as soon as you can after we get back."

"You don't need to worry about that," I said bitterly. "All I have to do is think of him touching you and I want to kill him."

We went to bed but Diane was understandably restless all night, no doubt concerned about the trip and Brandi. I held her to try to comfort her but was certain that the next few days would be difficult.

To be continued very soon!

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wasagadavewasagadave5 months ago

The threesome with Diane, Dave and Jordan was very well written and really erotic.

But the story keeps going off the rails with sexual blackmail with the jerk Mike.

If I manage to finish reading these stories, Mike better pay dearly, or I'll be extremely disappointed.

Near the end of the story, Diane and Jordan keep fucking around. I guess when Dave advised, "no more fucking in the office" he expected them to stop having sex during the day. He's too patient! As much as he loves her, he's got to let her go! There's a lot of good women out there!

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