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Husband confronts his cheating wife.
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Ray walked into the room with an almost sadistic smile on his face and a large brown manila envelope in his hand. He was not a tall man, only about five foot nine inches tall, but he was built sturdily. He was not fat by any means but well built and he worked out five days a week at his companies club to keep himself that way. Ray had auburn hair that he always kept trimmed short, fair skin that only had a light tan and brown eyes that tended to go black when he was angry. His eyes were jet black now and narrowed.

Cindy, Ray's wife, was sitting on their couch watching a television program when he came in. She was shorter than Ray, only about five foot three inches tall but she weighed maybe ten pounds more. Cindy was Hispanic and she had the classic beauty of Hispanic women. She had striking black hair that flowed down to around her waist and large dark eyes. Her skin was a deep brown without any noticeable blemishes. Her breasts were large with very large nipples that stood erect when she was aroused. Her hips were full and rounded and her ass was pleasingly plump. Her belly was soft and padded but she was not grossly fat, just very pleasantly rounded.

Cindy didn't look up when Ray entered the room and he stood and studied her carefully. In just a few minutes their marriage would be very different. Cindy was about to have to make a choice. A very difficult choice, and Ray was not going to make it any easier for her. He walked over to the television and turned it off.

"Hey! Ray I was watching that." Cindy hissed at him and then she noticed his smile and his eyes and quickly went quiet. She knew that look and that look meant trouble. Ray had many moods but of them all this one was the most dangerous.

"Cindy, my wife, we have some choices to make." Ray said softly, bringing the envelope he was carrying up in front of him and opening it slowly. He paused, giving himself time to draw a single photograph from the envelope, and began studying it carefully. "We could say that this was a mistake, a lapse of judgment on your part. An error that could be corrected with time, counseling, and work." Ray studied the picture he was holding as he spoke, turning the picture to peer at it from several angles. "To do this would require that we both admit guilt and work to resolve our problems." He casually tossed the photo down on the coffee table in front of his wife.

As soon as she saw the picture Cindy gasped and stared at it feeling that her world was collapsing around her. The photograph clearly showed her in the throws of passion with her latest lover. The man in the pictures was laying on his back sucking furiously at one of her large breasts while she rode him. It was clear from both of their expressions that they were in the heat of sexual passion. In five years of marriage Cindy had had nine lovers. This one was just the latest. She couldn't help herself. When a man was forceful she had no power to resist him. Ray was usually not forceful with her, in fact it was usually her that controlled their relationship. That was not what she wanted or needed.

Ray pulled another photo from the envelope and began to study it as he spoke. "Or we could get a very nasty divorce. Of course these photographs would then find themselves reproduced many times and sent to the most embarrassing people. In the divorce you would end up with very little of our wealth due to the incriminating evidence. You would survive it of course, and I'm sure that your family would forgive you in time even if they never forgave me." Again he tossed the photo down onto the table in front of her.

This picture was also of her and her lover but from a different angle and clearly showed her lovers cock going into her cunt.

Cindy shuddered and then spoke. "How, how did you get these?" she asked.

"Shut up!" Ray roared, the sheer force of his voice pushing Cindy back into the couch. "You will not speak until I tell you to speak or this conversation ends and so does our marriage."

Cindy stared at Ray intently for just a second. She had never seen him so angry, so controlling, so forceful. If he had been like this earlier in their marriage she might have never began fucking around on him. Now because of what she had done she might lose him and despite her sleeping around she did love Ray. She had always loved Ray since the day they had met but she knew Ray well enough to know that the first option was not really possible. Once he got angry, working things out peacefully was not Ray's style. she had seen him destroy men in business when they angered him. She knew that he would not simply forgive her and that left a messy divorce.

Ray pulled another picture from the envelope he was holding. "Three photographs, three options?" He said once again speaking softly.'

"What was that? Three options?" Cindy thought. "What third option?"

"Hmm, could there be a third option? Do we have any options at all really?"

"Ray! I'm sorry." Cindy started to apologize but Ray quickly cut her off.

"Shut up!" he roared again. "Do not speak until I tell you to speak!"

"I thought." Cindy said quickly

"You stupid slut!" Ray said with sheer disgust in his voice as he interrupted her again. "What part of Shut up do you not understand?"

Cindy shut up and sat quietly staring at the floor. What was she going to do. Her family was devout catholic and very conservative. Her father would be disgraced, her mother appalled. Her brother might even try to hurt Ray, or kill him for what she had done and if he did Cindy knew Ray would kill him. Ray could be such a mean bastard but he had never been that way to her only to other people. And there was the money. Ray was very successful and they had more money than they could ever spend but he had said she wouldn't get it if it came to divorce. She had grown accustomed to living in luxury and didn't want to go back to being poor.

"Oh why can't I keep my legs together?" She thought. "Why can't I resist men?"

"Look at me." Ray said quietly and Cindy looked up at him. "Keep looking at me until I tell you that you may look away." Ray took a deep breath and then continued. "The first option is obviously out. I am not even in the photos - how could I share your guilt?" Ray paused but Cindy did not answer. He smiled and then continued. "So, unless we can find a third option I guess I better go get copies of these photos made. Lots of copies." Ray smiled his sadistic smile and reached down to scoop the pictures up and slide them back into the envelope. "Unless you have a third option? You may speak if you do."

"Ray, oh Ray, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me Ray. I won't do it again. I'll do anything you ask!" she was almost babbling afraid that he would not let her talk long enough to convince him she was sorry.

"Anything I ask, Hmm. Cindy you should not promise things you don't intend to do." Ray said.

"Oh but I do mean it Ray. I do mean it. Anything you want. Anything! Really." Cindy said thinking that there might be hope yet.

Ray smiled thinly. "If I give you this chance will you let me down?" He asked his now sobbing wife.

"Oh no Ray, I'll do whatever you want." Cindy said with conviction.

Ray shook his head sadly. "No, I have no assurance of that, and you have not proven yourself to be exactly trustworthy, have you?"

"You can keep the pictures and if I ever fail then you can divorce me and send the pictures to whoever you want! Please Ray give me a chance." Cindy pleaded with her eyes.

"Well you do have a point. I don't have anything to lose by giving you one chance, but these are the rules." Ray said pulling a sheet of paper out of the envelope and handing it to her.

Cindy started reading the paper and felt her world turn upside down. If she agreed to this she would be his slave, literally. She looked at Ray and realized that if she didn't he would carry through on his threat to disgrace her. She read the full list.

Rule 1. Obey any order I give you, instantly without hesitation.
Rule 2. You will not speak without permission.
Rule 3. You will wear only what I tell you to wear.
Rule 4. You will call me 'Master' whenever we are alone or whenever I instruct you to do so in public. Otherwise in public you will call me 'Ray'.
Rule 5. Any violation of these rules will result in punishment to be determined solely by me."

Cindy finished reading the five simple rules. It was obvious that this had been Ray's goal all along. Still she had no doubt that if she did not concede he would carry through on his threat. In all the time she had known Ray he had never bluffed anyone. It was his motto of sorts to never make a bluff you weren't prepared to have called. This made him terrible at poker but now convinced her that she had no choice. "Besides." She thought. "This could be exactly what I have yearned for too."

"I'll do it." She said quietly.

"Good. Now let's go into the bedroom and get you dressed for tonight." Ray smiled. He knew that Cindy had no idea what was in store for her but he also knew she would love it. He had known for two years that she was having one affair after another. At first he had been hurt, almost destroyed and then he had worked through his feelings. He had began studying the men Cindy chose to fuck and realized they were all controllers, men who took control and had dominating personalities. He had decided then and there that he would take his wife back.

They walked into the bedroom and Cindy's eyes grew wide as she saw the items carefully laid out on the bed. There was a white silk blouse, the material so fine and soft that it shimmered in the light. Beside the blouse there was a short black skirt. Cindy didn't know just how short it would be on her but she was sure that she had never worn one quite so daring. A pair of black stockings were laid out as well as a pair of black high heeled shoes. What really drew Cindy's attention though was the leather harness with its two inch butt plug and venus vibrator.

Ray let her look over the assortment and then said "Strip and then put it on slut! That is your outfit for tonight."

Cindy almost hesitated but she caught the look in Ray's eyes and quickly began to strip. When she was completely nude she reached for the stockings. Ray quickly barked. "No! Put on the harness first." He handed her a small bottle of anal lubricant and smiled at her expression.

Cindy had never worn a butt plug. She did enjoy anal sex if the man was small enough and as she thought about it the idea of wearing a butt plug during sex excited her. She lubricated the butt plug and then reached down between her legs to spread some of the slick liquid around her ass hole. She stepped into the harness and pulled it up between her legs and then squatted and began to push the plug into her ass. At first it hurt but she tried to relax and soon it slipped in a little. She continued to push it in until it was all the way in her ass hole then she stood up and fastened the harness around her.

Ray walked over and checked the harness and the butt plug to make sure everything was on correctly and gave a little grunt. "Good job. I didn't know you knew how to put one of these on slut!" He said to her.

"Now finish getting dressed." Ray said and stood watching as she pulled on the stockings, put the garter on and then finally slipped on the blouse and skirt. She stepped into the shoes he had laid out for her and then stood waiting for his instructions.

"Kneel down and suck my cock slut!" Ray said roughly.

Cindy instantly moved in front of him and knelt down. She unzipped his slacks and pulled his soft cock from his pants. Even soft Ray's cock was a good seven inches long and maybe two inches across. Cindy began by holding his cock up and licking the bottom, tracing a line from his large balls to the very tip. She moved her tongue in a circle around the head of his cock and then licked back down all the way to his balls again. By the time she had finished this circuit Ray's cock was hard as a rock and now stood almost nine inches long and a full three and a half inches across. When Cindy's tongue reached the head of his cock again she sucked it into her mouth and let her tongue flick around the head.

Ray groaned and put one hand on the back of Cindy's head. He began moving his hips. Rocking them forward and then back, pushing his cock farther into Cindy's mouth until five inches were disappearing between her lips and then being pulled back out. Ray moaned again and then held her head and forced his cock all the way into her mouth. He paused momentarily when he felt the back of her throat but then pushed harder and sent his cock farther in.

Cindy gagged momentarily on Ray's big cock but regained her composure and began sucking in earnest. Ray fucked her mouth furiously now and all Cindy could do was let him and breath when he pulled out slightly. Ray pumped his cock into his wife's mouth for another five minutes and then he moaned.

"I'm gonna cum slut. Drink my cum bitch. Yeah, oh yeah!" Ray's cock began pumping his cum into Cindy's mouth and down her throat. She swallowed as fast as she could but she could not keep up with the flow and soon cum began to drip out of her mouth and run down her chin. Ray finished cumming and let Cindy lick the cum from her chin and then lick around the head of his cock, cleaning him. Then he stuffed his cock back into his pants.

"Do your hair and makeup." Ray said as he walked to the door of the bedroom. "And don't take long, our reservations are for seven thirty." Ray turned and left the bedroom.

Cindy looked at the alarm clock by the bed and realized it was almost six already and then it hit her. "Reservations? Surely he did not intend for her to go out like this? Oh shit! I can't wear this damn plug for very much longer." She thought.

Cindy dressed quickly and looked in the mirror. Without a bra her nipples were almost visible through the material of the blouse and the skirt was so short that even standing up straight it barely covered the cheeks of her rounded butt. It was also loose fitting and that meant that she would have to be careful when she walked or it would bounce up and expose her to the world. She pulled the skirt down as much as she could and then brushed her long hair and pinned it back away from her face. She applied her makeup, trying hard to make herself as pretty as she could and then she went out to the living room. Already the butt plug was more than uncomfortable and she realized that she was moving her hips more than she should when she walked because of it.

Ray looked at his watch when Cindy came out of the bedroom. "Good girl. Come over here." Cindy walked over to him wondering what he was going to do. "Since you were so quick you may raise your skirt and bend over." Ray said and then waited as she did as he said. He unbuckled the strap that went between her legs and held the butt plug in place and slid the plug out gently making her groan with relief. "Now you may stand up." He said. "You have five minutes and then we will put the plug back in and go to supper."

"Ray, I mean Master, I can't wear this in public." Cindy said after straightening back up.

"Did I say you could talk slut?" Ray yelled at her and Cindy immediately looked down.

She had forgotten that she was only allowed to talk when he told her she could. "Damn this is going to be hard." She thought.

"Answer me." Ray said quietly.

"No Master, I'm sorry." Cindy said quietly. Maybe if she could just make it through this night he would have enough of this and things could get back to normal. A part of her hoped not though.

"Bend over and lift your skirt again." Ray said. He waited for her to do as he said and then brought his hand down hard on her ass leaving an angry red hand print. "Thank me and count." He said.

"Th - Thank you Master. One" Cindy said quickly.

Ray swatted her ass again and she said "Thank you Master. Two."

This continued to the count of ten and then Ray stopped. He waited for just a few seconds and then spread Cindy's ass cheeks and roughly pushed the butt plug back into her ass. Then he fastened the strap back to hold it in place. "Now stand up." He said.

Cindy stood and let the skirt fall over her now sore ass. She had tears on her cheeks but she was trying her hardest to do everything Ray told her to do.

Ray turned her around and then reached under her skirt and flicked a small switch on the venus vibrator. It instantly came to life vibrating gently against Cindy's clit and pussy lips. "Oh!" escaped from Cindy when she realized that the butt plug was also vibrating gently. Her juices began to flow within a few seconds but she tried to keep her composure.

Ray pulled a small radio control from his pocket and used his thumb to adjust a dial. Inside her ass and on her pussy the vibrations increased slightly.

"Ugh!" she moaned and then looked at Ray. He was smiling at her with a lecherous look.

"Come on. It's time to go."

Cindy rode in the passenger seat with Ray driving as they drove into the downtown area. They pulled up in front of a restaurant that Cindy had never been in before and a young man opened the door for her. She tried hard to keep herself from being totally exposed as she stepped out of the car but she could tell from his eyes that he had seen enough. Ray came around and gave the keys to the young man and accepted the valet ticket from him. Ray turned off the vibrators with his remote control and then they walked into the restaurant. The man at the front desk saw Ray and greeted him by name and then quickly ushered them to their table.

As Cindy and Ray walked to their table Cindy could feel every eye on her. She felt sure that everyone knew she had the butt plug in and the vibrator on her clit. As they were seated Ray turned the vibrators back on she felt sure that everyone around could see and hear what was under her skirt and she blushed bright red.

Ray ordered for them both and after the waiter had gone he smiled. "What's the matter slut don't you like being on display? You may answer me when I direct a question to you tonight." Ray said

"Yes Master I do like being on display, but I am dripping wet from the vibrators." Cindy said. "I wonder if anyone has noticed."

"And what if they do? Do you think any of these people will say anything?" Ray laughed.

"No Master I'm sure they won't but what will they think?" Cindy said softly.

"They will think you are a slut, and they will be right. You are a slut and from now on you will be my slut." Ray said smiling.

"Yes Master, I will be your slut!" Cindy said even softer.

"Did I say you could talk without being asked a question? You will pay for that one later slut." Ray said.

Before their food came Ray once again gave Cindy some relief by turning off the vibrators and then he surprised her when he gave her a small plastic bag and then told her to go to the restroom and remove the harness and bring it back in the bag. She was very glad he let was going to let her remove the butt plug because her poor ass was already so sore from the constant stretching that she could barely stand it.

They ate their meal in silence and then Ray made her go back to the restroom and put the harness back on. When she returned they sat and enjoyed their drinks. Finally Ray paid the bill and they left. Once again Cindy felt as though everyone was watching her as she moved through the restaurant and the combined effect of the butt plug and the constant stimulation from the vibrator had made walking almost impossible for her. Three times on the way to the door she stumbled and Ray had to hold her up or she would have fallen.

When they got outside they asked for their car and a different young man brought it around to them. They got inside and started for home. Once they were moving Ray looked over at Cindy and smiled. "Take off your blouse and then lean over here and suck my cock."