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He cocked a grin at Spencer as he pulled open the freezer and tossed him an ice pack. "Beer?"

"Definitely. After the way your girlfriend drives." Spencer jerked his thumb in Cassandra's direction, and she snarled at him.

"Tell me about it," he joked. "We don't let her out of the house much." When Cassandra smacked Alan's head in response, he shot back, "What? It's the truth."

Alan pulled two bottles of beer from the fridge and popped the tops, handing Spencer one.

Spencer took a swig and swallowed it hard. "Thanks."

"I've always wanted to hit Brandon. I'm so jealous. What did he do?"

"Said some shitty things about Lindsey... and Mel too."

Cassandra sneered. "I hate him so much."

She took a long look at Spencer and asked, "How long have you known Lindsey?"

"Since we were kids. We grew up together. Melissa and I were dating back then. Then, when she came to California and cheated on me with Brandon, Lindsey was there for me. She listened and supported me. We became good friends till she left town to work for Melissa. When Lindsey went back to Middletown for her father's funeral I reconnected with her and the old feelings came rushing back. I thought we had something going, but when that guy Carson appeared with Brandon..."

"Oh, I hate him too. Such a sleazebag. Good thing Mel got rid of him. You should hit him too," Cassie exclaimed.

Both guys laughed.

"When Lindsey came back to LA, I..." Spencer blushed. He still possessed an innocence that allowed him to open his heart to strangers.

"You followed her..." Cassandra completed the sentence.

"Yeah, I don't want her out of my life."

"Smart man. You picked the good sister this time. I love Mel but she can be a bit..."


"Yeah, sit down, please." Cassandra indicated a couch with a wave of her hand. She sat down on another couch and remained deep in thought for a long time.

"First of all, I heard how Linds talked about you while she was in Middletown. She likes you, she really really likes you."

Spencer's insides warmed with that revelation, even if he had already hoped for it to be true. "Good, because I like her a lot and I want to be with her."

Cassandra's smile grew bigger.

"Well, that will help things. We already know how you feel about Brandon, which is another point for you."

The mere mention of that douche's name soured Spencer's mood. "I want to kick the living shit out of that guy. He's lucky I only hit him once."

"I call dibs on the next Brandon beat down," Alan said seriously as he turned toward Cassandra and jerked his head to Spencer. "I like this guy."

"So, what do you plan on doing about Lindsey?" Cassandra asked.

Spencer shook his head. "I don't know."

"Did you really come out here without any sort of plan at all? Nothing? Just thought you'd show up and be all hot looking," she waved a hand in his general direction, "and she'd fall at your feet?"

"So, your girlfriend thinks I'm hot?" Spencer directed the question toward Alan.

"So I heard."

"Will you two stop the bromance already," Cassandra said with a frown. "Your plan?"

"I didn't come here with a plan. I just wanted to spend time with her and give our love a chance."

Cassandra made a reproving sound with her mouth.

"You've seen too many romantic movies. How has that worked out for you?" she asked, cocking her head to one side.

"Not great," Spencer admitted. "She'd rather remain in her sister's shadow, instead of taking a chance with me. That's the core of the problem."

"Fortunately for you, you have me in your corner." Cassandra rubbed her hands together. "I have a brilliant idea. Hear me out before you say no, okay?" Cassandra's tone had turned serious.

Alan raised his eyebrows and took another sip of beer. "I know that expression. This is going to be good."

She outlined the details of her idea, excitedly going through each point one by one.

When she finished, Spencer looked over at Alan, feeling a brotherly bond with him already. "You think this is a good idea?"

"I do, actually. It's sort of brilliant if you're up for it."

"I think I could pull it off." Taking another swig of beer, Spencer added, "I hope."

"You can do it," Alan reassured him.

It was something completely out of his comfort zone, but he was willing to do it.

"And you think it will work?"

"Hell yes, it'll work. Lindsey is a romantic at heart, and she'll never expect this from you. She knows that this will be a totally uncharacteristic thing for you to do, so she'll melt over it," she added. "The fact that we'll kick Brandon's ass in the process is just the icing on the cake."

Spencer nodded in agreement, praying this would be enough. "Why are you helping me?"

Her expression softened. "Because I love my best friend, and I know she wants to be with you, even if she doesn't want to admit it. She and her sister are going through a lot of stuff right now, and she's trying so hard to be strong in every aspect. I'm proud of her, but this thing with you... I think she would regret it eventually if she let you walk away."


Lindsey's head was confused. She didn't know what the right thing to do was when it came to Spencer. She wanted him in her life the second she saw him.

Her phone started to ring with Cassandra's ringtone and she reached for it.

"Hello? Cassie? Is everything okay?"

"Turn on Channel Six right now."

"What now?" Nerves coursed through Lindsey's body at what she assumed was more bad news. Probably some cockamamie story Brandon was telling the press about Spencer and her." Mel can't take any more bad press, Cassandra."

"Lindsey Anne Carpenter, turn on Channel Six this instant before I hunt you down and hurt you!" she screamed into the phone before hanging up on her.

"Apparently we need to turn on Channel Six," Lindsey told Melissa before looking around the room for the remote.

She switched to the right channel and felt the color drain her face immediately.

"Oh my God, is that Spencer?" Mel asked as Lindsey all but fell back onto the couch.

Spencer looked incredibly hot in a navy blue suit as he sat across from Ashlee Yang, a well-known entertainment reporter with golden skin and long dark hair.

"What is he doing on TV?" Lindsey breathed out to no one in particular, knowing how uncomfortable he had to be.

She pumped the volume up until she could hear Spencer loud and clear. She recognized the candles adorning the wall behind him, along with the other artwork that barely showed in the television frame. He was at Cassandra's house. Reaching for one of the couch pillows, Lindsey pulled it to her stomach and squeezed it against her.

Ashlee smiled at Spencer and asked, "Would you care to clear up the rumors about you and Mel cheating long before Brandon ever did?"

Spencer wet his lip and answered in a calm and collected voice, "Melissa and I have known each other since we were kids. We dated in high school. She left our town to try her luck in California ten years ago. I reconnected with Mel and Lindsey a few weeks ago at their father's funeral service, when she and Brandon had already broken up because he cheated on her. Even so, nothing happened between us. If Brandon says otherwise, he is lying. I think everyone knows the kind of person he is. Every time he opens his mouth, he gives people a new reason to dislike him."

"Why did you hit him?"

"What? Spencer hit Brandon? When had they even seen each other? Why didn't you tell me?" Melissa turned to look at her sister.

"I was busy talking with the lawyer and Cassie. I'll explain everything to you later."

Spencer shifted on his couch, cleared his throat, and said, "I hit him because he said horrible things about Lindsey and Mel. The kind of things a gentleman should never say about a lady. But we all know Brandon is not a gentleman but a douche."

"We have an exclusive recording of the event," Ashlee announced.

A photo of a drunken Brandon Allen filled the screen while the recording was played on air.

"How has everyone not seen through your act yet?"

"Because I bring fun and excitement to their pathetic, small lives. That's why they are obsessed with us. We act like a drug. They can't have enough of us.

"Everything that happened lately was a charade. Carl Carson came with the idea of me cheating on Mel and leaking the video to the media. We break up and she is heartbroken. Then I apologize to her and beg for her forgiveness and we are together again. Best publicity stunt ever. The public and the media ate up the whole thing!"

"You're disgusting!" a caption read Lindsey Carpenter's voice.

"Your sister didn't think the same when I was in bed with her..."

"Wow! This is breaking news!" Ashlee exclaimed with excitement. "I suppose this was the moment when you punched him."

"Well, he got even nastier for a couple of more minutes... he said he would do naughty things to Lindsey... and then I punched him."

"So you admit to assaulting him, which is what Brandon is claiming."

"No, I admit to punching him. Once. In the jaw.

"Would you do it again?"

"If he talks about Lindsey the way he did then yes, I would. I was defending my friend's honor. A true man stands up for what's right. I don't understand why you all are taking his side."

"We don't take Brandon's side," Ashlee defended herself.

"It sure seems that way. Well, not you particularly, but the press in general."

"Well, I'm sorry we've given you that impression, Spencer. Brandon tends to speak out a lot."

"He's a liar and he's conniving. He gets pleasure out of throwing innocent people under the bus to save his own skin. Brandon is the type of guy who only cares about himself, and he doesn't mind who he hurts in the process."

"Are you referring to Mel or yourself?"

Spencer looked straight at the camera. "Whatever lie Brandon might say about me won't hurt me. People at home know me and they know the kind of man I am. But I don't like him hurting my friends, or anyone else, with the stories he tells. When he gets caught doing something wrong, he can't own up to it. He doesn't apologize. Instead, he makes up a story and hides behind it. That's what cowards do."

Ashlee Yang was nodding to every word Spencer was saying, "A lot of people feel the same way that you do about Brandon. But let's move on. How did you meet Mel?"

"As I told you before, we grew up together in Middletown, a small town in the Northwest."

"And now you're here in Los Angeles. Why exactly?"

"I came here looking for Lindsey, Mel's sister and assistant."

"Why? Are you and Lindsey in love?"

Spencer looked straight at the camera when he said, "Well, I'm in love with her. And I know she feels the same way about me. But it's complicated."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because Lindsey is committed to her job as Mel's assistant. And she's willing to sacrifice everything for her sister, even her own happiness. So I came looking for her hoping she would give our love a chance."

Lindsey's heart skipped a beat at his very public declaration. Of course, Spencer had made that very statement to her a few hours ago in the back alley, but this was on national television for the whole country to see and hear. Including everyone back in their hometown.

Ashlee Yang smiled at Spencer, who was red as a boiled lobster, "I'm sure it can't be easy for a small-town boy like you to confess your love in such a public way, Spencer."

He laughed. "I am. And no, it's not easy. But Lindsey is worth it. She's the kind of girl you fight for and pray she'll choose you."

The camera zoomed in a close-up on Ashlee's face. "I hope all the guys across the country are taking notes tonight because this is how you do it. Good luck, Spencer."

Mel snuggled at her sister's side. "I'm sorry, Linds. I should have known better. I knew from the moment I went to bed with Brandon that Spencer and I were never getting back together. I kept thinking that by some miracle the two of us would end up together like he would show up and say he can't live without me. But I know that what we had is long over. The only reason I acted like a jealous bitch is because someone else wanted you instead of me. And not just any someone, but Spence."

Mel squeezed her sister in a tight hug.

"I should have told you about my feelings for Spencer," Lindsey confessed to her sister.

"Why did you keep it from me?" Even as Mel asked the question, she knew the answer. "Did you think I wouldn't be happy for you because I've royally screwed up with Spence?"

"Yeah, something like that," Lindsey admitted.

"Well, you're right," Mel said and both sisters laughed. "But I'm happy he's staying in the family. Spence is one of the finest men I know. I was an idiot doing what I did to him."

They hugged each other tight and shed tears of happiness.

"I have to go," Lindsey said as tears streamed down her face.

"Yes, you do. Go and get your man. And bring him over here for dinner!" she shouted after her as her sister ran out of the room.


After pulling to a screeching stop in Cassandra's driveway, Lindsey all but sprinted inside the front doors. The camera crews had already packed up and gone, but she could hear the sound of Spencer and Alan's voices filling the air as she rushed through the house.

"Spencer!" she shouted as the sound of a chair scooting across the tile floor hit her ears.


They both rounded corners at the same time and stopped at opposite sides of the kitchen.

"Are you mad at me?" Spencer said, then took a tentative step toward Lindsey.

She bolted toward him and surprised him by jumping into his waiting arms. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she squeezed him as tightly as she could.

"I can't believe you declared your love for me on national TV," she said softly against his neck.

Spencer shivered, and Lindsey smiled to herself as his grip on her tightened. He pulled his head back, his eyes meeting hers.

"Cassandra thought it would be a good idea to make a big gesture. She and Alan helped me a lot. They are great."

"Yeah, we did and we are," Cassandra shouted from somewhere in the dining room. "Alan and I want to be the godparents of your first kid."

Spencer rested his forehead against hers, a smile on his lips. "I love you, Linds."

"I love you too," she admitted for the first time as her heart clicked into place, making her feel whole. "I'm so sorry it took me so long to get my head out of my ass."

"Lindsey, I meant every word I said. You're worth it. I was ready to fight for you and do whatever it took to win your love."

"Shut up and kiss me."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Spencer crushed his lips against hers, all his feelings pouring out as their mouths melted into one. Lindsey kissed him back with passion, for all the nights she had dreamed of him, wishing they were together.

Spencer lowered her gently to the counter, his hands never breaking contact with her body, their mouths still connected.

"Jeez, get a room already," Alan pretended to complain as he walked past them.

They pulled apart, smiles on both their faces. "Maybe we can christen the guest room?" Lindsey asked loud enough for Cassandra to hear, and she groaned.

"Damn it, Linds, we had just remodeled it to new!"

"Would you take me home?" She looked up at Spencer. He looked happier and more relaxed than she had ever seen him.

"Home? Like the hotel?" he asked her.

"No, Spence. Home like Middletown. Our home."


Brandon dropped the assault charges after the Ashlee Yang show was aired. He delivered a public apology that no one believed. Too little too late, as they say.

When people heard the recording, it was Brandon open season. The newspaper aired all the dirty laundry they had collected about him over the years.

The final nail in the coffin came a couple of days later when Mel revealed details of her relationship with him and Carl Carson and explained why she decided to fire her old team and hire a new one. After that, Brandon and Carson were on the top of the list of the most hated people in Hollywood.

Hiring Hilda Bohan had been the best career decision Mel had ever made. Under her expert management, Mel's acting career flourished. She got more serious and daring roles. Her performance in her next movie got the attention of the critics and the public.

Spencer and Lindsey stayed in LA for three more weeks, till Lindsey was satisfied with Mel's new assistant. They both promised to visit Mel as often as they could before flying back to Middletown.

Spencer's parents and Lindsey's mother were waiting for them at the airport and a long queue of cars and trucks followed them home. The couple was given a celebrity welcome when they arrived at Middletown.

It didn't take long for the press to find out exactly where Middletown was. Fans, camera crews, and reporters, took over the small town by assault. Spencer freaked out, feeling responsible for ruining the people's quiet lives, but the truth was that he helped give the old town new life.

Laura and Percy's Bed and Breakfast was filled to capacity on most weekends, thanks to the busloads of tourists that wanted to know Mel Dawn's birthplace and Spencer's workshop.

Spencer and Lindsey moving in together might have seemed crazy to some, too soon to others, but it felt right to them. It still does.

Waking up in Spencer's arms each morning is the highlight of Lindsey's day.

Spencer's furniture company did more business in the next months than he had done in the last years.

Lindsey took charge of the sales process. One of the first things she did was use her long list of contacts to promote their furniture. LA snobs loved them.

Very soon, they had more orders than they could handle. Spencer hired some help and expanded his business, but, at some point, he refused to become a mass-production store.

They would never be rich, but they were certainly happy.

Lindsey was admitted to the University of Portland and started attending classes in the fall. She took marketing classes at night. It was a difficult adjustment for them but somehow they made it work.

They traveled to LA as often as they could, and when they got together with Cassandra and Alan, it was always a loud and fun time.

As promised, she and Alan were the godparents of their first baby boy.


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XluckyleeXluckylee5 months ago

Another 5 stars from Xluckylee. Your writing is so special.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Loved it, such a grand romantic story. Not sure how I missed it the first time. 5*, so far everything I recall of your work has been 5*

ironman1017ironman1017about 1 year ago

Why the author made Spencer have to chase Lindsey I’ll never understand. She would be lucky to have a guy like him and she’s willing to throw it all a way to keep being a doormat for her sister? And don’t even get me started on how shallow and crappy a person Mel is. She never really loved Spencer, because if she did not only would she have never cheated on him she would’ve come back to town and tried to win him back a long time ago. She can’t even properly apologize let alone actually put in any effort to win him back. The fact their parents let Lindsey and Mel be such crappy people is astonishing. Someone should’ve called them on their crap long ago. The author must hate someone named Spencer because he is doomed to a life of pain and always coming last if he has anything to do with Mel or Lindsey. Mel will always put her career first and Lindsey will always put her sister first.

EzoA45FEzoA45Fover 1 year ago

did not finish, stopped at half.

dialogue was real crap. and I don't know which sister I disliked more – one was a bitch, the other an IDIOT who spent her life being a slave for the bitch.

really, why was Lindsey trying to get them back together when she loved the guy herself? beyond dumb. I have more respect for the bitch.

OrcaorcinusOrcaorcinusover 1 year ago

I liked the story quite a bit, but I agree with BrookeTabby, the ending felt rushed.

Not that it needed a sequel necessarily, but the compressed pace started to quickly and felt to jarring. I'd suggest trying the last page or with the same length, but leave the plot at the kiss and flesh out the sister scene. Mel's sudden understanding and reversal was to sudden. Their talk needed more depth, more than we needed the GHE recap. Especially in a long standing series, for in that they're doing fine as an aside in another story.

Back to the good: I like the depth you're working into your characters and your writing style. The paving for the bulk of the story felt right for what the characters were experiencing. I like your nearly perfect little town and the interwoven story that you've created for it.

Thanks for sharing your writing!

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