Choices Ch. 03


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Brad took off his artificial leg and sat down on the edge of the tub, dangling his legs in the water. He closed his eyes, I knew that had to feel good.

I looked over at Tom, he was starting to put the meat on the grill. He looked at me with a smile.

"I think I will go join them." I told him. He grinned some more at that. So I walked over to the edge of the tub, reached down and pulled off my tube top. Jonathan's eyes got larger as my bare breasts swung free. Cindy sat with her elbows on the edge of the tub, her small bust above the water, unconcerned.

I pushed my shorts down my legs, stepped out of them. Jonathan's eyes dropped down to my crotch, I knew he could see me clearly since my pubic hair was carefully trimmed, I had shaved most of it earlier before I took the bike ride.

I felt a little flush at being looked at as I slid into the water. Glancing over at Tom, I saw his eyes were gleaming. I grinned to myself.

"How is your leg doing?" I asked Brad as I slipped under the water. It was warming up nicely now.

"It's fine, the water feels good. I should have thought of this before. I think I will have one of these put in at my house down at Florence."

"We should use ours more, I don't know why we don't." I said, just making idle conversation. I glanced over at Cindy and Jonathan, they were sitting pretty close. I realized I was sitting pretty close to Brad, too. Our hot tub was oval, and really intended for just two or perhaps three people. I slid over to one side, leaned back and let one of the main water jets pound at my back. The force of the water pushed me forward off the seat for a moment, I bumped legs with Jonathan. He looked at me oddly, I just scooted back, not thinking anything of it. The water was getting warm now, very warm.

"Can you turn the heater back down to normal?" I called out to Tom.

"Got my hands full." He said. I sat there a minute, it was getting too warm quickly. I climbed out of the tub and crossed the deck, switched the control back to the center. Then I went over and grabbed a towel and dried off, aware that they were all watching me. I pulled on my shorts and slid the tube top into place, went inside and started heating some frozen corn, then made a salad.

I took the food out and set it on the table, just then Jonathan climbed out of the tub. He picked up a towel, began to dry himself. He didn't seem the least bit shy standing there with half an erection. His penis was very long and thin, the head of it was easily twice as big as the shaft. I managed to not giggle, but it looked funny since it pointed straight out and curved downward. I glanced up and he had caught me looking, I just grinned at him. I did notice his expression still seemed odd, almost upset, but I dismissed that.

Just then Tom started stacking grilled chicken on a platter, Jonathan pulled on his pants, leaving his underwear off. Cindy climbed out and dried herself off, she walked over and sat down at the table, still nude. I noticed she was completely bare, an obvious wax job. Brad struggled up, stood up on his one good leg and hopped over to the table, sat down next to Jonathan.

It seemed strange, three men and one woman dressed, Cindy sitting there naked eating a drumstick.

Tom made a wisecrack at Cindy, then asked her when she had done that. It was obvious he meant her bare pussy.

"I got waxed down at the spa. I got tired of shaving it." She said, reaching for her wine glass.

"I think it looks nice." Jonathan said, looking at me.

"You should try that too." He told me, grinning.

"I don't know about getting it yanked out by the roots." I said.

"It doesn't really hurt." Cindy told me. She was already starting to slur her words.

I let the subject drop, after the meal I gathered up the plates and took everything inside. Cindy was back in the hot tub by the time I came out, Tom and Brad were sitting at the table talking over some beers. I sat down and opened one, took a sip.

The two of them were talking about their job, something about a crane coming in in the morning to lift some steel beams into place. I just sat there and listened.

"You should try that too." Tom told me out of the clear blue sky.

"Try what?"

"Getting yourself waxed." He grinned at me.

"Oh. Why?"

"I just think it would look good."

"I have never even thought about it." I said, glancing over at Cindy and Jon. They were obviously fiddling around under the water.

"I like the way I look now." I told him.

"What do you think, Brad? Should I get my pussy waxed?" I leaned his way, grinned at him. He squirmed a bit at that.

"Well, do you think it would look better that way, or do you like it the way it looks now?" I pressed.

"You look fine just the way you are." He managed. Tom was grinning, so I leaned in close to him and smiled.

"See? Brad really likes the way my pussy looks." I whispered, loud enough that I knew Brad could hear. "He should know, he has seen it several times."

Tom flushed, the tease was getting to him. I could have kept after him but I smiled sweetly and didn't say any more. He gulped a couple of times.

It was starting to cool off outside, Cindy and Jon climbed out of the hot tub. We were treated to another display of the two of them drying off naked. Jonathan was now almost fully erect but his penis still had that long downward curve. The head was huge, the shaft was thin, it really did look odd. I saw him glance over and catch me watching, he turned sideways like he was displaying himself to me. Tipsy, I stifled a giggle, noticed he got a dark look on his face so I looked away.

I was really starting to feel fuzzy, an earlier glass of wine and now my 2nd beer were having it's effect. Cindy was way past that, she was stumbling. We decided that everyone would just stay over.

Brad went into his room, Jonathan we put upstairs, Cindy had fallen asleep on the couch so I just slid a blanket over her and left her there.

Tom and I went to bed, we lay there for a long time. He was curled up beside me, his hand rubbing me slowly. I fell asleep after a few minutes of that, we didn't make love as the food and drinks took their toll.

Brad and Tom were gone when I woke up, we had already decided that I would drive Jon and Cindy back to their apartment. I got dressed and went out into the living room.

There was nobody there, I listened and heard noises from upstairs. I went up to check, not thinking. The door was open, I looked in and Cindy was on top of Jonathan, her behind bouncing up and down. I went back downstairs and heated up the coffee, sat down to wait.

They came downstairs after about a half hour, both looking flushed.

"Morning." Jon said. I got him some coffee, Cindy sat down with a glass of water. She drank half of it in one pull.

"Whew!" She said. "I got a little tanked last night."

I didn't say anything, I had gotten a little buzzed myself. Then Cindy jumped up and ran to the bathroom, I could hear her retching in there.

"So what does Brad think, about you and Cindy?" I asked Jon.

"I don't think he cares." He looked at me.

I nodded, I had gathered that.

"I was surprised when you got into the hot tub last night."

"Surprised? Why?"

"You just seem so..ladylike."

I laughed at that.

"I really like the way you look."

"Oh you do, do you?"

"Yes, I was thinking...."

I just looked at him.

"Maybe you and I could...?" He let the question hang.

"I'm not going to sleep with you if that is what you are thinking." I said, getting up.

"Oh, I hate it when this happens." He said with a grin. For some reason that was funny, I laughed and went into my bedroom. I got my purse and the keys to my van. Cindy was back so we drove downtown to their apartment.

They told me that Jon's car was supposed to be ready, so I left them and went back to the house. It was 8 AM by now and I needed to be at work by 9 so I changed clothes and drove in. It was another uneventful day, just one client after another. I managed to stay on schedule and was done by 5 PM. I told Cheryl good night and drove home. Tom was home, I looked around for Brad but he wasn't there.

"Brad had a date." He said.

"Oh, with Cindy?"

"No, he met someone else, she came to the job site and they left from there. Redheaded gal named Patty."

"Oh. Just us tonight then? Good." I grinned at him.

"Hey, let's use the hot tub." He said.

"OK. I will go turn on the heater."

"I already did." He said, reaching for me. I slipped away from him, tugging the smock over my head. I was naked underneath, I had been all day.

"You worked like that?" He said, following me out onto the deck.

"Yep." I grinned at him.

We soaked for half and hour, I played with him under the water. Tom was hard as a rock, he always gets that way. He sat on the edge of the tub as I lowered my mouth over him sucking slowly as I pressed down and then drew back. I kept him right on the edge for a long time, then finally I slid up out of the water. Tom pressed me back and slid himself inside as I leaned back with my arms holding myself half upright.

I was one of those wonderful times, afterwards we dried each other off, went inside and lay together on the bed. His hands brushed my sides, long gentle strokes.

"I love you so much, Sally." He told me. I buried my face against his chest.

"I love you too, Tom."

We slept like that all night.

Brad came home the next afternoon. I asked him about his new girlfriend. He told me she was very nice, a legal aide with the company working on the cable car project.

"What about Cindy?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"Cindy is just someone I know, there isn't any chance there at anything real with her."

I understood that.

"Patty reminds me of you...a little." He smiled.

"Of me? How?"

"Ladylike on the outside but hot on the inside!" He grinned.

I blushed at that, twice now I had been called ladylike.

It was almost a full month later before I got to meet Brad's new girlfriend. In fact, Brad was seldom home. We didn't see Cindy at all during that period, I didn't mind that much.

Jonathan was out to our place a couple of times, he had started working for Brad driving one of the trucks. Jonathan was always looking at me, it felt like he was undressing me with his eyes. It didn't bother me much, besides, he had already seen me naked. Once again, I just dismissed that.

The day I met Patty was a late Saturday in September, it was one of those balmy days with no wind at all, right on the edge of being too warm out. Tom was busy writing checks, the job was up on what he called the sixty. That was when the 2nd payment on his contract came in. I noticed he was writing a lot of checks and he was having troubles. He kept writing them, then tearing them up and starting over. I went out to help him, math never was one of Tom's strong points.

I sat down and went through the list with him, several of them were very large.

"We need to get you a check machine if you keep this up." I told him. Then I got my calculator and balanced his accounts. I also wrote out the one check he was having trouble with, it was odd figures and over $180,000, he kept running out of room on the line. I noticed that one was to Brad's company. Just as I finished, I heard a car in the driveway. I looked out, it was a little white Honda I hadn't seen before. I saw Brad get out the passenger side, realized Jon was in the back seat and a woman was driving.

"Brad is here!" I called out to Tom. I am going to go change." I was wearing just a sports bra and panties since it was warm. I probably wouldn't have bothered if it had been just Brad and Jon but I didn't know the woman.

They were standing in the living room when I came back in, I had put on my shorts and my lately ever present tube top. Brad introduced me to Patty, she was certainly a redhead. Her hair was about every color possible, she had green eyes and freckles and was dressed in lime green shorts with a matching halter top. She was very pretty, slender and in good shape. I noticed her legs, she obviously rode a bike a lot, too.

She smiled as we shook hands, we all went out on the deck. The guys dug some beers out of the outside cooler and sat down, Patty and I went inside so I could show her around.

Sometimes women just hit it off, it was that way with her. In no time at all we were laughing, finally we ended up back out on the deck, looking out over the back yard. There is a nice view there through some trees that Tom has always threatened to trim but I won't let him.

"What's that?" Patty asked, pointing down towards the lower yard. I looked and saw something bright red.

"Oh! Tomatos!" I said, so we headed down the steps to go see. I hadn't planted a garden but the vines had grown anyway, they were huge. We started picking them, then I went and got a sack to hold them all.

"Look what we found." I told Tom, sitting them down on the table.

"Wow!" He said, picking one up as big as his fist. I went and got a knife and some salt and we all sat around eating them until we could not hold any more.

"Hey, can I use your hot tub?" Jonathan asked.

"It's not turned on." I told him.

"It doesn't need to be, it's hot as hell and a dip would feel good."

"Sure, go ahead." I told him.

"I think I will too." Brad said. He got up and walked over, reached down and unclipped his artificial leg. Patty got up and sat on the edge of the tub, they both dangled their legs in the water. Jon slid in wearing his briefs.

"Hey, no clothes in the hot tub!" I called out, laughing at him again. I knew exactly what he would do and he did. Off came the briefs under the water, he tossed them up on the deck.

Patty looked mildly surprised but she just sat there. I saw Brad lean over and say something to her, she grinned and reached back and tripped her top. Then she stood up and tugged down her shorts, stepping into the cool water. She sat down on one of the underwater steps and leaned back.

I got up and went over to the controls, set them on low and hit the water jets.

"Oh! That feels good!" She giggled.

"Nice looking woman." Tom said. "Big titties." I took a fake punch at his arm.

"You just get off on looking at strange stuff." I told him.

"I like looking at you most of all." He said.

"Want to join them?" I asked.

"It might be a little bit tight in there." He said.

"Oh, well, we will manage." I got up and took off my tube top, I noticed Jon looked up at me. I stepped out of my shorts and slid into the water, it did feel good. There was room in our tub for four people but it was a squeeze, Jon scooted over to make room for me.

Then Tom surprised me, he got up and came over, peeling his T-shirt over his head. He stood there for a second, then slid his blue jeans down and off.

"No clothes in the hot tub!" I told him. He pulled off his briefs, I expected him to be hard but he wasn't. Tom isn't huge in that department, not quite six inches when turned on.

But he sure makes up for it by how hard he does get. He sat down and slid into the water, now we were all almost pressed up against each other.

Patty was on my left, I felt my leg pushed against hers. She just sat there. This put Jon and Tom next to each other, Jon scooted sideways towards Patty. Our feet were bumping each other under the water. Patty giggled as Jon bumped up against her.

"Hey, watch your hands!" She said.

"Sorry." Jon said, looking flushed.

"I think I will join you guys!" Brad said with a grin. I laughed, this was getting to be fun. Brad was around 200 pounds and we were already jammed up with the exception of Tom and Jon who had perhaps a foot or two between them.

Brad got up on one leg, undid his pants and slid them down. He wasn't wearing anything underneath, it was the first time I had really seen his cock. It was just like the vision I had in a dream months before, Brad was very large. He stood balanced on one leg and stripped his T-shirt off over his head. His upper body rippled with muscle from years of hard work.

I was fascinated by the comparison, Brad's body looked like a larger version of Tom's, both were heavily muscled, Brad was just larger by far. Jonathan on the other hand was softer looking.

"I think I will slide in right here." Brad said, sitting down and pushing his one leg between Patty and I. We both giggled as he slid into the water, pushing us apart as he did. He ended up sitting on the underwater step between us, pressed up tightly on both sides. I had my right leg jammed up against Tom, I reached down under the water and grabbed his cock. I gave him a wicked grin as he jerked a bit. I felt him reach over and put his hand on my right leg.

Then I reached over and put my hand on Brad's right leg. A moment later, I felt someone's fingers. I looked over at Patty, she flashed me a huge smile. She reached over and took my hand, pulled it over onto Brad's penis, it was half hard now. I knew she had been doing to Brad under the water the same thing I was doing to Tom.

I wrapped my hand firmly around him and stroked up and down, leaning back against the side of the tub like nothing was going on. Brad looked at Patty and then at me, he knew damned good and well what was going on.

So did Tom.

I was sitting there with two men's cocks in my hands, Tom was rubbing my right leg, getting higher and higher. I could feel Patty's fingers stroking Brad's balls. I giggled at that.

"What are you guys doing?" Jonathan asked.

"Oh, shut up." Patty told him, leaning his way. I knew she had grabbed his penis, too. Jon's mouth came open, then he got a surprised look on his face, and he shut up. I managed to stifle another giggle.

Just then I felt Brad's fingers, they slid over my left leg and brushed across my pubic hair. I opened my legs as much as I could, pushing my right leg against Tom. He moved his leg over some when I did that, looking at me oddly. Then he realized, he reached out towards my crotch and I felt his fingers touch Brad's.

He pulled his hand back, leaned against the side of the tub. He got a strange look on his face. I just smiled as Brad's fingers brushed across my lips, then his index finger found my clit and he flicked it towards his palm several times.

I orgasmed so strongly I lifted my bare breasts above the water, I felt Brad's fingers leave me and they were quickly replaced by Tom's. I had my eyes squeezed tightly shut, lost in the sensations. As my body began to relax, I opened my eyes.

Jon was leaning forward, reaching out. That wasn't Tom's fingers at the last, it was Jonathan's. Tom sat there with a glazed look on his face, I felt his penis spasm and he erupted.

Everyone was staring at me, I felt myself blush furiously. I hadn't expected Jon to just reach out and touch me like that.

"Jesus, that was hot!" Jonathon said.

Brad had his arm around Patty, they both looked flushed too. I hopped up and sat on the edge of the tub for a second, then got up and went and got a towel. Everyone else climbed out too, for awhile it was strangely silent.

We all dried off and dressed, they went and sat at the table as I tripped the system to dump the water. I had no idea at all what to say or do. Some of this was getting to be a bit too much, even with the way things had been going.

Brad picked right up on it, though.

"Feeling uncomfortable, Sally?" He asked.

"Yes, a little." I blushed.

"No need to, that was beautiful." Brad said.

"Yes, honey, it was beautiful!" Patty told me, leaning out to look my way.

"But I haven't gotten off yet, can Brad and I borrow the bedroom?"

"It's his bedroom!" I laughed.

"Hey, I haven't gotten off yet either." Jonathan said.

"You can borrow the other bedroom." I grinned at him.

"But..." He looked at me, I just shrugged.

"I hate it when this happens." He said.