Chosen Mate Ch. 09


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--Here, He said. She smiled at his touch and soft words as his hand produced bright snapping crackles.

--Tell me what happened then Ed ga ri? She said, wide violet eyes looking into his. He frowned and sat back, looking far over the waters to the East and the distant past.

--We began to fight back with the old weapons; the lances and swords of power; they burned wide swaths of destruction and blasted great holes in the earth. We were safe for a time as the Black Ones withdrew. We should have pursued them and ended their menace for all time as well as their twisted lives. The Formorians gathered their human dogs and horded weapons, that we had foolishly let slip from our grasp, waiting for the opportunity of a decisive confrontation.

--A battle began raging as they fell among our people in surprise. It ended many at first as we paid for not watching them. The people rallied; but were slowly driven back toward the sea as we gave way before them. For three days thunder, lightning, and destruction fell about the land in terrible force. The flare of lesser Fay, mature enough to transform into thrice quickened, were like flashes of lightning in the thunder storm of war; they joined the Elders and first born in defense of the people. He was silent for a time as the scenes of carnage and destruction flickered in his mind with ghastly effects. Mira sat quietly at his feet. Her thoughts shrank away from the horrific memories.

--My father called me to him late on the third day. I was a mere stripling, no older than you. He said, cupping Mira's face in his hand, and continued.

--He gave me this armor and sword, and then paced here his seal of service on the battlefield, as the onslaught the Formorians had planned for so long neared its moment of culmination. The blasts of power and the iron weapons cut us down like grain before them. There was no hope for victory; he thought only of the survival of the race.

--I was charged with the task of gathering the fry and newly thrice quickened and flee before the horde to the ship and escape to our sunken temple with them and one old Fay from our original arrival on this planet. He was badly damaged by a slash of the cold iron through his aura organ and unable to heal the many wounds sustained in battle; but he knew how to move the ship. He knew the way to the temple. So, we filled it with the lesser Fay and the remainder of the thrice quickened who survived the flight across the field of battle and sailed away to the west.

Edgar ran his hand over Mira's head of pale red hair; his eyes were no longer haunted by the remembered images; but filled with bittersweet satisfaction that he had saved some out of many.

--We found that the temple had returned to the surface of the sea by then, although much damaged and enhanced by the untended coral which had grown wildly in the long times that separated it from us. The old Fay feared pursuit by the Black Ones; so, we stripped the ships of its technology as best as we were able; the few pages of the Book of Dreams that remained to us were stored with them in the chambers of the temple.

--He taught the thrice quickened stubbornly, trying to convey as much knowledge as possible, and hoped they would remember his words as they matured and thought back on them. He still feared pursuit and discovery of the fragile remains of our people; as his years dwindled, he charged me with the service of protecting the meager store of knowledge stored here until our people could learn to use it again.

--As his last days neared, he flew the ship high above with the remaining charges of energy. He let it fall to earth when it ran out in a great blazing comet of fire. I thought I would die as it fell.

--The thrice quickened moved around the countryside, followed by the lesser Fay, while I remained in my duty. At last only one remained; and she was intent to follow and care for them. I remember my sister's farewell fading in the distance and vanishing. She vowed to return but I never saw her or them again until now. He said looking adoringly at Mira.

--What was your sisters name Ed ga ri?

--Mar gay na. He said with a sad thought at her loss. Then brought his presence swiftly to bear on Mira and Harry in astonishment.

--You know where she is?


The council were eating a light lunch around the map table. Much progress had been made in their plans of expansion to the west while waiting anxiously for information from the deserted hill top.

A large hanger area was being created in the Fay domain below the field behind the shop. Leonard was setting up production of the LTA craft leading model in the long line of variations that were being considered.

Additional covers were being generated in addition to the charade covers; the long standing ones. They established the identities that empowered them to move under the surface of human awareness, much as they moved under the fabric of human reality. Older Fay never had conspicuously long public lives. Wayne stopped eating with a start.

--Guardian is reporting, on station. He said excitedly and changed maps. ...She sends again, "momentous steps" and asks for Mother to come to target area with an escort of her choosing. There is one additional thing. Guardian spoke with the thoughts of the Thrice Quickened. Wayne studied the quiet, sleep worn, faces awakening around him. Daniels eyebrows knitt, watching Margay closely.

--Did she give any indication why? Margay softly wondered. Wayne looked at the recon team coordinator who radiated a mental no. He took a deep cleansing breath and said in a low questioning thought.

--Should I ask, Mar gay na? He bent again as a thought came to him and he spoke again. ...Guardian requests instruction, Sword reports, standing by. All call signs are reporting standing by. The Fay in the Great Hall moved as if in preparation.

--Of course they're standing by! Daniel bellowed in exasperation. ...We've been waiting for twenty four hours. He gestured to the imaginary sun high above him and then to the milling mass of Faymanity around them. Everybody wants a piece of this pie! And so do I, he said in frustrated thought. Way na ne, would you escort Ma gay na to the target area?

--Yes Sire, I would! He replied, standing abruptly in a posture of attention and readiness. Daniel looked at the council, and then to the room; his sweeping regard encompassed them all.

--Anyone else, he asked? The room moved in answer; all drew straight and erect. He looked back at Margay; she turned her eyes to him.

--Daniel, we cannot both go, she began.

--We are in the bosom of our people, he thought reasonably to her. Wayne was still standing upright as he reported.

--Dreamer request instructions. Dreamer two sends, I am going home now. Dreamer two has transferred flag. I need another call sign. The Green Warrior has returned. He faltered off, waiting for instruction.

-- Send to Dreamer, proceeding to target, stand by. Daniel said with force. He called out to the multitude of expectant Fay.

--Gather! Daniel yelled into their thoughts. ...All those not on duty will follow. Gather, Shining People; follow me. He took Margay's hand and drew her away with him. He looked back at Wayne, who was crestfallen; he was on duty. Daniel smiled and crooked a finger to him.


--Edgar, come here. There is something you must see; Harry sent to the Fay in the bubbled door as he looked downward through the trees.

--My service, He began

--It is done. Harry answered. ...You have protected your charge well; you have kept it safe until the Shining Peoples return. Look and see; they come.

Edgar left the bubbled door of his long used sentry post, his feet standing on the soil above the original temple for the first time in eons. He looked to where Harry was watching the shining lights flicker and flash among the deep woods that covered the area; they were advancing in a flood of light.

Harry's eyes misted as he watched as Edgar's tears fall, glistening among the glinting threads of his beard; they fell in mental and physical drops on the soul fire within him, hissing and spitting among the already reduced flames that slowly became embers; then there was a deluge that reminded Harry of falling rain. He stood by the shining green man and Mira as the people surrounded them. There was thunder in the air and at last the long awaited drops began to descend on the parched land.


Harry spotted Sandra's red and gold aura as she moved up the hill among the people at almost the same time as Oldman's complaining thoughts began to rattle in his head with non-stop bitching.

--I just got home and now you drag me back up this hill again. Everything is fine up there. You're hungry, Harry's hungry, and when you two get hungry, I do too. Harry sent threats of Jack Daniels cures to his peevish, whining, thought and he subsided into a grumbling sullen presence awaiting developments.

Sandra rushed into his arms, unsealing his helmet and casting it to the ground and covered his face with kisses. It felt as if fresh air flowed over his skin; becoming a stronger breeze as he sought her mouth.

--My Lord, I was worried for you. She said with rushing thought. She became aware of Edgar turning around, trying to see all the Shining People gathered about him. He was blinded by his tears but saw their thoughts well. She examined him. Steaming wisps of vapor from tears flowed from him as he tried to assimilate the surrounding press of Fay.

--Your uncle has returned to the people. Here comes your mother to greet her long lost sibling.

--Who has wine? Sandra called to the people. The call for wine went out. Harry saw Gerry's blue globe rushing toward then with Donna's pink glow fast by him and smiled.

--If there if wine it comes with Gerry. He noticed Daniels grin as he passed by his mate and her brother, then met Harry's eyes and Sandra's thought as he moved to the entrance to the path, but not down it. Fay disappeared around him into the fabric of the hill itself.

--Come when it is time. You will know. Daniel smiled, turning away to the excited chatter of activity below the ground. Harry was rocked as Wayne slammed against him in a engulfing, backslapping hug; he pulled back, looking into Harry's tired eyes with glee, then rushed to Daniel's side.

--He is pleased, Sandra thought at Harry. ...This is a rare event, the gathering of so many Fay in the open, far from sweet water. You have given the Shining People three great gifts, Harry, my lost Uncle, the Temple, and the Endless Sea. Each one, by itself, is priceless; but I think Mother would have been happy with just the return of Edgar.


Margay slowed to a faltering halt as their thoughts beheld each other. Her eyes were wet; the bright white aura of her wings twinkled with relief.

--Brother, I searched for you but the land changed much while I nurtured my charges. She laid her hand on his wet face. ...You were lost in the wild backwoods of the changing land as it moved up from the earths grasp. He laid his own hand over hers, looking into his sisters eyes that were unchanged by the long years that had separated them.

--You had your duty, Mar gay na, and I had mine. It appears we have both been successful. He looked about at the throng of Shining People as they milled about them or disappeared into the depths of the shining path that led to the island in the Endless Sea. He looked to where Daniel stood by the bubbled door way, talking to Wayne and other members of the council that were there. ...You are mated. He said with simple declaration, looking at the bright white cloak on Daniels shoulders. His sadness rippled the waters of his joyful thoughts; its pool calmed again when she spoke.

--You will find your mate now that we have returned to you. Do you see any that match your own in the people? His misted gaze moved over the colored sea of Fay and rested on Mira for a moment. He turned back to Margay, looking into her golden eyes and gave a mental shrug.

--Perhaps Sister, I know not yet; but I will tell you when it ignites the spark in me. His forehead wrinkled as his thoughts fell on other questions.

Margay caught his thought and held it tight in the grasp of her mind and answered it with a deadly seriousness that compelled him to let the distraction of the many milling around them be ignored.

--Yes, there is still danger. She paused and tightened her grasp on his thoughts as they filled with wrath. He looked at her with surprise; she had grown strong during her long absence.

--After I followed the young northward, we lived long in peace with the savage humans abiding in the fertile fields, the wild woods, and the many sweet waters of this land. Dan na el saw the spark in me that matched his and we were mated and spread our spawn down the sweet waters. Those were good times brother.

--We gathered in the treetops at our leisure then, drawing the energy of the great glowing globe in the sky; its bounty was as tasty as prey devoured, and as sweet as the river lobster found in the middle world by those that could remember the old teachings. His stomach groaned as she spoke. She smiled, and loosened her grip, calling. ...Wine, wine for our brother! Gerry came near with Donna and handed a jug to Edgar who nodded thanks and gave obeisance to his sister. He began to drink, then stopped with surprise.

--This is mating wine! He said with a look of amazement.

--Yes said Margay; she gestured to Harry and Sandra. ...Drink to your nieces mating. He looked at them. The black thought of 'traitor' was held tight in his mind. Margay gazed deep into his eyes, searching as he hid the thought.

--The human, he said, but drank to them with ceremony.

--He is greatly loved by the people and he has lifted your long internment of duty. Where was I? She gave a mental wave of dismissal to Gerry and Donna and they withdrew.

--River lobster, said Edgar wistfully, sipping from the jug again. Margay laughed, lifting his spirits, and continued her brief.

--So, we lived there among the humans with no fear of their stone weapons as the many, many, years passed. Then men came from the south with the cold iron of weapons in their hands and covering their bodies. We were surprised; we had lived in security for so long that there was no fear in the younger ones. That changed with the favorite tactic of the iron covered men; they called us daemons and thrust their cold iron weapons through the chests of those who looked at them in curiosity. We fled before them and the slaughter seen in their thoughts of their journey. One of Daniels brothers died before them, covering the flight of the younger ones with the poor weapons of the native human that also fell under the onslaught. We raised a stone there to his memory and interred all that had fallen with him. They were the first to die here but not the last.

--We settled as near as possible to the lost location of the temple and burrowed deep, looking out of the entrances into this world, and kept our thoughts questing for any others that would arrive now that men from the old land we had escaped from found our new refuge. Eventually, they came from over the mountains and up the great rivers and streams that abounded here. We slowly crept out of our hidden shelters as they moved over the land and began constructing our own settlement that passed unknown among all that sprang up in that time of man's expansion over this land. Always hidden, but watching and copying their actions, we prospered.

--Then, the first of the Black Ones came sniffing about as they followed the long dead trail of our close escape from the thundering devastation with which they had sought to destroy us so long ago. We fell on them when possible, if they were found far from any other and alone. We feared after a time that we could be located by the disappearance of the Formorians if they had been dispatched to assigned lands where their disappearance could lead back to the areas where we resided; we ceased the program of eradication and only observed them as they passed through our lands. It is thought that that was a very wise decision for many came singly as if 'bait' cast in the waters in the later years.

The Black Ones murder our children wherever they are found as they wander field, stream, and river. The unwary Fay are soon weeded, while the wary remain ever vigilant so that even as we are weakened; we are strengthened.

--Now, you join with us once more and we gain strength again. Much has changed, yet, much remains the same. This nation is now controlled by the Black Ones, through their unknown slavery of the men who have conquered the wilderness they found here and placed their stamp deep on it. The chemicals they create slowly kill the life here; even their own, as the Black Ones use them to accomplish their own unknowing genocide. She stopped thinking of this. Edgar replied fiercely.

--It is good you have found me at last. We will destroy the Black Bastards that killed our father and put the fear of our wrath in the human dogs that serve them. Margay looked at him strangely, although her thoughts did not show in her mind. She glanced to where several unmated ladies watched the large imposing Fay that was her brother. She searched their minds, smiled briefly, and then sent her thought to one of them.

--E la nor, will you take my brother to your bower and feed him well with all that he has done without for these long years of his service? The lady smiled as she looked at the hero that had aided in their survival. With a flushing face and aura, she lowered her eyes and said.

--Gladly, Mar gay na Regis. I greet you Ed gar ri. Come, there is much that you have missed and I will show it all to you. Taking Edgars hand, she pulled him away down the hill. He drank from the jug as he was led away.

--Is there more wine? He questioned. Her musical laughter sounded over the hill.

--I will introduce you to Silas. There is always drink near his hand.


--There goes Edgar. Sandra murmured in Harry's mind; is terrible the way he is burned. Salve for them will be slathered over him soon. I pray that he will be healed, but the damage is deep. Silas will give freely of his anesthetic; perhaps that will help. Harry turned as the flicker of Daniel's passage into the earth, caught his eye. Letting his newfound awareness look beneath the ground, he saw the chamber below as Daniel moved deeper into the hill.

--Lets go see what your Father is up to. He has descended. Harry took Sandra's hand and they passed below ground together.

Deep in the passages of the temple, following Daniel, Harry banged his head once again, on a low stone and was thankful for the helmet; he hunched lower. Oldman laughed, as he floated in comfort within Sandra's mind, behind him. If the debris of ages was removed, there might be enough room to walk upright. He harried the footsteps of Daniel, who in turn, kept close to the thoughts of discovery. Remarks of interest came from the lesser Fay that moved around them as they searched among the tumbled stones of the temples interior. Daniels impatience showed in his thoughts as he ejected words from them in his frustration.

--This will be archeology instead of recovery; then they pulled the first glassine artifact from the soil that fell cleanly from it. Wayne took the object, grinning in pleasure, and brought it to the Lord of Sand.

--What's that? Harry asked as he drew closer to study the object that was alien in form. Wayne hurried away to more cries of excitement.

--Knowledge, Har ri na, knowledge. His eyes glinted, their silvered gleams were riveted to it as his hands stroked over its surface. His head was cocked with ears forward, as if listening to something far away.

--They do say that knowledge is power, Oldman said