Chris Plays Strip Poker Pt. 01


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Chris realized that she might be the only one naked for a long time, and would probably have to endure being naked long after that.

Remembering how easily Fred had won as a naked player using the extra card, she decided that the smart move would be to get back in the game. As early as it was, she couldn't see a clock but it must have barely 9:00, did not want to have to be naked and on display for 4 or 5 hours or maybe even longer.

There were some suggestive comments when Chris declared that she was going to bet her body to get back in the game and make a comeback.

She saw smirks on some faces and saw Holly and Russ share disbelieving glances.

Russ grinned and said, "Be ready to come back to Papa little Chris. I was just getting started with you last time."

Chris had a moment of panic and second thoughts filled her head. But after fighting to concentrate (she may have had a martini or two more than she should have) she said to herself that if Fred could do it, she could too.

The dealer chose 7 card stud this time. Chris tried to figure out if that made her advantage with the 6th card bigger or smaller, but she could not focus enough to come to a conclusion.

She was pleased to see that she had a full house, three fives and two queens after the 7 cards were dealt. the other 2 cards were a pair of 8s... a very strong looking hand and she felt pretty confident of her chances to win.

She chose to wait for her extra card until after everyone had shown their cards.

Everything look good until Russ showed his hand. He also had a full house, but his 3 jacks and 2 10s would beat Chris if she could not improve with the extra card.

Between her state of arousal and all of the martinis, Chris was having a little trouble figuring out what cards would win it for her if she drew them.

The extra card was turned up and it was an 8!! a third 8!! she had 3 fives and 3 8s that must be a winner...

There was a lot of babble with everyone talking at once, arguing aver who had won.

Holly took charge and said she would look it up online. She went off to her den to google the rules of poker as everyone sat and stared (hungrily) at Chris, who looked like she was going to die of shame if it took too long.

Finally Holly came back with a piece of paper in her hand that she had printed form the internet, grinning broadly.

"Here is the result... it says here that in 7 card stud, a player can use only 5 cards to make their final hand. With 5 cards, Chris can only make a full house with 3 fives or 3 8s. Either one loses to Russ's higher full house, so Chris belongs to Russ. Russ, you can take your prize now."

Chris looked devastated. Not only had she allowed herself to become the property of Russ again, but she was the only naked player in the room and no one else was even close. She faced hours of being a slave to Russ.

"Come here and stand next to me slave. " Russ said to Chris.

With everyone sitting on pillows on the floor around the low table, Chris was clearly on display to everyone .

Chris gasped as Russ flicked her still rigid clitoris and said "I didn't notice this the other time I fucked you. I guess I need to be more observant from now on. I don't want anyone else to miss this. Slave I want you to go and stand by each of the players so they can get a good look and feel how hard your clit is. Go stand by Lance first"

"Lance first??" thought Chris in a panic "The stranger?" she obeyed reluctantly, walking unsteadily to stand near Lance.

"Closer Chris" Russ ordered "I want each person to get a good close look at your state of arousal."

Chris reluctantly moved closer to Lance. Her pussy was now only a foot from his face as he sat at the low table. Lance turned his body so that Chris stood between his legs.

He reached up and took the swollen bud of Chris' clitoris between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand and gently rolled it back and forth. Chris almost collapsed at the electric shock of the sensations from Lance's skilled fingers.

"In my experience" Lance said " A woman that shows this level of arousal has a very high level of sexuality and can be prone to wonton behavior when properly stimulated"

Holly mentioned that Lance was an MD specializing in the field of female sexual response. His clinic was frequented by some of the richest women in the world.

"Why do they go to his clinic? Do they have hang ups with sex?" Russ asked.

"A few do" Lance answered, "but most just want to maximize their enjoyment of sex. Through my research I have learned how to help a woman reach higher levels of sexual pleasure than they ever dreamed."

"Oh no," Chris thought through the haze of sexual arousal that made it very hard for her to concentrate on anything except the feelings that were radiating from her clit.

"I am in the hands of an expert in female sexual arousal!" She smiled at the pun since she was literally "in his hands" and began to move her hips to get more stimulation.

"In my experience, a woman whose clitoris engorges this much when aroused has a very sensitive G spot about here," Lance continued as he inserted a finger from his right hand into her wet pussy and touched a spot just behind her clit.

Chris' mind felt like it had exploded at the touch and her knees buckled. She had to put her arms on Lances shoulders to keep from falling. That resulted in her breasts being pushed against the sides of Lances face as her chin came to rest on the top of his head. She was unable to move for a long time. Lance finally removed his hands from her pussy and helped her stand up.

Everyone was quiet for a minute and finally Holly called for the next hand as Chris stood stunned next to Lance. At Russ' orders Chris moved to stand by each of the players for a few minutes and each touched her clit and Fred probed her pussy until Holly gave him a dirty look.

Chris stayed at a higher level of arousal than she had ever experienced before during all of the fondling and probing. When she got around and back to Russ he slid back from the table a little and told her to kneel between his legs with her back to the table. This position put her rear end and pussy at the edge of the table and just above it. Russ then ordered Chris to open his pants and make him come in her mouth. Chris obeyed almost robotically as though she had lost the ability to think and understand her surroundings. She found Russ already erect and was surprised how much she enjoyed having him in her mouth.

That position allowed Russ to continue playing while Chris sucked and the other 4 players ogled her wet pussy.

After the cards were dealt and players were checking their hands, Russ filled Chris's mouth with his cum. He told her to swallow it and to turn around and face the table. He got up on his knees and told Chris to look at the other players while he recovered enough to fill her pussy the same way he had filled her mouth. Chris saw smiles from the players as they watched Russ' cum drip down from both sides of her mouth. Chris was surprised that it was only 10 minutes before Russ told her to reach back and insert his now hard member into her pussy. She had a hard time keeping her eyes open from the blissful feeling of Russ cock as he slowly drove it all the way home.

"OK," Russ said. "Let's play this hand," as he rocked slowly back and forth in and out of Chris's now even hotter box.

When Chris tried to speed up the action Russ ordered her to be still, "This is for my pleasure, not yours slave."

Chris struggle to obey and did her best.

It was quite a site with the other 4 fully dressed players sitting around the table and naked Chris on all fours, facing them as Russ hovered over and behind her as he pleasured himself with her pussy.

Suddenly Russ made two hard thrusts and filled Chris' pussy with a full load. He took one more thrust and pulled out.

Chris said hoarsely, "Don't stop! I am about to come!"

Russ repeated that this was for his pleasure, not hers and said she would have plenty of chances to cum before the night was over.

Chris noticed that the hand had ended and Fred had won.

As the players gave Fred the pieces of clothing they owed from their piles (none had to take anything off) she heard Russ say... "Lets see, I owe two items. It looks like all of the clothes in the pot from this hand belonged to Chris when we started. That figures since everyone else still has most of their own clothes. I guess I will pay my debt with Chris' blouse and... what else would you like Fred?"

"Chris," Fred answered quickly and everyone laughed at his joke.

Everyone laughed except Russ who said, "You know, I fucked Chris twice in the first game and I have already cum in her mouth and her pussy today. No offense Chris, because you are a great piece of ass, but I think I might enjoy seeing you with Fred. OK Fred, she is all yours."

Chris was stunned. She had belonged to Russ before, so as bad as it was, it was not new. Then she remembered the size of Fred's cock and began to tremble even more.

Fred smiled and put out his hand beckoning Chris to sit next to him as they began to prepare for the next hand. Chris looked around and saw that only Russ did not have extra clothing... everyone else was fully dressed and had at least 2 extra items. The game was not going to end soon.

Chris sat next to Fred as directed. He smiled and cupped her left breast in his hand, sending an electric spark from her nipple to her pussy as he fondled her. The same thing happened as he cupped her right breast.

Fred took Chris' hand and placed it on his thigh. Chris felt his cock through his pants and could not help but trace it down his leg to see how long it was. She shuddered as she finally found the head way too close to his knee.

Fred said that he wanted a drink and Chris started to get up to get it when Fred said, "Will anyone else get the drinks? I have something else in mind for Chris during the drink break."

Russ volunteered to get the drinks and was not gone long. He apparently did not want to miss anything.

Fred told Chris to get on her knees and stood in front of her. Chris was in a daze, thinking about Fred's huge cock as she heard Holly say, "hold on for a minute while I get the video camera."

"You know what to do, " Fred told Chris. She unbuckled his belt and had to help his pants slide down because they hung up on his bulge. She had to use both hands to get his boxers past his cock which stood out as large as it had earlier and was directly in front of her face.

Chris stared wide eyed at the monster and wondered how much she was going to get it into her mouth.

There was an increase in the light as she heard Holly say "OK Fred. we are ready to record your latest conquest" then added to no one in particular... "I let him keep a library of the married women he has nailed. It comes in handy sometimes getting him hard for his boring old wife."

Fred just nodded to Chris and she began to lick the head as a few drops of precum appeared. Chris was surprised that it tasted almost sweet.

"Smile for the camera Chris," Holly instructed her as she reached down and tweaked Chris clit the same way that Lance had earlier, sending Chris into spasms of ecstasy.

Are you looking forward to having your tight little pussy stretched by my Freddie's huge Dick? Do you think you will be able to take it all in?"

"Um, I don't know" Chris mumbled

"It doesn't matter what you think anyway, you belong to Fred right now and he will do whatever he wants to. Just hope you don't have to deal with #1"

Chris wondered what she meant as she Holly put a cushion on the table in front of Fred and with her hands guide Chris to lay on her back on the cushion. The other players stood and gathered closely around the table, all fully dressed as the looked down at Chris who was of course totally naked.

"Do you want me to fuck you now?" Fred asked Chris.

"I..I don't know." Chris stammered, unable to take her eyes off the huge fully erect cock with the drops of precum still showing

"Well, it doesn't really matter, because I own you and I can do whatever I want to you. Isn't that right?"

"I..I.. guess so," Chris said slowly, never taking her eyes off the cock. "Anything you want to do..." her voice trailed off

Holly said that the video camera was in place and the lighting was just right for Chris' impaling, and Fred moved closer

He touched the tip of his cock to Chris' moist opening and she could not help but raise her hips to try to help get it inside faster.

Chris moaned as just the head worked its way inside and uttered a guttural ooooh as he gently slid it back and forth, penetrating only an inch or so each time.

Each thrust went just a little deeper than the last until Chris felt full. She raised her head and saw that half of the monster was still outside her pussy.

"Oooh," she cooed as he held the cock still. "please don't stop. I need to cum please make me cum."

"Are you sure you want me to fuck you and cum inside you in front of all these people and while the video camera is running?"

"No...not the camera, please don't record..."

"OK, then I guess I will have to stop. I can always finish inside Holly later."

"No, please don't pull out... please fuck me. I don't care who sees or if you video the whole thing."

Holly laughed and said, "That is how they all react once Fred gets his cock inside. Get ready to have you eyes fucked out by #2."

As Fred resumed the slow pumping he went a little deeper each time and Chris began to writhe and shout, "yes, yes, fuck me good Fred. Put your whole load inside me."

Fred continued for a long time after he had gotten all the way inside Chris and as he brought her to an explosive orgasm, he came inside her putting his seed much deeper than John had ever been able to reach.

"OK break's over," Holly said taking charge. "Time to play cards."

Fred had Chris get in the first position that Russ had her in and had her suck his cock with her pussy just above the edge of the table, showing Fred's jism dripping out and down her leg. Even after shooting his load, Fred was a mouthful for Chris who felt him at the back of her throat at the bottom of each stroke.

Through her sexual delirium, Chris heard Russ say, "Congratulations Lance you win this hand."

Holly observed, "I guess we are all going to pay off with Chris' clothes again. It's a great feeling to keep my own clothes on all night, especially after last week.

Fred said, "Congratulations #1. This will be a good pot for you. Here are the two items I owe for this pot, Chris' panties and...Chris."

Lance smiled as the players looked at Chris knowingly, and said, "I have most of Chris' clothes and I have Chris... too bad I won't let her put her clothes on. Come here and stand next to me Chris."

Chris walked slowly to Lance's side and was rocked by the electric shocks from his hands as he tweaked her clit and rubbed her G spot again.

"Are you ready to find out why Fred is called #2? Come sit beside me."

Lance then put Chris' hand on his thigh the same way Fred. She was startled to feel how thick his shaft was, and it seemed to reach even further down his leg than Fred's did. Lance then stood up and had Chris kneel in front of him. He unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants, then lowered his boxers.

Chris gasped and said, "Oh my gosh, that is huge!!"

End of Part 1.

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WoodsLord_3540WoodsLord_3540almost 10 years ago
A good time was had by all!

Nice story about Chris becoming the "victim" in the game. I am not going to analyze anyone's motives, other than the need to fuck Chris. Please don't disappoint us by not telling us how much Chris enjoys Lance's status as #1. Will there be a sharing with #2?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Interesting concept...but

Too contrived. I could see if it was a bunch of swingers, but the whole slave thing that Chris (and Holly before) go along with. I can't see it getting to that point, or that the other women would willingly sit there while another women is made such a slut while drunk.

I love a hot wife story, and group sex or swinging. This story is just too much to make it erotic.

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