Christian College Sex Comedy Ch. 29


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She was finishing up the work when I felt a glimmer of evil intellect enter my mind.

"Hey, Rio, why don't you do the same thing?" I suggested.

"Are you going to ring my bell?" she teased me.

"No. I actually thought you would share with Mercy," I clarified.

"Share what?" Valarie questioned as she entered the room.

"They are each going to have a vaginal and anal stimulation device, theoretically with the other having the controlling mechanism," Paige stated. She held up two pairs of bra & panties for me to examine – gossamer peach bow-knot or strawberry crotchless/cupless.

"I don't know, Babe," I mused. "I'd have to see you naked to make a determination."

"You've seen me naked, my Boy-toy," Paige gave a wicked turn of the lip.

"I – I have no recollection of it," I confessed. "Maybe it was that blow Rio gave me upside my head. I guess I need to see your nude, nubile form once more."

"Oh, my poor baby," Paige pouted. "Someone as helpless as you cannot afford to lose any of your already inadequate brain power. I really should help you out." She was knee crawling up the bed, unbuttoning her shirt. When she was only a few feet in front of me, she sat down and worked her skirt off as well. She wasn't naked; she still had her knee-high socks on.

"You really ought to cover those little boobies up," Rio taunted Paige. "Someone is going to think Zane has a middle-schooler up here." Paige's head turned and I could feel her anger, but before she could spew forth her vitriol, I latched on hungrily to her closest teat and sucked it in on one gulp. Paige gasped and thrust her body against me. Soon her hands were running through my hair as I soaked up her tender flesh and swelling nipple.

I also stroked my hands down her body. My left hand drifted from right below her suckled breast, along her smooth, flat stomach, before dropping south until I cupped her sex. My right hand went down the ribs and around to her ass. I weighed and fondled her small yet firm buttocks, then reached between her cheeks and rubbed over her sphincter without pressuring it.

"Paige," I said quietly as I released her nipple, "today go with the peach."

"Umm...maybe I will," Paige teased me with a nibble to my neck, "after all, there are a very few things you are good at, and female sexiness is one of them."

"Paige?" I continued. She was a little more suspicious now. Our relationship had always been rocky.

"I appreciate you giving me some space the last few days," I thanked her. "It has really helped me get my head on straight." Paige's eyes lit up once more. She had sacrificed (in her mind), and I had noticed and was grateful.

"I'm surprised you noticed," she started to say, then abruptly softened. "You mean a lot to me, you really do."

I put my hands on each side of her jaw and pulled her into close face-to-face contact.

"Paige, bouncy, bouncy," I whispered into her ear. Paige gasped slightly and twisted her head to make eye contact, looking somewhat expectant.

"Meet me for lunch and I'm going break that ass open," I taunted her quietly.

Rocky the squirrel must have snuck up on me and then clubbed me with Bullwinkle the Moose because her response was,

"Okay," while she looked at me with a mixture of fear and lust.

"Are you sure?" I was curious.

"If that is what you really want," Paige responded.

"Oh, I don't want to do it until you feel ready, Paige. We'll wait," I confessed. "I will have to think of something else to do with you at lunch today." All Paige did was grin in a very mysterious way. She held that look until Valarie put a hand on each butt cheek and pulled them apart. This time, someone had snuck up on Paige.

"Hey!" Paige gasped. "What are you doing?"

"Encouraging you to get dressed," Valarie chuckled. "Otherwise, Zane and I are going to slip one finger into your pretty little cunt and rub them in and out like a buzz-saw. Then we will smear your juices over your face and force you to go to breakfast smelling like sex."

My girls really need to work on their 'discouraging' speeches.

"I should get dressed," Paige hiccupped with reluctance. "Peaches – got it." Paige scurried away and began dressing while eyeing Valarie and me.

"Oh, yeah," I joked with Valarie, "that terrified her."

"Ask her about the party; then it will make sense," Valarie snickered.

In the annals of female migration through my bedroom, Vivian wasn't really sneaking up on anyone, but her presence didn't send up shockwaves of alarm either.

"Zane, we need to be heading out soon," she greeted me. She greeted Valarie by putting a hand on her shoulder and rubbing it.

Quickly enough, Paige got dressed, Rio and Mercy got their acts together, and we gathered up Iona, Barbie Lynn, Brandi and Opal before heading down to join the rest of feminine humanity that constituted my dorm. My old (way back in Chapter 3) buddy Easter Valentine had me rate the top ten Christian Rock bands which was made much more difficult by my utter disbelief that there was actually something called Christian Rock – color me biased.

Breakfast passed uneventfully, as did Assembly, before things began happening. First off, I touched base with Erin now that she was most likely awake.

"Hey Erin, this is Zane," I started off, "and I am so sorry that I blanked on my promise to call you. Can I make it up to you and Gerry?"

"Oh,um,okay, I guess," she drew me out. "What do you have in mind?" That was a good question; what was I going to do to make it up to them?

"Have you ever heard of the SYFY network?" I asked.

"Sure – Eureka, Warehouse 13, Being Human, and Lost Girl," she answered.

"Saturday night they are showing Ice Spiders versus Snow Beast – I know, great title; right? And I'd like it if you two would come over to my house, get some pizza, and watch it with me," I offered.

"Let me think about it...yeah, we'd be glad to come by and eat something," I could feel her grin coming through the airwaves.

"Okay, one more question; how do you feel about three-ways?"

"I've never been part of one but I'm willing to give it a try," Erin sighed happily, "if I must."

"It's a date, then," I agreed, and after trading 'goodbye's', I hung up and caught my crew gathering outside. As I made my approach I saw Heaven give me a look and a smile then turn on Rio.

"Handmaiden's Duty, Rio," Heaven beamed maliciously.

"What do you want, you old cow?" Rio sneered right back.

"Give me your controllers." Heaven grinned as she held out her hand to Rio. Mercy gulped (the two boxes controlled her vibrators) and Rio looked stunned. "Hand them over." Technical Mercy would have been immune – except it was Rio with her controllers.

"How?" Rio mumbled. She looked around for support but found some sympathetic eyes, not comrades in arms. She angrily slapped Heaven's palm as she handed them over.

Heaven handed those two small white devices to Hope, then reached out toward Rio once more.

"Give me the ones Mercy is holding for you, too," Heaven snickered. Rio snarled before motioning for Mercy to hand them over to her. In short order, she handed those over to Heaven as well.

"I'll be expecting those back at ten o'clock (one hour from now)," Rio growled.

"Of course," Heaven chuckled. "I'll see you then, Sweet-cheeks."

"God damn it," Rio leaned into me and whispered, "who – aaahhh...mmm...betrayed me?" Apparently, someone was playing with her controllers. By the way Mercy developed a little tremble and a blissful smile, someone was having a go at her too.

"I swear to God, it wasn't me," I shrugged.

"Well, it wasn't Iona – she'd never do that to Mercy," Rio mused, then, "Paige! That little cunt did this to me."

"I don't know if she did it or not," I pleaded, "but please don't kill her." Rio was several seconds in responding as she wobbled slightly and skipped a step.

"Two fucking vibrators," Rio glared at me. "What were you thinking?"

"Liking it?" I teased.

"Love it," Rio gasped. "Mercy?"

"Mmmphf," Mercy gasped. Added to the smile on her lips, I had to see that as an affirmative.

Ms. Goodswell's class was good but what came afterwards was far more amusing.

"What do you mean, you traded them to some random upperclassmen?" Rio snarled.

"Oh, I had to explain what they did. When I told them they were inside you, they jumped at the chance," Hope nodded serenely to the furious Rio.

"How am I...oh...oh...oh, yeah...supposed to get them back?" Rio fumed.

"Maybe they will run out of power soon," Mercy put a positive spin on things.

"I put long-life batteries in those bitches this morning," Rio grumbled. "They can go for 24 hours of continuous use."

"I insisted that they be returned to Zane at nine this evening," Christina said in a detached manner.

"I swear, I'm going to tie down all you bitches one weekend and then we will see who's so superior," Rio seethed; "Dildos and lube all around. Aaaarrghhhh," Rio growled. She staggered over to the closest wall and put her hand against it to stop from falling over. "Some whore just discovered the '10' setting," she gasped.

"I was going to say something cruel," Hope stated, "but now it would be redundant."

"Rio and Mercy, stay hydrated," Chastity suggested. "I'll pick you up between classes to...decrease your difficulties."

"Thanks, Chastity," I patted her arm.

"Heaven and I will watch after Mercy," Christina chimed in; being surprisingly helpful to someone she had shown no interest in before now. Christina was all about responsibility and since this was Heaven's stunt (or so it seemed), she was doing 'the right thing'.

"Classes everyone," Vivian insisted. Thankfully I had one capable adult in my life. I hoped that me turning her into a vibrant bi-sexual didn't change that.

Today I received an hour's warning of my lunch appointment with Dr. Victoria Scarlett, our beloved Vice-Chancellor. I let Paige know that I had to postpone our get-together.

"It is good to see you..." she was going to say 'Mr. Braxton' but she was sensitive to my preferences, "...Zane. How are things going on this first full day of our experiment?"

"Well, Dr. Scarlett, let me say that you are even more deftly beautiful than you are deceptively manipulative," I countered. "As to your question, my efforts to corrupt your intentions precede a pace." She smiled, shook her head, and walked around the table, stopping when she was in front of my chair-bound form.

"Come now; the tribal elections have begun. Seven leaders have been named and the rest of the tribes should do the same tonight," she informed me. "What were you able to accomplish yesterday?" Oh, so that was today's tune. I stood up and cupped her facial cheeks.

"What do you think you are doing?" Victoria Scarlett mumbled.

I pressed in and kissed her, leading by example as opposed to words. Her hands pressed against me. She wasn't shoving so I didn't stop. Victoria didn't even make a token effort to keep her mouth shut, though her tongue refused to play an overly active part in my French kiss. My hands didn't wander and my body didn't thrust against her.

"I think I'm working out our relationship – your Kahina to my Pelagius," I responded, our faces only inches apart. Victoria rested her hands on my hips so I placed mine on her shoulders.

"Kahina...have you been reading my works?" she smiled far too seductively. You would figure that a dedicated, righteous Christian theoretician would have body proximity issues. Not Victoria, damn it.

"The only things hotter than smart, sexy chicks are smart, sexy, and sensually lethal chicks," I allowed.

"This could be construed as sexual harassment or inappropriate sexual behavior," Dr. Scarlett grinned, all bold and gracious.

"A 'no' on your part would suffice," I assured her.

"Not you, Zane; me," she corrected me. "You are my student, after all, and my hands are on your hips." I arched an eyebrow; she kept smiling so I went back in for a kiss. Three minutes later I had worked over her lips, eyelids, cheeks, jawline, and the left side of her neck...and it was getting me nowhere except closer to a sexual-deprivation induced coma.

"Damn, you are good," I panted.

"I think this is something we need to work through first before we can constructively move on," she related patiently. She was trying to break me with her highly developed self-control. I had to figure out what the hell I was doing wrong. Overt sexual contact – breasts, buttocks, pubic area – was off-limits...or was it? Lingerie; why did Scarlett wear racy lingerie?

I slipped my arms around Victoria's waist and pulled her off the desk and into me. I caught a slight, over-confident smirk on her lips. We started kissing again, Scarlett somewhat passively, as always, and me out to disguise my intentions. She didn't protest when my fingers wandered below the beltline or when I traced out the very risqué lines of her panties.

Fighting the urge to yank them up and make her squirm, I languidly let my fingers dig into her skirt and hook the bottom elastic of her panties, then slowly wiggled the fabric gently. She gave me a few uninterrupted seconds before I sensed her inner struggle begin; did she stop me and give me this round in the struggle – a psychological edge over her – or did she see if she could tough it out. She went with the spiritual resistance.

Once I had my fingers inside, I could move freely forward and back. I avoided the pussy and the bottom of her ass. I was able to make the bottom of her panties a very tight fit, allowing the thrumming of my tugs to vibrate along her most sensitive spots. Victoria's nostrils flared, her breath caught, and after a daring but futile attempt to distract me with her tongue, she broke our lip embrace and put her head on my shoulder.

I immediately stopped what I was doing and waited for her to speak.

"Oh, this is not good," she muttered to herself. Then after a pause, "Thank you for stopping. How did you know what to do?"

"Where to begin," I answered. "You are beautiful, passionate, and a woman who appreciates fine fabrics on your skin. I stopped because I'll fight you with every tool I can, but I won't violate you," I added. Victoria looked up into my eyes.

"You see me as Kahina?" she changed the subject.

"You have this tragic, fervent yet noble character that charges with a burning blade into the face of adversity," I waxed romantic. "The last Christian Queen of the Berbers who, when faced with the inevitability of her defeat, sent her sons to the enemy for their protection while she sought death in battle against the Islamic invaders."

"I'm not very martial," she countered.

"Ah, but in the Greco-Roman culture our faith grew up in, you would be considered a Patrician's daughter, versed in Socrates and Virgil as well as St. Augustine," I made my argument. "Besides, martial valor is in the job of the tribesmen; it is the job of the Queen to provide leadership – hopefully in the right direction. You are a smart damn cookie so the comparison is apt."

"Thank you." She then pursued her agenda. "What have you been up to?"

"I'm creating a democratic system with your tribal leaders as the parliament, a selected group of girls to become judges, and another group to become enforcers of the rule of law," I responded. "Technically, I remain the guy at the top of the pyramid, so that's a victory for you."

Her look told me I hadn't made an end-run around her Grand Plan, which was pretty unsettling. I was missing something.

"Why do you let me put my hands on you?" I questioned.

"I can't take pleasure in the mannerisms of a proficient young man?" she countered.

"Care to prove that?" I challenged. I had her in a minor trap of her own connivance.

"Very well," she bowed with a smile on her lips.

"Turn around and lean over your desk, if you dare?" I directed. She accepted my orders and did as requested. I knelt down behind her and placed my hands on her ankles before rubbing upward in slow but strong finger-furrows.

I teased my way up to her stocking line, grinding the silk hose into her skin, making her flesh shiver from the stimulation. I had her trembling by the time I migrated upwards to the elastic at the top of the stocking, past the garter, and onto her pliant warm thigh. As I brushed against the tuck of her butt-cheek and thigh, Victoria moaned.

"Stop," she whispered.

"Do you really want me to stop," I inquired, "or do you want me to stop before you reveal something?" I ceased my activities, waiting on her reply.

"You know the answer," she panted briefly. I moved off and up, placing my hands on her shoulders and pulling her back up to my chest.

"Can you promise me to consider the possibility that a woman wants something outside the realm of motherhood and spiritual purity?" I suggested. Dr. Scarlett turned around while remaining in my grasp.

"The body may feel a certain way but you must resist those impulses from the Devil," she told me. "Fortunately, you are the only one on campus that can elicit such response."

"Huh? Seriously, I can only imagine the kind of sexual trouble the women on campus can get into – unless you don't believe in Sapphic impulses either," I grinned.

"Homosexuality is a myth," Victoria stated firmly. "There are misdirected desires and abnormal passions, but men don't lie with men and women don't lie with women, except as a perversion of the normal, natural order of things."

Oh, here we go again, I groaned.

"I hate that you would think that way. It stands in opposition to God's Love in my eyes and portrays you as a weak creature given over to the Devil's lure of fearing, hating, and even denying what is mostly a good thing – namely, compassion for one another," I sighed.

"How can you have compassion for instincts you can hardly understand?" she posed.

"I've been with men before," I informed her; "on more than one occasion."

"What?" Victoria was stunned. She struggled to get away from my arms and I let her. "You have such a strong ardor for so many female students. How can you be tricked into perverse practices?"

On the bright side, I'd finally gotten under her cool exterior; on the downside, I had shaken her faith in me.

"Can I incite a rational moment, please?" I said calmly. She was halfway around the desk when she stopped and nodded.

"Okay," the Vice-Chancellor responded with a careful edge.

"How am I any different than the man you thought me to be two minutes ago?" I led off. "I certainly liked your body and you appeared to appreciate the touches I gave you. How does anything I did with anyone else before touching you matter? You are very attractive to me. Am I now repulsive to you?"

"Those are multiple questions," Victoria seemed suddenly weary. "You are the same person you were a minute ago, but I had forgotten that you are a boy, not a man, and boys have infatuations with unusual, rebellious ideas. With your Father dead, it seems you were rudderless. You are definitely not repulsive to me. I admire you, but you also reveal yourself to be immature. Would you please leave? I need to reconsider some things."

"No," I replied.

"No? No, you won't leave, or no, I've committed some grievous error?" she inquired.

"You believe I'm a boy, you don't believe in homosexuality," I answered, though I fondly day-dreamed of Victoria and Barbie Lynn – or Hudson Lane, the school lawyer – in a lesbian tryst, "but I don't want your newfound doubts in me making you change – specifically how you treat yourself."

"You want me to keep wearing lingerie," she sliced to the heart of the matter.

"It is a simple pleasure you allow yourself, the only one I can detect. I will certainly be a source of displeasure for you in the future; don't let me do you harm over my careless confession," I pleaded.

"My indulgence is a form of weakness," she argued.