Christina Hendricks wants the Lead

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How badly does she want the part?
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I looked up from my desk to the television screen above me. It was the evening news and at the end of the bulletin was the entertainment section. The camera was panning to and fro across the actors and actresses who were making their way into the hotel. The event was a coming together of the cast and production crew of Madmen. It was being held to remind the public of that long running television drama and hopefully to re-boost the sale of boxsets and downloads. I had not realized that it was taking place but was not surprised that the owners of the franchise were exploiting every opportunity. The stars of the show were walking in couples from their taxis to the entrance, dressed as far as was possible as their Madmen characters. I could see Jon Hamm with his partner, Jennifer Westfeld, then John Slattery with his wife, Talia Balsam, George Clooney's ex. Then the woman I was waiting to see, Christina Hendricks.

She was not walking in with her husband, Geoffrey Arend, which I knew was because he had been filming for the last four months in Hungary, due back in New York in a few days. She was accompanied by Elisabeth Moss, who played Peggy Olson in Madmen, Elisabeth being recently divorced from her husband. I understood why Christina had not got a male to accompany her. It would have hit the gossip columns immediately. It must have been difficult for her, I reflected, not having a man to go to bed with for four months.

Christina was looking radiant. She had on a green dress that displayed her amazing cleavage. This seemed comical to me as she had been quoted as saying in September 2010 that the media was too focused on women's bodies and not their actual talents. She was supposed to be looking like her Madmen character, Joan Harris, and, apart from her low cut dress which was never a part of Joan's apparel, she had made a good attempt. Her red hair was pinned up, reflecting her matriarchal Office Manager position. The sixties dress was tight all over. Her figure had changed a little in that her breasts were even bigger but her waist was just as wasp-like and her ass was the same big round shape that had made men's cocks hard as they watched her in the show. The legs were clad in black nylon and I wondered if she was wearing the stockings and black garter straps that had been exposed so deliciously in the Madmen episode when she was forced to have sex on the floor of the office by her fiancé. Disappointingly, there had not been much of her to see at the time but her skirt kept rucking up displaying that lovely thigh flesh above her stocking tops.

Topping her gorgeous body was that red hair and lovely face, voted Best Looking American Woman by Esquire magazine and 'The sexiest woman in the world' by a poll of its female readers. It was said that Christina was actually blonde, but had colored her hair red when she realized how it suited her complexion. It was always a pleasure to me to see that sweet eye candy that was Christina Hendricks, but now I had a particular interest as I'd just sent a signed contract to be delivered to her address the following morning. The contract was for her to be in my next picture.

The office I was now working in had been my father's up to two months before, when he had died of a heart attack. The heart attack had not been unexpected as he'd already had three previous attacks which he had survived, but this last attack had been one too many. My father had been one of the top producers in Hollywood and I had now taken over his mantle.

At twenty one, I was the youngest producer in the business. I was regarded as a brainy guy because I had graduated at age twenty by my own grit and determination, coupled with a UC program that let high school students earn college and high school credits at the same time. Even before I had graduated I was helping dad, analyzing profitable opportunities, proposing new ventures and being a sounding board for difficult business decisions.

I had always been captivated by films and fascinated by actors and actresses, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses both artistically and commercially. Dad had become heavily reliant on me months before his death and when he was gone the business community accepted me immediately as his heir apparent.

The film dad had been working on for the last year was Oedipus. It was the classic Greek mythological story in which a son, who has been separated from his King and Queen parents, ends up returning and killing his father and marrying his mother; the son being unaware they were his parents. Dad's take on the tale was to transfer the story to New York in the sixties, where a mafia don of the time would be the equivalent of the King. The son's name was being updated from Oedipus to Eddy. The pluses of the film, as dad saw them, was that there would be no royalties to pay as the story was a classic and that the incest, sex and violence were sure to make it a winner. Dad exclaimed, "What can be a surer box office hit than a son who shoots his dad and then fucks his mom."

Dad was keen that the woman playing the mother should be every American boy's dream of the mom he wanted to fuck. Dad and I both favored big tits as this would convey the motherly aspect, but it was difficult to know which women to approach who would be interested in the role. We wanted someone who would be known by film fans, but also someone willing to appear nude and take part in simulated sex scenes. We were helped in our search as dad had decided that the paycheck for the actress would be near record breaking, with a generous percentage of the box office takings. There were two good reasons for this. The first was that we wanted to have the pick of the talent on offer and the second was that the size of the paycheck itself would repay in publicity what it cost in dollars.

The first actress we talked to was Kate Winslet, whose interest was caught by the idea of a Greek classic being updated to modern times. The sex scenes didn't bother her at all and the fact that they would be with a man young enough to be her son amused her. Dad and I only wished her tits were a bit bigger.

We had been in negotiations for a few weeks with Kate when the agent of Christina Hendricks contacted us. Dad and I couldn't believe it, although we had heard that Christina and her husband Geoffrey had got into financial difficulties, having become involved in a disastrous oil company business venture. Apparently they had lost all of their hard earned savings and in addition owed substantial sums to the banks.

Initially we were skeptical that Christina would be willing to take part in the sex scenes, but her agent told us that she'd given it serious consideration and as the film could be regarded as an artistic updating of a classic story, she felt that on this one occasion, in the interest of a professional portrayal, she would be willing to do what was necessary for the integrity of the part. Dad and I interpreted that as meaning she was desperate for the cash.

My immediate reaction was that Christina was not right for the part. Although she had worn low cut dresses, showing off a great deal of cleavage for theatrical publicity events, she had never stripped on screen and certainly never exposed the whole of her breasts, neither frontal nor side on. I was very unsure on how she would behave naked on camera. I felt she could freeze up when she was being filmed having simulated sex. To me she was a television actress and would struggle with the big screen. However, to dad, all that was irrelevant.

"American males have been waiting for years to see Christina Hendricks' tits," he said to me in whispered excitement.

"Who cares if she freezes up? With some smart photography and a bit a body-doubling, she'll appear to perform like a nymphomaniac. Of course," he added with a chuckle, "if her pubic hair is blonde, she'll have to dye it."

Dad was completely right of course. When the papers got hold of the story they went berserk.

"Christina Hendricks to play Mommy!" screamed the headlines of the New York Times.

There were long discussion papers in the magazines about incest, particularly between mothers and sons. The question about censorship and the difficulties dad faced with the Motion Picture Association of America's film-rating system was also widely discussed. The rating of NC-17 was almost certain.

But all these issues just gave greater and greater publicity to the movie. In our media briefings we concentrated on the role of the mother and the various actresses we were considering. But it was Christina Hendricks who the media was mainly writing about in the role and the word always used was 'Mommy'. In the end it was assumed that she would be awarded the part and dad and I heard that Christina appeared to assume the role was hers and was spending a lot of money on that basis.

However, dad had tried to keep the choice of the actress to play the mother as open a question as possible, just to keep the papers writing about it. I had therefore continued this strategy even up to the current point. Although I had just arranged that the generous contract I had signed would be delivered by hand to Christina Hendricks the following morning, I had also started a new rumor that the part had been awarded to Kate Winslet.

I was feeling pretty good with myself therefore as I watched Christina Hendricks, my new leading lady, looking gorgeous and strolling on the red carpet, her arms entwined with Elisabeth Moss. I had an evening of fun planned for myself. Dad had installed a large bed in the corner of his office, which he said he needed for when he worked overnight. The reality was that he used it for bedding various actresses who would do anything for stardom. I had not yet started on potential actresses, but would soon be phoning Madame Fifi's for some hookers to join me, as I had already done a few times since dad's death. I would need at least two hookers as I hadn't had sex for a few days. I already had a bottle of expensive Hawaiian oil on the bedside table. The hookers always brought their own bottles of lubrication, but I only liked the best.

I was planning to phone Madame Fifi's about an hour later, after doing some more paperwork, when there was a shout on the television from a reporter holding up a newspaper headline. The reporter was holding it up for Christina to see and it said, 'Kate Winslet to be Mommy.'

The reporter was shouting at Christina, "Miss Hendricks, how does it feel not getting the part of Mommy?"

Christina Hendricks did not hesitate, but did look ashen faced as she hurried on.

It had never occurred to me that Christina could find out about my latest deceiving publicity before she had my signed contract in her hands and knew for definite that she had got the part. I was a bit perturbed at this, but in a way I wasn't. I thought it wouldn't do Christina any harm to have a night of not knowing if she had the part or not. She had been a real pain in the ass in the negotiations. She had made no attempts to read drafts of the script and didn't even seem to know the basic plot of the film. She had read the misleading articles in the gutter press and seemed to think that it would be about a mother seducing a man that she knows is her own son. She hadn't wanted to do any auditions or discuss casting for the role of Eddy.

I was quite relaxed therefore as I worked on some new contracts and had been busily occupied when the security doorbell sounded. I looked at the security screen and saw Christina Hendricks standing in front of the door with a taxi waiting behind her. She had obviously seen the need to get the taxi to wait in case I was not in my office.

I hit the green button on the side of my desk and the street door opened to allow Christina to enter. I could see her wave the taxi off before coming in and climbing the twenty or so steps up to my office. I waited expectantly as she eventually opened my office door and walked in.

I hadn't really seen Christina close to before. Most of the initial business meetings had been between us and her agent. The one time she did come into the office, dad had seen her on his own. This was my first time face to face with her and I was knocked out by her beauty. My God, she was utterly stunning. She was still wearing the same clothes as she was wearing earlier in the evening, but she had a light stole over her shoulders. The stole was slightly apart allowing her magnificent cleavage to be visible.

As she had walked up the stairs, in my mind I had prepared a short speech explaining how she had secured the part and that the contract would be with her the following morning, but her beauty had sent my brain to cotton wool and as she walked into my office I just gaped at her. She, on the other hand, was quick to speak out.

With a voice that was trembling with rage and eyes that were burning anger she spat out her words, "Your father was a first class shit and everybody hated him. You are also a first class shit, hated by everybody. You are a pumped up little bastard, who thinks he's somebody important. Well I can tell you; you are a nobody and I am going to hate you until you die."

If I was keen to give her reassurance as she was walking up the stairs, that feeling had now completely evaporated. I knew that my father had not been popular with everybody. He was never a 'my word is my bond' type of person. He was more a 'if I ain't signed it, it ain't a contract' type. In terms of myself, I didn't think that the world had made its mind up. My foggy state of mind had now suddenly cleared and when I addressed her, my speech was crisp and clear.

"Firstly Miss Hendricks, no one has as yet been offered a contract for the role of the mother in my father's picture. I am in the process now of making a final decision and the person who will be offered the contract will receive the contract papers in the morning. Secondly, you have always been aware that we have been feeding often misleading tittle-tattle to the media on the role of Mommy for some time to keep the film in the front ranks of publicity. You should have known that the headline you saw tonight was yet another of those. Thirdly, I now have to make that decision between yourself and Miss Winslet and as you now must realize, that speech of yours disparaging my father and belittling me does not help you and in many ways reinforces concerns that I have always carried."

I had delivered my words coldly and I could see by Christina's expression that she was aghast at her new position. She had believed that she definitely hadn't got the part and had spoken her words accordingly. Now she realized that she had made a terrible mistake and was trying desperately to think of how to rescue herself..

She steadied herself before she spoke, "I am most terribly sorry. I, of course, didn't mean a word of what I said. I was upset. You know I am the best actress to play Mommy. Kate Winslet is too old and too British. You know how American men feel about me and I know you'll give me the part."

I thought carefully before I replied. The fact was she would be receiving the contract the next day anyway, but after what she'd said, I wanted her to have a night and morning of misery before she received the contract.

"You are a beautiful woman Miss Hendricks with many male fans and you would certainly be a draw initially for male and probably female audiences, but after the initial few days what would be the long term prospects for the commerciality of the picture. You are a television actress with a few roles in films. Kate Winslet is a film actress. She was the youngest actress to receive six Oscar nominations and of course has won Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress. She can do any accent. She is not older than you; in fact you were both born in the same year."

I continued, "The part of Mommy is a demanding role. Let's take the seduction scene. You are required to strip naked and have simulated sex. You have never done that before. Your son, whom you're seducing, has killed your husband. He is now the leader of this mafia family, but at the same time he is a very young man, no older than I am. Your part requires sensitivity. He has been an orphan and will have the insecurities of a boy. You have got to be convincing in seducing your son and having sex with him until he is totally satiated. I have to be honest and say that I have problems envisaging you as Mommy."

I hadn't meant all I'd said. I didn't think she'd be great in the role, but I did think that dad had been right about the men in the world desperate to see her nude.

However, Christina had obviously thought I'd meant every word. She was staring at me intently and I was wondering what she was thinking. She was in desperate financial straits. She thought she'd secured this part which would rescue her finances; then she thought she'd lost it, now she thought that her chances of getting it were unlikely. I waited for her to turn to the door to leave, but she didn't.

She fixed her eyes on mine and held them there while she slowly removed her stole. She was biting her bottom lip as she slowly moved towards me. I was standing with my back towards my desk and, as I automatically went to step back from her advance, found I was stopped by my desk. My hands automatically went behind me to rest on the corner of my desk to keep me steady. I was expecting a hard slap on my cheek and prepared myself, but the slap didn't come; instead she stopped inches away from me.

In no more than a hissed whisper she said, "I can be Mommy!" heavily emphasizing the word 'can'.

She then leant forward and kissed me on the lips. I was too surprised to accept the kiss and didn't respond. She took this as an unimaginable rejection and leant forward again, this time pushing her luscious body into me and pulling my head to hers. Her lips caressed mine and I felt her tongue sliding between my lips into my mouth. This was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to give her a reason to stop and so just gripped the desk behind me, allowing her to do whatever she wanted. As she opened her mouth I automatically opened my mouth in conjunction. Her tongue was licking mine and I responded with some tongue wrestling. My cock was solid as a rock as it felt her pelvis pushing against me.

Eventually she pulled away leaving me breathless. I felt embarrassed about my hard boner and stammered, "Miss Hendricks , I-I'm s-sorry..."

Christina smirked and placed a finger on my lips to shush me. "I've never had a man yet," she whispered, "who hasn't had an erection when he's kissed me."

As I stood there stunned, she traced her finger from my lips down my chin to the top button of my shirt and, bringing her other hand up, began to move down undoing all the shirt buttons, exposing my chest and abdomen. A half smile played on her lips as she started to unbuckle my trouser belt.

I stood tensely as her fingers continued to unbutton my pants and start to push both my pants and boxers down my legs. As I nervously stepped out of them Christina looked me in the eye and whispered, "I can be Mommy."

She knelt slowly down in front of me and grasped my throbbing hot cock in her fingers. As she leant forward and licked the tip of my pulsating boner, she kept her gorgeous eyes locked on mine as I stared incredulously at her beautiful face. Usually, when a woman is kneeling in front of me administrating a blowjob, I have a feeling of power, but because I was virtually naked and she was fully clothed, I felt it was her who had the dominating position.

I gripped the desk behind me as she began a slow sucking motion on my mushroom head, her lips sliding sensuously over the glans and the tender rim. I thought about touching her pinned rich auburn hair which was glistening beneath me but was too nervous to move. I was in paradise. Christina Hendricks, one of the most beautiful women in the world, was sucking my cock and boy was she good at it. Her tongue was active licking every tender penis membrane. Her fingers tickled and squeezed my balls, knowing precisely the right amount of pressure to keep me in raptures.