Christmas Holiday Party

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She was much younger, but neither could deny the attraction.
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I glanced over at the clock on my wall. There was only an hour left on the workday. It was only 2:00 but today was a special day. It was the office Christmas party across town. I hated events like this. But if it meant a shorter workday, I was all in. The office had rented us some of the hotel that the party was being held at to prevent us from drunk driving and were offering us highly discounted rooms. So how could I say no to such an event?

I kept working on the spreadsheet that was due. I was almost done with it when there was a knock on my open office door. I glanced up and saw my friend Rich.

"You coming tonight, right?" Rich asked. He was leaning against the door frame.

"Of course, I am. Will your hot piece of ass wife be there too?" I joked. Well, I mostly joked. Rich definitely married above his paygrade if you know what I mean. I would never do anything with Beth because she was Rich's wife but I definitely had a few fantasies about her.

"You know it! She told me to tell you to save her a dance?" I nodded my head. "Did you rent a room too?"

"Yeah. You?"

"I thought about Beth being my designated driver, but she said she didn't want to be. So how could I say no to her?"

I smirked. "I imagine she says no to you a whole lot more than you say no to her. About anything."

"You're not wrong, Adam! I don't think I've ever uttered the word to her in ten years of marriage." I glanced down at the spreadsheet, hoping Rich would pick up the sign that I still had work to do. "You know who else is going to be there?"

I looked back up at him. "I would imagine just about everyone?"

"Amanda is coming."

"I'm not surprised by that. Her boyfriend coming too?"

"You didn't hear? They broke up!"

"Why would I hear that? I don't exactly pay attention to the happenings of the social scene around here?"

"I mean, neither do I? I just happened to hear in passing." Rich looked down at his watch. "I gotta finish my report. I'll see you there."

Rich waved as he walked back down the hallway.

Amanda was the youngest member of the team. I will admit I was attracted to her the moment I saw her. Long curly black hair, a beautiful face that doesn't require make up and a figure that wouldn't quit. Some people will call her overweight as her hips flared out. But I've never cared about that stuff. She was hot to me. The only problem was I was twenty two years older than her. I scoffed when I heard her age. I was old enough to be her father.

Dating within the organization is not encouraged but it's also not frowned down upon either. I thought about asking her out. But I couldn't get over the age difference. Besides I had no idea if she was interested in me either. So just like Rich's wife, Amanda became somewhat of a fantasy to me.

I squirmed in my chair thinking about Amanda and wondering what she would be wearing tonight. Well, I thought to myself, there's only one way to find out.

I finished the spreadsheet just before clocking out. It was Friday so it was a long weekend at that. I locked my office door and turned the corner. Just as I did I almost collided into Amanda who was walking by with a large stack of paper in her hand.

"Excuse me..." I said before I even realized who it was. Then I looked up.

"We need to stop doing that!" she said with a beautiful smile. It seemed to happen often with us. At least once every couple of days it happened. Sometimes it honestly felt like the universe sent us on a collision course.

I smiled back. "At least neither of us gets hurt?" I looked down at the stack of papers she was carrying. "Do you need with that?"

"Oh this? Nah. I got it. Thanks though." There was a moment that we just stood there in silence. "You coming to the Christmas party tonight?"

"Yeah. Are you coming?"

"I think so. Well maybe I will see you there?"

"Bye Amanda." She continued down the hallway. I couldn't help but watch her leave. I felt like an old dirty pervert as my eyes drifted down to her ass but I couldn't help it. She turned the corner and was out of my view. So, I kept going in the opposite direction and made my way to my car in the parking lot.


Two hours later I was in front of my mirror at home. I came home, showered, and shaved. I don't know why but I wanted to look my best all of a sudden. I'm not going to sit there and tell you I'm some strappingly handsome jock type. I'm far from it. I'm below average in height. I'm five foot eight in height with brown hair. I am neither thin nor am I fat. I'm somewhere in the middle. I probably carry about 10 to twenty extra pounds on me. I've been single for the past five years after what could only be described as a disastrous divorce.

I gave myself another once over in the mirror. For a guy my age I was lucky to still have all my hair. The only grey I had was in my beard which is why I almost always made sure I was freshly shaved. I didn't look my age, even though sometimes I felt it!

There was a part of me that wanted to masturbate before I left but I was fully dressed in my jacket and tie and khakis. It was a little too late for that now. I locked up the house for the night and headed out to the hotel with my small overnight bag draped over my shoulder.

I tossed it in the back seat of the car and took off. It was a fairly uneventful drive across town. I ran into a little bit of traffic but it was a Friday night so that was to be expected. It should have only taken about forty-five minutes but it took an hour. I spent the time jamming out to some Christmas music to get me in the spirit for the rest of the night.

By the time I arrived at the hotel it was just after dark. I grabbed my back and checked into my room. I saw a few of my coworkers checking in as well, but no one I wanted to talk to. I didn't want to be the first one at the party so I hung out in my room for a bit. It wasn't much but I was only going to be there for a night.

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and checked my breath. I decided to brush one more time before I left, just in case.

I took the elevator down four flights and walked around the corner. I saw the signs with my company's name on it and followed them down to one of the banquet rooms. By the time I arrived, the party was in full swing. I glanced around the room. I'd like to say I was looking for Rich and Beth, but deep down I know who I was truly looking for. I didn't see Amanda so I made my way around the room mostly making small talk with a few of my coworkers.

I walked over to the bar and ordered a Jack and Coke. While I was waiting for my drink, I felt a hand on my back. I turned around and saw Rich. By the looks of him he was already on his third or fourth drink.

"Hey Buddy. Nice of you to join us," he slurred.

"You alright?" I asked. Suddenly the bartender placed my drink in front of me. I took a quick sip.

"Yeah, man. I'm just in a festive spirit."

I took another sip of my drink. "Thanks for keeping an eye on my sloppily drunk husband." I looked over my other shoulder and there stood Beth.

"Hey Beth. Did he start pregaming before he got here or what?"

"No!" Rich screamed out.

Beth nodded her head. "Yeah, unfortunately. I hate to call it a night so early but I have a feeling if I don't get him home he's going to embarrass himself. Or worse. He'll embarrass me."

"I'm fine!" Rich said. He reached out for the bar and missed. He almost fell flat on his face. "I'll be fine. I just need to get some fresh air. Come with me?"

"If you promise to behave, I'll come..." Beth answered.

Rich burst out laughing uncontrollably. "First off, have you met me before? Secondly I was talking to Adam."

Now it was my turn to start laughing. "Sure, let's go get some fresh air." I looked back over at Beth. "Don't worry. I've got him."

"Hey, he's your responsibility for the next few minutes. I'm glad someone else has to watch him for a while."

Rich and I crossed the dance floor and out the front door of the room. We walked down the hall to a small exit.

"What time did you get here?" I asked. The cold air hit me like a brick in the face as soon as we stepped outside.

"About an hour. And maybe I had one drink at home." I watched as Rich leaned against the exterior wall. "Maybe I'm a little drunk...." I laughed. "But I haven't seen Amanda yet. Have you?"

"I'm starting to wonder if you've got a little bit of a crush on Amanda..."

Rich playfully smacked my shoulder. "Don't be silly. I'm a happily married man. You've seen my wife. There's no reason I would stray from her. I've just seen her looking at you more than once..." My eyebrows were perked at that. "And if I'm being perfectly honest I know I have seen you staring at her too."

"Hey, I'm only human."

"Then what's stopping you? You want her. She clearly wants you..."

"I'm old enough to be her dad, man. You don't think it's a little weird?"

Rich put his arm around my shoulder. "It's a different time, man. When we were growing up, a younger woman and an older guy wouldn't be accepted. But it is these days. Don't be so self-conscious about it."

I guess I couldn't argue with that logic. "For a drunk guy you are certainly dropping facts."

"You're welcome! Now get me back inside to my smoking hot wife!"

We walked back inside to the party. As I escorted Rich across the dance floor, I saw Amanda sitting by herself in the corner. I was certainly surprised by the way she was dressed. Normally around the office she wore a skirt that never reached her knees and a blouse. I was expecting the same thing tonight.

Instead, she wore jeans and an ugly Christmas sweater with a big tree on it. After I delivered Rich back to his wife, I finished my drink and then ordered another one. I kept making sure she was still at the same time when my drink arrived. I decided to make my way over to Amanda.

"Looking sharp," she said with a wink.

"Thanks. Nice ugly sweater?"

She gasped. "This is my beautiful Christmas sweater. I don't know what you mean by ugly!"

Immediately I regretted my statement. "Oh God. I feel like such an idiot now."

"I'm playing with you! Do you think anyone would actually wear this hideous shirt without it being a joke?"

"You got me there!"

We both smiled at each other. There was definitely electricity in the air. "I don't want to be too forward, but do you want to dance?"

"I'm not much of a dancer..."

"It's all right. You're not on Dancing With The Stars or anything. Come on!" Amanda stood up and grabbed my wrist before I could even say anything. It seemed like a terrible movie cliché, but as soon as we got on the dance floor a slow song came on. I started to walk away but Amanda was having none of it. She pulled my wrist again towards her. The next thing I know I'm slow dancing with her. I could feel her breasts against my chest. I felt like I was in eighth grade all over again. She nuzzled me closer. The last thing I wanted to do was get hard, but I couldn't help it. I'm pretty sure I saw her smile. I decided to just go along with it. We sway together. I may have stepped on her toes a few times, but she never said a word.

I glanced over at Rich who was dancing with his wife. He gave me a big smile. The song ended and we returned back to the table.

"Thanks for the dance, Amanda. I really enjoyed it."

"Me too." I'm pretty sure I saw her glance down between my legs. "I almost didn't wear this ugly sweater. I thought about wearing something else, but I didn't want to stand out. Looking around the room, I'm glad I didn't."

I shrugged. The drinks were loosening me up more than I thought they would. "Well, you look great no matter what." She gave me the warmest smile I think I've seen in a decade. "I'm going to go for a little bit. I'll see you later?"

"Bye, Adam."

I walked away. I had to. I felt like I was going to say something that would have been uncomfortable for both of us. Besides, I had to use the restroom. The DJ was playing Jingle Bell Rock. I sang quietly to myself as I left the room.

A few minutes later, I was back. I looked around the room and didn't see Amanda anywhere. I thought that was strange. I walked around the hall and made small talk with a few of my coworkers. I had another drink while I was at it. I figured if I was staying the night I might as well take advantage of the room.

I had a good buzz going by the end of that drink. I even wound up on the dance floor with Beth and Rich. I probably looked like an idiot dancing to the Grinch but I was so buzzed I didn't even care.

I was tempted to have another drink but instead I just called it a night. I said my goodbyes to Beth and Rich and a few other people and made my way back up to my room.

I couldn't wait to get my shirt and jacket off. It was so hot in the banquet hall. I felt like I was sweating right through my shirt. I changed into my pajama shirt and grey sweatpants.

I felt myself starting to fall asleep with the TV on some random movie. It was a little after ten thirty at night. There was a knock. I couldn't tell if it was on the movie or out in the hallway so I ignored it. But there was another knock.

I made my way to the door and looked into the peephole. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Amanda. I unlatched the multiple door locks and opened the door.

"Amanda? What are you doing here?" I asked. She was no longer wearing the ugly sweater. She was in a jacket which she may have worn over the sweater before arriving at the party.

"I hope I didn't wake you?" she asked as she walked into the room. She looked around. "Nice room."

I let the door close behind her. "No. Not really."

"I'm sorry to just show up at your door. I hope you don't mind. I asked Rich if he knew what room you were staying in." I glanced down and noticed she wasn't wearing the jeans that she was in earlier either. "I mentioned earlier that I was thinking of wearing something else, but I didn't know how everyone would react to it."

I nodded. "I remember...?" I wasn't sure where there was going.

Amanda opened her mouth like she was going to say something. Instead, she opened the jacket she was wearing. In front of me stood a gorgeous woman in a low cut red dress that showed plenty of cleavage. The dress was medium length that cut right above her knees. My mouth was wide open as I stared at her.

"What do you think?"

I didn't know how to react or what to say. I picked my jaw off the ground. "You look absolutely amazing, Amanda. I.... don't even know what else to say."

"Then don't say anything..."

Amanda stepped forward and put her arms around my head. She pulled me down to her mouth and we kissed passionately. I'm glad that she was the more aggressive one. My cock grew hard. While I was shocked by this turn of events, I wasn't shocked enough not to react. I kissed her back. My hands started sliding up and down her back and through her dark hair. My hips started to grind against her. I was pretty sure I heard her moan. Her breasts were crushed against my chest as we made out.

I felt her hand drop from behind my head to between my legs. She stroked my cock through my sweatpants. I felt her reach in and pull it out of the sweatpants.

I watched in amazement as this beautiful young woman dropped to her knees. She took me inside her mouth, slowly. When she pulled back, it gave me a great view down the front of her dress. Somehow they look even larger than I thought they would be.

I was harder than I could remember ever being in that moment. The blowjob didn't last very long. I was okay with that because I knew I wouldn't last much longer either. Amanda stood up and kissed me. I tasted my cock on her lips and tongue.

In the passion of our kisses, I finally started to act. My hands moved up her sides and rested on her shoulders. I had to see her breasts. I pushed the straps of her dress off her shoulder. The dress gave zero resistance.

Amanda stood in front of me wearing nothing but a strapless black bra and white satin panties. I could see a wet spot on her panties. My hands went into auto pilot and cupped her breasts through her bra. Now it was my turn to moan as I mauled her breasts while we kissed. Amanda took a step back. For a moment I thought maybe I had gone too far. She grinned as she reached behind her and fidgeted with her bra.

I took one look at her gorgeous breasts. I had to taste them. I stepped forward, closing the gap between us. I gave her another kiss before my lips went lower. First her neck and continued lower to her breasts. I kissed and licked her hard nipples. Amanda reached under my shirt to place her hands on my stomach as I buried my face between her breasts.

Amanda grasped at my shirt and pulled it up. I moved my face just long enough to raise my arms for her to take it off of me before I kissed her breasts again. We were practically next to the bed by this point so we wound up just falling together. My hand gently rubbed against her naked thigh as my mouth took as much of her breast as I could.

I moved my mouth from her breast and started to kiss down her round belly. I pressed my hand between her legs and could feel the heat emanating from her. I watched in awe as Amanda raised her hips off the bed. It did not take a rocket scientist to know what she wanted. I grasped her panties and tugged them down her legs.

I let out an audible "fuck" as I gazed at her pussy. I was not expecting her to be shaved bald. But then again I do know that I even expected to be in this position. I kissed her thigh. I glanced up from between her legs. Amanda had her eyes closed and her hands flat on the bed.

I couldn't resist anymore. I slid my mouth to her pussy. I wasted no time as my tongue slid inside her. She was incredibly wet as I licked her. Amanda started moaning. Her hands now cupped her breasts as she writhed on the bed. I felt her legs close tight around my head. I ground my face from side to side, tasting her. I brought my arms under her legs, giving me even more access to her.

I couldn't believe how incredible Amanda's pussy tasted. I felt her explode as her whole body shook. I tried to get every drop as I licked her through her orgasm.

"I want you inside me," she whispered as she recovered from her orgasm. To me there is no sexier phrase. I stood up and licked my lips, still tasting her cum on them. I pushed my sweatpants completely off my legs and joined Amanda on the bed. "Kiss me..." she said as I crawled on top of her.

Our mouths pressed together as I slipped my tongue into her mouth. My cock rubbed just outside her pussy as we made out again. I looked deep in her green eyes as I reached between our bodies. I saw the slightest of nods as I pushed forward. My hard cock slipped slowly inside her. We both gasped as our bodies became one.

I moved slowly on top of her, trying to take my time. I cursed myself silently for not jerking off earlier. I wasn't sure just how much longer I was going to last. Both of us moaned as we moved in unison. Amanda grabbed her knees and held herself open.

We kissed again as I slowed down to a torturing pace. I could feel her trying to move under me faster. Part of me wanted to say something, part of me didn't want to ruin the moment. I think Amanda could sense my hesitation. I hadn't been with a woman in two years. Amanda rolled me over onto my back. I watched as she licked her lips. She straddled my hips and took a hold of my cock. She inserted it back inside her and began to slowly ride me.

I couldn't help but watch her breasts bounce. She was perfect. I didn't care that she had a few extra pounds on her. It just made me want her more. I massaged her breasts slowly, my fingers grazing her nipples. Amanda leaned forward with her fingers running through my chest hair.

I brought my hips up to meet hers. I didn't care anymore. I had to cum. Because it all happened so far, I realized I was deep inside her bare. I didn't know if she was on birth control. She sensed the worry on my face because I was about to lose it.