Christmas in the County Ch. 01


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A voice behind us had shouted that. The young man coming up was white, with a short beard, and I recognized him as the man who'd been on the KXTC newscast the day before.

"What's going on here?" he yelled at us.

"Exactly what you see." I replied. "A rally for the First Amendment. You know... Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Peaceably Assemble, Freedom to Petition Government for the Redress of Wrongs... I'm sure you agree with that, don't you?"

"Sure." said the young man. "As long as there is no filthy Christian stuff going on. I'm tired of Christians flouting the Supreme Court decisions and trying to force their filthy dogma on us."

"You should come tonight, then." I said.

"You're not going to spout your Christianity at us?" the man said, as a challenge.

"Dude, my ancestors are German Jews that escaped the Nazis." I said, then lowered my voice and said severely "Any problem with that?"

"Uh, no." the young man said. He wisely beat a hasty retreat, in the direction of the Courthouse.

"And there he goes, to whine to Nance, or at least to that lawyer Josh Daschle." I said.

"To hell with him." the Sheriff muttered. "And again I am not fooled, Crowbar. You quote Bible verses more than some preachers I know."

"Nowhere near what my father could," I said, "especially when he got his righteous hackles up."

"Har." barked the Sheriff. "So, what's our security plan?"

"Police Officers are encouraged to attend in uniform," I said, "but if they do, they have to have on armor under their cold weather jackets. Captain Abram will be 'Acting Chief', as he usually is from Christmas Eve to the morning after Christmas Day. He's got a contingent of Deputies and Officers ready to go, and others to be on call."

"As long as those Atheist fruitcakes don't bring a thousand red-shirted thugs with them, we should be fine." said the Sheriff, and I detected the undercurrent of worry in his voice.

"Oh, yeah, that." I said. "It must've slipped my mind, Sheriff... we may have a few extra guests tonight. Cindy and Callie have invited the patrons of the Country Music Palace to attend. And I heard a rumor that some of Tanya's friends might show up..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Also showing up was my mother Phyllis. She was going to stay in the MIL apartment at the Mountain Nest through Christmas and the New Year.

"I don't think I've ever seen the traffic here as bad as it was today." my mother said when she called on the phone to let me know she'd arrived. "This is going to be one heck of block party!"

"Yes, Mom, it is." I said. "And I think a certain Chief of Police will be very happy to see you, too."

"Son, you are a brilliant Detective." my mom said. "But not the best matchmaker. I do need to speak to my nephew Todd, though."

"Hmmmm, something going on in Apple Grove that you need to tell me about?"

"No, nothing that would interest you, son." said my mother. "Just some things about Todd's BOW Enterprises branch up there." I just kept quiet and pretended to be an Agency of the Weak-Minded...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At 5:00pm, the Courthouse closed for business until December 26th, and was being emptied, locked down, and secured. I got a text from The Intendent, saying "Nothing filed. At least not in time."

I smiled, and sent two texts.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The sun was lowering towards the western horizon as the Cancer Kids were brought to the front door of University Hospital. They were wearing either all-white, or had white choir robes over their clothing. They'd been told they were going to sing in a studio for a 'virtual' concert, and they didn't seem very enthusiastic about it.

As they stepped outside, they saw several buses lined up on the front drive. They began shrieking and shouting in pure joy as they realized what this meant: the Iron Crowbar had kept his promise to them! They were being bussed somewhere to sing in concert!

And it kept getting better: forming a 'gauntlet' to the buses was the State- and even nationally-renowned Booker T. Washington High School Drum Corps. They were drumming and marching in place in rhythm. Outside of them on both sides were doctors and nurses that would be going with the kids. And at the end of the columns of drummers, next to the buses, wearing all white with the icon of Clan Troy on the front and back of her sweatshirt, was cancer survivor Teresa Croyle.

"Who's ready to go sing?" Teresa called out. The Cancer Kids again screamed in happiness, and began going through the gauntlet of drummers to the buses, led by young Joy. She high-fived Teresa and got on the first bus. The others followed, including Alice, the teenaged violin player par excellence.

After everyone and their equipment was loaded, the convoy of buses and ambulances and equipment vehicles moved out. A TCPD Police cruiser led the way, blue lightbar blazing, and the ambulances also were burning their lightbars.

It was practical, too: the doctors and nurses were practicing an emergency evacuation plan in the event patents of the Hospital had to be taken out and transported elsewhere. Only the school buses with the BTW HS drummers was not part of that plan, though they were part of this convoy.

The procession moved out, down University Avenue, and turned west on Jefferson Avenue. Mannheim Steamroller's Hark! The Herald Angels Sing was playing on the radio, the perfect score for the procession as it moved down the road. Teresa was at the front of the first bus, and she was amazed at the sight of the people lined up on both sides of the road, waving at the kids and cheering for them, Citizens of all ethnicities that had come out in support of the kids an evil man had called 'deplorables'.

They turned north on Riverside Drive, where more people cheered as they drove along. Police Officers in front of Police Headquarters had their lights of their iPhones on, waving them at the kids as they went by.

And Teresa's memory that she shared with me later was that as 'Joyful all ye Nations rise!' sounded on the speakers, the huge American Flag on the flagpole in Courthouse Square came into view, waving proudly in the breeze.

Seconds after that, the buses pulled up at the back of City Hall, and the kids were brought inside to the public Council Chamber, which had been made available for them to be monitored by the nurses while they waited for their time to sing. Some of the kids decided to seat themselves where the Council sat, with 'Mayor Joy' in the middle. Teresa took photos.

And then more squealing, as Your Iron Crowbar appeared in the doorway. "How are you guys doing?" I called out. "Ready to sing for us?"

"YEAH!" came a chorus of young voices.

"Is Teresa going to sing with you tonight?" I asked.

"YEAH!" the kids shouted.

"What about this guy?" I said, pointing to the figure that had come to the door. "Can he sing with you tonight?"

"T-SQUARE!" came a chorus of voices. The legendary rapper came inside and began greeting and talking to kids one-by-one. Other cancer survivors, who'd been invited to join the Kids and sing with them this year, came into the room to meet and get photos with the legendary rapper...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

And the other text I'd sent?

The rumble of engines could seemingly be heard all over the County as they came up the road from Coltrane County. A Police cruiser, driven by Lt. Micah Rudistan, met the long column of motorcycle riders at the County Line. He led them up University Avenue in a parade worthy of 'Sturgis'.

They were allowed onto Elm Street, which was closed off to all other traffic. The temporary klieg lights helped illuminate their way as they drove their motorcycles to the west end of Elm Street, where it dead-ended into Riverside Drive, and began parking in military-neat rows and columns, bunching in together. The Riders were all wearing nearly identical boots, blue jeans, and leather jackets, and their clothes were clean. This was not a gang of thugs.

Some had Christian riding group patches, others had 'Patriot Riders'. But it was the patch on the backs of the jackets that proudly displayed their unified name and purpose.

They were The Guardians of Justice, M.C.!

Courthouse Square was already beginning to fill up with Citizens, and the music of Mannheim Steamroller was easily heard on the many speakers. Lights illuminated the front portico of City Hall, and six sets of lights were set up to illuminate the Square. They were multi-colored LED lights, controlled from the control room set up at City Hall, and were on 'white' right now.

The GOJMC members filtered into the Square from Elm Street on the north side, the leaders walking along the sidewalk that led to the statue of President Thomas Jefferson. Waiting next to that statue was Tanya Perlman, attired in her GOJMC leather jacket that the Members had sent her after 'Sturgis on the Square'. (Author's note: 'The Four Boxes of Liberty', Ch. 05-06.)

Jack Muscone and Tiffany, Jennifer, and Pete were also there. And so were Cindy Ross and Callie Carrington, wearing jeans, sweatshirts, and denim jackets that had 'Country Music Palace' on the back... and cowboy boots.

The leader of the GOJMC stopped in front of Tanya and saluted her. Tanya returned it, brightly smiling.

"The Guardians of Justice M.C. reporting for duty, ma'am." said the leader. "We ride with you tonight."

"Glad to have you!" Tanya enthusiastically replied. "It wouldn't be a block party without you."

"We have some Christmas gifts for your friends." said one of the GOJMC members.

"Captain Perlman to Commander Troy and Commander Croyle." Tanya called into her radio. "Come to the statue, please."

When Teresa got to the statue, one of the Bikers extended a box to Teresa. "We remember what you did on this day two years ago." he said. Teresa opened the box and took out the white sweatshirt. The icon of the Guardians of Justice M.C. was embroidered onto the front and back of the shirt; the blindfolded Statue of Justice in silver on a blue background. The top white script on its red ribbon said 'The Guardians of Justice', but the bottom ribbon said 'With Liberty and Justice For All'.

"Oh, wowwwww." said Teresa. "This is awesome!" She put the sweatshirt on over her Clan Troy sweatshirt, and it fit perfectly. "Thanks, guys!"

"And we know Commander Ross likes Bulldogs blue." said the M.C. member, handing Cindy a box. In it was a sweatshirt like Teresa's, but the fabric color was Bulldogs blue, and it fit Cindy perfectly.

As I came up, the leader shouted "Club! Atten-shun!" The entire GOJMC came to attention. "Present... ARMS!" the leader shouted as every one of them saluted. I came to attention and rendered a crisp salute back to them.

"For the original Guardian of Justice!" the member with the boxes said loudly, "we present this small gift. And we understand you like Wildcat red!"

"No accounting for taste." Cindy murmured. We all ignored her as I took the red sweatshirt with embroidered patches identical to the ones on Teresa and Cindy's sweatshirts, and in my size.

"I am honored to accept this." I said loudly, and saluted them. The leader returned the salute.

As the GOJMC people talked to my Angels, I excused myself to check on the setup of things. Inside City Hall, I changed into the red sweatshirt. Like Julius Caesar wearing a red robe, it would make me a bit easier to find. At least that's what I told myself...

Part 7 - Block Party on Steroids

Laura and Paulina brought Carole, Tasha, and Jim. Molly and her mother Maggie had Ross, Ian, and Betsy. Edward and Stephanie Steele brought Selena and Marie... and of course Marie attached herself to Carole as soon at the two saw each other. I also saw Tiffany and Jennifer Muscone talking to Davie Marsden, Susie Haskins, Timmy Austin, and Frieda Franklin, with their various families nearby. It was good to see my young Crowbar Crew here tonight.

Dr. P. Harvey Eckhart also came, dressed in a warm blue jacket and (I suspected) insulation under his pants on this cold night. With him were many of his acolytes from 'The Vision'. I noted they were all wearing blue sweatshirts, instead of one gender wearing red. "That's just in case those Antifa people try to show up." said Eckhart when I mentioned my observation. "And of course the fact that only the Iron Crowbar should be wearing red, like you are right now, young Donald."

Church choirs were not going to sing as groups tonight. That was made up by the High Schools. Not only did we have the BTW HS drummers, we had their 'Fife Corps', which including clarinet players and also no-kidding buglers and trumpeters, which was augmented by Town High drummers and fife players.

County High's bands had also been practicing with the others for months since the school year started. But after the Charter vote, the parents insistently and almost forcibly pulled their kids out of the joint effort in protest of the new school tax and revenue structure.

The western half of the Square, near City Hall, the stage, the flagpole and the statue, is the 'front half' of the Square, with the eastern half near the Courthouse the 'back half'. And just back of the centerline, the County Music Palace patrons began massing... around Cindy and Callie in their western garb. The two hot blondes had long been called the Palace's 'token lesbian couple', which was a term of endearment that Cindy and Callie apparently didn't mind.

"Wow." said Sheriff Griswold as we met at the back end of the Square, in front of the Courthouse. "There has to be ten thousand people here."

"At least." I said. "And most of the Police Force is here, and with their radios, in case of trouble."

"And most of my Deputies, too." growled Griswold. "But I think with your Motorcycle Club and those Country Music people here, nobody is going to fuck with us." I nodded and Griswold said "Hey, Crowbar! Why didn't I get a GOJ sweater like yours?"

"I don't know, sir." I said. "This was a surprise to me. I won't mention the name of the person I think was behind that, but her initials are (T)anya (P)erlman." The Chief laughed heartily.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I saw a few drones flying overhead as I made my way back towards the middle of the Square. A lot of people were greeting me, and I was giving out a lot of fist bumps. Yes, I had my red crowbar with me, as well.

And the official beginning of the rally was marked by a choir coming onto stage with red, white, and blue robes. The BTWHS drummers began the flourishes. All of the uniformed Police Officers saluted the huge Flag flying over the Square, as did I, the Sheriff, and my Angels. And the GOJMC presented arms, as well, as the Star Spangled Banner was sung.

Carole did not permit me to be singing louder than her, but I had a little something for her. The choir began singing the last verse, and I sang loudly with them. Carole didn't know the words:

"Oh, thus be it ever, when free men shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In GOD is our trust";
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave!

"Daddy!" Carole protested as everyone cheered at the conclusion of the singing, "I can't sing as loud as you if I don't know the words!."

"That's okay, Fussbudget." I replied, offering a fist-bump. "You did very well." Carole fist-bumped me, as did Marie.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

People were still coming into the Square, and it was beginning to be standing-room-only. I told Carole to stay with her mom while I checked on the next act to come out. In truth, I was going to help fellow Police Officers keep a space near the City Hall steps for the next group.

"I've got her, Crowbar." growled Sheriff Griswold.

"Yeah, I'll stick with Grandpa Grizz!" Carole proclaimed. Laura and I agreed, knowing Carole was well-protected, and I went towards City Hall.

The combined high school 'Fife & Drum Corps' came on stage, and began playing 'Faeries' from The Nutcracker. The drummers were marching around the stage in circles, then crossing each other as the flute players and the xylophone and triangles players chimed out the tune.

And then the crowd roared as T-Square came out on stage. He began singing his rendition of 'Little Drummer Boy', and between the verses the BTW HS Drum Corps drummed in rhythm on the stage, and some of them came down the steps and did their choreographed marching steps, led by their Drum Major. Everyone roared and cheered.

And then I began getting a 'vibe'. Something was wrong. I heard crackling on the radio of the Police Officer next to me, who was holding the space for the drummers.

"Something's going on at the other end, sir." said the Officer, who was a new rookie named Jones. "Near the Courthouse."

"Okay, stay here, I'll go check it out."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Twelve State Patrol Officers, led by their ranking officer, Captain Cortese, came up to the road between the Courthouse complex and the Square. In front of them, wearing his black judicial robe and his face contorted with hatred and rage, was Superior Court Judge Harry R. Nance.

"What the hell is going on here?" yelled Nance. "I issued an injunction against this Christian event!"

Acting Chief Abram came up. "Nothing was ever filed, and we were never informed." he said. "And the Square was rented out. Legal contract with the County."

Nance's face contorted even more, if that were possible. "You're a Jew, Abram! I'm ordering you to shut this Christian abomination down!"

"You're right, I'm Jewish." said Abram. "And six million of my people died at the hands of Nazis following unlawful orders. And in the here and now, I won't be the one to suppress these people's Constitutional rights by following unlawful orders."

"Why you fucking kike!" Nance roared. He turned to the State Patrol Officers. "Captain Cortese, shut this down! Now! I am ordering you to shut this down and disperse this unlawful crowd of filthy Christians!..."

"Your Honor..." Cortese started, but Nance was having none of it.

"SHUT IT DOWN! THAT'S AN ORDER!" Nance shouted...

To be continued?

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chytownchytown6 months ago

*****Thanks for the read.

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Thought it was going to go off without an incident, shows how wrong I can be. State troopers will refuse to act when there is no order.

666iceman666icemanover 3 years ago
Just an Idea because it has to be time for someone from the other side to fall.

Allow me to slot Nance from the area where our tv host runs her news programme from and allow her to report just one truth that she stands on the spot where the assassin shot Judge Nance from. (Then back to Fake News) It looks it may be the same shooter that shot Jasmine Nix who last night took aim from this very spot and killed our loved Judge Nance.

Another good tale and worth a double cheeseburger at least.

bbarto1900bbarto1900over 3 years ago
stopping nance

does the governor show up to intervene or does the state police captain ask for a written copy of the court order? does someone get any honorary crowbar?

stay tuned for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

For your fan base outside USA like me, unfortunately these stories don't resonate with the shift from some of the best whodunnits to political mish mash of opinion stamping

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