Christmas Shopping Leads to Fun

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Christmas shopping leads to encounter.
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It was that time of year. Shopping Malls were busier, road rage in carparks was at its all time peak, throughout each store a mix of modern-day releases were pumped on repeat (almost making the ears of store assistants bleed) throughout the classics from Mariah Carey and Michael Bublé.

Adorned with decorations and windows covered in advertisements for each of their respective sales, it was indeed Christmas once again.

Don't get me wrong, as a father I love this time of year. Not for any religious reasons but it is a time whereas a family we can come together, reflect on the year that was, and put a smile on the faces of fellow family members.

I just hated shopping for it. I hated the 'chinwags' people stopped to do in the middle of the isles as they bump into people they know but haven't seen for months so then-and-there is the perfect time to catch up on what everyone is doing.

I hate the long lineups for any sort of service or to checkout. I hate looking at things and getting my ankles ran into by a shopping trolley from someone not looking where they were going. And while I love, and appreciate them dearly, I hate old people doing their jittery slow walk in the middle of the busiest shopping period of the year.

Yet, for the reasons I stated earlier it was Christmas time, and I did need to go out and finish my Christmas Shopping. Because like a 'typical male' who swore last year that to avoid all these things I hated I would "be better prepared and shop early next year," I hadn't.

I had procrastinated and put off doing it because I had 'plenty of time' and now I had none. The family get together was this weekend as my sister and her family were actually flying out the day after to spend Christmas abroad.

With my checklist of what to buy and for who on my phone I strolled that shopping mall with purpose. My trolley filling more with every store I visited. Slowly yet surely the list shrunk, the Queen song 'Another One Bites the Dust' playing with each gift that was marked off.

It had taken just over two-hours before the final present required was finally marked off the list, feeling exhausted I played my best game to Tetris as one-by-one the boxes and bags were twisted and turned to fit in my boot still half filled with a mix of work-related items and honestly, just junk that had accumulated.

Cursing to myself about not clearing this out earlier and a whole car cleanout was soon 'added to the list' of things I'd try to get done during my time off from work.

I was mere minutes into my drive home when the thought crossed my mind to reward myself for a shopping trip well done by having a beer at a nearby bar I frequented when I had an opportunity, turning the indicator on I made the left turn required and within what felt like moments I was putting the car in park and heading towards the front doors of the pub.

The bar tender, with his long hair tied in a ponytail, gave a nod in my direction as I entered, one in which I returned as I glanced around the room it seemed a little busier than when I usually come -- however it usually wasn't a Thursday night I found myself here.

There was music playing on the jukebox, and while it was darker inside, the disco lights, mirrors and well thought out lighting placement ensured it didn't have that 'seedy' vibe one would immediately think of when thinking of places like this.

I made my way to the bar and ordered a beer, as I began to sip the liquid ale in front of me I turned on the barstool to survey the room.

There were couples cuddling up in the corner booths, others were grinding up against each other on the dance floor Once the eyes inside the building focused you could also see a few people leading each other by the hand up the hallways which led to play areas.

Scattered around the room you could see the singles. Okay, I was about to say the ones like me. But I am not single I am married to someone who is very understanding who allows me to play. But what I mean are the ones that were there by themselves.

They, like me, were sitting back surveying the room. Some were fixated on certain booths or certain actions that were being performed while others were simply taking in the action that surrounded them.

At times as you watched or glanced around the inevitable happened. Where you made that awkward eye contact with someone else who is looking around the room doing exactly the same thing as you.

Before I knew it my beer was nearing its end, as I finished and placed it on the bar top the bartender replaced it with a full one.

"Oh no, I'm alright," I protested as he placed the new beer in front of me.

"Courtesy of the gentlemen over there." He indicated towards an older man at the other end of the bar before taking my empty glass away and moving onto serving the next person.

I glanced towards the gentlemen and held up the beer in one hand, a 'cheers' motion, he gave a little nod of his head indicating for me to join him.

I lump filled in my throat. I swallowed the best I could, took a small mouthful of the beer and stood from my bar stool and walked towards him.

"Thanks," I said as I approached him. My eyes giving him the once over, he was older than me I'd say early to late fifties, a dad bod -- nothing bad he had a good physique it was just obvious with old age a little extra sponge had appeared around the belly, and his almost completely grey hair a giveaway.

I was nervous as I spoke, I reached for the stool that was located beside him to sit and join.

"Nah, let's go," he said as he took hold of my hand before it could take hold of the stool. Standing from his as he did, immediately beginning to lead towards one of the corridors, I barely had time to put my drink on the bar top before being whisked away -- I knew the rules of those play areas were no drinks.

I didn't even know this man and yet here I was not resisting his lead, in fact it was turning me on.

We had barely made it to the blue carpet situated around the wall, the blue carpet was a sign that it was now the designated play area, when he finally let go of my hand. There was no secret as to what he wanted, however.

His hand that had led me with authority was immediately playing with the zip on the front of the blue work pants that he wore, once the zip was lowered his hand disappeared inside and pulled out a six-inch cock that was circumcised.

I dropped to my knees to where I was eye-level with his fly and opened my mouth sticking out my tongue, after all this is why I had come for a drink -- it just wasn't a beer I was after.

My mouth had barely opened when he was moving the tip of his cock towards the opening in my lips, with my tongue sticking out the tip, then the head slipped into my mouth he let out an audible moan.

This complete stranger than pulled out the little he had inserted into my mouth and with a sway of the hips his hard cock slapped me in the side of my face, despite the music playing on the other side of the wall it seemed the slap was loud.

No matter how much I attempted to contain it a low moan escaped my lips, the man I was kneeling in front of smiled and repeated the process. Being on my knees in front of a complete stranger as he slapped my face with his hard cock was a turn on, and my own cock sprung to life in my boxer shorts.

Lining his man hood back up with my lips I again parted them to welcome them, I was somewhat surprised however when he didn't stop with just the tip or head of his shaft, he continued to push filling more and more of my throat, in return blocking more and more of my airway until I felt the fur of his balls begin to tickle my chin.

My oxygen supplying was reaching a critical point where I was about to tap his thighs indicating I desperately needed air before he withdrew from my throat, immediately gasping for air he began to swing his hips again having his now hard cock slap each side of my face leaving streams of my own saliva dripping from my cheeks before he again lined up my mouth -- this time my throat was ready for him as he entered the entire length into my gullet.

Again, his balls rubbed against my chin but this time he didn't stay buried into my throat for as long, he withdrew then entered again, the time in between becoming shorter and shorter the longer he had me on my knees.

It soon became apparent I'd obtain more air if I breathed through my nose, his grunts continued to fill the hallway while others simply walked past to get to where they wanted to go others stopped and at least watched, one or two made a comment to those who were with them that "this is how you're going to be."

Soon his hands were on the back of my head holding it in place as he continued to furiously pump his hips, his sack swinging and hitting my chin with each thrust, his groans growing louder and louder as he used my throat as his own personal flesh-light.

All I could hear was my own slobbering noises, I could feel his rod hitting its spot in the back of my throat forcing that grunty noise from my throat, I could feel his full testicles hitting my chin, I could feel the strength of his hand on the back holding me in place.

And now... I could feel his warm load shoot down my gullet, heading directly towards my stomach. With two furious pumps he groaned, held my head deep down on his cock just as he had earlier and then unloaded into me -- like the good little bi-cock sucker I was I swallowed it all.

He pulled his cock from my mouth and placed it back inside his shorts, as I stood the wet spot in the front of my pants was evident to everybody. I always came when I had a nice hard dick down my throat.


"Hey, it's Clint," the message read a couple days later. It was the night before the family Christmas party and things were a little hectic, but I still found myself smiling as the message came through.

"Oh, hey there," was my reply. Clint happened to be the name of the stranger at the bar I had met after completing my Christmas shopping. After finally getting to my feet and heading back to the bar where our drinks had been left Clint had introduced himself before handing me a piece of paper with his phone number on it, inviting me to contact if I ever wanted a repeat performance.

I had indeed wanted a repeat performance and had made contact however that was earlier in the day. Throughout the next couple messages, I advised that depending how the next day went I may be able to meet that evening, which was well receipted.


The next morning seemed like torture. Here I was preparing to go to a Christmas Party, put on that 'happy face' when suddenly, I wanted to be getting on my knees in front of Clint.

Already the thoughts were processing in my head of timing, what time we'd have to leave for me to be able to still have time to get out and meet Clint. But for now, as we were pulling up into the driveway it was festive time.

"You made it," my stepmother said as she opened the door to welcome my wife, children and myself into the house with open arms. We knew how the house was set up on these days, knew where the party was etc but still she felt the need to give us directions.

I dropped the drinks we had brought into the fridge; my wife Bianca placed the presents we had brought under the tree while the kids ran out to say hello to everyone to large 'obvious' proclamations "You're here", "Oh so good to see you," "Look how big you've gotten."

Bianca soon followed, while I took a deep breath and stepped out of the sliding screen door to the entertaining area near the pool where everyone was located.

There were the usual suspects, Aunties and Uncles I had almost forgotten existed, cousins I had never heard off, close family friends, whoever the stepsister's latest boyfriend was. Some members from local groups that various family members were involved with, as well as the closest neighbours that way if the neighbours are there they won't complain about the noise -- well that was Dad's philosophy anyway.

As my eyes glanced around, doing 'the nod' to say hello to everyone who was talking, when my eyes contacted him. Clint. What the hell was he doing here at this party? His eyes almost said the same when they locked on mine.

My stepmother began to introduce the people around the room that weren't family members, I still have no idea who any of them are or why the hell they were there the entire time I was waiting to be 'introduced to Clint'.

"These are our new neighbours, well not new they have been here about six-months Clint and Karen," my stepmother introduced as I extended my hand towards Clint.

"Nice to meet you," I said as I shook it, glancing across at his wife Karen I smiled and offered an "and you" before letting go of Clint and retreating to the other side of the area, doing my absolute best to avoid looking in his direction.

It was a few hours later, things had slowed, and tensions had eased neither was going to out the other and a good time was starting to be had by everyone. The beer I had been consuming throughout the afternoon had taken its toll however and I soon needed to use the bathroom.

"Occupied" I called as the doorknob rattled a short time later.

"I know you stupid slut, unlock the door," the voice from the other side of the door lowly hissed at me. It was Clint.

I know I should've kept that door locked and just finished up, but I didn't. Immediately upon hearing his voice I had flashbacks of the night we met in the pub, I had wanted to blow off this party to be with him and yet here he was here.

So, I reached out and unlocked the door. He slipped in and locked the door the moment it was closed again.

By the time he had turned back towards me I was on my knees. A smile grew on his face as his hand slid into the waistband of his shorts, pulling them downwards and his already hardened cock sprung free.

"We have to be quick," he said with a smile. I didn't bother answering I just opened my mouth and impaled myself on his rod. Despite going in dry, he was soon back into my favourite position of having his entire length in me, furiously sliding in and out of my throat seemingly harder with each and every thrust.

We were soon in our rhythm, he balls twitching and tightening the more I moaned quietly around his cock as it was down my throat, and soon I heard it.

Bang... Bang... Bang...

No, no one was at the door, Clint was thrusting so hard the back of my head was hitting the vanity, time and time again. It didn't hurt that much but it was still a little more of a sensation, I soon forgot about it and my cock was soon spraying its own cum, when I realised this man was enjoying my throat so much, he was thrusting my head into the vanity.

It was only a couple of minutes later he let out a small grunt and the feeling of warm, delicious man juice was sliding down my gullet. He continued to thrust, slower and slower as he slowly deflated and pulled his penis from my mouth stuffing it back into his pants.


"Now you know where I live, how about now?" The message from Clint came through the next day. I was a little nervous, and hesitant as I pondered my reply. It was a little freaky knowing he lived right next door to my father, who could identify me and my car.

"On my way," I simply replied, immediately regretting I said anything at all. Was this going to be my downfall? My wife Bianca was very supportive of my bi-curious side, the rest of my family though -- let's just say the whole homosexual thing wasn't on their list of favourite things.

"Park in garage, will close it when you arrive." Clint replied, as if somehow knowing my concerns this immediately put them at ease and soon I was carefully driving up their street -- it turned out my father was out dropping my sister and her family at the airport so I was able to swing into the garage unseen.

Clint met me inside and true to his word as I was exiting my car, he closed his garage door. It turns out Karen was out for the night with her sister and wouldn't be home until the next day.

As we entered his house, I couldn't think of anything else but having his cock in my throat again, "Karen and I..." he was in the middle of explaining something.

"Where do you want me?" I interrupted him. He looked at me with a mischievous smile, his eyes looked me up and down before he responded.

"The bedroom," he replied as he turned and began to work his way down the hallway to the main room of the house, standing at the threshold with an arm outstretched inviting me in. How hot, in the same room he and his wife are together, this was getting hotter by the second.

Following his lead I walked into the room and towards the bed. Once I entered through the doorway Clint followed me. As I reached the bed, I turned to face towards him. Slowly I began to drop to me knees.

"Oh no... Richard," Clint said holding a handout stopping me from fully lowering myself to the floor. "Please sit on the bed" he followed it up using his strength to help me get back onto my feet.

As I sat on the bed Clint stood before me, he reached out his hand, one either side of my face with his thumbs hooking on the ears, he pulled me forward and planted his lips on mine.

It took me a second to react, to notice what was happening, honestly it was my cock springing to immediately attention that helped me notice, and I responded by parting my lips and sticking my tongue out slightly.

Immediately it was met with his tongue, soon they became entangled, swapping saliva back and forth as our tongues took turns exploring each other's mouth and throat in search of tonsils which for him wasn't there.

His stubble rubbing against my clean-shaven face. I was melting by the second, my cock felt the hardest it had ever been with the touch, the mix of roughness yet softness in the touch of Clint as we continued to kiss.

Clint broke our kiss, he pulled back, my face was frozen in kissing moment for a split second before it realised, he wasn't coming back.

"I want to do something Karen won't let me do," Clint said looking at me. An awkwardness crossing it.

"Bloody Karens," we both laughed "What doesn't she let you do Clint?" I asked curiously asked.

"Anal," my heart stopped almost immediately when the words escaped his lips. I had never done anything like that, I was a cock sucker and I loved being on my knees for men being filled with a load, but I had never ever been penetrated.

I was about to turn him down, flat out break off whatever we had knowing he'd forever be pushing for this. But then I saw the tent in his boxer shorts, I loved the taste and feeling of his cock in my mouth, it wasn't a monster cock by any means... plus being bi-curious you should always try something at least once otherwise you never know if you'd actually like it or not.

"Okay, but be gentle, it'd be my first time," I replied nervously. A big smile crossing his face, and excited smile, a lustful smile.

He had me climb onto the bed, my head facing his pillows, from each side of the headboard he had restraints which he slowly slipped my wrists into and tightened.

One could say maybe a little too tight, but as I couldn't move or escape them, I suppose it served its purpose.

His hands then one by one slipped my ankles into restraints and tightened as tight as the arms to prevent me from moving.

While the sensation was hot. This is where the nerves began to fill me. The doubts of what I was about to do, and whether I was able to take a dick in there -- this was a step far beyond anything I had ever done.

Being lost in my own mind, my own self-doubts I was soon quickly brought out of my own head when a smacking sensation on my right buttock led to an audible yelp coming from my mouth. I was not expecting it and the shock mixed with the stinging sensation had caused the unexpected sound.