Christmas Threesome Ch. 02

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They did it again with a new partner.
4.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/11/2016
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They did it again with a new partner.


Here's the second chapter many of you requested. I think there may be another ménage a trois in Pepper's future. I like the suggestion that it be with her sister, Lulu, because of the family history of sisters sharing a man.


Ric and Pepper returned to college the second week of January. It was early afternoon and they were hanging out in her room. Classes for the next semester began tomorrow.

Pepper was melancholy due to the loss of her grandmother. She knew she was not good company and said, "I'm in a funk because of Grand's death. Go and be with your friends. Have some fun."

"I don't mind being with you," Ric said being the good boyfriend.

She stood, grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the door. She said, "I mind. Go."

She opened the door and said, "I need to work through this. I'll be sad. I'll cry. Having you here won't speed up or make the process easier. Come back after dinner and take me to the bash tonight. We'll get drunk and you can have your way with me," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

They kissed. He left. She crawled into her bed and thought about her grandmother. She smiled. She cried and then she drifted off to sleep.

Hours later she was awakened by a loud noise. It was Amber entering the room. She was dragging heavy suitcases.

"Hello, roomie, "Amber said brightly. "Sorry for the noise. I took all my dirty laundry home to be washed and now I'm bringing it back."

She could see Pepper was in a blue mood. She came to her, sat on the edge of her bed and asked full of concern, "Did you and Ric have a fight? You aren't the same deliriously happy girl I knew in December."

"We're fine. I sent him away so I could be maudlin. My grandmother died over Christmas break and I'm mourning her."

Amber knew the two of them had been close. She embraced her friend. She climbed into bed with her. They held each other as they talked and both shed tears over the loss. It was cathartic. It was exactly what Pepper needed, time with a girlfriend where she could be emotional. She loved Ric, but guys are too logical, to left-brain. He would try to fix it. She didn't need or want to be fixed. She needed to wallow in her emotions until she was done experiencing the pain.

Pepper wiped away her tears and then she wiped away Amber's. She said, "Thank you. You have been a great friend. Ric tried to be there for me, but..."


Amber could tell her friend was feeling better. She playfully touched Pepper's jean-clad pussy and said, "There are times a girl needs a man."

"Oh!" Pepper cried out in surprise.

Amber removed her hand and brushed some hair out of Pepper's pretty face. She smiled lovingly and said, "And there are times she needs her girlfriend."

"You're so right!"

Pepper hugged Amber tightly. She buried her face in her friend's large breasts. It made her feel safe. She stayed there pressing against the warm, soft, symbols of nurturing, caring and love. She stayed there so long she became embarrassed at the intimate contact.

She pulled back and said honestly, "God! No wonder boys love boobs and are always trying to touch them. Your boobs are fantastic."

She squeezed Amber's tits gently. "They're soft and wonderful. My little ones aren't nearly as much fun. Thank you for sharing them with me."

Amber liked Pepper and was open to being more than friends. She took the hand that was touching her shirt-clad bosom and slipped it inside her shirt and bra. Pepper's eyes got big as she felt her roommate's warm, bare breasts and erect nipples.

Amber said calmly, "Here. Get the full experience."

"Whoa!" Pepper exclaimed. Her jaw dropped in surprise and shock over what Amber had done and how wonderful her full breast felt. She froze like a young, virginal boy astonished that he'd managed to get to second base for the first time in his life.

Amber moved her friend's hand around. She made sure she touched both breasts and felt her thick, hard, rubbery nipples. Then she leaned over and kissed her on the lips. Pepper was filled with mixed emotions. She couldn't speak. Amber wasn't upset. She figured this was her first girl-on-girl experience. Amber felt she had made a good impression.

She climbed out of bed. She adjusted her bra and shirt and said, "I'm glad I was able to be there for you. Will I see you and Ric at the party tonight?"

"Yes," Pepper croaked. Her mouth was dry and it was difficult for her to speak.


Ric and Pepper were enjoying the party. They had been drinking and talking to friends.

"Want to dance?" Ric asked.


They took to the dance floor. Ric loved to watch her dance. She moved with fluidity and confidence. He came from the land of the tango and the samba. He upheld his homeland's dance traditions. His dancing expressed power, grace, seduction, and romance.

Ric and Pepper had a great time that evening. They were buzzed from the alcohol and happy from dancing and being with their friends.

"Let's take the party to my room," Pepper purred.

They headed out. When they stepped outside, they heard a loud smack. Amber had slapped a drunk frat boy who had made an inappropriate advance on her. She hit him to get his attention. Then she attempted to embarrass him in front of his friends so maybe he wouldn't ever do it again.

She said in a loud voice, "What's wrong with you? You can't grab my breasts and say "So baby, how about a blowjob?". You don't even know my name."

His friends ran over and grabbed him. One said, "I'm sorry he treated you that way." They led him away.

Pepper rushed to Amber and asked, "Are you okay?"

Amber looked shaken. She bravely said, "Yes."

Pepper looked deeply in her eyes. Amber was blinking back tears. Pepper embraced her roommate. Amber whispered, "No, I'm not okay. I'm tired of this crap. Guys think they can use me. They don't even pretend to be interested in me."

Pepper held her. She felt her pain. She said softly, "You're coming home with us."

The three of them walked to the girls' room in silence. When they entered the dorm room, Pepper took charge.

She said, "Amber, go into the bathroom and wash your face. There will be no more tears tonight. Ric, Sit. I'll be back."

She stepped toward the bathroom. She stopped and turned back to her boyfriend and said, "You know my motto, "If you love me, you have to love my family". Tonight, Amber is family."

Ric wasn't sure what she meant. He guessed they were going to help Amber through tonight's traumatic incident. He sat on his girlfriend's bed.

Pepper knocked on the closed bathroom door and announced, "I'm coming in."

She found Amber on the toilet pissing. Amber looked up at her friend and smiled. She wiped, flushed and went to the sink to wash her hands and face. Pepper took her spot and relieved herself. When she stood up, she stepped out of her shorts and panties. Then she when to the sink and washed her hands. Her bottom half was uncovered.

Amber eyed her with interest and watched her in the mirror. She smiled at the unexpected sight of her soft, brown curls.

Pepper picked up a hairbrush. She stepped behind Amber and began brushing her long, blonde hair. When she had it shining and neat, she gathered it and put it over her right shoulder. Then, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed the left side of Amber's neck.

"What's that about?"

"I was remembering my first day here," Pepper said. "I met Ric and knew he was someone special. You met Ric and asked me if I'd share him. I wasn't ready then. Today I am."

"Why now?"

"Tonight, I witnessed the same shit you told me you experienced the first night you were here: Some douchebag propositioning you for sex without any suggestion of love, affection or respect. You deserve better than that.

"Ric and I like you. I've had butterflies in my stomach when I'm around you. That makes me think that for the first time in my life, I'm sexually attracted to a woman. I want to explore my feelings.

"What about Ric?"

"Ric and I had a threesome with another woman. It was great. Honestly, do you think he's going to turn down a chance to see you naked, play with your big tits and fuck your sweet pussy?"

Amber gave a nervous laugh and asked, "And you? Are you going to play with me?"

Pepper cupped Amber's big boobs. She kissed her neck again and whispered in her ear, "I'm going to ravish you. Ric and I will love you the way a woman deserves to be loved."

"Oh!" Amber sighed. She closed her eyes and slumped against her roommate. "Okay. Let's do it."

Pepper took her hand and led her out of the bathroom. Ric didn't know what to make of the situation. Both women were smiling. His girlfriend didn't have any panties on.

"Ric, you and I are going to make love to my beautiful, sexy roommate. Come help me unwrap this delightful present."

Ric stepped forward and said, "Gladly."

Ric and Pepper made short work of Amber's outfit. Quickly, she was nude. Her tits were tan and full. They were pendulous and capped by oversized areolas and hard, dark nipples. She was not a skinny girl. Her hips were broad, her ass padded, and her waist fleshy. She wasn't a pretty girl, but her big tits and big ass made her sexy and appealing.

Pepper and Ric happily viewed the nude woman. After checking out the goods, Ric looked her in the eyes, smiled and asked, "May I have a kiss?"

"Yes," Amber said softly. Her stomach was doing somersaults.

Ric and Amber kissed. It was a light touching of their lips. Both liked it. She leaned in for more. He reached up and held her face. They both moaned and kissed.

"Give me a turn!" Pepper whined.

Ric and Amber laughed. They stopped kissing and turned to the short, complaining brunette. Pepper lunged at Amber and locked lips with the taller blonde. Amber giggled at the girl's enthusiasm.

"Whoa! Slow down, babe," Rich said. "Let's all get undressed and get into bed."

Pepper only had two articles of clothing on. She quickly pulled off her top and discarded her bra. She looked at her petite boobs and then at Amber's full rack and said, "My God! Your boobs are three times the size of mine."

She said it in such a way the others knew it didn't bother her. Ric and Amber laughed along with her. Ric got undressed. His manhood was firm, Amber casually dropped her hand and stroked it. Pepper wasn't jealous in the least. She said, "He's got a nice dick."

Ric said, "Pepper, I think we should take care of Amber in "grand" style."

His girlfriend reacted to his inflection and the choice of the word "grand". It instantly brought to mind the threesome they'd had with her grandmother Milly. Her mouth dropped and she stared at him with surprise. She couldn't believe he had referenced their liaison even in that veiled manner.

Ric snickered and said, "Amber, lie in the middle of the bed. Pepper and I will be on either side and we will feast on those remarkable tits."

"Works for me," Amber said as she happily did as he suggested.

Pepper recovered from the shock and she climbed into bed. She began sucking on one of Amber's magnificent breasts. Ric did likewise. They were amazed and impressed with them. Amber's nips hardened completely. The sensitive buds sent signals to the pleasure center in her brain. Signals also went to her pussy. They triggered the faucets to be turned on inside her vagina. Soon she was very wet.

"Fuck!" Amber called out. "You two know how to make a girl feel welcome. My pussy's drooling."

She reached out to her partners. She grasped Ric's stout rod and caressed Pepper's cute, little butt. She sighed. "Emmm. These feel nice."

She pulled on his dick in a rough manner, but in a way, she knew he'd like. She applied a feather-like touch to Pepper. Her fingers danced over her bottom. She slipped her fingers into the girl's butt crack and lightly brushed her asshole. It was their time to vocalize.

"Oh. Mmmm." Ric appreciated her experienced hand.

"Ohhh. Oh!" Pepper was warming up and then she was surprised when her anus was touched.

"Pepper," Amber said, "Would you mind if I tasted your boyfriend? I want to suck his cock."

"If I can taste you," Pepper replied in a sassy manner.

"Oh good," Amber said. "I was hoping you'd be all in on this girl-on-girl thing. Of course, you know I'm going to eat you."

Her look and words made Pepper shiver. She was intrigued, excited and scared. A quick worry flashed through her head and she thought, "What if I really like being eaten by Amber?".

Ric was taking his cue from the girls. He wanted it all: to suck Amber's tits, eat her pussy and fuck her hard because in the back of every guy's mind is lust for his girlfriend's hot roommate or friend. Ric, of course, would never admit or act on his deeply buried feeling for fear of offending and losing Pepper. Even at this threesome, he held back and waited to be invited into activities.

Ric got on his knees and presented his cock to Amber. She got up on one elbow, turned and latched onto his hard dick.

"Umm," he moaned appreciatively as her warm mouth capture his prick.

Pepper slid down her friend's soft, womanly body and got between her legs. She studied her sex. Like her grandmother's, this one was easy to view. Amber shaved.

Pepper noted that Amber's pussy had a pinkish hue. She had a prominent hood and she knew without touching that her clit was swollen and hard. Amber's pussy was opening for them. The outer labia lay flat, revealing the inner lips which were swollen and had opened like the petals of a flower. They were a darker pink. It was obvious that her vagina had begun to lubricate. Her pussy was glistening. It was shiny due to her fluid.

"Your vag is so pretty. I could just eat it up," Pepper said with a laugh because that had been her intention all along. She leaned in and licked the girl from stem to stern.

Amber had to pull off Ric. She moaned heartily.

"Ohh. Yeah. That's fucking good."

Pepper giggled pleased that her action had brought joy to her roommate. She began in earnest to explore her second vagina. This one was warm, wet, aromatic and full of flavor.

Everyone luxuriated in the pleasurable experiences. Moans and groans were heard. Ric ogled Amber's big tits and then he played with them. He discovered he could be rough with her nipples. He guessed her nipples were not as sensitive as Peppers. He derived a maniacal pleasure from pulling, pinching and twisting her rubbery tips.

The room was filled with the energy and the heat of the excited teenagers. It was also filled with the sound and smell of aroused women. That and Ric's sadistic treatment of Amber's nipples got him to the edge quickly.

"Oh. Oh! Oh!" he cried as he involuntarily shoved his cock deep into Amber's mouth. He spewed his cum and surprised her. She had been distracted by Pepper's active tongue in her pussy. She coughed and gagged and had to pull off.

Ric instantly missed her sucking action. He grabbed his cock and stroked it, forcing out all his jism. He sprayed it on the stunned girl's face.

Amber stopped coughing. Ric stopped ejaculating and the two stared at each other. Ric worried that she'd be pissed. She had every right to be upset. He'd been rough, selfish and abusive. He began a heartfelt apology.

"Oh God! Amber, I'm so sorry. That was wrong."

Pepper looked up to see her boyfriend beating off and shooting his come on her roommate's face. He had an intense look on his face. Amber appeared to be in distress. She was coughing.

"Ric! Stop it. You're hurting her. How can you disrespect Amber like that!"

Ric froze.

Amber was not a pretty girl. She had sucked a lot of cocks, been used for sex and even been the object of a bukkake. She knew when she was being demeaned. That's why she knew this was an accident and she didn't get upset.

She cracked up and laughed out loud. And then said, "That was one hell of a facial."

"You're okay?" Pepper asked concerned.

"Your boy caught me by surprise. Some of his sperm went down the wrong tube. I'm fine."

Pepper turned to her boyfriend and chastised him "Ric, you have to be more careful."

He nodded. Amber laughed again and said, "This isn't exactly a controlled experiment. Ric didn't mean to hurt me. He got a little carried away. Hey! Pepper this isn't the first time a dude has blasted on my face and I'm sure it'll happen again. I'm okay.

"I'll go clean up and then you and I can 69, okay?"


After Amber left the room, Pepper gave Ric a hard look and said, "Play nice. She has had a rough night. We were supposed to get her mind off how badly she was treated."

"Sorry, babe."

Pepper knew he was a good guy. She softened and teased, "So was she really that much better at sucking cock than me? You came in a nanosecond."

Her smiled told him she was kidding. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "You know how I get when I'm with two hot, naked chicks."

They kissed. Amber entered the room after washing her face. She said, "Flaccid-man, go sit on the other bed. She's with me now and she's parking her furry, squirrel cunt on my face."

Everyone laughed. Amber lay on her back and Pepper sat on her face. The two ate each other out as limp Ric watched from the other bed. They licked and slurped. They used tongues, lips, and fingers. It was unhurried, sensuous and hot to watch.

The girls moaned a lot. Their hearts pounded. They gasped for air. Pepper was everything Amber imagined she would be. Pepper was delighted with and drawn to the bigger girl's juicy cunt.

Ric got hard, but he stayed away. After his quick discharge, he felt he should let them explore each other to their heart's content.

"Oh. Oh. Oh," Amber cooed.

"Mmmm. Ohhh," Pepper moaned.

Each ground their clit into the other's face. They were close and not to be denied. The tension inside them built. They flicked their tongues and their hips.

A chorus of groans filled the room. In a two-part harmony, they called out, "Oh. Ohh. Oh! OH!"

They came. Amber punctuate her climax by being nasty. She shoved a slick finger up Pepper's virgin ass.

The girls felt the waves of pleasure crash over them. Their bodies froze. They barely breathed. They were lost in their climax. Pepper fell on top of Amber and then rolled off onto her side. Amber's finger slipped out of Pepper's ass.

"Beautiful," Ric said after being treated to their dueling orgasms. His dick ached. He wanted to penetrate both women, but he waited and watched. He let them bask in the moment, feeling the sublime joy. He knew his time would come.

After a few minutes, Amber yawned and stretched. "Mmm. That was fun."

Pepper sat up and turned to Amber. Amber sat up and they kissed. When the kiss ended, Pepper asked, "Was it necessary to shove your finger in my ass?"

"It seemed like the thing to do at the time. Are you mad at me or mad that you liked it?"

"I'm not answering," Pepper said playfully. "I don't want to give Ric any ideas. A cock is a lot bigger than a finger."

Ric came over and sat beside the ladies. He rubbed their backs and kissed them both on the cheek.

"Who's he?" Amber asked playfully.

Pepper looked her in the eye and said in a sexy voice, "He's the guy who is going to fuck you." Then she kissed her hard

"Oh! I like that idea," Amber said.

Pepper climbed out of bed. She grabbed Ric's face and kissed him passionately. Their tongues tangled. Then she said, "Enjoy her. Make her happy. She's family and ..."

"I know," he said with a laugh. "If I love you, I have to love your family"."

They smooched again and then he said sincerely, "Thanks. For this."

Amber playfully punched him and said, "Hey! Shouldn't you be thanking the gal you're about to plow?"

Ric rolled on top of her. He looked deeply into her eyes. He said in a serious tone, "Thanks for spreading your legs for me."