Christmas with My Family


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I stand up, arch my back, and scream out a grunt as I fire salvo after salvo of hot baby-making cum into my mother's grinning face. She makes sure no semen escape; she wants it all. Her arms are around my body, preventing me from escaping. Like I want to leave. HA!

After mom licks her lips, she says happily, "Let's eat dinner while it's hot. THEN we have a lot of explaining to do and a proposal for you. Pass the bread, please."


Needless to say, I don't remember eating dinner. We finished all four bottles of wine and got four more out. They want me relaxed. We move the conversation to the living room after the dishes are put in the dishwasher. Mom and Bonnie sit on the end of one couch with Bonnie on mom's lap. Ashley is on the opposite side, and Gail is in the middle. Gail is visibly irritated, which is amusing everyone to no end. Porsche is on my right side, and Terri is on my left side of the smaller couch. The larger couch faces the 86" LED TV while the smaller couch is to the side. Behind the big couch is a window to the outside, the drapes are closed for obvious reasons.

Mom takes a sip of the tasty wine and then begins their story, "Brian, I have never loved anyone like I did your father. He was my entire world, and life was great right up until he died. And then life sucked. I still had you, but you soon took off. I was lonely and depressed; life had no meaning. I lost my job, and even with Bonnie helping, we maxed out our credit cards and took out a second mortgage on the house. Eventually, we were within days of losing the home.

"It was a Tuesday that I got an email wondering if I was desperate enough to earn some money through a deal an operator had. That is how I got to be a webcam girl." No shit! WOW! "I can see it in your eyes, yes, I did everything I was asked to do. I did a lot of sick stuff to myself. Early on, there weren't a million girls doing it, so I made great money.

"In time, the other women got younger and better looking. I had to get more extreme to get money. The day that Bonnie's husband left, we both get an email from the same account, asking if we wanted to make big money. The key was that they would only take us as a pair. To keep us safe, it would only be seen by wealthy foreigners.

"After Bonnie watched a few shows, she jumped in with me, and we had a blast. We followed the guy (we assumed) to the new site, and we made good money by doing almost nothing on some shows to some shocking things on other shows. Two years ago, they invited Ashley and Gail. This year they invited Terri and Porsche. We make more money than we know what to do with. We are investing with several companies and have a ton of money in the bank.

"We are looking at a bigger house for everyone, more washrooms, and a basement for some sets, so we have a variety in our cam time. So, what does that have to do with you?" FINALLY! "I had the girls tease you and show you that incest isn't so wrong. It's profitable, and nobody will treat you better. You'll notice we are all women. There are only so many ways that two women can entertain each other and keep it fresh.

"We have been on a great run, but without something new, we're about done. The new house will help. However, nothing will help our viewership, tips, and ratings, then adding a male to our group. There is just nothing that can replace what you have. Oh, what I wouldn't have done to be there and see Gail fuck you under the table."

The three other girls shout, "WHAT!"

Ashley is furious, "I thought you were blowing him!"

Gail has a smug look on her face, "I wanted him first."

Bonnie continues for mom, "We were looking for a quality man. One of us would marry, and then the rest of us would enjoy him for our cam sessions. Your mother tried a couple out and found them quite lacking. She was comparing them to the memory of your father. When you showed up on our doorstep with all that muscle, we all wanted a piece of you."

Gail adds, "For a front with the neighbors, we own an adult sex toy store. Most of the neighbors completely ignore us. Mom mentioned a proposal. If you agree to help us with our web shows, we agree to fuck, suck, and do anything else you want to us in our shows and outside our shows as you see fit. The teasing stops now if you want. We will be submissive to you."

Appalled at her suggestion, I react firmly, "No, no, I don't want a bunch of bimbos sucking my feet. I don't want to dominate you; I want to love you."

Gail bolts from the couch and throws her body at me. I catch her, and she tries to kiss me while she is crying. They are all up on the feet, walking towards me. I stand up and welcome them all into a big group hug.

I continue while they cry, "I had fun today. I liked being teased and used a bit. I loved being fucked under a table, that was cool. I loved teasing those salespeople. I loved seeing your naked bodies in public. I don't want some drones that sit at my feet and obey every command. I am a hunter; I want to earn my rewards, and I want you struggling to find new ways to corrupt and reward me.

"I think what I am saying is that I like you all just the way you are. If you meet my demands, then yes, I will kiss you, play with your breasts, eat pussy, and fuck you to the best of my ability. I love all of you very much."

Gail is on her knees and slurping on my cock.

Mom looks affectionately at Gail, "Honey, we all love you. However, there is one of us ..." She points down at Gail. "... that is ... more in love with you. I don't know how or why, but she has stronger feelings for you and wants to sleep with you at night. Before she gets any bright ideas, we all want some nights with you. Sometimes cuddling is very romantic and satisfying. We all want a piece of that."

Bonnie cuts mom off, "We won't want you every night for webcams. We are only going to sprinkle you in for a while. If we use you too much, your effectiveness wears off. We have done that and won't make that mistake again."


We finally get around to presents. We all get to open one tonight. They each opted for the corsets that I bought. Mom and Bonnie each have several but had forgotten about them. With the girl's new interest, they will break them out for a cam session. Something new is always good for business.

Mom and Bonnie are blown away by the pictures. First in the box is a black and white antique looking collage of photos showing the girls dressed up as prostitutes and me as a happy customer. Damn, they are good looking in the period clothes. The set was spectacular, as well. Together, the whole framed collection is impressive.

Then further in the box is a much smaller frame with color photos of me strutting around the studio. What made it cool was none of the pictures had me looking at the camera. Both mom and Bonnie cry like babies at the pictures.

I am handed two boxes wrapped in excellent wrapping paper. They are heavy and have a complex Christmas picture on it, not a simple cartoon picture that repeats every two inches.

As my head goes up to object to two boxes, mom uses her authoritative mother's voice to tell me, "I don't care. We both wanted you to open our box. Deal with it. You're going to see soon that the rules don't apply evenly to you; we love you sooooo much."

Mom breaks out in tears as she says that. Wow, I had no idea how they really feel about me. This is cool. I carefully open the first heavy box, it's big. Inside are some black leather chaps. These are more for show than riding. There is far less leather and lots of fringe leather to move around. I will try those out later.

The next box has them all up on the tips of their toes, waiting for me to open the box. They know what it is, and the anticipation is killing them. They are so nervous, I need to be careful with my reaction, I don't want to hurt their feelings. That would not be a good start.

This box is smaller, lighter, but wrapped just as well. I take off the top like it might be a bomb, they are amused with me. I open the flaps, I pick out a few tissues, and there are two boxes. I pull the bigger one out, and my eyes go wide. I stop breathing. They look concerned. I assure you; I am more worried than they are. In my hand is a beginner's set of butt plugs and several trial size containers of lube. There are scents, different thicknesses, numbing, super slippery, oh my, so many choices.

My eyes are wide open, and my jaw is on the floor. The intention is clear, they will be shoving things up my ass. I will be expected to do anal, and I will be on the receiving end. Nobody else is breathing. They look scared to death. Holy shit, what a present to receive from people you love.

I need to be witty, I struggle to say, "Well, um ... that's a hell of a way to tell a guy you like anal." They are still looking for a sign of acceptance or rejection. This is a big deal for them. I roll back onto my back and my legs at my ears, "Mom, will you do the honors and start me with the first one."

All six women sit back now, a look of relief on their faces. Mom remembers my request and gets up, grabs a random lube, and then the third butt plug. WHAT? Why not start with the first?

Mom looks at me with wild eyes, "My first time hurt like hell, yours should as well."

Gail and Terri push mom out of the way. Gail grabs the smallest plug while Terri grabs the numbing lube. They work as a team on my anus, and I am encouraging them. I did not see this coming. Gail applies regular lube to the butt plug and then goes down on my cock with her mouth. Terri moves so she can kiss me and then follows up by nibbling like a rabbit on my ear lobes. Gail is showing her mastery of sucking a cock, and in between that, the first butt plug is shoved up my ass with only mild discomfort.

While Gail finishes blowing me, Bonnie explains, "Your mother is the group's Dominatrix. I'm the only one that loves to be dominated, the others do it for variety. She likes to cause pain. We don't have a choice anymore; the clients love her. She's also bigger than us and can impose her will. You have a choice. You can be submissive, passive, or dominant."

Gail just finished blowing me, I need a few seconds to continue the conversation.

I take a few good breaths and then I reply, "I can't knowingly hurt people. It's against everything that is me. I won't stop her or mess with your current status ... unless you are unhappy, and it's against your will. Then I will have a major problem and will step in. You try and restrain me, and you won't see me again once I am free. Do you understand?"

Mom has a tear in her eye, and she nods her head, yes.

Ashley immediately bolts up and announces, "I hate domination and pain, I'm done with that. Auntie Patty, I still love you and will perform with you, but I don't like the bondage and pain."

She then throws her body into my arms and cries as she says, "Thank you," over and over.

After a few minutes I pull Ashley into my arms like a big baby, she likes that very much.

Time for me to take control, "OK, we ate dinner, we exchanged a few gifts, it's Christmas Eve, and you all are naked for a reason. I can do two and maybe a third tonight. I would like to give each of you an oral delight tonight."

Ashley jumps out of my arms and is on the couch again, where I came from. Mom stays on her end of the sofa while Bonnie moves out of her lap and next to her on the sofa. Now everyone can move to the edge for me.

I start with mom, she has worn pussy lips, obviously active usage. I use only a wide soft lapping of the tongue. Trying something new, I alternate the intensity that I lick with from feather touch to a heavy pound of bricks, with everything in between. Mom absolutely loved it. She lasted five minutes before she screamed out her orgasm.

Bonnie is next. Her pussy is smaller than average, it's cute looking. Like mom, and all the others, not a hair in sight. Bonnie gets my "kitty lapping milk" technique. With mom, I used a slow wide tongue. Bonnie gets the opposite, I use a light touch, just the tip of my tongue. I flick it back and forth as fast as I can. I do this up around her clit. My variation is that instead of just up and down, I go around in a circle. I start with a 12 to 6 lapping and then move to 12:01 and 6:01. I move a "minute" every few seconds to move around the clock on her pussy.

I make sure I hit the lips as much as possible. With moving from vertical to horizontal lapping, the lips get a ton of action, and I melt Aunt Bonnie in minutes. She too screams out her orgasm and rewards me with a big kiss. I like that part, especially as her huge breasts press into my warm body.

Porsche is next. She is the shy one of the group and would never ask for me. With her knowing they all get a turn she is happy to collect her fair share. I reward Porsche with my randomizer mode. My tongue stabs out into the fleshy parts of the pussy, hitting as much as I can. I want to hit the lips and the inner sanctum. I have three factors I modify. I can change the speed that I operate at, the intensity that each poke strikes with, and then the location that I strike.

Open pussy eaters go in a pattern, along the inner or outer lips, inside or outside facing and then back. You might hit one end or the other and occasional cross over. I am completely random. I might hit the inside of the outer lips, in the middle, and then the next strike is at the top outside of the inner lips. Imagine twenty points along the length of the lips, I can hit anywhere along those twenty points. I intend for the woman to have no clue what I will hit next, and that makes it more exciting. Porsche will have no clue where the next touch will be.

Some women could care less, and some explode almost immediately. Porsche likes an ordered life; I am going to mess her up big time. Sure enough, less than a minute in and Porsche is screaming and squirting, asking what in the hell I did to her. As she calms down, she falls to her mother, who caresses her lovingly.

I move to the other couch, where Ashley is eagerly waiting for me to please her. She leans back and pulls her legs and tucks them behind her head. Quite the athletic show of flexibility, I am impressed. I use a mild slap to whack her ass cheeks twice. She is almost drooling for me. Ashley gets my Hoover impression. My tongue glides along the length of her pussy lips, from stem to stern, clit to rosebud. My tongue slides along the ripples of the lips with ease. While they glide along, I inhale, pulling the lips into my mouth. As I move down, more comes in, and some leave my mouth. Really, the lips pass through my mouth. However, with the suction, the feeling is much different and cooler.

Ashley is vocal, "What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck is that? What's he doing to me?"

Bonnie laughs at her daughter, "Back in the day, they did both lips together and called it a zipper."

Ooooooo, I like that idea. My tongue now goes between both lips, and I suck on both sides. I go up and down, and she explodes in a silent scream. Her feet push me away, and she curls up into a fetal position. Gail passes her turn, so she can hold Ashley, she is in tears. Gail wraps her body around Ashley and pats her on the back as she adds words of encouragement.

I move on to Terri, who is more excited than all the rest put together to finally get her turn. I confuse Terri by acting painfully slow, licking her mons. This makes no sense to her, and it doesn't feel pleasant. She is near crying from extreme disappointment. I lift my head, look her in the eyes, and then smile a huge grin. That confused the hell out of her. I move my head to the left, and it runs into a leg. My chin is against her thigh. I lift it, so the hair just barely is touching her skin. I now move my chin down her legs, across her mons, and back up her other leg.

Terri has a look of fright on her face; her hands are holding the couch hard. She is still confused. I reverse the direction, and my stubble goes back down her inner thigh, across her mons, and then back up the opposite thigh. OK, more accurately, that is what I would have done had she not orgasmed as I passed her mons the second time, and her legs shut tight like a Venus flytrap and its prey. I am caught in a tight clamping of the legs against my skull. I CAN'T BREATHE!

Gail saved me by using her legs to push the claws of death open. Terri screams, "OH, YES! That was fucking incredible! Thank you, Brian!"

Gail leans back and opens wide for me. I only got two things left, I go with the one that sometimes fails. I kiss her mons softly, she shudders. PERFECT! I got her now. I kiss more, I am priming the charge. I am using wet kisses; she has saliva covering most of the region. I now bring my lips together, softly, and press into her skin. It's hard to suppress the smile. I need a song title. I don't know why, but the Beatles "Yellow Submarine" pops into my mind. I start humming the song. I used the word "start" because I didn't make it that far in. Just three lines in, and she blows up and orgasms.

She then springs forward and knocks me over, which surprised me. Her hands grab my face, she kisses me hard, and then she holds me in a tight hug.

Bonnie looks at me with a huge smile on her face, "We've been advertising for almost a month. Tonight, the whole family will do a Christmas special featuring a six-woman daisy chain and a special event. The special event was supposed to be the six of us fucking each other in a chain with me going one end to the other. We are going to change it a bit with your help. We are going to completely blow their minds.

"The basement is the only room big enough for all of us. The lights and camera are already setup. How about we go downstairs and start the fun? I can't wait to see how the viewers react. This is typically our best earning day of the year. Many of the guys give us their year-end tip for services provided all year. They also tip along the way like they usually do."

Mom and Bonnie gave me a hand to get up. Bonnie hugs me and explains what my part will be this evening. They lead me downstairs, where a huge tan shag rug is in the middle of the floor. It has padding underneath and then tile under that. The padding is a good inch thick, making it comfortable on the ground. No hard and cold flooring against my skin.

Bonnie sits in the middle, and the camera is on her. The lights turn brighter, she widens her legs which reveals her sex. Ashley shows three fingers, two, one, none.

Bonnie says in a soft, sultry voice, "Welcome to my family's big Christmas incest event. As we told you, all six of us will get in on the action tonight. We'll do a daisy chain, and then we have a special surprise at the end as you have all been nice this year. I'm going to start this special off solo."

Bonnie takes a long thin finger and pushes it into her pussy. She moans in response. The liquid drips out as she pushes her finger around. Everything is viewable to the camera. Gail sits behind Bonnie, effectively hiding her body. Gail's hands come from behind Bonnie's body as if she now has four arms. These two new arms play with her aunt's breasts. She squeezes the breast and tweaks the nipples causing a sharp jolt of pain for Bonnie.

It really is a cool effect having the two women aligned like they are. One woman and two things to watch. Bonnie stands up, and Gail is by herself. She puts three fingers into her tight little cunt. She is purring like a kitten in no time at all. Her hand moves much faster than Bonnie's did. Ashley gets into the action now and sits behind Gail. They continue this until they have all had a turn, and Bonnie is by herself again.

Bonnie gets up and turns her ass to the camera. Both hands come around, and she pulls her ass cheeks wide. Gail comes into the picture with a slightly larger than average size strap on. Her pussy is dripping with lube already, no additional product is required. Almost no teasing and she pushes the strap-on slowly, all the way, into Bonnie. She doesn't scream or complain at all. Interesting, they must practice this a lot. Gail moves to a quick pace. She isn't going as fast as she can, but it's far from a crawl.